单词 | 拖放 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拖放 verb —drag v拖放 —drag-and-drop (computing)See also:拖 v—tow v • draw v • haul v 拖—drag on • mop (the floor)to delay • hang down
通过功能多样的 32 位 Nios II 处理器,您可以用拖放方式 精确组合构建系统所需的处理器和外围设备,生成完美组合的处理器系统从此不费吹灰之力。 digikey.cn | By allowing you to drag and drop the precise [...] mix of processors and peripherals needed to build your system, the versatile [...]32-bit Nios II processor equips you to create an exact-fit processor system in just minutes. digikey.ca |
其代码非常灵活,能够让你控制导航的每一部分如:添加新的节点 ; 拖放 节 点 ;排序,定义显示外观等。 javakaiyuan.com | The code is very flexible , allowing you to [...] control every part of navigation , such as : [...] adding a new node ; drag and drop nodes; sort [...], define display appearance . javakaiyuan.com |
比如增加了动画特效、拖放操作等等。 javakaiyuan.com | Such as adding [...] animation effects, drag and drop , and so on . javakaiyuan.com |
从 各种预设中选择,或通过拖放在场 景中添加属性 参照或关系约束。 images.autodesk.com | Choose from a number of presets, or add a property reference or relationship constraint from [...] within the scene simply by dragging it. wam.autodesk.com |
该Toolbar控件提供全面的具有丰富功能的设计时支持,这些功能包括,不同的工具栏布局, 可 拖放 工 具栏,图像和文字支持,下拉菜单。 evget.com | The Toolbar control offers comprehensive design-time support [...] with rich features including, different [...] toolbar layouts, draggable toolbars, support [...]for image and text, and drop-down menus. evget.com |
文件传输通过对任何计算机上欲获取文件的文件 夹 拖放 GDP 上文件的 方法实现。 zonge.com | File transfer is now [...] facilitated by dragging and dropping files [...]on the GDP to any desired folder on any other computer. zonge.com |
规划:可拖放的界面,在一个屏幕上显示多个计划,查看跨部门的项目,这些功能帮助用户增强组织性,同时在变更发生之前即可观察其带来的影响。 emerson.com | Planning: Users [...] will benefit from a drag-and-drop interface, [...]the ability to view multiple plans from a single screen, and [...]visibility into projects across departments, resulting in increased organization and the ability to view the impact of changes before they occur. emerson.com |
可以使用鼠标右键从阵列中删除分配好的灯具,或者使 用 拖放 功 能在阵列中移动。 dmx512.ch | Assigned fixtures can be deleted from the matrix using the right-hand mouse button, or moved [...] within the matrix using drag & drop. dmx512.ch |
创建目录或词汇表,加入索引的关键字,并查看链接,屏幕截图,增加下拉部分或提示框内容以及设计PDF小册子都是完全集成的,而且只需使用简单的几个点击 或 拖放 就 可 实现。 evget.com | Creating the Table of Contents or Glossary, adding Index Keywords and See Also Links, capturing screenshots, adding drop down sections or tip boxes [...] to content and designing PDF booklets are all fully integrated and simply achieved [...] using a few clicks or drag and drop. evget.com |
在輸入視窗選取任何照片,拖放到圖 庫檢閱器內的任何計劃案,即可把它們輸入到計劃案中。 mammals.org | Select any combination of photos in the Import window and drop them into any project in the Library inspector to import them into the project. mammals.org |
标记可从资源窗格 拖入列表,并使用标准拖放技巧在列表内上下移动。 redlion.net | Tags can be dragged into the list from the Resource Pane, and moved up and down within the list using standard drag-and-drop techniques. redlion.net |
为了一次性选择多个或者全部的灯具,在按下 SHIFT [...] 按键的同时单击您想添加的第一个和最后一个等级,然 后在按下鼠标右键的同时拖放至右侧的阵列窗口上。 dmx512.ch | In order to select multiple or all fixtures at once, click on the first and the last fixture [...] you wish to add while holding down the [...] SHIFT key, and then drag over to the matrix [...]window on the right while holding down the right mouse button. dmx512.ch |
此在您将模型拖放到具有外部参考引用的将您的文 件 拖放 此 处 进行上传区域上时发生,因为外部参考引用不受支持。 3dcontentcentral.cn | This occurs when you drag and drop a model on the Drag & drop your files here to upload [...] area that has external references, which are not supported. 3dcontentcentral.com |
在 Windows 檔案總管中選取一或多個視訊檔,再將 它 拖放至 「視訊軌」。 site.theimportsworld.com | Select one or more video files in [...] Windows Explorer then drag and drop to the Video Track. site.theimportsworld.com |
不過,您可以將檔案拖放至硬碟機,然後將它們傳輸至 Windows 電腦。 knowledge.seagate.com | However, you [...] will be able to drag files to the drive, [...]then transport them to a Windows computer. knowledge.seagate.com |
先进的功能可以简化整 个过程,例如自动镜像编辑、拖放和 基于规则的即时厚 度计算;缺胶 / 多胶;Er/Dk 成本。 consona.com.cn | Advanced features such as Auto-Mirror edits, dragand-drop and rule based on-the-fly calculations for thickness; resin starvation/excess; Er/Dk and cost simplify the whole process. consona.com.cn |
总之,您可以使用拖放的方 法,在您喜欢的 浏览器里轻易地设置网络上的数据录入表格,业务逻辑,工作流,报告和图 表。 rapidflows.com | In summary, using a drag and drop approach, [...] you can easily setup data entry forms, business logic, workflows, report and [...]charts, all over the web in your favourite browser. rapidflows.com |
其操作方式就如同其它外部驱动器一样:定期将文 件 拖放 到 时 光盒的文件夹中,便可将其上传到时光盒,然后收好留待下次使用。 sandisk.cn | It operates like any other external [...] drive: periodically drag and drop files [...]into the Memory Vault folder to upload them [...]onto the drive, and then put it away until the next time. sandisk.it |
將視訊濾鏡拖放到視訊軌內的素材。 site.theimportsworld.com | Drag and drop the video filter onto [...] your clip in the Video Track. site.theimportsworld.com |
在本例中,正如我们已创建的可将作业发送到 GTO52 CMYK 1400 页面设置的 Spool Folder 队列一样,我们命名了文件夹,所以,将文 件 拖放 入 文 件夹时,您可以知道哪 个页面设置将应用于该作业。 glunz-jensen.com | In this example, as we have created a Spool Folder queue that sends jobs to the GTO52 CMYK 1440 Page Setup, we have named the folder the same, so when you drop the files into the folder you will know which Page Setup will be applied to the job. glunz-jensen.com |
如果你要设计你自己的版面,你可以简单的从数据树 中 拖放 数 据,并使用工具列加入不同的元件。 navicat.com.cn | If you want to design your own [...] layout, you can simply drag and drop the data [...]from the data tree and use the toolbar to add different components. navicat.com |
HSCloud™内置了主机托管能力,包含一套可靠的自助服务功能,如简单 的 拖放 配 置 、用户控制的防火墙、负载均衡配置、客户提供的服务器映像、服务器群、以及图像克隆等。 pactera.com | HSCloud™ was built to deliver managed hosting [...] capabilities with a robust set of self-service [...] features such as easy drag-and-drop provisioning, [...]user-controlled firewall, and load-balancer [...]configuration, client-provided server images, server parking, and image cloning. pactera.com |
您可以在不同的首頁畫面之間拖放項 目。 vertu.com | You can drag and drop items between [...] different home screens. vertu.com |
拖放关联编辑使您能够在更加直观的 环境中重新连接节点,同时,3 [...] 种细节层次和不同 数据类型的颜色编码使复杂网络的处理更加容易。 images.autodesk.com | Drag-and-drop connection [...] editing enables you to rewire nodes in a more intuitive environment, while three levels of detail, [...]together with color coding for different data types, make it easier to handle complex networks. wam.autodesk.com |
多年来,我们一直使用 [...] JQuery 和 Dojo 等库,以简化动画、圆角和拖放等复 杂的用户界面元素。 html5rocks.com | For years, we've been using libraries like JQuery and Dojo to simplify complex UI elements like animations, [...] rounded corners, and drag and drop. html5rocks.com |
要处理 DnD 流程,我们需要以下概念:源元素(拖动的起源点)、数据有效负载(我们尝 试 拖放 的 内容)和目标(接 纳 拖放 内 容 的区域)。 html5rocks.com | To handle the DnD flow, we need the [...] notion of a source [...] element (where the drag originates), the data payload (what we're trying to drop), and a target (an area to catch the drop). html5rocks.com |
通过简便的“拖放”界 面,用户可以更改测量的优先顺序,也可要求立即对某种样品进行测量。 malvern.com.cn | Users can change the measurement priority, or demand that a sample is measured immediately, through a simple "drag and drop" interface. malvern.com |
通过存储的图形文件(如JPG格式)与电路图和建设计划,并连 接 拖放 到 与 自己的实际位置相关的位置,可以实现一个符合成本效益和客户具体要求的解决办法。 janitza.de | By storing graphics files (e.g. JPG) with circuit diagrams and building plans, and by linking the associated meters with drag and drop to their [...] actual locations, one [...]can implement a cost effective and customer specific solution. janitza.com |
例如,GoFlex™ 升級連接線 – [...] 自動備份能讓硬碟機變成持續的全系統備份設備,讓消費者能因為檔案和系統設定都有備份而感到安心,並將剩餘的容量提供給基本 的 拖放 檔 案 傳輸使用。 seagate.com | For example, the GoFlex™ Upgrade cable – Auto Backup transforms the drive into acontinuous full-system backup, giving consumers the peace of mind that [...] their files and system settings are backed up, while leaving the remaining [...] capacity for basic drag-and-drop file transfer. seagate.com |
1、拖放编辑法:首先保存文档,然后拖动鼠标选中特定的词、句或图像作为超级链接的目标,然后点击鼠标右键,把选定的目标拖到需要链接到的位置,释放鼠标按键,在快捷菜单中选择“在此创建超级链接”选项即可(图1)。 oapdf.com | 1, drag and drop editing method: first save the document, then drag the mouse to [...] select a particular word, sentence or image [...]as a hyperlink target, and then click the right mouse button, drag the selected target position needs to link to , release the mouse button, the shortcut menu, select "Create Hyperlink Here" option (Figure 1). oapdf.com |