

单词 拉皮



Merapi (volcano on Java)

给...拉皮条 v

procure v


fig. borrow sb's prestige
lit. wave a banner as if it were a tiger skin [idiom.]
take the name of a great cause as a shield

See also:

surname Pi
pico- (one trillionth)

External sources (not reviewed)

在审计的两个星期内,雅加达遭受洪水围困和 拉皮 火 山 喷发,海啸又导致明打威群 岛发生地震,因此,审计工作是在在特殊条件下完成的。
The audit was carried out under difficult conditions, owing
to flooding blocking Jakarta, the eruption
[...] of the volcano Merapi and an earthquake [...]
followed by a tsunami hitting the Mantawai
islands, all of which occurred during the two weeks of the audit.
Cosmetic surgery, such as face-lifts, tummy tucks or liposuction
拉皮耶夫 人(法国)(以法语发言):我要首先 感谢国际刑事法庭庭长和检察官介绍半年期报告。
(France) ( spoke in French ): I would like to begin by thanking the Presidents and Prosecutors of the International Criminal Tribunals for their biannual reports.
拉皮耶·迪 埃朗女士(法国)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我感谢你组织召开本次公开辩论会,讨论 在维持国际和平与安全中加强法治的问题。
(France) ( spoke in French ): I thank you, Sir, for having organized this open debate on strengthening the rule of law in the maintenance of international peace and security.
菲利浦·尼柯 克&劳拉·皮特森 ,《加速反腐进程》,引用如前。
Phillip van Niekerk and Laura Peterson, “Greasing the Skids of Corruption”, op. cit.
2009 年 11 月 19 日大会第 48 次全体会议根据第五委员会的建议,7 任命下列 人士为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起任期三年:亚斯明 卡·迪尼奇女士、科伦·凯拉皮尔先 生、斯塔福德·尼尔先生、默罕迈德·穆斯塔 法·塔尔先生和农耶·乌多女士。
At its 48th plenary meeting, on 19 November 2009, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Fifth Committee,7 appointed the following persons as members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2010: Ms. Jasminka Dinić, Mr. Collen V. Kelapile, Mr. Stafford O. Neil, Mr. Mohammad Mustafa Tal and Ms. Nonye Udo.
2010-2011 年发生了一系列自然灾害:海地地震(2010 年 1 月)破坏了海地社 会的文化结构和社会结构;巴基斯坦洪灾(2010 年 8 月)使世界遗址摩亨佐达 罗考古遗迹和塔塔城遭受影响;印尼爪哇岛 拉皮 火 山 的大喷发(2010 年 10 月)破坏了婆罗浮屠寺庙群和普兰巴南寺庙群。
The years 2010-2011 witnessed a series of natural disasters: the earthquake in Haiti (January 2010) destroying the cultural and social fabric of Haitian society; flooding in Pakistan (August 2010) affecting the Moenjodaro and Thatta World Heritage properties; and a major volcanic eruption of Mt.
清爽的凝膠質地,不僅蘊涵「中胚 拉皮 」 配 方和阿魏酸複合物,並富含特別針對眼部水腫和黑眼圈的獨特活性成分。
Immediately, the skin texture is refined, the skin mattified.
雷纳塔·阿尔基尼女士(意大利)、** 亚斯明卡·迪尼奇女士(克罗地亚)、***豪 尔赫·弗洛雷斯·卡列哈斯先生(洪都拉斯)、* 伊姆蒂亚兹·侯赛因先生(巴基 斯坦)、* 弗拉基米尔·约瑟福夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)、** 嘉治美佐子女士(日本)、*科 伦·凯拉皮尔先 生(博茨瓦纳)、*** 杰里·克雷默先生(加拿大)、* 彼得·马登 斯先生(比利时)、* 苏珊·麦克卢格女士(美利坚合众国)、** 斯塔福德·尼尔 先生(牙买加)、*** 纳格什·辛格先生(印度)、* 默罕迈德·穆斯塔法·塔尔先 生(约旦)、*** 亚历杭德罗·托雷斯·莱波里先生(阿根廷)** 和农耶·乌多女士(尼 日利亚)。
As a result, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions is composed as follows: Ms. Aїcha AFIFI (Morocco),** Ms. Renata ARCHINI (Italy),** Ms. Jasminka DINIĆ (Croatia),*** Mr. Jorge FLORESCALLEJAS (Honduras),* Mr. Imtiaz HUSSAIN (Pakistan),* Mr. Vladimir A. IOSIFOV (Russian Federation),** Ms. Misako KAJI (Japan),* Mr. Collen V. KELAPILE (Botswana),*** Mr. Jerry KRAMER (Canada),* Mr. Peter MADDENS (Belgium),* Ms. Susan M. MCLURG (United States of America),** Mr. Stafford O. NEIL (Jamaica),*** Mr. Nagesh SINGH (India),* Mr. Mohammad Mustafa TAL (Jordan),*** Mr. Alejandro TORRES LÉPORI (Argentina)** and Ms. Nonye UDO (Nigeria).
拉皮尔先生(行政和预算问题咨询委员会主席) 在介绍行预咨委会的相关报告(A/66/536)时说,行预 咨委会鼓励秘书长继续收集、分析和传播有关 2010 年实施了公共部门会计准则的实体面临的挑战、获得 的经验教训和实现的效益的资料,吸取这些经验以进 一步调整有待过渡到公共部门会计准则的各个组织 的执行计划和战略。
(Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions), introducing the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/66/536), said that the Advisory Committee had encouraged the SecretaryGeneral to continue to gather, analyse and disseminate information on challenges faced, lessons learned and benefits realized by those United Nations organizations that had implemented IPSAS in 2010, and to draw on those experiences to further refine the implementation plans and strategies of the organizations that had yet to transition to IPSAS.
拉皮尔先 生(行政和预算问题咨询委员会副主 席)介绍咨询委员会的有关报告(A/64/7/Add.11)说, 咨询委员会在其关于拟议方案预算的第一份报告 (A/64/7)中,建议核可所请求的用来增强中央支助事 务厅在协调和为海外工作地点和总部以外的办事处 提供设施管理支助方面的作用的资源。
(Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions), introducing the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/64/7/Add.11), said that, in its first report on the proposed programme budget (A/64/7), the Advisory Committee had recommended approval of the resources requested to enhance the role of the Office of Central Support Services in coordinating and providing facilities management support to overseas duty stations or offices away from Headquarters.
士兵们谁试图平息它被赶进了教堂,古老的寺庙 拉皮 斯 ,这是现在,它被烧毁了他们的头。
The soldiers who attempted to quell it were driven into the ancient temple of Serapis, which was now a church, and it was burnt over their heads.
在Nukuleka,考古学家曾经依靠放射性碳确定了与极具特色 拉皮 塔 人陶器息息相关的木制品的年代。
At Nukuleka in the past, archaeologists have relied on radiocarbon dates of wood associated with distinctive Lapita earthenware pottery: the red, stamped ceramics left behind by the first seafarers, who swept out of Southeast Asia and into Polynesia.
貝特朗Rascle,設計師和設計巴黎的經理,得到了超過二十多年的照明和視頻設計經驗​​,如Jane Birkin的,拉拉皮德斯,普羅旺斯地區艾克斯國際抒情藝術節,藝術表演也無數藝術家和機構,公共和私人的事件,在法國,迪拜,香港和世界各地。
Bertrand Rascle, designer and manager of Paris Design, has got more than twenty years of experience in lighting and video design, with artists and institutions such as Jane Birkin, Yara Lapidus, Aix en Provence International Lyric Art Festival, and also numerous artistic performances, public and private events, in France, Dubaï, Hong Kong and all over the world.
寬別十年的名作家Dave Barry終於再次執筆,寫了這部瘋狂的小說,今年他的新書發布讓今天冬天暖起來,故事講述一趟天馬行空的旅程,主人翁追追趕趕的前往佛羅里達州,途中奇妙地遇上了惡霸、一條白化蟒、海地難民 拉皮 條 的 人等等…但原來他只是去參加一場婚禮。
Dave Barry has not written a novel for adults on his own in a decade, but he’s back this year to warm up winter with a crazy trip to a destination wedding in Florida.
欧洲和独立国家联合体:亚美尼亚语、阿塞拜疆语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、法罗语、芬 兰语、格鲁吉亚语、德语、希腊语、格陵兰语、匈牙利语、冰岛语、意大利语、哈萨克语、 挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、萨 米 / 拉皮 斯 语 、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、瑞 典语、土耳其语、乌克兰语、乌兹别克语。
Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Finnish, Georgian, German, Greek, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kazakh, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Sami/Lapish, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukranian, Uzbek.
劳工组织专家委员会在提到《劳动法》第 469 条针对干扰结社自由权人员规 定的罚金(从 200 到 10 000 伦皮拉(19 伦皮拉等于 1 美元)不等)时称,洪都拉斯缺 少反对反工会歧视行为的适足保护,并提醒说洪都拉斯有责任确保施行批准的与 结社自由有关的国际劳动公约。
Referring to the penalties provided for in section 469 of the Labour Code for persons who interfered with the right to freedom of association (ranging from 200 to 10,000 lempiras (19 lempiras equals 1 US dollar)), the ILO Committee of Experts stated that Honduras lacked adequate protection against acts of anti-union discrimination, and recalled that Honduras was responsible for ensuring the application of ratified international labour conventions relating to freedom of association.
INFICON 与气体类型无关皮拉尼电 容式隔膜真空计在价格低体积小的规管中结合了专利 皮拉 尼 传感器技术和与气体类型无关的陶瓷电容隔膜技术。
INFICON gas-type-independent Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm combines patented dual Pirani sensors and gas-type-independent ceramic capacitance diaphragm technology in a money-saving, space-saving gauge.
全新的VSP 3000皮拉尼真空传感 器采用塑料和陶瓷材料,有非常优异的 耐化学腐蚀性和坚固性。
The new Pirani vacuum
[...] sensor VSP 3000 thanks to its structure of plastics and ceramics is characterized by [...]
an extraordinary chemical stability and robustness.
然而,预计涌入塞浦路斯和外国 学生可多达 2 000 人,这将使皮拉当前 人口增加一倍,从而加剧了人们对安全以 [...]
However, the projected influx of up to 2,000 Cypriot and
foreign students, which could double the current
[...] population of Pyla, has raised concerns [...]
with regard to security, and law and order.
皮拉村是 缓冲区的唯一混合村,联塞部队一直在为保持两族之间建立信 [...]
As Pyla is the only mixed [...]
village in the buffer zone, UNFICYP has long maintained efforts to build trust and confidence
between the two communities, including overseeing unique security arrangements.
也可用于观看视频和介绍,从行业专家的参与,罗萨里奥赫拉斯(CIEMAT)的 皮拉 尔 佩 雷达(COAM)的,雷切尔,桥(ETSAM架构UPM),路易斯·佩雷达(IPS,Eneres),何塞(ANERR),多明戈·冈萨雷斯(SAUNIER [...]
Also available for viewing videos and presentations
from industry experts who participated,
[...] Rosario Heras (CIEMAT), Pilar Pereda (COAM), [...]
Rachel Bridge (ETSAM architecture UPM),
Luis de Pereda (IPS, Eneres), José Carlos Greciano (ANERR), Luis Ruiz (Tesha), Domingo González (Saunier Duval) and the speakers who participated in a panel discussion on building automation in the management and efficient control of the buildings, Stefan Junestrand (Casadomo), Alfredo Villalba (CEDOM), Álvaro Mallol (KNX) and Ignacio Casillas (Master in home automation and digital home UPM).
皮拉行动 一样, DICE-2 行动也查明了管制机制的漏洞,明确了各 [...]
Similar to Operation Pila, Operation DICE-2 [...]
identified weaknesses in control mechanisms and the need for Governments to review control measures.
国家为这些移民提供帮助,设立了“洪都拉斯移民互助基金” ,18为此 每年划拨预算达 15 000 000 伦皮拉,而且每年还按照洪都拉斯中央银行确定的通 货膨胀率提高相应的预算额。
The State has assembled and allocated humanitarian resources for the migrant population in the Solidarity Fund for Honduran Migrants in Vulnerable Situations,18 which has an annual budget allocation of 15 million lempiras, an amount that should increase annually at least in line with the rate of inflation established by the Central Bank of Honduras for the preceding year.
皮拉行动 还显 示毒贩瞄准了未列入清单的物质,例如苯乙酸的 酯类。
Operation Pila also revealed that traffickers are targeting non-scheduled substances, such as esters of phenylacetic acid.
b) 在教科文组织特别项目“青年参与世界遗产的保护和宣传”框架内,制订世界遗 产教育计划,其目标群体为 12--16 岁学生,在耶路撒冷中学举办讲习班,宣传现 有的材料:倡导青年参与遗产遗址的管理和保护实用手册(教科文组织和国际文 化财产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)于 2002 年皮特拉开始 根据耶路撒冷情 况调整活动)和世界遗产掌握在青年手中教育包。
(b) Development of a World Heritage Education programme, the target group of which are 12-16 years old students, within the framework of the UNESCO Special Project “Young People’s Participation in World Heritage Preservation and Promotion”, through workshops diffusing already available materials: the practical manual Introducing Young People to Heritage Site Management and Protection (adapting an activity initiated in 2002 in Petra by UNESCO and ICCROM to the case of Jerusalem) and the World Heritage in Young Hands Kit in Jerusalem secondary schools.
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。
The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were prone to flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life.
此外,Carlos每天花费数个钟头,待在健身房中进行游泳、瑜珈 皮拉 提 斯 的训练,也因而确实成功地使体能回复到其首次被视为国际潜水界,一位最负国际盛名菁英时期的最佳状态。
Spending hours each day in the gym, swimming,
[...] doing yoga and pilates has helped Carlos [...]
return to the kind of form that first
made him one of the biggest names in international freediving.
使团到访的影响没有产生预期的结果:1688年帕那莱被推翻了,一个令人生畏的暴 皮拉 查 ( Pitracha)登上王位,此人长期向西方各国关闭暹罗的国门,只对荷兰开放。
The mission did not produce the
[...] expected result: Phra Narai was overthrown [...]
in 1688 and replaced by a dreadful tyrant, Pitracha,
who closed off Siam to Westerners for a long time, except for Holland.
例如,在马尔科奥雷利奥索托监狱的“调查部”里,协管员和副协管员会要求 犯人们每人交纳 70 伦皮拉用于 楼舍的粉刷以及外装修,拒不交纳者就会面临受 [...]
For example, in the assessment wing of the Marco Aurelio Soto Prison, the Subcommittee was told that the coordinator
and subcoordinators were demanding that
[...] prisoners pay 70 lempiras each for painting [...]
the building and improving the appearance
of the premises, under threat of punishment if they refused.




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