

单词 拙稿

See also:

稿 n

draft n
manuscript n

稿 pl

manuscripts pl


stalk of grain

External sources (not reviewed)

每个 IGEL 瘦客户机均配有通用电源线,这样无需寻找新的电源线,亦 无需配备庞大拙的电源变压器。
Each IGEL thin client also came with a universal power cord, eliminating the hassle of looking for new cords or tinkering with over-sized power bricks.
此外,还编写了 一个行动计划稿,目 的是在两个与保存和保护物质及非物质遗产有关的公约框架内促进文 化多样性。
An outline plan of action has also been formulated to promote cultural diversity in the framework of two conventions related to the preservation and protection of the tangible and intangible heritage.
不过,为了确定第 21 条 第 1
[...] 款的适用范围,《维也纳公约》有点 拙 地 提 及关于保留允许性(第 19 条)、同意保留(第 [...]
20 条)和保留形式(第 23 条)的规定,而不更详细地解释这些规 定的相互关系。
As for the scope of application of article 21,
paragraph 1, the Vienna Conventions merely
[...] make a rather clumsy reference to [...]
provisions concerning the permissibility of
a reservation (art. 19), consent to a reservation (art. 20) and the form of a reservation (art. 23), without explaining the interrelation of those provisions in greater detail.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组起草了关于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指南草本,将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会议结束时最后稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
[...] 队各费用中心所提出的预算要求进行分析;协助编写和制订费用估计数和执行情 况报告稿;答 复有关预算问题的询问,并跟踪费用中心的行动和尚未作出的答 [...]
The incumbent would also provide support in the analysis of budgetary requirements submitted by the Force’s
cost centres, assist in the preparation and
[...] formulation of draft cost estimates [...]
and performance reports, respond to inquiries
on budgetary issues and follow up on actions and pending responses from cost centres, maintain records on requisitions and purchase orders, and generate financial reports on a monthly basis for dissemination to the chiefs of sections.
審計署建議了多項事宜,並認為康文署應:(a)確保每間康文署博 物館均有為藏品的徵集訂立一套典藏政策;(b)規定每間康文署博 物館定期檢討和更新其典藏政策;(c)為徵集藏品加快完成採購程 序的稿;(d)制訂行動計劃,清理積壓的藏品登記入冊工作;(e) 認真檢討康文署博物館的整體儲存需求,並加速興建博物館藏品 的中央儲存庫;及(f)確保香港歷史博物館迅速採取行動,把藏品 資料上載其網頁,供市民閱覽。
The Audit recommended, among other things, that LCSD should : (a) ensure that each LCSD museum has a collection policy for the acquisition of collection items; (b) require each LCSD museum to regularly review and update its collection policy; (c) expedite action to finalise the procurement procedures for the acquisition of collection items; (d) draw up an action plan to clear the backlog of collection items pending accession; (e) critically review the overall storage requirements of LCSD museums and expedite action to develop a central museum collection repository; and (f) ensure that action is taken by the Hong Kong Museum of History to promptly upload information items on its website for public access.
制裁是一种拙的工具,使用制裁会引发基本的民族问题,比如使目标国 家的弱势群体蒙受苦难是否是施加压力的合法手段。
Sanctions are a blunt instrument, the use of which raises fundamental ethical questions of whether sufferings inflicted on vulnerable groups in the target country are legitimate means of exerting pressure.
不斷的向工㆟開出無法兌現的支票,不但會令工商業發展倒退,長遠而言, 更會弄巧拙,打 碎更多本㆞工㆟的飯碗。
Making empty promises to workers unceasingly will not only set back the development of commerce and industry, but in the long run, it will have quite the opposite effect in that more local workers will lose their jobs.
(s) 關於條例草案第81條的擬議修正案 稿的 修訂本,政府當局表示或會 對該條文提出 進 一步修正案,以處理律師會關注的事 項,就是 以 現 有 方式草擬的第(2)(a)款,未 能說明當中所提 述 的 欺詐、錯誤或遺漏, 是指在 交易時作 出 而 令現有註冊擁 有人成 為註冊擁 有人的欺詐、錯誤或遺漏。
(s) On the revised draft proposed CSAs to clause 81, the Administration advised that further CSAs might be introduced to it to address Law Soc’s concern that as presently drafted, subclause (2)(a) could not clarify that the fraud, mistake or omission referred to therein meant the fraud, mistake or omission committed in the transaction by which the present registered owner had become the registered owner.
我恐怕只會弄巧拙,動 搖市民的信心,在未有問題發生之前,自 我創造危機,正所謂「畫虎不成反類犬」,不但沒有建設,更可能對社會安定、法制運 作構成嚴重的損害。
Indeed, we would be like the proverbial poor artist who tried to draw a tiger but succeeded only in drawing something that looked like a dog. It will do no good, but serious harm, to social stability and to the operation of the legal system.




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