

单词 招怨

See also:

a move (chess)
a maneuver


resentments pl

External sources (not reviewed)

你們的所作所為招惹民怨的, 增加煙草稅50%,便招惹民怨的最好例子。
To increase the duty on tobacco by 50% is the best illustration of this.
我現在苦口婆心地向周一嶽局長說,不 招 惹 民 怨 , 有 些 怨 憤 是招惹回來的。
I am now telling Secretary Dr York CHOW
[...] with good intentions, not to stir up dissatisfaction and grievances.
當㆗年婦女淪為勞工市場的「月㆘貨」時,求職愈來愈困難的同時,我們又聽見 有僱主怨招聘員工困難。
While our middle-aged women have been rendered redundant and encounter greater and greater
difficulties in finding employment, we also hear the employers complaining about
[...] the difficulty in recruiting employees.
學校對打架、傷人、毆鬥及一切因 怨而 產 生之暴力行為抱零容忍的態度,絕不姑息。
The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, assault, battery, and hate violence.
房屋是民生之本,社會穩定的根基,政府政 策得宜,大眾自然可以安居樂業,相反處理失當就 招 來 民 怨 , 而整 個社會亦要為此付出沉重的代價。
If the Government's policies are appropriate, naturally, the general public can live in peace and work with contentment, otherwise, any blunder will arouse the discontent of the public and the whole society also has to pay a heavy price for this.
还有许多复员人员因“解决个人怨 ” 或 拒绝加入这些团体而成为受害 人。
There are also a number of demobilized persons among victims, due to a
[...] “settling of personal scores” or for refusing [...]
to join these groups.
主席先生,制訂㆒份可以得到各方讚賞的預算案,最重要是適當㆞調配和運用資源, 否則,長期處於「不患寡而患不均」的情況,結果 招 來 民 怨 , 加重政府和納稅㆟的 負擔。
MRS SELINA CHOW (in Cantonese): Mr President, in preparing a widely-acclaimed budget, the most important thing is to be able to allocate and make use of resources in an appropriate manner.
如果局長繼續如此冷漠,只招致民 怨 , 兼且會令香港與其他鄰近 國家相比時,在教育方面本來享有的較領先地位( [...]
我亦相信會像貨櫃 港、機場和金融地位般),逐步被鄰近國家取代,而且也會成為處處被 人取代的罪人 ⎯⎯ 我不知是否千古罪人 ⎯⎯ 他便是拒絕接受民
If the Secretary remains to be that indifferent, he
[...] will only cause resentment among members [...]
of the public, and he will make Hong Kong
lose its competitive edge in education when we compare Hong Kong with our neighbouring countries and regions.
反觀內地,今年7月以來,因為受多種影響,以致農產品為主的 生活必需品價格上漲,而且逐月攀升,加重了民眾生活的成本,招 致民怨叢生
On the contrary, in the Mainland, under the impacts of various factors, the prices of daily necessities made up mainly by agricultural products have been soaring since July, and even on a monthly basis, imposing a heavier burden on the people in terms of the cost of living.
女人还怨说, 监狱当局没有向她们提 供足够的清洁用品来保持监舍清洁,尤其是木材燃烧产生大量黑烟和灰尘。
Women also complained that the prison [...]
authorities did not provide them with sufficient cleaning products to keep their quarters
clean, especially as the wood burners produced large amounts of black smoke and dust.
首 先,決 定 誰 可以豁免, 誰 不可以, 可能 已 經 要 花 一 筆 龐 大 的 行 政 費用, 如果根據醫管 局的五 級 分 流 制 來決定的話 , 現 時 的制度 雖然只涉及時間安 排 , 但 已招 致 民 怨 , 如果將來涉 及 錢 銀 安 排,恐 怕 情況更不妙。
If exemption is decided according to the five-category triage system now being used by the Hospital Authority, it is even more undesirable, because it will then involve money, bearing in mind that the system is already causing complaints presently when it is used solely to prioritize the patients.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖 招 租 後 ,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
我在 2010
[...] 年公布的关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告(A/64/742-S/2010/ 181)中提出的关切事项是,据称从肯尼亚东北 招 募 肯 尼亚索马里青年男子和男 孩,还在肯尼招募达 达布难民营的索马里难民,与过渡联邦政府在索马里并肩 作战。
In my annual report on children and armed conflict issued in 2010
[...] [...] (A/64/742S/2010/181), I raised the concerns about the alleged recruitment of young Kenyan Somali men and boys from [...]
North-eastern Province
in Kenya, as well as Somali refugees from Dadaab refugee camp, in Kenya, to fight alongside the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia.
提议编列差旅费 266 500 美元,用于开展以下技术支持活动:现场评价和
[...] 技术援助,包括评估外地行动在扩大驻各省办事处和其他合同活动方面的进展、 采招标进 程、战略部署物资储存的仓库存货和编目问题,以及审查外地燃料作 [...]
业情况(166 000 美元);加强外地航空安全负责人员的知识和技能,并制定联合
国航空安全共同标准公式,以便联合国不同的实体使用联合国空中资产(65 300 美元);在维和特派团实施电子口粮管理系统和电子燃料管理系统(35 200 美 元)。
The amount of $266,500 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: on-site evaluations and provision of technical assistance, including for assessing progress in field operations in connection with the expansion of provincial
offices and other contractual activities,
[...] the procurement solicitation process, strategic [...]
deployment stock warehouse inventory
and codification issues, and review of fuel operations in the field ($166,000); improve knowledge and technical skills of staff in the field charged with aviation safety and establish a formulation of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards for the use of air assets between different United Nations entities ($65,300); and implementation of the electronic rations management system and the electronic fuel management system in peacekeeping missions ($35,200).
缅甸必须 处理这一苦果:除了在多年种族冲突后锻造持久和 平以及恢复瘫痪的国家经济以外,缅甸还必须就族
[...] 群暴力冲突达成让步,并解决因过去 怨 怼 和 现在 的不满而日益紧张的社会局势。
The country must deal with a bitter legacy: in addition to forging a sustainable peace after decades of ethnic conflict and rebuilding a dysfunctional economy, it
must come to terms with intercommunal violence and address rising social
[...] tensions over grievances both past [...]
and present.
任何乘客或動物、車輛、行李、貨物、物品或物件的擁有人或其他人(包括其遺產代理 人),因公司或任何人員運載或保管任何動物、車輛、行李、貨物、物品或物件而向公司或人員提 出或由他人代為提出申索,則本附例中以任何方式提及或提述的任何乘客、任何人或任何動物、 車輛、行李、貨物、物品或物件的擁有人須向公司支付所有或任何為彌償公司或人員就上述所有 17 或任何申索所需的款項的款額,以及與此相關 招 致 的任何費用、損失、損害或開支,而就對任 何人員的費用、損害、損失或開支的申索而支付的任何款項,公司須代有關的人員以信託形式持 有。
Any passenger or person or the owner of any animal, vehicle, luggage, goods, articles or things howsoever mentioned or referred to in this Bylaw shall pay to the Corporation the amount of all or any sum or sums required to indemnify the Corporation or any official from and against all or any claim made by or on behalf of any passenger or owner or other person including personal representatives of the same arising out of the carriage or custody by the Corporation or any official of any animal, vehicle, luggage, goods, articles or things and any cost, loss, damage or expense incurred in connection herewith and the Corporation shall hold any such sums paid in respect of any such claims against any cost, damage, loss or expense of any official in trust for the official concerned.
根據藉上述公告 加入豁免公告的新訂第9A條,尋求就股份或債權證作出公開要 約的公司( 不論在香港或在香港以外地方成立) 如符合此新訂條 文指定的條件,可在並非於印刷招 股 章 程一起發出的情況 下,發出紙張形式的申請表格(並連同電子形式 招 股 章 程)("混 合媒體要約")。
Under the new section 9A of the Exemption Notice, as added by the Notice, a company (whether incorporated in or outside Hong Kong) seeking to conduct a public offering of shares or debentures can issue a paper application form (together with an electronic prospectus) without it being accompanied by a printed form prospectus (mixed media offer), if it complies with certain conditions stipulated in the new section.




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