单词 | 拉孜县 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拉孜县 —Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse |
除了设在基利巴附近的总部外,民解力量目前还占领菲齐县 Mboko [...] 村山上的 一些阵地和乌维拉县 Middle Plains 的一个阵地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to their headquarters near Kiliba, FNL currently maintain [...] positions in hills above the village of Mboko in Fizi territory and a position in the [...] Middle Plains of Uvira territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年初,Anyuak 族和穆尔勒族部落在琼莱州波查拉县 举 行 和平会议后, 双方一致同意放回所有被绑架的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following a peace conference between the Anyuak and Murle communities in Pochalla County, Jonglei State, early in 2009, it was agreed that both communities would return all abducted children. daccess-ods.un.org |
加 拿 大 的 省 和 地 方 各 有 自 己 的 一 套 法 律 規 例 或 專 業 自 律 孚 則 , 而 共 同 點 是 大 [...] 家 都 普 遍 接 受 這 種 收 費 孜 排 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Each of the Canadian provinces and territories has its own scheme of [...] statutory regulation or professional self-regulation, but all have in common the widespread [...] acceptance of contingency fees. hkreform.gov.hk |
根据该法,国家土地改革研究所技术组于 2008 年 11 [...] 月 21 日恢复在圣克鲁 斯省科迪耶拉县重新分配土著社区、中小型地产和农业企业的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 21 November 2008, pursuant to that Act, National Agrarian Reform Institute (INRA) technical brigades resumed the redistribution of land in indigenous communities, [...] small and medium-sized properties and agricultural [...] enterprises in the Cordillera province of [...]the Department of Santa Cruz. daccess-ods.un.org |
拉孜图书 馆的前身是喜马拉雅内亚研究中心(HIAR),由利众基金会成立于1995年。 trace.org | The predecessor to Latse Library was Himalayan and [...] Inner Asian Resources (HIAR), which was implemented by Trace Foundation in 1995. trace.org |
铭记诺鲁孜节中 的各种传统和仪式的基础反映了东西方文明的文化和古老 [...] 习俗,通过人的价值观的相互交流影响了东西方文明 daccess-ods.un.org | Bearing in mind that the foundations of the traditions and [...] rituals of Nowruz reflect features [...]of the cultural and ancient customs of [...]the civilizations of East and West, which influenced those civilizations through the interchange of human values daccess-ods.un.org |
将在加利福尼亚圣克拉拉县的 JAMS 所在地进行调解。 seagate.com | Mediation will be conducted at a JAMS facility in Santa Clara County, California. seagate.com |
摩尔多瓦共和国正在开展的中等职业技术培训课程已在 49 所专科学校开 设,2007-2008 学年开学时,在校学生人数达 31 300 人,其中全日制学生占学生 总人数的 96.7%,使用官方语言的学生占学生总人数的 84.6%,使用俄语的学生 占 14.1%,使用其他语言(嘎嘎乌孜-俄语 乌克兰语、保加利亚-俄语)的学生占 1.3%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Republic of Moldova vocational training of specialists with an medium level of qualification is being carried out, which is implemented by 49 colleges, where at the beginning of the school year 2007–2008 there were 31,300 pupils, 96.7% thereof studying full-time, 84.6% – in the state language, 14.1% – in Russian, and 1.3% – in other languages (Gagauz-Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian-Russian). daccess-ods.un.org |
洪毅全也是一個孜孜不倦 和有奉獻精神的教育者,他和亞洲的青年音樂家參與了多個課題項目:他作為2009和2010年度NTSO臺灣-中國青年交響樂團的首席指揮,首次將中國和臺灣最優秀的青年音樂家召集在一起,在北京和臺北的國家音樂廳舉行引人注目的音樂會。 hkphil.org | He is furthermore a tireless and dedicated educator, and has been involved in numerous projects with young musicians in Asia: he was chief conductor of the NTSO Taiwan-China Youth Orchestra in 2009 and 2010, an initiative which brought together the best young musicians from China and Taiwan, leading them in high-profile concerts at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei. hkphil.org |
开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦的瑙谢拉县也 实施以工换钱的办法;共有 656 个小型企业已通过小额赠款恢复营业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cash for work has also been implemented in the Nowshera district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and a total of 656 small businesses have been reactivated through microgrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
又铭记诺鲁孜节, 作为文化遗产和悠久传统和睦的象征,对加强各国人民建 [...] 立在相互尊重、和平及睦邻友好理想基础上的关系发挥着重要作用 daccess-ods.un.org | Mindful also that Nowruz, as the embodiment [...] of the unity of cultural heritage and centuries-long traditions, plays a significant [...]role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good-neighbourliness daccess-ods.un.org |
从诺鲁孜节在 波斯大地上成为节日之时起,在波 斯作为各种文明和族裔大熔炉的悠悠世纪中,直至今 [...] 日,它一直是世界各地亿万人的共同语言,3 000 多 年来在巴尔干、黑海盆地、高加索、中亚、印度次大 陆、中东等很多地区一直如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the [...] time that Nowruz was established [...]in the land of Persia and thereafter, throughout all the long centuries that Persia [...]has been a melting pot for civilizations and ethnicities and until today, Nowruz has served as the common language for millions of people all around the world, including for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and many other regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
现有战斗人员 [...] 告诉专家组说,民解力量继续在布隆迪安全部队内进行招募,经常有少数人进入 乌维拉县。 daccess-ods.un.org | Current combatants have told the Group that FNL [...] recruitment continued within the Burundian security services, with small numbers frequently [...] passing into Uvira territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
在刚果(金)武装部队内部的前全国保卫人民大会人员在马西西县和乌 维拉 县举行 兵变后,由于针对卢民主力量的行动中断,该运到基本上重新夺回了它的 [...] 大部分最重要阵地,并接管了刚果(金)武装部队遗弃的战略要地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the ex-CNDP (Congrès national pour la défense [...] du peuple) mutiny within FARDC in Masisi, [...] Rutshuru and Uvira territories, FDLR [...]have largely gained back the majority of [...]their most important positions and taken over strategic locations abandoned by FARDC owing to the suspension of operations against them. daccess-ods.un.org |
6 最后,在 2012 年 1 月和 2 月,联络官Samson Businge上尉和Thomas少校也分别在乌维 拉县 和 鲁 丘鲁遭贴身 警卫暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leodomir Mugaragu.6 Finally, in January and February 2012 liaison antenna officers Capt. daccess-ods.un.org |
在南基伍的乌维拉县和菲 兹县的 Ubwari 地区,伴随刚果(金) 武装力量的撤退,卢民主力量、玛伊-玛伊民兵雅库塔姆巴派和布隆迪民族解放 [...] 力量人员的活动增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Uvira territory and the Ubwari [...] area in Fizi territory in South Kivu, the withdrawal of FARDC units was accompanied by [...]increased activity by elements of FDLR, Mayi-Mayi Yakutumba and Burundian Forces nationales de libération. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据多个可信的证词,其他武装团体继续活跃在南基伍,特别是乌 维 拉县和 菲齐县。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to multiple, credible testimonies, other armed groups remain active in South Kivu, [...] especially in Uvira and Fizi territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
您需要不可撤回地提交到位于加利福尼亚州圣 克 拉拉县 的 州 司法机构和联邦法庭。 seagate.com | You irrevocably submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the County of Santa Clara, California, USA. seagate.com |
(a) 「妙法自然—董陽孜× 亞 洲海報設計暨文創跨界創新展」匯聚 來自內地、香港、台灣、 澳門及韓國的設計人才創作海報, 展示中國傳統書法的美感與現代的設計風格 legco.gov.hk | (a) the “Ingenuity Follows Nature – A Poster Exhibition of Asian Designers & Tong Yang-Tze’s Calligraphy”, which brought together design talents from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and South Korea to create new posters demonstrating both the beauty of Chinese traditional characters and modern styles legco.gov.hk |
2011 年 5 月,西赤道州 坦布拉县的两 名妇女据报告被上帝军绑架,一名 16 岁女孩据报告在西加扎勒河 州拉贾县被怀疑是上帝军的人员绑架。 daccess-ods.un.org | In May 2011, two women in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State were reportedly abducted by LRA, and one 16-year-old girl was reportedly [...] abducted by suspected LRA elements in Raja [...]County, Western Bahr el Ghazal State. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为平板显示器领域的领先设计商和制造商,Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation 具有多项备受 OEM 青睐的优势,包括:30 年的卓越记录、广泛的产品和技术服务组合、明确的中小型显示器主攻方向 、 孜孜 不 倦 地服务于主要市场以及真正的全球制造和支持设施。 digikey.cn | As a leading designer and manufacturer of flat panel displays, Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation provides several strengths of interest to OEM's including: a 30 year track record, broad product and technology offering, a clear focus on small to medium displays, commitment to key markets, as well as a truly global manufacturing and support infrastructure. digikey.ca |
上帕拉佩蒂原住民共有土地位于圣克鲁斯省科迪 耶 拉县 境 内 ,占地面积 157 094 公顷。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Alto Parapetí TCO are located in the Department of Santa Cruz, Cordillera province, and cover an area of 157,094 hectares. daccess-ods.un.org |
副主席先生,我們有傑出的學者孜孜 不 倦 ㆞研究兒童的身心發展,也有非常熱心的 志願機構為我們㆘㆒代的福祉努力,但我們仍欠缺基本資料,無法對兒童問題或兒童 發展有㆒個全面的認識。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, we still lack basic information for compilation of a comprehensive picture of our children's problems, or our children's development. legco.gov.hk |
您同意提请仲裁的地点仅限于您居住的区县、加利福尼亚州圣 克 拉拉县 或 其他争议方在美国的主要办公地点。 skype.com | You agree to commence arbitration only in your county of residence, in Santa Clara County, California, or another Disputed Party’s principal place of business in the USA. skype.com |
专家组是在约谈了布琼布拉和乌维 拉县 两地 5 名民解力量现有战斗人员、4 名被逮捕的反叛分子合作者、4 [...] 名完全独立的布隆迪人以及与这些政治领导人一直 保持联系的国际社会对话者后,才得出这些调查结论的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group reached these findings first and foremost [...] through interviews with five current FNL [...] combatants both in Bujumbura and in Uvira [...]territory, four arrested rebel collaborators [...]and four completely independent Burundian as well as international interlocutors in consistent communication with these political leaders. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年 4 月 10 日,两名布隆迪复兴民主阵线战斗人员 Kevin [...] Ndaishigmye“少 校”(别名 Wilondja Ali)和 Idi Shabani Morisho“上尉”在乌维拉县 Sange 镇被 刚果(金)武装部队逮捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Idi Shabani Morisho were arrested by FARDC in the town of Sange in Uvira territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
雖 然 我 們 相 信 到 最 後 , 按 判 決 金 額 收 費 法 律 援 助 基 金 可 能 會 取 代 按 條 件 收 費 孜 排 , 甚 至 可 能 在 事 後 保 險 市 場 一 旦 崩 潰 時 , 取 代 餘 下 的 民 事 法 律 援 助 , 但 我 們 只 能 在 該 基 金 並 非 與 按 條 件 收 費 孜 排 互 相 競 爭 的 情 況 下 , 測 詴 它 的 成 效 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Although we believe a Contingency Legal Aid Fund may [...] ultimately take over from Conditional Fees, and possibly even the remaining civil legal aid – should the After the Event insurance market collapse – we are only able to test it where it is not in competition with conditional fees. hkreform.gov.hk |
2009 年 2 月,土改局发布了重组决议,命令将圣克鲁斯省科迪 耶 拉县 四 个 庄 园主所拥有的 36 000 公顷土地收归国有,原因是有证据表明存在着奴役关系, 从而不符合经关于土地改革社区重组的第 [...] 3545 号法修正的第 1715 号法实施条例 第 [...]157 条所确定的经济和社会职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | In February 2009, INRA issued reorganization resolutions ordering the reversion to the State [...] of 36,000 hectares of [...] lands owned by four hacienda owners in the Cordillera province of Santa Cruz because [...]of proof of the existence [...]of relations of servitude and, therefore, of non-compliance with the economic and social function established under article 157 of the Implementing Regulation of Law No. 1715, amended by Law No. 3545 on the community reorganization of agrarian reform. daccess-ods.un.org |