

单词 拉力赛

拉力赛 ()

rally (car race)(loanword)

See also:



拉力 adj

tensile adj

拉力 n

pull n


competition n
match n

External sources (not reviewed)

2010年Oris成为RAID经典老爷拉力赛的 官 方时计与官方腕表合作伙伴。
Since 2010 Oris is the new timekeeper and Official Watch
[...] Partner of the RAID classic car rallies.
[...] Miglia大赛主要形式是在公路上进行的速度比赛,今天已经转变 拉力赛。
Raced from 1927 to 1961 as a speed trial on open roads, the Mille
[...] Miglia has now become a rally.
一年一度的达喀拉力赛就在 这里举行,此外,达喀尔还因为音乐、艺术、电影节和美味的非洲烹饪而闻名于世。
Famous for
[...] hosting the Dakar rally raid every year, [...]
Dakar is also renowned for its exuberance, displayed in a huge array
of music, arts and film festivals and fantastic African cuisine.
今年,轮到皇家橡树离岸型表款在特别为“2012环法汽 拉力赛 ” 发 行的系列中成为镁光灯焦点。
This year comes the turn of a Royal Oak Offshore to be issued in a special “Tour Auto 2012” series.
在运动方面,居住在摩纳哥意味着有一个很好的机会参加到世界级的盛事,如蒙特卡 拉力赛 ( 摩 纳哥汽车俱乐部)、普里莫杯(摩纳哥游艇俱乐部)、网球大师系列蒙特卡洛赛(蒙特卡洛乡村俱乐部)、F1和F3大奖赛(摩纳哥汽车俱乐部)和蒙特卡洛国际马术障碍赛等。
In the sports arena, living in Monaco means having the opportunity
to attend world class events such as
[...] the Monte-Carlo Rally (Automobile Club [...]
de Monaco), the Primo Cup (Yacht Club de Monaco),
the Tennis Masters Series Monte-Carlo (Monte-Carlo Country Club), the F1 and F3 Grand Prix (Automobile Club de Monaco), Jumping international of Monte-Carlo and the international Herculis (Fédération Monégasque d’Athlétisme) athletics meeting...
萧邦的标志性运动表款象征着世界上最著名的古董 拉力赛 — — Millie Miglia。
Chopard’s emblematic sports watch has come to symbolise the world’s most
[...] famous classic car rally, the Millie Miglia.
作为萧邦的标志性运动表,它象征着这一最著名古董 拉力赛 , Mi lle Miglia一直忠于这一在奢华制表领域使其成为经典的年度赛事。
As Chopard’s emblematic sports watch that
has come to symbolise the world’s most
[...] famous classic car rally, the Mille Miglia [...]
remains loyal to the annual event that has
made it a classic in the field of luxury watchmaking.
歇尔·多尼戈尔国拉力赛(Th e Shell Donegal International Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster [...]
Grand Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔兰路面赛车爱好者的盛事;而西北200(North
West 200)拥有号称世界最快赛道。
The Shell Donegal
[...] International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last [...]
35 years and boasts some
of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier events in Ireland for fans of motor cycle road racing; along with North West 200, which has a circuit reputed to be one of the fastest in the world.
他自1988年开始管理车队,在马来西 拉力赛 担 任三 菱 拉 力 车 队经理,于1988至92年为一支香港私人车队在日本和东南亚房车系列赛担任经理,亦是EKS [...]
He then moved on to
[...] become Chief Executive Motorsports/Press BMW S.E. Asia [...]
in 1986-87. Since 1988, Eddie has been managing teams directly – as Team Manager for the Mitsubishi Ralliart Team for the Rally of Malaysia in 1988-89;
and as Team Manager for a private team from Hong Kong in the Japan and S.E. Asia Touring Car Series, 1988-92.
这提供了可将扭矩导向具有最大抓地力的车轮、或是改变扭矩分配以调节高性能车或汽 拉力赛 等 赛车运动中跑车操作平衡的优势。
This gives the advantage of directing torque to the wheel or wheels with the most grip, or varying
torque split to adjust the handling balance of the car in high performance or motor
[...] sport applications, such as rallying.
2月3日(星期六),随着一辆辆汽车从位于瑞士汝拉山谷的江诗丹顿表厂出发,由老爷车俱乐部组织、江诗丹顿支持的“雪 拉力赛 ” ( Rallye des Neiges)也拉开了序幕。
Saturday February 3rd saw the start of the Rallye des Neiges, organised by the Veteran Car
Club and supported by Vacheron Constantin, as cars set off from the Manufacture
[...] Vacheron Constantin in the Vallée de Joux.
对于车手们来说,这是一项挑战,对于车迷们来说,这是一项不可错过的盛事。歇尔·多尼戈尔国 拉力赛 ( The Shell Donegal International Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster Grand Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔兰路面赛车爱好者的盛事;而西北200(North West 200)拥有号称世界最快赛道。
The Donegal International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last 35 years and boasts some of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier events in Ireland for fans of motor cycle road racing; along with North West 200, which has a circuit reputed to be one of the fastest in the world.
该赛事自1991年起,每年的8月,会在瑞士的巴塞尔和法国的首都巴黎之间这800到1000公里道路上,以老爷 拉力赛 的 方 式一跃而上国际舞台,选手们以1975年前制造的经典赛车在两国之间的竞相奔驰着,场面热闹非凡。
The most famous of the rallies is the RAID Suisse-Paris [...]
which takes place in August each year and runs from Basel in Switzerland
to the French capital. 2010 also marks the 20th anniversary of the RAID rallies.
(a) 2011 年 3
[...] 月,与拉斯特法里运动合作在金斯敦举行摩托 拉力赛 , 纪 念 埃塞俄比亚前国王海尔·塞拉西国事访问 [...]
45 周年(该运动信奉的神灵);劳动节 当天(5 月 23 日)非洲外交使团参加部分社区活动;5 月 25 日,即全球承认的非
(a) In March, a motorcade rally was held in Kingston [...]
in collaboration with the Rastafarian movement to mark the 45th anniversary
of the State visit by the late Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, (the movement’s recognized deity); the African Diplomatic Corps participated in selected community-based projects on Labour Day (23 May 2011); and a national symposium was held on 25 May 2011, which is globally recognized as African Liberation Day
这是一项合乎逻辑的联系,因为以极限运动精神重新演绎皇家橡树系列的皇家橡树离岸型表款在1992年问世,而就在同年,环法汽 拉力赛 以 深具历史意义的创新模式焕然重生。
This was a logical association, since the Royal Oak Offshore, the ultra-sporty interpretation of the Royal Oak, was born in 1992, the year the Tour Auto was reborn in historical mode.
2011年,赛车运动领域将上演一些极负盛名的精彩比赛:F1摩纳哥大奖赛、蒙特卡 拉力赛 、 蒙 特卡罗经 拉力赛 、 蒙特卡罗替代能 拉力赛 和 摩纳哥卡丁车赛。
For 2011, these include some of the most prestigious and glamorous moments in motor sports: the F1 Grand Prix of Monaco, the Monte Carlo Rally, the Monte Carlo Historic Rally, the Monaco Rally of Alternative Energies and the Monaco Kart Cup.
您会看到从汽车的雏形到现拉力赛 车 、打破陆地速度记录的车型,以及F1大奖赛赛车的各种类型汽车,而其中最吸引人的是世界上规模最大的詹姆斯·邦德汽车展示。
You’ll see everything from the origins of
[...] motoring to modern rally cars, land-speed record breakers, F1 Grand Prix cars and [...]
most exciting of all, the
world’s largest collection of James Bond Vehicles.
从澳洲回到欧洲,在世拉力锦标 赛上,豪雅腕表和眼镜形象大使塞巴斯第安·奥吉尔(Sébastien Ogier)继8月末夺得德拉力赛冠军后又摘得法国柏 拉力赛 冠 军 桂冠。
Back in Europe after a step in Australia, WRC saw Sébastien Ogier, TAG Heuer Ambassador for Watches & Eyewear, winning the French rally on Asphalt again after German Rally at the end of August.
今年十一月将举行世拉力锦标赛( Wo rld Rally Championship ),这是一项跨越边境的赛事,选手门将驾驶汽车往返奔驰于爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)之间。
This year sees
[...] the World Rally Championship in November featuring an amazing cross-border initiative with competitors racing back and forth [...]
between the Republic and Northern Ireland.
厄立特里亚对索马里武装团体的支持起始于 1998-2000 年的边界冲突, 当时阿斯拉力图通过向赛因·穆 罕默德·法拉赫“Aydiid”为首的民兵派 别提供援助,并通过他向包括欧阵和奥阵在内埃塞俄比亚武装反对派提供援 助,从而在索马里开辟针对埃塞俄比亚的“第二战场”。
Eritrean support to Somali armed groups dates from the 1998-2000 border conflict, when Asmara sought to open a “second front” against Ethiopia in Somalia by provision of assistance to the militia faction headed by Hussein Mohamed Farah “Aydiid”, and through him to Ethiopian armed opposition groups including ONLF and OLF.
但我们认为,恰恰相反,人权的一个内容就是要表明,人们有权参加 拉 松 赛 跑 而 不遭受 力 , 有权享受没有恐怖的假日,人民的权利由许多不同形式体现出来。
But we thought that on the contrary, that it’s a part of human rights to
make clear that people have the
[...] right to run in a marathon without violence, and people have [...]
a right to enjoy a holiday without
terror, and that the rights of people are represented in many different ways.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统赛和体 育运动宪章的可行性及范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings
[...] on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting [...]
guidelines on
‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.
这些力包括 鼓励大学提供空间 法方面的单元;为空间法方面的本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国 家空间立法和政策框架;组织讲习班、研讨会和其他专业活动以促进加深理解 空间法;为法律研究提供财务和技术支助;编写空间法方面的专门研究报告、 文件和出版物;支助空间法模拟法庭 赛 ; 支 助青年专业人员参加与空间法有 关的区域和国际会议;为积累经验提供培训和其他机会;支助专门从事空间法 研究的实体。
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting [...]
the participation of young
professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和 拉 伯 世 界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括 力 培 养 和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and
ethical approaches, in
[...] accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement [...]
in the status of
teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
拉蒂自 2005年参加世界超级跑车锦标赛以来,已获得14个冠军头衔(和19次胜利):2个汽车制造商冠军(2005和2007)、5个车手总冠军(巴特尔斯/贝托里尼2006年;托马斯•比亚吉(Thomas Biagi)2007年;巴特尔斯/贝托里尼2008年、2009年和2010年);6个车队冠军(2005年以来,Vitaphone车队已连续六年获此殊荣);1个荣誉冠军(JMB车队的绅士车手本•奥库特Ben Aucott 2007年获得);另外还在3次斯帕24小时 力赛 中 夺 冠(2005、2006和2008)。
Maserati's participation in the FIA GT from 2005 to today is crowned with fourteen titles (and 19 victories): two Car Maker Cups (2005 and 2007), five Driver Championships (Bartels-Bertolini in 2006, Thomas Biagi in 2007, and Bartels-Bertolini in 2008, 2009 and 2010); six Team Championships (uninterruptedly since 2005, by the Vitaphone Racing Team); one Citation Cup in 2007 by gentleman driver Ben Aucott, JMB Racing, in addition to three absolute victories in Spa's 24 Hours (2005, 2006 and 2008).
中国上海(2010年5月20日) — Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR)旗下业务品牌艾默生环境优化技术宣布,2010 Emerson Cup 第八届艾默生杯空调设计赛即日正 式 拉 开 帷幕,开始征稿。
Shanghai China, May 20, 2010 – Emerson Climate Technologies, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), announced that the 2010 Emerson Cup Air-Conditioning Design Competition has officially begun to accept entries starting today.
副秘书长报告说,国际刑事法院以危害人类罪对穆阿 迈尔·卡扎菲上校、其子赛义夫·伊斯兰·卡扎菲和 利比亚情报机构负责人阿卜拉·赛 努 西 发出了逮捕 令。
The Under-Secretary-General reported that the International Criminal Court had issued arrest warrants for Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi, his son Saif al-Islam Qadhafi and the Libyan intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, on charges of crimes against humanity.




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