

单词 拉莫斯





Razumovsky (name)
Prince Andrey Kirillovich Razumovsky (1752-1836), Russian diplomat

See also:

do not
there is none who
surname Mo

External sources (not reviewed)

我十分确信,我们所有人都注意到拉莫斯-塔总统向安全理事会发出的 2012 年访问其伟大国 家的邀请。
I am very sure that all of us have taken note of President Ramos-Horta’s invitation to the Security Council to visit his great country in 2012.
拉莫斯·拉少将发言,回答法国代表提 出的涉及改革的一个问题。
I give the floor to
[...] Major General Ramos Pereira to [...]
answer the question on reform put by the French representative.
拉莫斯-塔总统可以放心,我们在 现在和今后将为东帝汶提供双边和多边支持。
PresidentRamos-Horta can count on our bilateral and multilateral support for Timor-Leste in the present and in future.
我们高兴地 看拉莫斯-塔总统出席今天辩论,特别是考虑 到 2008 年 2 月 11 日发生的可怕事件。
It is a pleasure to hold today’s debate with President Ramos-Horta present, especially when recalling the terrible events of 11 February 2008.
最后,我愿拉莫斯尔塔总统和东帝汶人民 放心,欧洲联盟将坚定致力于帮助他们的国家在实现 稳定和重建以及应对仍然存在的挑战方面取得更多 积极成果。
In conclusion, I would like to reassure President Ramos-Horta and the Timorese people of the European Union’s unwavering commitment to assisting their country in achieving further positive results in their country’s stabilization and reconstruction and in addressing remaining challenges.
本报告所述期间,还在以下各方面取得了进展:东帝汶国家警察(国家警察) 恢复履行维持治安主要职责的地区增加了 4 个、若·拉莫斯-塔总统颁布 了旨在加强安全部门的重要的国家安全一揽子立法、制定了东帝汶司法部门战略 计划,其中纳入 2009 年 10 月司法部门需求独立全面评估中提出的多数建议,以 及继续建立重要的国家机构。
The reporting period also saw further progress in the resumption of primary policing responsibilities by the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste in four more districts; the promulgation by President JoséRamos-Horta of an important national security legislative package aimed at strengthening the security sector; the development of the Justice Sector Strategic Plan for Timor-Leste, which incorporates most of the recommendations of the October 2009 independent comprehensive needs assessment of the justice sector; and the continued development of critical State institutions.
我们特别赞拉莫斯·塔总 统个人的努力,在不确定和面临巨大挑战的时期领导 他的国家。
We particularly applaud the personal efforts of President Ramos-Horta in leading his nation throughout a period of uncertainty and enormous challenges.
我还要回顾,2006 年 5 月,在不宽容压倒建设性 对话的形势下,当时的东帝汶外拉莫斯·塔来 到安理会,请求它向我国人民提供所需要的支持,使 我们能够找到合适的解决办法。
I must also recall that in May 2006 then Minister for Foreign Affairs of Timor-Leste Ramos-Horta came before the Council to plead for the support that our people needed, at a time when intolerance trumped constructive dialogue, so that we might find proper solutions.
我国代表团高兴地欢迎若·拉莫斯-塔总 统,并祝贺该国在建设民主制度方面取得长足进展, 并在 2008 年 2 拉莫斯-塔总统和古斯芒总理遇 袭后确保国家安全和体制能力。
My delegation is pleased to welcome President JoséRamos-Horta and to congratulate him on the important strides made in his country towards building a democratic system, and on having ensured security and institutional capacity following the February 2008 attacks against him and Prime Minister Gusmão.
我们也就该国参加联合国 的一个维和行动,拉莫斯-塔总统表示祝贺, 这使东帝汶从联合国维持和平援助的受益国成为对 维和行动作出贡献的国家。
We also congratulate PresidentRamos-Horta on his country’s participation in a United Nations peacekeeping operation, which promotes Timor-Leste from the rank of beneficiary of United Nations peacekeeping assistance to that of contributor to peacekeeping.
们根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条的规定,邀请联
[...] 合国苏丹特派团部队指挥官奥比少将、联合国海地稳 定特派团部队指挥拉莫斯·拉少将参加本次会 议,谈谈这些问题,因为我们可以使会议内容稍微多 [...]
Following a hint by Alain Le Roy, I would suggest that, in accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, we invite Major General Obi, Force Commander of
the United Nations Mission in the Sudan,
[...] and Major General Ramos Pereira, Force [...]
Commander of the United Nations Stabilization
Mission in Haiti, to participate in this meeting and to address those questions because we can diversify a little and give them an opportunity to respond on the reform issue.
Allow me also, above all, to welcome the presence among us of President Ramos-Horta in difficult family circumstances.
10 月 6 日拉莫斯-塔总统在帝力主持仪式,将 2011 年 9 月 11 日辞职 的东帝汶武装部队(东帝汶国防军)离任指挥官陶尔·马坦·鲁阿克的职权移交给 继任人莱雷·阿南·帖木儿少将。
On 6 October, President Ramos-Horta hosted a ceremony in Dili to mark the handover of functions from the outgoing Commander of the Timorese armed forces (Falintil-Forças Armadas de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL)), Taur Matan Ruak, who resigned on 1 September 2011, to his successor, Major-General Lere Anan Timur.
在2010年3月11 日的第18 次会议上,东帝汶总统若·拉莫斯·塔 在理事会作了发言。
At the 18th meeting, on 11 March 2010, the President of Timor-Leste, JoséRamosHorta, delivered a statement to the Council.
关于司法部门改革和需要进行一次独立的全面 的需求评估,以及理所当然,加强司法部门,提高问 责制,杜绝任何有罪不罚印象方面,我谨报告,最近, 即 1 月 29 日,在若·拉莫斯-塔先生阁下主持 下召开了一次高级别协调委员会会议,并作出迅速展 开一次独立的全面需求评估的决定。
On the reform of the justice sector, and on the need for an independent comprehensive needs assessment — and, of course, on strengthening the justice sector to provide greater accountability and to combat any perception of impunity — I would like to report that at the last meeting of the Committee on High-level Coordination, chaired by His Excellency Mr. José Ramos-Horta on 29 January, a decision was taken to quickly conduct an independent comprehensive needs assessment.
我们记得拉莫斯·塔总统去年 对古巴进行了成功访问,特别是他于 2008 年 9 月 25 日在联合国大会辩论上发表了讲话(见 A/63/PV.10), 当时他勇敢并坚决地要求解除 50 多年来对古巴实施 的不人道和犯罪性的经济、商业和财政封锁。
We remember the successful visit to Cuba by President Ramos-Horta last year and in particular his statement during the General Assembly debate on 25 September 2008 (see A/63/PV.10), when he courageously and firmly requested the lifting of the inhumane and criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade which has been imposed on Cuba for over 50 years.
共同主席(图里基先生)(以阿拉伯语发言):大会 现在将听取东帝汶民主共和国总统若·拉莫斯-塔先生阁下的讲话。
spoke in Arabic): The Assembly will now hear an address by His Excellency Mr. José Ramos-Horta, President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
东帝汶总统若·拉莫斯-塔在其 2010 年 12 月 31 日的讲话 中强调加强民族团结和对话的重要性,把自 2006 年以来取得的显着进展归功于 除其他外,总统办公室、政府、包括东帝汶独立革命阵线(革阵)领导人在内的政 党领袖、安全部队、民间社会、天主教会、双边及多边合作伙伴、联合国以及国 际安全部队的共同努力。
In his address on 31 December 2010, the President of Timor-Leste, JoséRamos-Horta, emphasized the importance of fostering national unity and dialogue and credited the visible progress made since 2006 to the combined efforts of his Office, the Government, party leaders, including leaders of the Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), the security forces, civil society, the Catholic Church, bilateral and multilateral partners, the United Nations and the international security forces, among others.
在此方面,应该赞拉莫斯-塔总统的倡议以及天主 教教会的支持,他们对政治对话与和解作出了宝贵贡献。
In this regard, PresidentRamos-Horta’s initiatives, as well as the support of the Catholic Church, should be commended for their valuable contribution to political dialogue and reconciliation.
我们希望,这种相对稳定的环境将被用于加强 协商机制,进一步促进全国对话与和解,以此配拉 莫斯-塔总统和该国政府在联合国东帝汶综合特 派团(联东综合团)和联合国机构帮助下已为此作出 的努力。
We hope that the environment of relative stability will be utilized to strengthen mechanisms for consultation and to further promote national dialogue and reconciliation, in line with the efforts already made to that end by President Ramos-Horta and the Government with the help of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and United Nations agencies.
我们还感拉莫斯-塔总 统发出的很有诱惑力的邀请。
We are also grateful to President Ramos-Horta for his very tempting invitation.
我们深受鼓舞地看到过去一年来所取得的进展, 特别是鉴于在 2006 年发生了流血冲突而且去年又发 生了企图谋拉莫斯·塔总统和古斯芒总理的事 件。
We are very heartened to see the progress that has been made over the past year, in particular in the wake of the bloodshed of 2006 and last year’s attempts on the lives of both President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Gusmão.
以 下成员出席会议:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基、约瑟夫·阿卡克波-萨奇维、迈沙 勒·曼苏尔、阿卜杜勒-马利克·布赫杜、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱、戈登·埃 克斯雷、贝尔纳多·格雷贝尔、路易斯·马里亚诺·埃莫西利洛·索萨、伊霍尔·胡 梅尼、安德烈·科瓦连科、理查德·穆恩、朴海延、爱德华·拉莫斯科·罗 舍尔、莉萨·斯普拉特、角茂树、考特尼·威廉斯和吴钢。
The following members were present: Andrzej T. Abraszewski, Joseph Acakpo-Satchivi, Meshal Al-Mansour, Abdelmalek Bouheddou, Elmi Ahmed Dualeh, Gordon Eckersley, Bernardo Greiver, Luis M. Hermosillo Sosa, Ihor V. Humenny, Andrei V. Kovalenko, Richard Moon, Hae-yun Park, EduardoRamos,Gönke Roscher, Lisa P. Spratt, Shigeki Sumi, Courtney Williams and Wu Gang.
在 9 月 20 日至 22 日举行的联合 国千年发展目标首脑会议上拉莫斯-塔总统提出了第三份关于实现千年发 展目标进展情况的全面报告。
At the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, held from 20 to 22 September in New York, President Ramos-Horta presented the third comprehensive report of Timor-Leste on progress towards meeting the Goals.
自 2006 年成立联东综合团以来拉 莫斯-塔总统、若泽·路易斯·古特雷斯副总理 以及阿图尔·哈雷先生和阿米拉赫·哈吉女士都向安 全理事会报告过在东帝汶取得的进展。
Since UNMIT’s establishment, in 2006, both President Ramos-Horta and Vice-Prime Minister José Luís Guterres, as well as Mr. Atul Khare and Ms. Ameerah Haq, have reported to the Security Council on the progress achieved in Timor-Leste.
[...] 莫西利洛·索萨、理查德·穆恩、爱德华·拉莫斯钢致谢,感谢他们在委 员会勤奋工作、服务多年。
The Committee welcomed the new members and thanked the five outgoing members: Abdelmalek
Bouheddou, Luis M. Hermosillo Sosa,
[...] Richard Moon, Eduardo Ramos andWu Gang for [...]
their hard work and years of service in the Committee.
尽管总统若泽·拉莫斯-塔和我的特别代表做了宣传工作,但结果表明,妇女在乡一级的代 表人数只是略有增加,当选为乡长的妇女人数稍有增加,从 7 人增至 11 人。
The results saw only marginal gains in women’s representation at the village (suco) level despite the advocacy efforts of President José Ramos-Horta and my Special Representative, with the number of women elected as village chiefs increasing slightly from 7 to 11.
7 月 26 日, 在总拉莫斯-塔和包考主教共同主持下进行了国家领导人对话的后续活动 (见 S/2011/641,第 11 段),并计划在选举前再举行一次会议。
As a follow-up to the dialogue among national leaders co-hosted by President Ramos-Horta and by the Bishop of Baucau on 26 July (see S/2011/641, para. 11), another meeting is planned to be held prior to the elections.




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