

单词 招商



investment promotion

See also:

a move (chess)
a maneuver

External sources (not reviewed)

(5) 加招商引資 的力度,積極尋求與國內外一流醫藥企業和高科技醫藥企業的合作機 會。
(5) To strengthen fund attraction and aggressively seek opportunities for cooperation with outstanding and high-tech pharmaceutical enterprises at home and abroad.
招商银行 通过 Jabra 设备,银行提升了客户服务、优化了生产率并降低了运营总成本。
China Merchants BankCommercial [...]
bank enhances customer service, optimizes productivity and reduces total cost of operations.
(a) 本公司之註冊辦事處位於香港干諾道中168–200號信德中 招商 局 大廈36樓7–13 室。
(a) The registered office of the Company is at Suites
[...] 7–13, 36/F., China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, [...]
168–200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.
榆林市发改委项目办负招商引资的人士表示,煤制甲醇项目尚未开工,目前 正在和几家公司谈合资合作事宜;煤变烯烃的项目目前主要在榆林下属的神木 和横山两个县进行项目的准备工作。
Person who’s in charge of attracting investments in the Project Office of Development and [...]
Reform Commission of Yulin City
said that,the coal derived methylalcohol project hasn’t started yet, and the joint venture and cooperation matters are being discussed with several companies currently; as for the coal derived alkene project, the preparatory work is being undertaken in Shenmu and Hengshan subordinate to Yulin City at present.
秦博士於2001年4月至2010年9月擔招商 銀 行股份有限公司董事長,於2000年12月至2010年8月出 招商 局 集 團有限公司董事長,1995年4月至2000年7月擔任中國國際信託投資公司(CITIC)總裁,2000年7月至2001年12月任CITIC 副董事長及於1998年至2000年出任中信實業銀行董事長。
Dr. Qin served
[...] as Chairman of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. from April 2001 to September 2010 and as Chairman of China Merchants Group Limited from [...]
December 2000 to August
2010; President of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) from April 1995 to July 2000; Vice Chairman of CITIC from July 2000 to December 2001 and Chairman of CITIC Industrial Bank from 1998 to 2000.
Those too have made up part of the package offered by local governments in attracting investment.
博源基金会理事会由国际知名人士组成,其中包括前中 招商 局 集团董事长秦晓,瑞银投资银行副主席何迪,全国人大常委、财政经济委员会副主任委员、前中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵,中国投资有限公司总经理高西庆,中国投资有限公司副总经理汪建熙,中国银行首席经济学家曹远征, [...] [...]
中国国际金融有限公司董事长、前国务院发展研究中心副主任李剑阁,美国斯考克罗夫特集团主席、美国前国家安全事务助理斯考克罗夫特(Brent Scowcroft),瑞银投资银行副主席、前欧盟委员会副主席列昂••布列坦(Leon Brittan),香港特别行政区行政委员会成员、汇丰投资亚洲控股有限公司非执行主席、前中国证监会副主席史美伦(Laura Cha)。
Board of Trustees:Qin Xiao (Former
[...] Chairman of China Merchants Group), He Di [...]
(Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank), Wu
Xiaoling (NPC Standing Committee Member, Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee and Former Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China), Gao Xiqing (President & CIO of China Investment Corporation), Wang Jianxi (Executive Vice President & CRO of China Investment Corporation), Cao Yuanzheng (Chief Economist of the Bank of China), Li Jiange (Chairman of China International Capital Corporation ,Former Deputy Director of Development Research Center of the State Council), Brent Scowcroft (Chairman of the Scowcroft Group and Former U.S. National Security Advisor), Leon Brittan (Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank ,Former Vice Chairman of the EU Commission), Laura Cha (Member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC Investment Asia Holdings Ltd, and Former Vice Chairman of CSRC).
布里斯本澳大利亞新興國際都市積極於香港展 招商 活 動 ,為吸引有意到澳洲拓展業務的香港企業,特別把今天訂為「布里斯本日」。
Australia's new world city, Brisbane, has declared today 'Brisbane Day' in Hong Kong to draw
attention to the launch of its bold new campaign
[...] urging local business to consider [...]
Brisbane when looking to do business in Australia.
因此在这一探索性阶段,应与负责分析这些公司贡献以及组 招商 的 独 立人员开展合 作。
This is why, at this exploratory stage, a solution must be found by associating independent skills that will have to analyse the contributions of these companies and request their intervention, under the authority of the in-house team.
(c) 本 集 團 之主要 往 來 銀 行 為 (i) 上
海浦東 發 展 銀 行 中 國 武 漢 分 行 ; (ii) 交 通 銀 行
[...] 中 國 武 漢 分 行 ; (iii) 招 商 銀 行 中 國 武 漢 支 行 ; [...]
(iv) 中 國 農 業 銀 行 中 國 武 漢 分 行 ; (v) 香 港 中
信 銀 行 國 際 有 限 公 司 ; (vi) 香 港 星 展 銀 行( 香 港 )有 限 公 司 。
(c) The principal bankers of the Group are (i) Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Wuhan Branch, PRC; (ii)
Bank of Communications, Wuhan Branch,
[...] PRC; (iii) China Merchants Bank, Wuhan Branch, [...]
PRC; (iv) Agricultural Bank of China,
Wuhan Branch, PRC; (v) CITIC Bank International Limited, Hong Kong; and (vi) DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong.
法國軍艦「葡月」(Vendémiaire) 於2013年4月7日至12日訪港,並停泊於堅尼地 招商 局 碼 頭。
The French Navy Ship Vendémiaire was in port call in Hong Kong from 7th to 12th April 2013
[...] and berthed at China Merchants Wharf, Kennedy Town.
這 些 大 型 金 融 機 構 包 括 中 國 銀 行、 中 國 建 設 銀 行、中 國 工 商 銀 行、中 國 交 通 銀 行 和 中招 商 銀 行,以 及 部 分 外 資 銀 行,如 滙 豐 銀 行 等。
These financial institutions mainly comprise Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank and certain foreign banks such as Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
(三) 當局早前表示準備允許貿發局在 2005 至 07 年的 3 年期間,每年
[...] 期租用添馬艦用地作展覽用途,但至今仍未批出該等租約,由於 展招商需時 ,拖延批出租約會影響今年 4 月旺季舉行的展覽活 動,直接打擊本港會議展覽業和有關經貿活動,為何當局至今仍 [...]
(c) the authorities indicated earlier that they were prepared to permit the TDC's temporary use of the Tamar Site for exhibition purposes under short-term tenancies for the periods 10 April to 8 May and 26 September to 23 October in the three years of 2005 to 2007, but the
tenancies have not yet been
[...] granted so far; since recruiting exhibitors takes time, and delay [...]
in granting the tenancies
will affect the exhibiting activities scheduled for the peak season in April this year, thereby dealing a direct blow to the conference and exhibition sector as well as the related economic and business activities in Hong Kong, why the authorities have not yet granted such tenancies?
招商局国 际有限公司(简称:本公司,香港联交所编号:0144)欣然宣布,于2012年12月27日,旗下全资子公司码来仓储(深圳)有限公司(简称:码来仓储)与中国南山开发(集团)股份有限公司(简称:南山集团)签署协议,收购南山集团所持有的深圳赤湾港航股份有限公司(简称:深赤湾,深圳交易所A股及B股上市)25%的A股股份,收购对价为17.87亿元人民币,即每股人民币11.088元,以现金支付。
China Merchants Holdings (International) Company Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 0144) ("CMHI" or the "Company") [...]
is pleased to
announce that Shenzhen Malai Warehouse Company Limited ("Malai Warehouse"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMHI, entered into an agreement with China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation (the "Nanshan Group") on 27 December 2012 to acquire from the latter its 25% (in A-shares) of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited ("SZCWH", whose A shares and B shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) at a cash consideration of RMB1.787 billion, or RMB11.088 per share.
共同启动按钮的有(从左到右) 招商 局 漳 州开发区党委书记吴斌,漳州市副市长王耀泉,豪氏威马集团总裁Roodenburg先生,荷兰驻广州总领事馆副总领事Haarman先生,豪氏威马中国首席执行官Kies先生。
With a push of the bar
[...] the door of the new 62m high workshop [...]
of Huisman China was officially opened by (from left to right):
Mr. Wu (the Party committee secretary of China Merchants Zhangzhou development Zone), Mr. Wang (vice mayor Zhangzhou City), Mr. Roodenburg (CEO Huisman Group), Mr. Haarman (vice consul The Netherlands) and Mr. Kies (CEO Huisman China).
(2) 本公司獨立非執行董事孟焰先生於二零一零年十二月八日離任為河南輝煌科技股份有限 公司(SZSE:
002296)之獨立董事、於二零一一年六月二十九日離任為北京巴士傳媒股份 有限公司(SSE:
[...] 600386)之獨立董事及於二零一一年十二月二日離任 招商 局 地 產控股 股份有限公司(SZSE: 000024;200024)(SGX: [...]
(2) Mr Meng Yan, an independent non-executive Director of the Company, resigned as an independent director of Henan Splendor Science & Technology Co Ltd (SZSE: 002296) on 8 December 2010, an independent director of Beijing Bashi Media Co , Ltd (SSE:
600386) on 29 June 2011 and an independent
[...] director of China Merchants Property Development [...]
Company Ltd (SZSE: 000024; 200024)(SGX: C03) on 2 December 2011
隨後於二○ ○七年九月六日,本公司旗下一間全資附屬公司 招商 地 產 旗下一間全資附屬公司訂立了一項合營協議(「蘇州合營協議」),涉及 成立一間由本集團招商地產 集團各佔五成權益的合營公司,以發展蘇州地塊為住宅物業。
Subsequently on 6 September 2007, a joint venture agreement (the “Suzhou JV Agreement”) was entered into between a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMP relating to the formation of a joint venture company, 50% owned by each of the Group and CMP group, for the purpose of development of the Suzhou Land into residential properties.
招商局保 税物流有限公司和德国邮政DHL前日启用了位于前海湾保税港区的DHL前海湾综合物流创新中心,该项目总面积71000平方米,未来将作为DHL南中国货运门户和全球物流战略重要支撑点, 招商 保 税 与DHL在前海的首个合作试点项目。
LTD. And the German post DHL had opened the gulf bonded harbor area located on the front of the gulf before the DHL
[...] logistics innovation center, this project has a total area of 71000 square meters, the future will be prominently as DHL freight portals and global logistics strategy important anchor, investment promotion bonded and DHL is in the sea before the first cooperation pilot project.
招商银行 作为首个赞助商,提供机场乘客这一便捷的服务。
China Merchants Bank is the first [...]
client on this widespread and dominating media, providing passengers with an invaluable airport service.
根据经济科研工作者的观点,成功 招商 政 策 、优惠 招商 条 件和投 资环境以及企业对专业化分工所作出的努力对萨克森州经济的发展起 [...]
Economists say that Saxony’s
outstanding policy for
[...] relocating companies, favourable commercial conditions and the fact [...]
that companies frequently specialise
have had a positive impact on the development of the Saxon economy.
澳洲礦務及勘探協會Bernie Hogan;布里斯本推廣局投招商總監 Steven Sylvester;布里斯本推廣局主席Ian Klug及澳洲昆士蘭大學校友林琳。
(From left to right) Bernie Hogan, Association of Mining and Exploration; Steven Sylvester, Director of Investment Attraction for Brisbane Marketing; Ian Klug, Chairman of Brisbane Marketing, and Nixie Lam, an alumni of University of Queensland.
凭借商业银行和投资银行的工作实力,她被选中与中国社会科学院及中 招商 局 集 团合作开展以房地产融资和金融创新为课题的研究项目。
On the strength of her work in commercial and investment banking, she was selected to undertake research which focused on real estate financing and financial innovation in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Social Science and the China Merchants Group.
由於建設和開發泊位的工程招商局 進 行,現代貨箱碼頭於Mega SCT持有的權益將由第一期完成時的30%逐步減少至第四 期完成時的20%。
In consideration of the construction and development of berths by CMH, the equity interests held by Modern Terminals in Mega SCT will gradually decrease from 30% upon stage 1 completion to 20% upon stage 4 completion.
国内经济合作招商处的 有关负责人介绍说,参加此次海交会除了展示温州形象外,我市还包装组织了近100个项目参 招商 , 涉 及港口交通、旅游宾馆、商贸物流等11个领域,其中以温州沿海产业带为依托对接海西经济区的相 招商 项 目 将会成为热点,如温州国际物流基地一期、浙南物流中心、苍南县沿海风电场工程、乐清湾临港产业基地、洞头县鹿西船舶修造基地等现代服务业和临港产业项目近段时间成为热点咨询项目,但是我市还是希望借助此次海交会择优选资。
The person in charge of the domestic
[...] economic cooperation do Merchants at attend the haijiaohui addition to the show Wenzhou image, the city is also packaging organization nearly 100 participants Merchants involved in port traffic, tourism, hotels, trade and logistics, 11 areas, including Wenzhou coastal industrial belt relying docking Hercynian economic zone investment projects [...]
will become a hot spot,
as an international logistics base in Wenzhou, southern Zhejiang logistics center, Cangnan County coastal wind farm project, Yueqing Bay Harbor industrial base Dongtou deer West shipbuilding base project of modern services and port industries Recently become a hot spot consulting projects, but the city is still hoping the haijiaohui preferential election financing.
[...] Antoine)先生和苏州新招商局局 长谷光(Gu Guang音)共同举行了雄狮开眼仪式,该仪式也称为点睛,以唤醒雄狮精神并开始了“好运”舞蹈。
Following a series of introduction speeches, Cicor Chairman, Mr. Kohler Antoine, and Suzhou New
District Officer, Mr. Gu Guang,Director of
[...] SND Investment Promotion Bureau carried [...]
out the ritual of dotting (opening) the eyes
of the lion, knows as dian jing 点睛, to awaken the lion’s spirit and commence the ‘good luck’ dance.
同样显著的是,美联信正在与许多中方合作机构一起建立项目并发放贷款,合作方包括中国农业银行(HKEx: 1288; Shanghai: 601288)、交通银行(HKEx: 3328; Shanghai:
[...] 601328),还有北京银行、中招商银行 (HKEx: 3968)等地方性银行。
Equally significant, CIT is working with a number of Chinese partners to set up the program and lend out the money, including major names like Agricultural Bank of China (HKEx: 1288; Shanghai: 601288) and Bank of
Communications (HKEx: 3328; Shanghai: 601328), as well as regional players Bank of
[...] Beijing and China Merchants Bank (HKEx: 3968).
於 商 界 , 彼 現 任 恆 生 指 數 公 司 中 遠 太 平 洋 有 限 公
司 獨 立 董 事 及 其 審 核 委 員 會 主 席 , 以 及 於 香 港 及 上
[...] 海 證 券 交 易 所 上 市招 商 銀 行 股 份 有 限 公 司 之 [...]
獨 立 董 事 及 其 關 聯 交 易 控 制 委 員 會 主 席 。
In business, Mr. Chow serves as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of COSCO Pacific Limited, a Hang Seng
Index company and an independent director and chairman of the connected transactions
[...] committee of China Merchants Bank Co.
謝先生亦為香港上市公招商局中 國基金有限公司的獨立非執行董事、新西蘭證券交易所上市公司PGG [...]
Wrightson Limited董事以及深圳證券交易所上市公司通裕重工股份有限公司獨立非執行董事。
Mr. Xie is also an independent non-executive
[...] director of China Merchants China Direct Investments [...]
Limited, a company listed in Hong
Kong, a director of PGG Wrightson Limited, a company listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange, and an independent non-executive director of Tongyu Heavy Industry Ltd.
武汉国家生物产业创新基地展示中心为园区中心标志性建筑,位于入口广场和中心湖面之间,功能集基地对外展示、宣传 招商 、 洽 谈、办公功能于一体。
Next to the entrance plaza and adjacent to the central lake, the building is the symbolic heart of the Bio-lake campus.
本地区的 73 个企业家 充分利用本招商活动 的机会,与来自俄罗斯联邦的经济命脉地区的 代表们进行了合作洽谈,该地区主要以其丰富的天然气和石油资源越 来越引起商家的注目。
The presentation on the Russian Economic
[...] Region of Astrakhan, which took place at the end of April at the MaxicoM Euro-Asia Business Center in Leipzig [...]
met with a great deal
of interest. 73 entrepreneurs from the local area took advantage of the opportunity to hold talks on cooperation with the representatives of one of the strongest economic regions in the Russian Federation – one which is coming more and more to the fore due to its rich deposits of gas and oil.




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