单词 | 拍发 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拍发 verb —send v拍发 —cable (a telegram)See also:拍—pat • clap • take (a photo) • beat (music) • swat • racket (sports) • shoot (a film)
注册艾德网站可进行在线实时竞拍、设置最高价 竞 拍 、 发 送 拍 品 查 询或追踪感兴趣的拍品。 artcurial.com | Register to Bid Live, to place bids online, send lot enquiries or track items of specific interest. artcurial.com |
高性能的技术,惠普和节拍开发德瑞 博士™,节拍音乐让听众听到音乐的方式,艺术家有意这样做 – 就像在录音室的声音。 technologeeko.com | A high-performance technology developed by HP and Beats by Dr. Dre™, Beats Audio allows listeners to hear music the way the artist intended it – just as it sounds in the studio. technologeeko.com |
探险者系列是另一款特别应用的脚架-一个对于探索新 的 拍 摄 角 度的 新 发 现。 gitzo.cn | The Explorer is another of our tripods for special applications - a versatile [...] support to explore new shooting perspectives. gitzo.us |
5 图 21:航拍时从海面上发生的 光线反射有时会成为 问题;紫外线 (UV) 和偏振滤光镜可能有助于提升油 类的视觉清晰度。 itopf.com | 5 Figure 21: Light reflection off the sea can sometimes be a problem when taking aerial photographs; UV and polarising filters may help to sharpen the visual definition of oil. itopf.com |
拍卖结束了,你发现, 由于某些原因,需要出售部分股份,或购买其他。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The auction is over and you found out [...] that for some reason, needs to sell some actions or buy new ones. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
受到创造性的舞台技术以及 Melies 影片多种拍摄角度的激发,Porter 开始利用已经拍摄所 得的素材进行故事讲述。 motion.kodak.com | Inspired by the innovative use of theatrical staging techniques [...] and varied camera angles he observed in [...] Melies’ films, Porter set out to tell a story using footage he had already shot. motion.kodak.com |
除了各拍卖公司使出浑身解数开拓市场、赢得市场话语权及努力推动中国 艺术品拍卖行业的发展,中国拍卖行业协会自2011年9月份启动了“第一届中 国文物艺术品拍卖标准化达标企业评定”,立足拍卖业首个行业标准《文物 艺 术 品 拍 卖 规 程 》( SB/T 10538-2009)的宣贯实施,根据116项严格的评选标 准,对拍卖行业的经营管理、库房设施等现场调查和全面分析,最终在74家参 [...] [...] 评的文物艺术品拍卖企业中,评选出44家达标企业。 imgpublic.artprice.com | In addition to auction houses pulling out all the stops to expand the market, win market authority and promote the development of China’s art auction market, in September [...] 2011, the China [...]Auctioneers Association published its first “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works market standardisation assessment” based on the publicised implementation of the auction market norm “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works” (SB / T 10538-2009). imgpublic.artprice.com |
此后,该公司一直在一间小巧精致的手表作坊里保持和维护自己的声誉,直到世纪之交,一位来自伦敦的手表爱好者和珠宝商 在 拍 卖 行偶 然 发 现 了 一个 Milleret 于 1883 年制造的产品,立刻为其精美所折服。 hk.ashford.com | The company kept and nurtured its reputation as a small boutique watch house, until the turn of the century when a watch lover and jeweler [...] from London came upon a Milleret creation [...] stamped 1883 at an auction house and was immediately [...]consumed with its beauty. ashford.com |
这一系列是妇发基金委托制作的,在博茨瓦纳、柬埔寨、哥伦比亚、海地和利比 里亚拍摄,于 2010 年 9 月发行给广播机构,以配合在纽约联合国总部举行的千 年发展目标高级别全体会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Commissioned by UNIFEM, the series was filmed in Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Haiti and Liberia, and released to broadcasters in September 2010 to coincide with the Highlevel Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals at United Nations Headquarters in New York. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您使用曼富图的LED灯拍摄照 片,就 会 发 现 在 夜间和室 内 拍 摄 人 像时,再也不会拍出如吸血鬼般红色眼睛的照片,这是因为LED提供的光源是持续性的,在您按下快门前,眼睛已经适应了LED的光源。 manfrotto.cn | If you use your Manfrotto LED for photos, you'll also notice that you don't [...] get vampire red-eyes in your night-time and [...]indoor portraits; that's because LED light is continuous, allowing eyes to adjust properly to the light before you take your photo. manfrotto.us |
这包括使用手机进行通话、发短信 、玩游戏 、 拍 照/ 拍 视 频或使用手机上的任何其他功能。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | This includes talking, sending text [...] messages, playing games, taking photos/video or using any other [...]function on your phone. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
中拍协和AMMA联合发布的 《2012中国文物艺术 品 拍 卖 业 标准化 状况报告》显示,2011年文物艺术品成交额TOP榜 单 中 ,朵 云 轩 位 居 第 七 ,而 在文物艺术品拍卖营业税创税额TOP榜中位居第五。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The “2012 status report on [...] Chinese antique art auction market standardisation” jointly published by the CAA (China Association of Auctioneers) and AMMA shows [...]that in the 2011 listing [...]of Top Art sales, DuoYunXuan ranked seventh, and fifth in the antique art auction records of the highest business taxes filed. imgpublic.artprice.com |
(4) 自发出拍卖登 记邀请书至举行拍卖,应当留出足够时间使供应商或承包商 [...] 能够为拍卖做准备,同时照顾到采购实体的合理需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | (4) The period of time between the issuance of the invitation to [...] register for the auction and the auction [...]shall be sufficiently long to allow suppliers [...]or contractors to prepare for the auction, taking into account the reasonable needs of the procuring entity. daccess-ods.un.org |
会上讨论的一大挑战是在反恐公讼中使用特别调查技术(比如,拦截、电子 监测、秘密计算机搜索、观察、尾随 、 拍 摄 、 处理 告 发 者 和 密探等),以及在刑 事诉讼中使用情报和提供适当保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | One major challenge discussed in the meeting was the use, in counterterrorism proceedings, of special investigative techniques (e.g. interception, electronic surveillance, covert computer searches, observation, tailing, filming, handling of informers and undercover agents, etc.) and the use of intelligence material in criminal proceedings and the appropriate safeguards. daccess-ods.un.org |
Sarah和Chris在去年11月拍摄了广告,最近在Seattl的两个橱窗展示中偶 然 发 现 他 们 拍 摄 的 其中一幅照片就在其中。 ba-repsasia.com | Sarah and Chris shot the campaigns last November and recently stumbled upon a two large window display in Seattle wrapped with one of the photos they captured. ba-repsasia.com |
请注意,当相机确定不需通过连拍构建图像也能够补偿对 比度的差异时,将不会发生连拍。 us.leica-camera.com | Note that an exposure series will not take place if the camera determines that it can compensate for the difference in contrast in a single exposure. us.leica-camera.com |
用伪装的肩包遮掩一个私密的空间,可以置入一台小型的高清摄影机,单向视野的侧片可以让您连 续 拍 摄 而不 被 发 现。 kata-bags.cn | Under the guise of a straightforward shoulder bag hides a secret compartment which will house a small HDV camcorder while the ''one way view'' side panel will allow you to get footage without being detected. kata-bags.com |
当整个城市都为香港国际艺术展和法国五月而整装 待 发 , JO YCE也 夥 拍 法 国 艺术家Charles Munka,诚邀他为中环JOYCE旗舰店创造及展示独特的艺术作品。 joyce.com | As the city gears up for Art HK and Le French May, JOYCE joins forces with French artist, Charles Munka to create a special installation at its flagship store in Central. joyce.com |
(i) 拟订和表示出价所使用的一种或几种货币 [,除非在国内采购中采购实 体决定无需指明币种];2 (j) 关于参加采购程序邀请书是否可以作为拍卖登记邀请书或是否另外印 发拍卖登记邀请书的说明 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) The currency or currencies in which the bid price is to be formulated and expressed [unless in a domestic procurement the procuring entity decides that an indication of the currency is not necessary];2 (j) A statement as to whether the invitation to participate in the procurement proceedings serves as [...] an invitation to register for [...] the auction, or whether an additional invitation to register for the auction will be issued daccess-ods.un.org |
网页“推介”功能允许您向投标人发 送 您正 在 拍 卖 的 其他商品的页面,或包含您正在提供商品的附加信息的页面。 providesupport.cn | A web page "push" feature [...] allows you to send bidders to pages containing other items you're auctioning or pages containing [...]additional information [...]about the items you are offering. providesupport.com |
在大部分的电影项目中,制片总部会特别关注每日的摄影机报告,这是因为所有拍摄的胶 片/镜头记录都在其中,可以由此发现 拍 摄 是 否按照预算进行,并且了解有多少胶片/镜头 成为“废品”。 motion.kodak.com | This is because the shot footage must be logged to see if the production is on budget in this area and to see how much footage is being entered in the “waste” column. motion.kodak.com |
1981年,Renée被知名时尚杂志编辑发掘 , 说服 她 拍 摄 了 一些照片。 clarinsusa.com | In 1981, Renée caught the attention of a famous fashion editor, who convinced her to do some photos. clarinsusa.com |
水井和大院驻防人口处座标见以下图 片,该图片是在所控事件发生前拍摄 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The coordinates provided for the wells and the manned entry point to the compound are illustrated in the following photograph, taken prior to the alleged incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种照片 已有提供,因为新闻部为所有发言者 拍 正 式 照片,可 向联合国图片库索取。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such photographs are already available because official photographs of all speakers are taken by the Department of Public Information and can be obtained from the Photo Library of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国网站整合了新闻 部的若干产品,包括照片、文字和视频,为每一位参加辩论的人员建立单独的网 页,其中载有联合国摄影师为发言者 拍 摄 的 照片、联合国电视台和联合国网络广 播股制作的视频文档、以新闻稿形式印发的发言摘要以及通过专设扫描上载网络 的发言全文。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations website consolidated a number of the Department’s outputs, including photos, text and video, and created a separate page for each of the participants in the debate, featuring a photo of the speaker taken by Department photographers, a video file produced by the United Nations Television and webcasting operations, a summary of the speech issued as a press release, and the full text of the statement posted online by a specially set up scanning operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过这样的发放,整个拍摄过 程有序进行,宝贵时间没有浪费在调光上。 ba-repsasia.com | In this way, production flowed smoothly and no precious time was wasted spent fiddling with lights. ba-repsasia.com |
考虑到理光产品的开发概念如抓拍图 像(趁人不备快速抓拍的图像),我们确实希望满足用户的这种需求,但由于当时不能确定顾客对这类相机的接受程度如何,我们未敢冒险尝试。 ricoh.com | Considering our Ricoh product development concept of the Candid Photo (An image quickly captured in that instant when the heart stirs), we really wanted to respond to that user need, but we did not move forward at the time because we were not sure how widely accepted such a camera would be. ricoh.com |
同一消息来源还告诉委员会,12 月 27 日在利亚卡特公园布托 [...] 女士集会现场的三军情报局特工是首先得到布托女士车辆的人,他们在袭 击 发生 后对车辆拍摄了 照片,并采取了其他行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The same source told the Commission that ISI agents covering Ms. Bhutto’s meeting in Liaquat [...] Bagh on 27 December were the first to secure her vehicle [...] and take photos of it after the attack there, among other [...]actions. daccess-ods.un.org |