

单词 拆借



short term loan within banking
call loan

See also:

tear down
tear open
tear apart

(...) v

borrow (sth.) v
lend v
insult v

by means of
take (an opportunity)
surname Ji
sleeping mat
walk all over (sb)

External sources (not reviewed)

由于对图书馆藏书进行了整合,图书馆之间 拆借 次 数 占图书求借总次数的 比例从 30%下降到 15%。
The consolidation of the library collection has resulted in a reduction in the number of interlibrary loans from 30 per cent to 15 per cent of the total book requests.
所以, 全球很多央行均在同拆借方面 提供更多備用資金,好讓銀行 拆借方 面可以較暢順。
For this reason, many central banks around the
world have planned to provide
[...] more reserve fund for interbank lending, so that the lending of banks can be made smoother.
我只可以補充, 銀 行
[...] 並 不 單 止在同 業 之間進拆 借,銀 行 的 存 款 服 務 亦有成 本。
I can only add that not
[...] only lending and borrowing activities are [...]
conducted among banks, but banks' deposit services would also incur costs.
货币市场抵押贷款的利率以欧元货币市场上的伦敦银行同 拆借 利率(Libor)为基础。
The interest rate on a moneymarket mortgage is based on the Libor rate for the euro money market.
亚太各国政府面临的风险在于由此产生的任何金融危机蔓延都将再次引发 全球同业银拆借的停滞。
The risk for Governments of countries in Asia and the Pacific
lies in the possibility that any resulting financial contagion would spark off another
[...] seizure in global interbank lending.
对较小的银行来说,这种担忧尤为突出,因为这些银行的存款基础较窄,银行 拆借 的 渠 道也较有限。
This is a special concern for smaller banks that have narrower deposit bases and more limited access to interbank credit.
財經事務及庫務局局長:我相信在銀 拆借 來 說,我們看到這並非單是 香港的情況,全球銀行之間的信貸均出現了一些較緊張的情況。
AND THE TREASURY (in Cantonese): In
[...] respect of interbank lending, I believe this [...]
situation is not unique to Hong Kong,
for we noticed that the loans among banks worldwide are in a strained situation.
外 匯 基金可以透
[...] 過所持現金、向 銀 行同業 貨 幣 市拆 借 短 期資金, 或 把所持 的 港 元 或外幣 [...]
資產變現, 來 滿 足 自 基金提款的要 求 。
Withdrawal of funds from the Exchange Fund can be satisfied by the
cash holdings of the Exchange
[...] Fund, or by short-term borrowing from the interbank [...]
money market, or by liquidating the Exchange
Fund's Hong Kong dollar or foreign currency denominated assets.
隨着人民幣貿易結算業務發展成熟,我們建議兩地未來應把目前粵 港銀行之間進行的小規模人民幣同 拆借 擴 大 至全面推行,讓兩地銀行 可在跨境情況下向對方提供融資服務。
Along with the mature development of RMB trade settlement business, we suggest that the two places should expand and comprehensively implement the small-scale RMB call loan activities currently conducted between Guangdong and Hong Kong banks in the future so that the banks on both sides can provide financing services to the opposite side across the boundary.
如前所述,世界主要国家中央银行率先采取和新兴国家随后跟进采取的放松 银根政策使银行拆借利率 下跌到历史最低水平。
As noted earlier, expansionary monetary policy, led by the world’s principal central banks, with the emerging economies following suit, led to historically low interbank interest rates.
[...] 繫,合理確定利率水平,完善股票質押貸款管理辦法,讓符合條件的證券公司和基金管理公 司進入同拆借市場 ,從制度上繼續支援資本市場的健康發展。
For that purpose, the People's Bank of China wil further standardize the linkage between the money market and the capital market, properly determine the levels of interest rates, improve the regulation on stock collaterized lending, allow those eligible securities firms and
fund management corporations to
[...] participate in the inter-bank market, and continue [...]
to provide institutional support for
the healthy development of the capital market.
但是,在 信貸危機彌漫的今天,銀行間的同 拆借 已 不 容易,更何況是中小企 呢?
However, at a time when the credit crisis is so pervasive, it
is already difficult for banks to avail
[...] themselves of interbank lending, so financing is [...]
all the more difficult for SMEs.
於 二 零 一 一 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日,
[...] [...] 未 到 期 利 率 互 換 交 易 合 同 名 義 本 金 金 額 為 港 元1,017,000,000,二 零 一 一 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 的 固 定 年 利 率 為0.58%到1.28% ,年 浮 動 利 率 參 考1個 月 ╱3個 月 的 香 港 銀 行 同拆 借 利 率
At 31 December 2011, the fixed interest rate was from 0.58% to 1.28% per annum and the floating rate was with reference to the 1 month/3 month HIBOR.
(b) 二 零 一 一 年 六 月,本 公 司 獲 得 了75,000萬 港 元 的 銀 團 貸 款 備 用 信 貸,年 利 率 為 香 港 銀 行 同 行拆 借 年 利 率 加2.35個 百 分 點,借 款 用 於 工 廠 基 建 和 生 產 設 備 的 採 購。
(b) In June 2011, the Company obtained a syndicated loan facility of HK$750 million with an interest of HIBOR plus 2.35% per annum to finance the construction of the plant and purchase of production equipment.
还是 2 月 1 日,以色列占领部队以“无许可证建筑” 借 口 把 强 拆 令交 给锡勒万 Ayyoub 和 Al-Bustan 地区的几个家庭。
Also on 1 February, Israeli
[...] occupying forces handed demolitions orders to several families in the Ayyoub and Al-Bustan areas of Silwan under the pretext of “building [...]
without a permit”.
為確保評估的全面性,金融管理局亦會考慮其他多項因素,包括流動資金比率、向銀行同拆放市場借款的 能力、存款基礎的多樣性及穩定性、貸款與存款比率及集團成員之間的 [...]
To ensure comprehensiveness of the assessment, the HKMA will also take into account a
variety of factors including liquidity
[...] ratio, ability to borrow in the inter-bank [...]
market, diversity and stability of the
deposit base, loan to deposit ratio and intra-group claims.
当你们阅读本信时,几个巴勒斯坦家庭正在寻找今天晚上的住所,2010 年 7 月 13 日,就是今天早些时候以色列占领当局在被占领的东耶路撒冷以各种似是 而非借口拆毁了他们的家园。
As you read the present letter, several Palestinian families are searching for shelter this night
after the Israeli
[...] occupying authorities demolished their homes in Occupied East Jerusalem earlier today, 13 July 2010, under various dubious pretexts.
随着所需服务的减少,从该中心得到的唯一 剩余支持是由两借调的 P-3 工作人员提供的现场支持。
With this reduced level of service
requirements, the only remaining support received from the Centre was on-site support
[...] provided by its two seconded P-3 staff.
在重申南非谴责以色列持续进行封锁、 正在进行隔离墙建设和扩大以色列定居点的同时,
[...] 他也再次呼吁以色列停止扩大在西岸的定居点,停拆毁西 岸以及东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人的家园, 这些都严重损害了西岸和加沙的社会和经济结构, [...]
Reiterating South Africa’s condemnation of the continuing blockade, the ongoing construction of the separation wall and the expansion of Israeli settlements, he also again called on Israel to
cease expansion of settlements in
[...] the West Bank and its demolition of Palestinian homes [...]
there and in East Jerusalem, which
were severely damaging the social and economic structures of the West Bank and Gaza, increasing unemployment, poverty and reliance on humanitarian assistance and directly affecting the enjoyment of economic and social rights.
委員要求政府當局確保:(a)在工程設計方面採納適當的 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)該計劃所包括
的各項新設施,應在離河畔較遠的地點興建,以便城門河沿岸 可有更多綠化地帶供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港體院會為殘疾
[...] 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及 ( d ) 拆 卸位 於火炭院址的室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 [...]
Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would be constructed further away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; (c) adequate sports and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training
facilities for cycling would be
[...] provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome [...]
at Fo Tan venue to make way for
the construction of the new multi-purpose building.
(c) 將股份或任何股份拆為面 額低於本公司組織章程大綱所釐定者 (惟仍須符合公司法條文的規定), 拆 細 股 份的決議案可決定在拆所產 生的股份的持有人之間,其中一股或多股股份可較其他股 份擁有本公司有權附加於未發行或新股份的任何有關優先權或其他 特權,或擁有有關遞延權利或須受任何其他限制。
(c) sub-divide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum of Association of the Company, subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Law, and so that the resolution whereby any share is sub-divided may determine [...]
that, as between the
holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred or other special rights, over, or may have such deferred rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三
線分隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行車天橋,由屯興路沿青
[...] 海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接; ( c ) 拆 卸 及 重建 4 條 現有行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 [...]
2 條臨時行人天橋;(d)安裝相關的 隔音屏障及隔音罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力
工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響、渠務、道路照明、水管 和交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane carriageway; (b) construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge
eventually with the TMR Kowloon-bound
[...] carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction [...]
of four existing footbridges, and provision
of two temporary footbridges during the construction period; (d) installation of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works, reprovision of existing facilities, environmental mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高 (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降”功能既无 借 助 于 前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。
If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the other control input, the "Manual/Auto" and "Raise/lower" functions are not possible with either the F keys on the front panel or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface.
(6) 收購、開發、管理、特許使用、租賃、出租、出售、交換及以其他方式利用
[...] 任何土地及/或樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建 拆 卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖、 [...]
(6) To acquire, develop, manage, license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying out and preparing
the same for building purposes,
[...] constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, [...]
decorating, administering, maintaining,
furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings of all kinds, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.
小組委員會察悉,實施《巴塞爾協定三》具有提高銀 行資本基礎的水平、質素和透明度及擴闊資本框架的風險涵蓋 範圍等好處,但包括田北俊議員及單仲偕議員在內的部分委員 對由此造成的影響(尤其對銀行業及各行各業 借 貸 成 本的影 響 )表示關注;亦關注到認可機構會否由於要達到《巴塞爾協 定三》的規定而需要增加資本,以及認可機構會否 借 出 貸 款 方面變得更加審慎,以致中小型企業(下稱"中小企")和市民難 以取得信貸等問題。
While the Subcommittee notes the benefits of implementing Basel III to increase the level, quality and transparency of banks' capital base, as well as the risk coverage of the capital framework, some members including, Hon James TIEN and Hon SIN Chung-kai, are concerned
about the impacts, in
[...] particular, on the borrowing costs of the banking sector and the general business, whether it will be necessary for AIs to raise capital in order to fulfil the Basel III requirements, and whether AIs will become more prudent in lending which may cause [...]
difficulty for the
small and medium enterprises ("SMEs") and members of the public in obtaining credit.
咨询委员会以往曾注意到其中有些员额的更 替较快,并强调,必须努力让这些实体作出持续承诺,指派较长期间 借 调 人 员, 从而确保职能的稳定(A/64/7,第二.28 段)。
The Committee has previously noted that some of those posts are subject to a quick turnover and has stressed the importance of making efforts to obtain the sustained commitment of those entities to provide assignments of seconded personnel of longer duration, in order to ensure stability of functions (A/64/7, para. II.28).
[...] “阿拉伯地区的艾滋病,青年和预防” 借 世 界 艾滋病日之际主持了一个有关艾滋病 [...]
The network produced a kit in French and Arabic on “AIDS, youth and
prevention in the Arab region”, held a forum on
[...] that subject to mark World AIDS Day [...]
and contributed to action to ensure that young
people in the region have access to relevant content.




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