

单词 拐弯抹角

See also:


turn a corner
fig. a new direction
go round a curve

拐角 n

corner n
corners pl


turn a corner

弯角 n

corner n
bend n

External sources (not reviewed)

根本 没有明确提及该阵线,只不过在字里行 拐弯抹角 地有所映射而已。
There is a total absence of a clear, explicit reference to the Front; there is only a very oblique, between-the-lines allusion to it.
国际社会若要 化言辞为行动,改善每况愈下的全球海洋健康状况, 我们就不能继续在无关紧要的文书 拐弯抹角 地作 承诺。
If the international community is to move from rhetoric to action in improving the declining health of global oceans, we can no longer sink commitments deep within obscure paragraphs of distant instruments.
然而,自那时以后, 委员会确认这句话在不同的上下文 拐弯抹角 地 使 用“既不承认也不排除依良心拒 服兵役的权利,”7 因此并不违背《公约》保障思想、良心和宗教自由的必然后果。
Since that time, however, the Committee has confirmed that the oblique use of this phrase in a different context ―neither recognizes nor excludes a right of conscientious objection,‖7 and so does not contradict the necessary consequences of the Covenant’s guarantee of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
船长每天的常规工作是在直道上航行,当河道 拐弯 , 真正的挑战就来了。
Everyday business for the skipper while on the straight and at the same time a real
[...] challenge as soon as the river bends.
到這個時候,政府應該停止轉抹角 、 爽 快㆞說出 落得如此田㆞的原因。
It is about time the Government stops beating about the bush and owns up to the real reason for getting itself into this state of affairs.
多亏福伊特施耐德推进器,船首转向模块可以强有力地使拖拉物安全地穿 拐弯 处。
Thanks to the Voith Schneider Propellers, this Bow Steering Module pulls
[...] the tow through the bend: powerful and safe.
弯曲抹刀清 空带土样的半圆凿钻, 使用抹刀手柄的尖削端或锤子手柄的底端。
Empty the auger with
[...] sample using the bent spatula. use [...]
the whetted end of the handle or the bottom end of the hammer’s handle.
用於遮蓋黑眼圈或小面積色素,可把整個掃面平均沾上遮瑕膏,以塗抹方式抹於色素上,用於眼部位置可掃尖 抹 眼 角 及 眼頭等細小位置。
To cover dark eye circles or larger area of pigments,
sweep product /concealer evenly on the whole area, while painting
[...] lightly around eye corners and small area of [...]
the eyes.
改进的双数字化仪功能和 13.3 英寸宽 XGA 显示完美, T901 使业务用户之间手写拐弯处或 使用手指在屏幕上选择的自由。
Improved dual Digitizer features and 13.3-inch Wide XGA display Perfectly, T901 gives business users the freedom of choice between stylus ulitimate or use fingers on the screen.
从物理角度看,完抹除硬 盘上的信息涉及通过写入专门选择的 1 和 0 的逻辑序列(也就 是样本)尽多次地切换记录材料的每个磁化区域。
Physically, the complete wiping of information from [...]
a hard disc involves the switching of every elementary magnetic area
of the recording material as many times as possible by writing specially selected sequences of logical 1's and 0's (also known as samples).
我们位于芝加哥郊区奥罗拉和沃伦维尔附近的内珀维尔:I-88 州际公路和 59 号公路南 1/2 英里(0.8
[...] 公里)处:右转至迪尔路之后在第 2 个驾道(伊利诺伊州信用合作拐角 ) 右 转。
We are located in Naperville near the Chicago Suburbs of Aurora and Warrenville-1/2 mile
south of I-88 and Rt 59 - turn right onto Diehl Rd and turn right at the 2nd driveway
[...] (Illinois Credit Union on the corner).
立法會當時邀請了5、 6位醫 生出席事務委員會的聽證會,但在這幾位醫生中,除了鍾尚志教授願 意直接、老實和公正地直斥其非,直接指出那位醫生當時講手機買賣 二手汽車有違專業操守 ⎯⎯ 只有鍾尚志醫生1個人這樣說 ⎯⎯ 其 他出席的醫生都只是轉抹角,不 敢直接批評。
But among all the doctors who attended the hearing, with the exception of Prof CHUNG Sheung-chee who was willing to directly, honestly and fairly make criticisms accusing that doctor of professional misconduct for talking on his mobile phone about buying and selling second-hand cars at that time ― only Dr CHUNG Sheung-chee made such comments ― the rest of them were merely beating about the bush, not daring to make criticisms directly.
因此,我呼籲本局各位 同事不要再轉抹角,而應實話實說。
Let me call upon honourable colleagues of this Council to stop beating around the bush and to call a spade a spade.
这是一个城市的艺术和历史,这些年来一直保持着特殊的建筑遗产和各街道 拐角 处 是 一块艺术和历史的城市。
It is a city of Art and History which has kept an exceptional
architectural heritage throughout the years
[...] and each street corner is a piece of Art [...]
and history that make up the city.
Turn into
一旦在附近,他们应该看看曼努埃拉恩斯街(平行三角洲大道,大学),这背后的教堂正门,然后O`猜疑街 拐角 处 , 在那里你会找到一个混凝土墙与白色的栅栏,与我们的名字的小牌子。
Once in the neighborhood, they should look for Manuela Sàenz street (Paralell to Delta avenue, where the university is), which is
behind the main entrance of the church,
[...] and then for the corner of O`Leary street, [...]
where you will find a concrete wall with
a white fence and a small sign with our name.
从 10 月 5
[...] 日星期五起,所有出入证和身份证业务均将返回位于 45 街和一大拐角的主 办证处,时间为星期一至星期五,上午 [...]
9 时至下午 4 时。
As of Friday, 5 October, all pass and ID operations will resume at
the Main Pass and Identification Office,
[...] located on the corner of 45th Street [...]
and First Avenue, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
我们从洛桑开车去圣伯纳德大山口,这是沿着瑞士最东边的山路 拐弯 上 一 段60英里的路程,沿途会经过很多小木屋群,还有马丘比丘(Machu Picchu)那样的陡峭的葡萄梯田。
We traveled to the Great St. Bernard Pass from Lausanne by car, on a 60-mile route that hugged the easternmost hook of Switzerland, passing clusters of chalets and steep vineyard terraces that resembled Machu Picchu.
公務員經常提出無數轉抹角而又動聽的論據,解釋為何某項資料應予保密而不便公 開。
And the only way we are ever going to get more open government is through the provisions of laws to which citizens can appeal when they want to know something which government is not disposed to tell them.
问题4: 对于重度腐蚀的试样,硬度试验机会 很难识别压拐角,这可能会导致硬 度值不准确。
For a heavily etched sample, it might be
[...] difficult to evaluate the corners of an indent, which [...]
may lead to a less accurate hardness value.
很可惜,即使引用《行業委員會條例》並不涉及重新立法,但政府仍在 “用”字上轉抹角,指 工資保障運動便等同行業委員會,兩者怎能是等同 的呢?
Much to our regret, even though the application of the Trade Boards Ordinance (TBO) does not involve the enactment of a new piece of legislation, the Government is still evasive on the word "apply", saying that the Wage Protection Movement (the Movement) would be tantamount to Trade Boards.
弯曲抹刀切 去沿钻切刃突出的土壤,以便提供一个类似柱状的未扰动土壤剖面, [...]
4. use a bent spatula to cut off [...]
protruding soil along the auger’s cutting edges, this will provide an almost cylindrical,
undisturbed profile suitable for investigation or sampling.
我们的制造设备包括:成型机,用于在垫片上模 拐角 ; 水 射流切割,用于隔音和保温部件的制备;以及成型压力机,用于制造将电线和管道固定在火车底盘的固着楔和压板。
Our fabrication equipment includes molding
[...] machines for molding corners on gaskets, waterjet [...]
cutting for acoustic and thermal
insulation, and molding presses for making the cleats and clamps that hold wires and tubes to the undercarriages of trains.
拉斯维加斯休斯中心 Residence Inn
[...] 酒店地处 Paradise 路和 Flamingo 路拐角处, 距拉斯维加斯大道中心地段仅 [...]
1 英里(1.6 公里),距拉斯维加斯会议中心 1.5 英里(2.4 公里),距机场 2 英里(3 公里)。
The Residence Inn Las Vegas Hughes Center hotel
[...] is located on the corner of Paradise and [...]
Flamingo, just one mile from the center
of the Las Vegas Strip, 1.5 miles from the Las Vegas Convention Center and two miles from airport.
咨询委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的报告中,曾对请求追加资源 来支付连带费用的方式感到关切,特别是注意到报告中列出的一些需求并 不直接涉及到基本建设总计划,而是涉及到持续进行中的基建改造,因此 虽然不抹杀这 些请求本身的相对合理性,但不能将这些资源视为连带费 用(A/63/736,第 34 段)。
In its report on the capital master plan, the Advisory Committee expressed its concern about the way in which the request for additional resources to meet the associated costs has been presented, noting in particular, that a number of the requirements listed in the report did not relate directly to the capital master plan but rather to ongoing capital improvements, which, without prejudice to the relative merits of the requests themselves, should not be considered as associated costs (A/63/736, para. 34).
我說 ― 讓我更坦白㆞說 ― 我認為本局,以至大抵全港市民,尤其 是那些必須為香港和國際傳媒報導我們的努力的㆟士,對於過去數星期我被迫採取那種 轉抹角的說話方式,已非常煩厭;我那樣做㆒方面是避免提及限期或其他日期,而另 ㆒方面是盡力給㆟㆒個清楚的印象,就是我們不能㆒直這樣拖延㆘去。
I said — let me be a little more honest — I think that this Council, the whole community, and if I may say so, particularly those who have to cover our endeavours for the media both in Hong Kong and internationally, have got heartily fed up with the circumlocutions that I have been obliged to use for the last few weeks in order to avoid either mentioning deadlines or mentioning other dates while at the same time giving as clear an impression as I could that we could not hang about forever.
阿塞拜疆共和国政府强烈抗议亚美尼亚方面的挑衅行为和言论,认为侵略者 的无礼行为显然表明,其罪行仍然没有受到惩罚,并认为亚美尼亚领导人发表放 肆言论只有一个目的,即给当前的冲突解决进 抹 黑 ,误导国际社会,并转移本 国公众对该国日益严重的内部问题的注意力。
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly protests against provocative actions and statements of the Armenian side, finds the aggressor’s insolent behaviour as obvious manifestation of impunity for its crimes and considers the defiant rhetoric of the Armenian leadership as having the sole purpose of discrediting the ongoing conflict settlement process, misleading the international community and drawing its own public’s attention away from the country’s aggravating internal problems.




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