

单词 拜金主义

See also:


(fig.) have nothing further to do (with sb. or sth)
pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together



External sources (not reviewed)

我們經常說香港人很現實,拜金主 義 ,主 要是賺錢,其他事情是次要的。
We often say that Hong Kong people are
[...] very pragmatic; they worship money and their main concern is to [...]
make money while all other things are less important.
令人遗憾的是,亚美尼亚方面企图错误解释国际法准则和原则,坚持毫不现 实的兼主义主张,这是阿拜疆永远不会接受的,这暴露了埃里温官方的真 实用意,是对冲突化解进程的公开挑战,也是对国际和区域和平与安全的严重 [...]
Unfortunately, attempts by the Armenian side to misinterpret the norms and principles of
international law and its insistence on
[...] unrealistic annexationist claims, which Azerbaijan will never [...]
accept, speak to the real intentions
of official Yerevan and represent an open challenge to the conflict settlement process and a serious threat to international and regional peace and security.
自 2005 年以来,金会参与并协助组织了 136 次国家和国际展览,包括 2005 年 4 月在迪拜举办的拜国际人道主义援 助 和发展,并利用这些展览向公众宣传 预防和治疗特殊疾病的知识。
Since 2005, the Foundation has participated and assisted in setting up 136 exhibitions at the national and international levels, including the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development exhibition held in April 2005 in Dubai, and has benefited [...]
from these occasions
to promote public awareness on prevention and treatment of special diseases.
[...] 害和平罪、战争罪和危害人类罪(如阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、多民族玻利维亚国)、 叛国罪(如多民族玻利维亚国)、恐怖主义和资助恐 主义 ( 如 阿 塞 拜 疆 )。
Such crimes included genocide (e.g., Belarus, the Plurinational State of Bolivia), crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity (e.g., Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Plurinational
State of Bolivia), treason (e.g., the Plurinational State of Bolivia), terrorism,
[...] financing of terrorism (e.g., Azerbaijan).
[...] 而是滥用联合国安全理事会具有权威性的论坛来重复阿塞拜疆过度使用的反亚 美尼亚宣传的论点,却不记得提到阿塞拜疆领导人广为人知的种 主义 论 点 ,即 阿拜疆的 “主要敌人是全世界的亚美尼亚人”。
Instead of reaffirming his country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the President of Azerbaijan is abusing the authoritative tribune of the United Nations Security Council in order to repeat the overused theses of anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan, forgetting
to recall the Azerbaijani
[...] leadership’s famous racist thesis that Azerbaijan’s “main enemies are Armenians [...]
of the world”.
会议指出,全国委员会的金主要由 会员国负责拨款,为此,总干事定期向那些负责 教科文组织事务的部长致函,提醒他们履行 义 务。
It was pointed out that the main responsibility for funding National Commissions rested with Member States – and that to that effect, the Director-General had been addressing at regular intervals pertinent letters to ministers responsible for UNESCO affairs to remind them of their obligations.
阿拉伯半岛和巴基斯坦的基地组织仍 然受到印尼圣主义分子的崇拜,双 方在一定程 度上有交流而且有加强联系的明确意愿。
And al-Qaeda, both in the Arabian Peninsula and Pakistan, continues to be an inspiration for Indonesian jihadis, with some communication and a clear desire for stronger links.
[...] 主义事务协调厅已对该建议的可行性进行评估,并已决定在 2011 年制订苏丹共 同人主义基金监测和评价总框架,该框架将成为基金准则的附件。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs had assessed the feasibility of the recommendation and had decided to develop in 2011 a general
framework of monitoring and evaluation
[...] for the Common Humanitarian Fund for the Sudan, [...]
which would form an annex to the Fund’s guidelines.
我覺得在香港如此市儈的社會裏,我們 拜金主 義 是 理所當然 的。
In a society like Hong Kong which is so mercenary, it is only right
[...] that people would kowtow before money.
依照委员会访问时提出的要求,阿 拜 疆 重新定义了资助恐 主义 行 为 并将其定 为刑事罪,大体上符合《制止资助恐 主义 公 约 》和反洗 金 融 行 动任务组特别 建议二。
Pursuant to the
[...] Committee’s visit, Azerbaijan redefined and criminalized its terrorist financing offences, broadly in line with the Terrorist Financing Convention and the Financial Action Task [...]
Force on Money-Laundering Special Recommendation II.
重申人人都有思想、良心和宗教或信仰自由的权利,其中包括保有或不保有 或信奉自主选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地以 义、 实践、拜和戒 律表明其宗教或信仰的自由, 深为关切世界各地不断出现针对个人及宗教社区和宗教少数群体成员、基于 宗教或信仰原因的不容忍和暴力行为,深为关切消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切 形式的不容忍和歧视这一领域取得的进展有限,认为因此必须加紧努力,促进和 保护思想、良心、宗教或信仰自由的权利,并消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形 式的仇恨、不容忍和歧视,如同 2001 年 8 月 31 日至 9 月 8 日在南非德班举行的 反对种主义、 种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为世界会议以及 2009 年 4 月 20 日至 24 日在日内瓦举行的德班审查会议上指出的那样
Deeply concerned about continuing acts of intolerance and violence based on religion or belief against individuals and members of religious communities and religious minorities around the world and about the limited progress that has been made in the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief, and believing that further intensified efforts are therefore required to promote and protect the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief and to eliminate all forms of hatred, intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief, as also noted at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa, from 31 August to 8 September 2001, as well as at the Durban Review Conference, held in Geneva from 20 to 24 April 2009
大家的共同意愿是重塑监管制度,以查明并考虑到宏观审慎 性风险;将监管和监督的范围扩大到对整个体系有重要 义 的 所 有 金 融 机构、工 具和市场;减少审慎监管中的助长周期性波动;加强资本、流动性和风险管理; 落实关主管薪 酬的新原则;以及改进估值和拨备标准。
There is a shared intention to reshape regulatory systems in order to identify and take into account macroprudential risks; expand the perimeter of regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments and markets; mitigate procyclicality in prudential regulation; strengthen capital, liquidity and risk management; implement new principles with respect to executive remuneration; and improve standards of valuation and provisioning.
(e) 与会者指出,一些人呼吁将部分地雷行动资金专门用于援助受害者, 而其他人则指出这样做可能会适得其反,特别是因为这可能导致人 主义 排 雷基 金的分流,而人主义排雷 是解决饱受战争蹂躏的社会内受害社区问题并防止更 多人受害的主要活动之一。
(e) It was noted that while some have called for a specific percentage of mine action funding to be dedicated to victim assistance, others have pointed out that doing so may be counterproductive, in
particular because this may
[...] result in diverting funds from humanitarian demining, which is one of the main activities to address [...]
the victimisation
of communities in war-torn societies and to prevent additional victims.
奥地利还修订了刑事立法(包括《刑法典》),以将欧洲联盟的相关立法(尤 其是欧洲联盟有关打击恐怖主义的各种框架决定和指令)纳入国内法律,并执行 《欧洲委员会防止恐主义公约》和 金 融 行 动工作组关于资助恐怖主义问题的各 项建议。
It had also amended its criminal legislation, including its Penal Code, to incorporate into domestic law the relevant legislation of the European Union, in particular the various European Union framework decisions and directives on combating terrorism, and to implement the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism and the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on financing terrorism.
[...] 乌克兰科学院、白俄罗斯科学院、俄罗斯农业科学院、乌克兰农业科学院、黑山 科学与艺术学院、俄罗斯和白俄罗斯基础研究 金 会 、 俄罗斯人 主义 科 学 研究金会等 )和国际科研机构签署了双边合作协议。
During the last years bilateral cooperation agreements have been signed within various national (Romanian Academy, Polish Science Academy, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Siseşti” from Romania, the Hungarian Academy of Science, Russian Academy of Science, Ukrainian Academy of Science, Belarus Academy of Science, the Agricultural Sciences Academies from Russia and Ukraine, the Montenegro Science and Arts Academy, the Russian and
Belarus Fonds of
[...] Fundamental Researches, the Humanitarian Scientific Russian Fund, etc.) and international [...]
scientific institutions.
中央应急基金(应急基金)和共同人 主义 基 金 在 确 保有效和快速应对紧急 事态方面至关重要。
The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
[...] and the Common Humanitarian Fund were critical [...]
in ensuring effective and rapid responses to emergencies.
安全理事会在由主席国阿拜疆主持 的一次会 议(见 S/PV.6765)上,在一项主席声明(S/PRST/2012/ 17)中重申,强烈、明确地谴责所有形式和表现的恐主义,无论恐怖分子是谁,在何处发生或为了何种 目的。
The Security Council, at a meeting presided over by the President of Azerbaijan last week (see S/PV.6765), reaffirmed in presidential statement S/PRST/2012/17 its strong and unequivocal denunciation [...]
and condemnation of terrorism
in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of its perpetrators, location or purposes.
吳宇森 拍片了得,把創意拿來賣到東方市場,或把東方人的口味,例如警匪片, 賣到全世界,這是把創意全球化地拉平的過程,這些並不是在我們看到 的十八、十九世紀,一個要衝破專制 拜金主 義 的 文藝活動,不像文藝 復興時期般,要擺脫宗教的機制。
John WOO, a famous film director, is not only able to sell his creativity to markets in the Orient but also successful in selling oriental style "cops and robbers" movies to the whole world.
属于非穆斯林少数民族的土耳其公民拥有他们自己的 拜 场 所 、学校、金会、医院以及印刷媒体。
Turkish citizens belonging to non-Muslim minorities have
[...] their own places of worship, schools, foundations, hospitals, as [...]
well as printed media.
吁请所有国家竭尽全力,根据本国立法和按照国际人权法和人 主义 法,确保拜场所 ,宗教场所、场址、殿堂和宗教标志获得充分尊重和保护,并 对容易受到亵渎或破坏的这类场所采取额外措施
Calls upon all States to exert the utmost efforts, in accordance with their national legislation and in conformity
with international human
[...] rights and humanitarian law, to ensure that places of worship, religious places, [...]
sites and shrines
and religious symbols are fully respected and protected, and to take additional measures in cases where they are vulnerable to desecration or destruction
此外,执行支助股 股长还在与欧安组织常驻代表们的会议上 主 席 提 供支持, 拜 访 了 奥地利外交主管裁军事务的领导。
In addition, the ISU Director supported the President at meetings with OSCE Permanent Representatives and called upon the head of disarmament of the Austrian Foreign Ministry.
宣传工作获得成功的一个例子是,事实上该会议的行动纲领 现已纳入中央应急基金、联合呼吁程序、Flash 和人主义应急基金等人道主义 援助资金框架
An example of the success of advocacy efforts is the fact that the Conference Programme
of Action is now
[...] integrated into humanitarian assistance funding frameworks such as the Central Emergency Response Fund, the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP), Flash and the Humanitarian Emergency Response Fund.
国家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些 国家为克服财政赤字及相关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一些专制或半专制政权
[...] [...] 经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自 主义 改 革 ;市场 (金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以及信息时代的到来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,例如贫穷、不平等、安全、移民、恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society
organizations; economic
[...] liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade, services, [...]
manufacturing); and
the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing world problems like poverty, inequality, security, migration, terrorism, and climate change.
该国代表称,她的代 表团深感不安的是,该组织被指责为奉其 金主 之 命 ,偷偷摸摸地为其应受指责 和不可接受的干主义目标 服务,干涉委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国的内政,而此时 却要强行对该组织作出决定。
The representative stated that for her delegation it was worrisome that a decision about the organization was being forced when
the organization had
[...] been accused of acting covertly to serve its reprehensible and unacceptable interventionist goals while meddling [...]
in the internal
affairs of its country, following the orders of its main financier.
根据该决议第 3 段,巴拿马通过防止洗钱和资助恐 主义金 融 分 析股,已采 取行动,根据目前的立法执行安全理事会的任务。
Pursuant to paragraph 3 of the resolution, Panama, through the Financial Analysis Unit for the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, has taken actions to comply with the mandate of the United Nations Security Council, in accordance with current legislation.
基 金会和私人捐赠包括:更美好世界基金会、纽约卡内基 公司、人主义联盟基金会、 犹太世界守望组织、肯西 基金会、威廉及芙罗拉·海尔立特基金会、亨特奥特纳 提夫基金会、韩国基金会、约翰 D 及凯瑟琳 T 麦克阿 瑟基金会、开放社会协会、西格丽德·瑞思基金、洛克 菲勒基金会、维克多·平丘克基金会、瑞德克里夫基金 会、洛克菲勒慈善事业、和维瓦阿洛基金会。
The following institutional and private foundations have provided funding in recent years: Adessium Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Elders Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Humanity United, Henry Luce Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ploughshares Fund, Radcliffe Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Stanley Foundation, The Charitable Foundation, Tinker Foundation Incorporated.
力于打击核恐主义的国家,阿拜 疆 加 入了核保安 领域的主要国际文书,其中包括《制止核恐怖主义行 为国际公约》和《核材料实物保护公约》。
As contribution to international efforts on nuclear security and as a country committed to combating nuclear terrorism, Azerbaijan has become a party to key international instruments in the field of nuclear security, including the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.
[...] 选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地以 义 、 实 践、拜和戒律来表明其宗教或信仰的自由
Reaffirming that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief, which includes the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice and the freedom, either alone or in community
with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion or
[...] belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance




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