

单词 招贴画

招贴画 ()

picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)

See also:




pinup picture

keep close to
classifier for sticking plaster: strip
fit snugly
post (e.g. on a blog)
allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)

画画 n

paint n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,项目还出资印制了彩色插图小册子 招贴画 , 对 学生在发生地 震时应当做什么提出实用建议。
In addition the project paid for a colourful illustrated booklet and a poster with practical advice for school children about what they should do in the event of an earthquake.
已经完成了一份草图,招贴画形式用英文和法文印 刷。
An initial map has been finalized and printed in poster form in English and French.
各种 PEER 手册、指南招贴画也可 以在非洲的其它地区及以外的地区作为 参考资料使用。
PEER manuals, guides and posters can be used as reference material in other parts of Africa and elsewhere.
他介绍了欧足联的战略主题、合作伙伴关系与运动,以 及本着欧足联的社会责任项目,运用的纪律整顿措施和惩罚举措,并交流了另一 些诸如运用“冠军联赛”、“欧洲联赛” 招贴画 、 队 长肩章、小夹子和比赛日 程社论等促进尊重和打击种族主义的做法。
He presented the strategic themes, partnership and campaigns of UEFA, and the use of disciplinary measures and fines in the context of UEFA social responsibility projects and shared additional practices to promote respect and combat racism, such as using Champions’ League games, Europe league games, posters, captains armbands, clips and match programme editorials.
本组织举办了关于环境和污染的年 招贴画 竞 赛 ,“清洁德里、绿色 德里”。
The organization organized annual poster competitions on the environment, pollution, “Clean Delhi Green Delhi”.
5 此外,厚 生省印发了一份关于老龄化和就业问题的题为“老年人”的教育刊物,以及讨论
[...] 老年人就业问题的其他书籍和小册子,并制作了电视广告 招贴画 , 以 向公众宣 传老年工人的价值。
In Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has designated October as “Employment Support for the Elderly Month” with a view to raising awareness about older workers through educational activities aimed at fostering employment opportunities for older workers, a public symposium, demonstrations of successful best practices by Japanese companies, exhibits and contests.5 In addition, the ministry publishes an educational journal on ageing and employment entitled “Elder” and books and pamphlets that address issues relating to
employment for older persons and produces television
[...] commercials and posters intended to educate [...]
the public about the value of older workers.
通过出版八幅 STE 一体的教育主招贴 画,提 高了公众对科学教育的认识;在土耳其组织了一次题为地中海东南地区环境项目 (SEMEP)的全国性竞赛,有 64 所土耳其学校参加;出版和发行了《连接》杂志。
Public awareness as regards science education was increased through the publication of eight thematic educational posters on integrated STE; the organization of a national competition in Turkey on the theme of the South Eastern Mediterranean Environmental Project (SEMEP), involving 64 Turkish schools; and the publication and dissemination of Connect.
在大型国际会议上以及向各国全委会、代表团、教育部长、政府间组织、非政府组织 等散发了 470 000 多份文件,其中包括《2002 年全民教育全球监测报告》、题为《教育与教 科文组织》的小册子、关于全民教育的专题研究报告、通讯、《今日教育》,以及 15 000 多张多媒体光盘招贴画,以 此传播应用研究与信息,支持会员国提高作出有根据的决策能 力。
The capacity for evidence-based decision-making in Member States was supported through the dissemination of applied research and information in the form of more than 470,000 documents, including copies of the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2002, the brochure Education and UNESCO, thematic studies on EFA, the newsletter Education Today, over 15,000 copies of multimedia CD-ROMs and posters at major international conferences and to National Commissions, Delegations, Ministers of Education, IGOs, NGOs, etc. The dissemination of information on the education website considerably increased: 8, 208,459 page views during the past 18 months (January 2002-June 2003), as compared to 3,875,753 in the previous 18-month period.
中心的正式文件以及所招贴画、标语和工作人员证件上均有教科文组 织的徽标。
Use of UNESCO’s name and logo The official paper of CERLALC and also all the posters, banners and staff cards bear UNESCO’s logo.
新闻部予以响应,与常设论坛秘书处合作制作了有关第二个十年的宣传资料,包 括一招贴画和一 份介绍十年的主题、目标和《十年行动纲领》的小册子。
In response, the Department of Public Information, in cooperation with the secretariat of the Permanent Forum, produced information material on the Second Decade, including a poster and a brochure outlining the theme, objectives and Programme of Action for the Decade.
与以往几年一样,由于美国政府对古巴进行的封锁,古巴未收到任何关于 世界空间周招贴画。
Once again, no World Space Week posters were received.
今年 1 月,特派团建立了一个战争遗留爆炸物热线报告系统,通 过当地电台广播、传单招贴画,向 当地社区通报与战争遗留爆炸物相关的危险, 以及以何种方式向特派团报告何处有爆炸物。
In January, the Mission set up a reporting system, related to explosive remnants of war, by which local communities are informed through local radio broadcasts, flyers and posters of the hazards associated with explosive remnants of war and ways of reporting their presence to the Mission.
牙买加的一位代表介绍了该国通过使 招贴画 、 政 府公告、学校演讲和音 乐视频等提高公众意识的工作。
A representative of Jamaica shared information on her country’s efforts to raise public awareness through the use of posters, public-service announcements, presentations in schools and music videos.
在全国开展支持和平进程的新闻和宣传方案,包括以 5 种本国语言每天 24 小时每周七天播放无 线电节目;在国家电视台、国际电视台和联合国卫星节目播放电视新闻、插播广告和记录片; 每周新闻简报会、分发每月新闻通信、广告牌(250 个)、报纸广告(4 次插入广告)和每个地区的 外联运动(民间社会论坛和活动、使用学校车队与和平车队的学校和社区促进和平活动、由青年 参加的体育运动、流动多媒体中心)、T 恤衫(20 000 件)、圆珠笔(5 万支),招贴画、传 单/小 册子(20 万册),12 次新闻媒体简报会和外联活动以及两次新闻媒体讨论会;向科特迪瓦人民及 国家和国际新闻媒体每周举行新闻简报会,使他们了解联科行动部队在和平进程中的作用
Nationwide public information and advocacy programmes in support of the peace process, including radio broadcasts in 5 national languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; television news items, spots and documentaries for broadcasting on State television, international television stations and UNIFEED, weekly press briefings, distribution of monthly newsletters, billboards (250), newspaper advertisements (4 insertions) and outreach campaigns (civil society forums and events, peace-promotion events in schools and in communities via the use of school caravans and peace caravans, sporting events involving youth, mobile multimedia centres in each region, T-shirts (20,000), pens (50,000), posters, leaflets/pamphlets (200,000), 12 media briefings and outreach activities and 2 media seminars; weekly press briefings to the Ivorian population and the national and international media on understanding the role of the UNOCI forces in the peace process
[...] 电台节目、每月录像资料节目和书面资料,如新闻稿、海报、概况介绍、通讯 招贴画 、传 单及其他宣传材料,在全国各地的宣传板和联东综合团的网站上公布和张贴;组织与民间社 [...]
Design and implementation of nationwide public information campaigns and civic education programmes in support of Government efforts to maintain public security, including the production of weekly radio programmes, monthly
video information programmes and written
[...] information, such as press releases, posters, [...]
fact sheets, newsletters, leaflets and
other promotional materials to be distributed and posted on information boards countrywide and on the UNMIT website; and organization of community outreach events with civil society and the public, and press conferences and press events
劳工署以各不同手法,如内部教育方案、讲习会、研讨会、各种竞争活动、绘招贴画、编 制教育影片、运用大众传媒和印刷材料,在学校儿童、广大公众以及 其他利益攸关者之间进行提高意识的宣传方案。
The Department of Labour also carries out programmes for creating awareness among the school children, general public and other stakeholders using different methodology such as in-house educational programmes, seminars, workshops, different competitions, development of posters, educational films, the use of mass media and printed material.
为全体军事观察员、警察和文职人员开办 艾滋病毒宣传方案,包括同伴教育 是 成功实施宣传和提高认识方案;向所有 工作人员分发 2 500 张传单、2 000 个日 历、3 000 张招贴画和 1 500 份通讯。
HIV sensitization programme for all military observers, police and civilian personnel, including peer education Yes A sensitization and awareness programme was implemented successfully; 2,500 leaflets, 2,000 calendars, 3,000 posters and 1,500 copies of newsletters were distributed to all staff.
方案,以支持政府努力加强安全部门能 力,包括制作每周电台节目、每月录像资 料节目和书面资料,
[...] 如新闻稿、海报、 概况介绍、通讯招贴画、传 单及其他宣 传材料,在全国各地的宣传板和联东综合 [...]
团的网站上公布和张贴;组织与民间社会 和公众的社区外联活动及新闻发布会和
新闻宣传活动 否 正在进行的安全部门改革进程非常复 杂,当前仍没有完成,这仍是制订明确 的宣传活动和提高认识活动面临的一个 障碍。
Design and implementation of nationwide public information campaigns and civic education programmes in support of Government’s efforts to strengthen the security sector capacity, including the production of weekly radio programmes, monthly
video information programmes and written
[...] information, such as press releases, posters, [...]
fact sheets, newsletters, leaflets and
other promotional materials to be distributed and posted on information boards countrywide and on the UNMIT website; and organization of community outreach events with civil society and the public, and press conferences and press events No The complexity of the ongoing, and currently incomplete, security sector reform process remains an obstacle to developing clear public information and awareness-raising activities.
(ix) 联系学校科向 172 个国家的 7,500 所学校寄发了 2004 年的年招贴画。
(ix) A poster-calendar 2004 was sent by the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network Coordination Unit to 7,500 schools in 172 countries.
编制并在全世界散发了各种宣传材 料,其中包括 6,000 张招贴画(“在语言的星系中,每一个词都是一颗星”)和一些小册子 及不干胶小标识。
Promotional materials including 6,000 posters (“In the galaxy of languages, every word is a star”), brochures and stickers were prepared and distributed throughout the world.
其中包括修订的《公约》资料包“荒漠 化:视频综合介绍”、《公约》新闻季刊、篇幅为两页的主题概况介绍丛书、以 及关于防治荒漠化世界日的推介录像 招贴画 、 明 信片、贴纸、小册子、只读光 盘和展览展示。
These included the revised UNCCD information kit “Desertification: a visual synthesis”, the quarterly UNCCD News, two-page thematic factsheet series, WDCD promotional videos, posters, postcards, stickers, leaflets, CD-ROMs and exhibition displays.
它对出版 先知穆罕默德招贴画以及 某瑞典政党亵渎性的视频信息表示关注,因为这有害 于文化间建立信任和谅解的进程。
It expressed concern at the publication of a poster of Prophet Muhammad and a blasphemous video message by a Swedish political party, which undermined the process of building trust and understanding among cultures.
环境规划署促成的信息交流实例包括与巴尔干邻国分享新出版的马其顿语关 于紫外线辐射的小册子;向该地区所有其他讲俄语国家散发从乌兹别克斯坦语译为俄语的 录像片《臭氧
[...] Ozzy》;及摩尔多瓦为网络的所有成员国制作的俄语和英 招贴画。
Examples of such exchange, facilitated by UNEP, include sharing of a new Macedonian brochure on UV radiation with the Balkan neighbours; dissemination of Ozzy Ozone video translated by Uzbekistan in Russian to all other
Russian speaking countries of the region; and
[...] development of posters in Russian [...]
and English by Moldova for all Network members.
在第 II 阶段中成功地完成了对需求评估结论的审查,举办了讲习班,进行了一次参观考察, 制作了录相、录音招贴画和木 偶等宣传材料,并制作了工作包和手册。
Part II saw the successful completion of a review of the findings resulting from the needs assessment, the conducting of workshops, a study tour, media production of video, audio, poster and puppet material and the production of working kits and manuals.
因此,国家和省项目组决定 制作四种材料:VCD 光盘、录音磁带招贴画和小册子,并保证所有镜头都是在当地拍 摄的,拉祜族文化及习俗则是录像的重点。
Consequently the county and provincial project team decided to produce media of four types: VCD, audiotapes, posters and pamphlets, and would ensure that all footage would be local and the Lahu Minority culture and custom be central to the video.
中国报告了通过为中小学年轻学生组织的夏令营和冬令营而提供的廉正教 育以及其通过艺术作品、文学、书法和包括 画 、 招贴画 或 电视广告插播等形 式的公益广告积极参与弘扬廉正文化。
China reported on integrity education provided through summer and winter camps organized for young students at the primary and secondary school levels, as well as on its active engagement in promoting a culture of integrity through art work, literature, calligraphy, and public-interest advertisements, including in the form of cartoons, posters or spots aired on television.
拟编列 31 900 美元,用于维护网站和案件数据库(10 500 美元),制招 贴画、小 册子和冲突管理卡片(3 000 美元),翻译和分发各区域监察员办公室的 外联材料(7 000 美元),支付 5 名工作人员的国际监察员协会年度会费(1 000 美 元)。
618. The proposed amount of $31,900 would cover requirements for website and case database maintenance ($10,500), production of posters, brochures and conflict management cards ($3,000), translation and distribution of outreach material in the regional Ombudsman offices ($7,000) and payment of the annual membership fee of five staff members for the International Ombudsman Association ($1,000).




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