

单词 拍马者

See also:

take (a photo)
beat (music)
racket (sports)
shoot (a film)

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年 2 月,专家组在科特迪瓦北马恩拍摄 到 新生力量部队手中的一支 黑克勒和科赫(美国)产 [...]
P7 M13 手枪(见下图)。
In February
[...] 2010, the Group photographed a Heckler and [...]
Koch (USA)manufactured P7 M13 pistol (see image below) in the hands
of a Forces nouvelles unit in Man, northern Côte d’Ivoire.
数千示者上周在危马拉市 游行,以纪念联合国“国际消除对妇女的暴力日”——可是,该地区有98%针对妇女的犯罪并未受到惩罚。
Last week, thousands of protesters marched through Guatemala City to mark [...]
the United Nations’ International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women, where 98 per cent of crimes against women go unpunished.
此外,参与协助他们的运动并为他们提供武器的 马 里 调 解 者 为 此 目的而长 期受雇于厄立特里亚和奥阵,已知为青年党提供了武器和其他支持。
Moreover, the Somali facilitators engaged to [...]
assist their movement and provide them with weapons have long been employed
by Eritrea and ONLF for this purpose, and are known to provide weapons and other support to Al-Shabaab.
Scorch is then tranquilized and captured by General Shanker Saunderson, the malevolent general of the US Army, and is taken to “Area 51″ where aliens from other planets are held.
马达加斯加在DVD被发布在11月15,2005,随 拍 摄 的 短片 马 达 加 斯加企鹅在圣诞节雀跃。
Madagascar was released on DVD on November 15, 2005, along with the short film, The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper.
训研 所业务卫星应用方案还参与了若干研究项目,以加强技术发展并使用户进一步
[...] 采用相关解决方案,诸如欧盟委员会资助的全球环境和安全监测“地球图片” 项目,并特别注重专家或志者(多 方联动 拍 摄 的 具有地理标记的地面照 片。
UNITAR/UNOSAT is involved in several research projects to enhance technological development and the user uptake of solutions, such as the European Commission-funded
GMES GEO-PICTURES project, with a strong focus on
[...] geo-tagged ground photos taken by experts or volunteers (crowdsourcing).
根据该奖捐者马登吉特·辛格先生的要求,总干事建议修改该奖条 例第 3 条(决定 146 EX/5.4.3),把奖金数额从 40,000 美元增至 100,000 美 元。
Further to a request from the donor of the prize, Mr Madanjeet Singh, the Director-General proposes to amend Article 3 of the rules governing the prize (146 EX/Decision 5.4.3) by increasing the amount of the prize from $40,000 to $100,000.
此外,修订还扩大了大众集会期间执法人员 的实权,包括可进行录音和录拍摄 , 限制参 者 的 出 入,和对参与者进行全身 搜查。
Furthermore, the amendments broaden the powers of law enforcement officials during public gatherings, including the possibility of making audio and video recordings, limiting access of participants and conducting full-body searches of participants.
对于 《指南》是否只应建议仅使用价格决标标准的电子逆 拍 卖 问 题,与 者 尚未达成共识,工作组商定下一届会议继续审议这一问题(A/CN.9/623,第 66 段)。
No consensus was reached on whether the Guide should exclusively recommend the use of ERAs with price-only award criterion, and the Working Group agreed to continue considering the issue at its next session (A/CN.9/623, para. 66).
欧洲最顶尖、规模最大的运马匹拍 卖会
[...] leading and largest auctioneers of sport horses
你們這些局長 ⎯⎯ 好像是陳家強 ⎯⎯ 拿着G-2000的袋子在大埔一 間很有名的商場中讓數名者拍照,我當天亦在大埔與四里的街坊會 面,瞭解小販被小販管理隊趕絕的問題。
You, Directors of Bureaux ― it seemed to be Prof K C CHAN ― carried G-2000's shopping bags and let some reporters take photos at a well-known shopping arcade in Tai Po; while on the same day, I met the residents of Four Lanes in Tai Po to look into the problems faced by hawkers who have been driven out of business by Hawker Control Teams.
考虑采取更坚决的行动,防备和惩罚由种族主义激发的、针对下列人 员的暴力行为的肇者 : 罗马/辛 提人、穆斯林、 犹太人以及外裔 德 国人和寻求庇者 (马 来 西 亚); 继续努力消除德国社会中的种族主 义,特别是针对罗马/辛提人和穆斯林的种族主义(卡塔尔); 15.
Consider taking more resolute action to
[...] prevent and punish perpetrators of racially motivated acts of violence against members of the Roma/Sinti, Muslim, Jewish communities, as well as German nationals of foreign origin and asylumseekers (Malaysia); continue [...]
with efforts in order
to counter racism within the German society in particular racism against Roma/Sinti and Muslims (Qatar)
欲了解雇主情况,请联系我们,注册您的简历 者马 上 开 始搜索市场营销工作岗位。
Find out who’s recruiting - contact us to register your CV or start your marketing job search today.
总干事的代表介绍了文件 164 EX/17,并通报了奖金捐者马登吉特·辛格先生提出的 将 2002 年的奖金数额从 40,000 美元增至 100,000 美元的建议。
The representative of the Director-General introduced document 164 EX/17 and reported on the proposal of the donor of the prize, Mr Madanjeet Singh, to increase the prize money as of 2002 from $40,000 to $100,000.
关于中东问题,我国代表团赞同芬兰前总统、 诺贝尔和平奖获者马尔蒂 ·阿赫蒂萨里先生说的 话,他说,“所有冲突都可以得到解决,没有任何理 由要让冲突变成永久性的”。
On the question of the Middle East, my delegation associates itself with the statement of Finland’s former President, Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, when he said “All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to become eternal”.
它们不像旧金山者马尼拉 的唐人街,这里没有光彩的照明,没有天窗,也没有灯笼和布景。
All of them lack colorful lighting, the skylights, the lanterns and the ambience that is seen in other Chinatowns such as that of San Francisco or Manila.
各国官方摄影记者和电视摄制组人员可轮流进入大会堂内四周的 者拍 摄间 (press booth),报道各自国家元首或政府首脑或代表团团长的发言。
Official photographers and television crews will have an opportunity to cover the statement of their Head of State or Government or head of delegation on a rotating basis from the press booths surrounding the General Assembly Hall.
凭借此拍价纪录,马克·罗 斯科将美国抽象表现主义作品的身价提 高到与最优秀的欧洲印象派与现代艺术品相持平的超高价位。
With this peak, Rothko took American Abstract Expressionism to the same top price levels as the best European Impressionist and Modern art.
位于7层的顶楼天花板部分坍塌,在 者拍 摄 的 现场录像被发布到网上,向世界其它地区传递这种瞬间出现的极度慌乱。
The top 7th floor ceiling partially collapsed and a video recording ofthat scene taken by a user was released on the Internet, transmitting the intense sense of confusion to the rest of the world in the blink of an eye.
每月新闻: 31/10/2011 拉菲在葡萄酒销售中辜负众望,高品质二级品被抢购 • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 28/10/2011 香槟的丰收“具有挑战性但却令人兴奋” • 27/10/2011 Dom Joly与CIVB协作推进波尔多葡萄酒 销售 • 26/10/2011 DRC有可能成为“中国新的拉菲” • 26/10/2011 针对下月拍卖,拉菲——罗斯柴尔德垂直品鉴 • 25/10/2011 Liv-ex高端葡萄酒公司展示了增长征象 • 24/10/2011 2011年份波尔多葡萄酒有可能成为“意想不到的年份” • 21/10/2011 经济市场波动“未影响葡萄 拍 卖” • 20/10/2011 白马庄以拍卖会 名次为荣 • 19/10/2011 Oddbins葡萄酒公司正在准备它的新征程 • 18/10/2011 德国葡萄酒制造商期望2011年份葡萄酒带来更大产量 • 17/10/2011 高端葡萄酒市场多样化?
The month’s news: 31/10 Super seconds snapped up as Lafite disappoints in wine sale • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 28/10 Champagne harvest was 'challenging but exciting' • 27/10 Dom Joly and CIVB team up to promote Bordeaux • 26/10 DRC may be 'the new Lafite in China' • 26/10 Lafite-Rothschild verticals up for auction next month • 25/10 Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 shows some signs of growth • 24/10 Bordeaux 2011 could be an 'exceptional vintage' • 21/10 Financial market volatility 'not affecting wine auctions' • 20/10 Cheval Blanc takes pride of place at auction • 19/10 Oddbins wine merchant prepares its re-launch • 18/10 German winemakers expect greater yields for 2011 • 17/10 Is the fine wine market diversifying?
建議在閃光燈模式設定為[‡]、[‰]或 [Œ ] 或 者 [拍 攝 ]模式功能表上的 [消除紅眼 ]設定為[OFF] 的情況下進行拍攝。
It is recommend to take picture with Flash Mode set to [‡], [‰] or [Œ], or [RED-EYE REMOVAL] on the [REC] Mode menu set to [OFF].
公民者” 拍摄下 了军队和安全部队侵犯人权的行为并张贴到互联网上。
Citizen journalists” have filmed human rights [...]
violations by the military and security forces and posted them on the Internet.
10 月 17 日新闻部在总部协调发 起行动起来和多哈消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标行动的运动,以及 2008 年 10 月 24
[...] 日在中国常驻代表团赞助下举办了联合国日年度音乐会,和平 使 者马 友 友 及其 丝绸之路项目全体演员参加了演出。
The Department coordinated the Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals campaign at Headquarters on 17 October and the annual United Nations Day Concert on 24 October 2008, sponsored
by the Permanent Mission of China, with a performance by Messenger
[...] of Peace Yo Yo Ma and his Silk Road [...]
Project Ensemble.
联合国网站整合了新闻 部的若干产品,包括照片、文字和视频,为每一位参加辩论的人员建立单独的网 页,其中载有联合国摄影师为发 者拍 摄 的 照片、联合国电视台和联合国网络广 播股制作的视频文档、以新闻稿形式印发的发言摘要以及通过专设扫描上载网络 的发言全文。
The United Nations website consolidated a number of the Department’s outputs, including photos, text and video, and created
a separate page for
[...] each of the participants in the debate, featuring a photo of the speaker taken by Department photographers, a video file produced by the United [...]
Nations Television
and webcasting operations, a summary of the speech issued as a press release, and the full text of the statement posted online by a specially set up scanning operation.
第一场专题讨论有以下人士发言:世界银行《2013 年世界发展报告:就业》 负责人、主要者马丁·拉马;贸发会议全球化和发展战略司司长海涅·弗莱斯 贝克;联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部主管经济发展助理秘书长乔莫·夸梅·孙 达拉姆;世贸组织发展司司长施谢尔·普利雅达士;联合国秘书处经济和社会事 务部发展政策和分析司司长罗伯特·沃斯。
World Bank; Heiner Flassbeck, Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD; Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat; Shishir Priyadarshi, Director, Development Division, WTO; and Robert Vos, Director, Development Policy and Analysis Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
最后我希望可以完成50个城市的拍摄,按现在的工作量预估,大概会拍摄1000张肖像照片,也就是为至少一千组 拍 摄 者拍 摄 他 们希望拍的各种形式的肖像。
Based on the current workload, I estimate the number of the portraits to reach 1000, i.e. I’ll take photos for at least 1000 groups of people in the ways they prefer.




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