

单词 招供

See also:

a move (chess)
a maneuver

External sources (not reviewed)

In his mind, the ill-treatment was aimed at
[...] extracting a confession.
(a) 關招 供 詞 是 否 可 以 接 納 的 指 引 原 則,由 高 級 法 院 大 法 官 徵 詢 司 法 機 關 後 提 供 ( 稱 為 《 法 官 規 程
(a) rules of guidance as to the admissibility of confessions provided by the Lord Chief Justice in consultation with the judiciary (known as the “Judges’ Rules”)
在後來的巴列維宗教文獻有一個適當 招供 的 罪 孽( patet )和發達的詭辯。
In the later Pahlavi religious literature there is a proper confession of sin (patet) and a developed casuistry.
通过对他们施加压力,企图迫使他 招供 或 诱 使他们供认本 人或他人的言行。
By placing pressure on them, it was hoped to extract information or induce them to confess to acts or statements ascribed to them or to others.
请提供统计资料,说明在多少起案件中有被告声称因遭受酷刑 招供、 这类投诉导致的调查数量,以及进行调查的结果,包括对被判罪的施行酷刑者 予以惩处以及向受害者给予补救和赔偿的情况。
Please provide statistical information on the number of cases in which detainees have alleged that their confessions were extracted through torture, the number of such complaints which led to investigations, and the outcomes of these investigations, including punishments meted out to convicted perpetrators, if any, and reparations and compensation offered to victims, if any.
新《宪法》(2008 年 8 月 7
[...] 由。除其他外,其中包括:生命权;不受歧视的权利;公正和公开审判权;不受 任意拘留的权利;保释权;免于被 招供 权 利;获得法律援助的权利;禁止酷刑 [...]
或有辱人格的待遇;上诉权利;因为遭受非法逮捕或拘留而获得赔偿的权利;投 票(投票年龄降至
18 岁)和担任公职的权利;见解和言论自由;隐私权;知情 权;结社自由;集会自由;移徙自由;以及向包括儿童、青少年、老年人及有特 需的人在内的弱势群体提供特别保护。
The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from
arbitrary detention; right to bail;
[...] freedom from forced confession; right to legal [...]
aid; prohibition of torture or degrading
treatment; right to appeal; access to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and to hold public office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; freedom of assembly; freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.
缔约国应确 保执法人员、法官和律师受到培训,学习怎样察觉和调查经 供 获 得 招供 的 案 件。
The State party should ensure that law enforcement officials,
judges and lawyers receive training in how to detect and investigate cases
[...] where confessions are obtained under duress.
該 條 必 須 與 關招 供 詞 的 第 7 6 條 以 及 保 證 可 繼 續 應 用 普 通 法 酌 處 權 的 第 8 2 ( 3 ) 條 一 併 閱 讀 。
That section must be read with section 76 (which deals with confessions) and section 82(3) which guarantees the continued availability of common law discretion.
关于问题 21,她想获知乌兹别克斯坦是否将要立法规 定不得采用证人在遭受酷刑招供的 证 据,以及代表 团是否能够对以下报告作出反应:有三名人权捍卫者 在接受审判后被判有罪,而判决的依据竟是后来为证 人所否认的陈述,这些证人还表示,文件上的签名是 伪造的。
Concerning question 21, she wondered whether Uzbekistan was going to codify the inadmissibility of evidence extracted from witnesses using torture, and whether the delegation could react to reports that three human rights defenders had been tried and found guilty based on evidence from witnesses who had later retracted their statements and had said that their signatures on documents had been falsified.
这些措施包括,第一,国家设立有效的独立监督机制,保 证对所有刑事调查期间的酷刑和虐待投诉进行迅速、公正和有效的调查;第二, 采取一切适当措施消除现行促招供 的 调 查制度对嫌疑人待遇可能产生的任何负 面影响。
These measures included, firstly, the establishment by the State of an effective and independent oversight mechanism to guarantee prompt, impartial and effective investigations into all complaints of torture and ill-treatment during criminal investigations and, secondly, the adoption of all appropriate measures to eliminate any adverse effects that the current investigation system for promoting confessions might have on the treatment of suspects.
死囚区内的犯人每天24小时都带着脚镣或手铐,遭到系统虐待,以摧毁被关押者的意志,直到他 招供。
Death row inmates were shackled or handcuffed 24 hours per day and systematically abused to break their will and force confessions.
在这方面,委员会表 示极为关切的是,有报告称,在使巫 招供 的 活动中和驱魔仪式中发生任意杀害 儿童现象。
In this respect, the Committee expresses utmost concern at reports of arbitrary killings of children during the course of activities designed to extract a confession of witchcraft or resulting from exorcism ceremonies.
Al-Murbati 先生和对其施加酷刑的主要目的是迫招供他与人道主义组织的联系。
It has been stated that Mr. Al-Murbati’s interrogation and torture had as its main objective the extraction of information regarding his connection with a humanitarian organization.
13 防范酷刑 小组委员会所会见的一些负责监测和执行判决的法官以及一些律师对最高法院缺 乏与正当法律程序的一些基本问题――
[...] 包括警察拘留的法律依据、被告人法招 供的情 况、警察拘留的期限以及在拘留初期与律师的联系―― [...]
有关的准则表示担 忧。
The Supreme Court is a final instance in the interpretation of the Paraguayan Constitution with respect to fundamental rights.13 Judges responsible for the monitoring and enforcement of sentence as well as lawyers interviewed by the SPT expressed concern at the absence of guidelines by the Supreme Court concerning fundamental questions of due process, including the legal bases for police
detention, the circumstances surrounding
[...] extrajudicial confession by the accused, [...]
the duration of police detention and access
to counsel during initial detention.
在特招供的信 仰的约翰(483-538;主教,519-521)是现存的,所以是他Trisagion评注,他的大炮和神职人员的神父谢尔盖和答复的问题-所有的手稿在大英博物馆。
The confession of faith of John [...]
of Tella (483-538; bishop, 519-521) is extant, and so is his commentary on the Trisagion,
and his canons for the clergy and replies to the questions of the priest Sergius - all in manuscripts in the British Museum.
采购实体对招标文件的收费价格,只能是 向供应商或承包商供招标文 件的成本费。
The price that the procuring entity may charge for the solicitation documents shall reflect only the cost of providing them to suppliers or contractors.
如果您不向华德士提供所需的个人信息(且该要求合理且与为您提供的服务相关),华德士将无法向您 供招 聘 和 /或相关代理服务。
If you do not give Robert Walters the personal data it seeks (provided that the data sought is reasonable and relevant to the
services being provided to or for you), it is unable to
[...] provide you with recruitment and/or related [...]
intermediary services.
該等 措施包括加強巡查、加強升降機安全實務守則、提升工人的能力、 修訂政府合約的招標安排、供招標 文 件範本以供公眾參考、在確 認發生事故後的12小時內公布升降機承建商所呈報的嚴重升降機 事故、確保維修保養工作的質素,以及公開註冊升降機承建商表 [...]
Those measures include stepping up inspections, enhancing the Codes of Practice on Lift Safety, enhancing
workers' competence,
[...] revising tendering arrangements for Government contracts, providing sample tendering document [...]
for public reference,
announcing serious lift incidents reported by lift contractors within 12 hours of confirmation of the incidents, assuring the quality of maintenance and releasing information on the performance of RCs.
如 投訴屬實,勞工處會拒絕向該僱主 供招 聘 服 務,並 建議有關的求職人士向個人資料私隱專員公署尋求進 [...]
Employers of substantiated complaints would not be
[...] offered further recruitment service and the [...]
job-seekers concerned would be advised
to approach the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data for further assistance.
在发出有关采用 ALD 的行政通 函的同时,也发出了一套关于使用 ALD 工作人员的“一般原则”和“招聘原则” 供招聘 工 作负责人和行政人员在招聘工作中作参考。
The Administrative Circular introducing the ALDs was supplemented by a set of “General Conditions” applicable to ALD staff, as well as by “Recruitment Guidelines” to assist hiring manager(s) and administrative staff in the recruitment process.
修訂第 7.24(5)條為:「如建議進行的公開招股會導致發行人的已發行股本(不包括存庫 股)或市值增加 50%以上(不論單指該次公開招股,或與發行人在下述期間公布的任何其他 公招股或供股合 併計算:(i)建議進行公開招股未公布之前的 12 個月內;或(ii)此 12 個月期 間之前的交易而在此 12 個月期間開始執行此供股或公開招 股 中 發行的股份包括授予或將 授予股東的任何紅股(發行予庫存的任何該等紅股除外)、權證或其他可換股證券(假設全 部轉換)):」。
Rule 7.24(5) is amended to read: “If the proposed open offer would increase either the issued share capital (excluding treasury shares) or the market capitalisation of the issuer by more than 50% (on its own or when
aggregated with any other open
[...] offers or rights issues announced by the issuer (i) within the 12 month period immediately preceding the announcement of the proposed open offer or (ii) prior to such 12 month period where dealing in respect of the shares issued pursuant thereto commenced within such 12 month period, together with any bonus [...]
securities (other than
any such bonus securities to be issued into treasury), warrants or other convertible securities (assuming full conversion) granted or to be granted to shareholders as part of such rights issues or open offers):-”.
小组在 2011 年最后报告(S/2011/757,第 87
[...] 段)中指出,为居住在利比里亚的战 斗人员进招募和作战供资金 可以起重大推动作用,是区分战斗人员的意图和 [...]
The Panel noted in its final 2011 report (S/2011/757, para. 87) that
[...] financing for the recruitment and operations of [...]
combatants resident in Liberia could
serve as a key catalyst, which is a critical element distinguishing between the intentions of combatants and their capacity.
这份文件为 2003-2005 三年期提出了一个以履约为方向的预测模型(预测模 型);介绍了业务规划的背景以及拟议对 2003-2005 三年期业务规划进行的修改;分析了 当前为各执行机构实行的固定份额制度问题,并分析了是否应该采用一项替代办法,即为 各执行机构编制行政预算和进招标 ; 开列 供 执 行 委员会审议的建议草案。
The paper presented a Compliance-Oriented Model for the 2003-2005 triennium (the Model); background on business planning and proposed modifications for business planning in the 2003-2005 triennium; an analysis of the issue of the current system of fixed shares for the implementing agencies and the appropriateness of introducing an alternative based on an administrative budget for the implementing agencies and a bidding process; and a list of draft recommendations for the consideration by the Executive Committee.
1994 年版本第(3)款的规定反映在 2011 年版本第 45 条中,修订后明确规 定,本法第三章的规定,除规范征求投标书的程序、公开招标中投标邀请书的 内容和供招标文件的规定之外,均适用于限制性招标(未包括在内的规定要 么与直接招标办法不相关,要么在直接招标办法中过于繁琐,而直接招标办法 是这种采购方法的固有特征)。
The provisions of 1994 paragraph (3) have been reflected in 2011 article 45 and modified by stating expressly that the provisions of chapter III of this Law apply to restricted tendering except for those that regulate the procedures for soliciting tenders, the contents of the invitation to tender and the provision of the solicitation documents in open tendering (the excluded provisions are either irrelevant or cumbersome in the context of direct solicitation, which is an inherent feature of this procurement method).
富讯的人力资本解决方案供应商均是业界知名品牌,我们通过The Ingenium
[...] Infusion提供暂时管理和定期非永久员工服务,通过Medi-Talent和我们的新伙伴JobDragon的双语网络,为生命科学行业 供招 聘 外 包(RPO)服务。
We offer a wide-range of human capital solutions including management recruiting and executive search services via The Ingenium Group, interim management and fixed-term non-permanent staffing solutions at Talent Infusion; Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
services for the Life Sciences
[...] industry at Medi-Talent and a bilingual career network at our newly revitalized [...]
如果数据传播行为是华德士向您 供招 聘 服 务和/或相关代理服务的必要组成部分,例如:当您申请欧洲经济区之外的职位空缺时,或当法律授权传播时,您的个人信息就会传播到欧洲经济区之外。
Such transfers will occur where they are necessary
[...] as part of the recruitment and/or related [...]
intermediary services Robert Walters provides
to or for you, e.g. where you apply for a vacancy or position outside the EEA, or where the transfer is authorised by law.




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