

单词 担惊受怕

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保护他们的人身安全并 享有在地球上免担惊受怕并充 满希望和梦想地生 活的权利是我们庄严的义务。
It is our solemn duty to protect their physical safety and their right to live on planet Earth with their minds free of fear and filled with hopes and dreams.
[...] 以有尊严的方式发挥其潜力,从我国取得的成就中受益,同时无 担惊受怕。
Every person living within the borders of our country deserves the right
to develop his or her own potential in dignity to benefit from the successes of our
[...] country, while being free from fear.
我们敦促各国政府创造环境,让 记者能够开展工作,而不担惊受怕 和 遭 受恫吓。
We urge all Governments to create an environment in which journalists can carry out their work free from fear and intimidation.
没有直接受到空袭影响的家庭也为自家的孩 担惊受怕。
Families who have not been
[...] directly affected by air strikes worry for their children.
担惊受怕的妻 子来说,爱以及归属等更高层次需求,是不可想象的。
Love and belongingness have to wait until she is no longer in fear.
叙利亚家庭还要为他们的孩 子可能被杀害或遭受酷刑担惊受怕 多 久 ,安全理事 会才会通过一项有实际作用的决议?
How long will Syrian families have to live in fear that their children will be killed or tortured, before the Security Council adopts a meaningful resolution?
因此,在举行谈判以讨论多少百分比的 排放应该被或会被允许的同时,我们区域数以百万计
[...] 的人民却在为失去他们的家园和丢掉工作 担惊受 怕,为 他们的下一代将看不到祖先的财产而忧心忡 忡。
Therefore, as negotiations are held to discuss what percentage of emission should be
or would be allowed, millions of people
[...] in our region are scared of losing their homes [...]
and of joblessness and apprehensive
of the fact that their next generation will not see their ancestral property.
加沙地带和以色列的儿童在不分昼夜的战火 担惊受怕 , 正 展现出各种令人担心的、社会及心理方面的压力症状,包括尿床、病理性重现、做恶梦、畏惧进入公众场合、害怕孤独及性情孤僻等。
Symptoms include bed-wetting, flashbacks, nightmares, fear of going out in public, fear of being alone and withdrawal.
她说,她 患有 抑郁症,并且担惊受怕,以及由于她没有瑞士境内的长期居住许可证, 在瑞士境内无法打工,从而逐渐形成了一种长期性的心理创伤问题。
She stated
[...] that she was suffering from depression and had developed psychosomatic problems [...]
as a result of that fear and
the fact that she was not working in Switzerland, since she did not have legal permission to do so.
关于必须继续开展政治领导与合作问题,南非赞 扬巴希尔总统和第一副总统萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪
[...] 特本人表现出的领导作用和勇气,特别是为了促成有 利和平环境,让公民能够自由投票,而不 担惊受怕。
On the need for continued political leadership and cooperation, South Africa commends the personal leadership and courage shown by President Al-Bashir and First Vice-President Salva Kiir Mayardit, in particular on facilitating a
conducive and peaceful environment in which citizens were able to participate
[...] freely and without fear in casting their ballot.
我们尤其对儿童基金会所报告的众多儿童 沦为这一暴力受害者感到担心和震 惊 , 并呼吁所有 当事方保护儿童免遭暴力的直接和间接影响。
We are particularly worried
[...] and shocked by the number of children falling victim to this violence, [...]
as reported by UNICEF,
and call upon all parties to protect children from direct and indirect effects of violence.
女童怕上学,担心受到攻击和暴力侵犯,这对于我来说是不可接受 的。
It is unacceptable to me that girls are afraid to go to school, afraid of attacks [...]
and violence against them.
此外,美洲人权法院也裁定,出于贫穷原因或者法律界 普遍怕担任投诉人代表而阻止用尽补救办法,13 也属受理要求的例外情况。
Moreover, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has also ruled that prevention of the exhaustion of domestic remedies for
reasons of indigence or a general fear in the legal
[...] community to represent the complainant13 are additional exceptions to the admissibility requirement.
例如:过担心卫生洁净,怕受灰 尘或细菌污染,过 担 心 自己的宗教信仰、 安全、性别、对称或某些数字。
Examples include concerns about hygiene or contamination with dirt or germs, and worries about [...]
religion, safety, sex, symmetry or certain numbers.
有些人对它惊又 怕,然 而在英国,我们非常积极地看待此事。
Some people regard it
[...] with fear and consternation, but in Britain [...]
we view it in a strongly positive light.
它欢迎采取措施,增进和保护妇女权利,尤其是 担 任 高 层职务、 受 教育 和进入劳动力市场等领域。
It welcomed measures for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, in particular in areas such as access to higher positions, education and the labour market.
受 害人害怕报复 、对国家机构缺乏信任、缺少适当的法律和心理支持、没有充分和 [...]
有区别的保护、社会丑化受害人,这些都阻碍了对这一问题严重程度的全面了 解。
The victims’ fear of reprisals, [...]
the lack of trust in institutions, the absence of appropriate legal and psychosocial support,
the lack of adequate and differentiated protection, and the social stigmatization of victims hamper the full understanding of the extent of the problem.
其次,由于所述外国人群体在其居留国与群体成员的国 籍国发生武装冲突时,为国籍国的利益对居留国采取武装敌对行动,所以这些群 体成员如被驱逐或在驱逐过程中不可能“因其政治意见或宗教信仰 怕受 到迫 害”。
Secondly, in so far as the group of aliens in question carries out its hostile armed activities in the interest of the State of nationality of its members engaged in an armed conflict with the State of residence,
the members of the
[...] group who have been or are being expelled cannot “fear persecution for [their] political [...]
opinions or religious beliefs”.
但一惊喜,一个怕的嘉 宾代表和它们之间最大的生日蛋糕。
But a surprise, and a monstrous guest stands [...]
between them and the greatest birthday cake ever.
在刚果民主共和国东部地区,我们对武装团体 利用刚果武装部队留下的安全真空加紧攻击,造成 大量平民被杀和流离失所感担心和 震 惊。
In the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, we are worried and appalled by the high numbers of civilians killed and displaced by increased attacks by armed groups using the security void left by the Congolese armed forces.
在代表团会见的所有在押人员当中,不论其是否 受 酷 刑或虐待,没有一 个人向检察官或法官举报,因为他们 怕 报 复或 者 担 心 举 报不会有什么结果。
None of the detainees interviewed by the Subcommittee had filed complaints concerning the torture or ill-treatment described — even though some of them could have done so at the hearing in the Public Prosecutor’s Office or in court — claiming that they feared reprisals or that the remedies available were ineffective.
中所述各种犯罪行为以及所有其他行为,包括对它们的资助和相关活动,这些犯 罪行为通过其犯罪方式、所采用的手段和方法,表明要对人员的身心完整、特别
[...] 是大量或重要物质财富、民主体制、国家安全或国际和平造成直接威胁,从而导 致民众惊吓、担心和恐惧
The purpose of the Act is, while upholding strict respect for human rights, to prevent, investigate, punish and eradicate the crimes described therein, along with all acts, including their financing and related activities, that, by virtue of the manner in which they are performed and the means and methods employed, demonstrate the intention to cause alarm, fear or terror in the population by posing an imminent threat to the life or physical or psychological integrity of
persons, particularly significant or important material goods,
[...] the democratic system, State security [...]
or international peace
贝尔法斯特马拉松(Belfast City Marathon)每年也吸引全世界的马拉松爱好者来到北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)参加马拉松长跑、竞走、和接力活动,接力比赛中,五位选手可以 担 这 长 得 惊 人 的 26.2英里行程。
The Belfast City Marathon also attracts athletes from all over the world to Northern Ireland for a marathon run and walk, team relay and fun run.
委员会在一般性意见中强 调了多个要点,包括有必要为儿童提供有效表达意见的环境,避免 受惊 吓 (例 如,由于实行过于正式的法院诉讼程序使 受惊 ) , 委 员会建议尽可能在所有诉 讼程序中让儿童有机会直接表达意见,而不是通过代理人表达意见。
In the general comment, the Committee emphasized a number of points, including the importance of providing an environment in which the
child can be heard
[...] effectively and not be intimidated (for example, through the use of overly formal court proceedings), and the Committee’s [...]
recommendation that
wherever possible, the child be given the opportunity to be directly heard in any proceedings rather than through a representative.
针对中国企业的海外并购问题,JP作为前中国政府官员及为投资海外的中国企业提供咨询的剑平国际(Jpigroup)创始人 受 了 访 问,并表示:“特别是自从美国否决了中海油(CNOOC)收购优尼科(Unocal)的交易后,中国国有大型企业的管理者甚至连提出交易都感到 怕 , 因 为他 担 心 交 易会遭到否决……这些高管都由政府任命,归根结底,他们不得不考虑自己在政府内的仕途,一场高调的失利可能严重损害其仕途。
Huang Jianping, as a former government official
and founder of JPI Group, an adviser to
[...] Chinese companies investing abroad said: “Especially since CNOOC was blocked by the US from buying Unocal, the managers of these large state companies are very afraid of even proposing deals because they worry they will be blocked.
[...] 进出加沙地带并在加沙地带通行,对平民进行集体惩罚,因此巴勒斯坦平民普遍 陷入苦难和受惊吓, 加沙地带的人间惨剧和人道主义灾难在进一步加深,不结 [...]
The Non-Aligned Movement once again expresses its grave concern at the widespread suffering and trauma being visited upon the Palestinian civilian population and at the deepening human tragedy and humanitarian disaster unfolding in the Gaza Strip as a result of the continuing military actions by Israel, the occupying Power, against the civilian population as well as its ongoing blockade of Gaza, obstructing the movement of persons and goods, including of humanitarian personnel and vital humanitarian supplies,
including of desperately needed food,
[...] medicines, and fuel, into, out of and throughout [...]
the Gaza Strip in collective punishment of the civilian population.
新條例實施後, 由於企 業及教 育 機 構怕 受 到 刑 事檢控 , 而 且 又沒有方便 的 機 制 以取得所需 的 授 權,因此客 觀 上 阻礙了 企 業的資訊傳 播 , 對 教 學 活動亦造 成 不 便 , 引 起 社 會的疑 慮 。
After the implementation of the new Ordinance, the threat of criminal prosecution and the absence of a convenient mechanism for obtaining the required authorization have objectively hampered the dissemination of information in enterprises as well as teaching activities in schools and thus caused worries to society.
因此,不仅要让武装部队和武装团伙释放儿童并 使他们返回自己的家庭和社区,而且还必须解决儿童 的心理健康,保障他们的发展和未来,使其无 担心 或害怕被招募或遭到严重侵害。
It is therefore not only essential that children be released by armed forces and groups and returned to their families and communities, but it is essential also to address their psychosocial well-being and to ensure their development and their future without fear or threats of recruitment or the commission of other grave violations against them.
(e) 某 人 對 警 務 人 員 提 出 的 問 題 所 作 出 的 任 何 口 頭 回 答,以 及 他 所 作 出 的 任 何 陳 述 , 如 要 獲 得 接 納 為 針 對 他 的 證 據 ﹐均 同 樣 必 頇 屬 於 自 願 , 這 是 一 項 基 本 的 條 件 , 而 自 願 的 意 思,是 上 述 回 答 或 陳 述 並 非 經 由 有 權 力 的 人 施 加 威 嚇 或 利 誘 以 令 他怕 受 到 損 害 或 希 望 有 所 得 益 而 取 得,亦 不 是 通 過 壓 迫 而 取 得 的 。
(e) That it is a fundamental condition of the admissibility in evidence against any person, equally of any oral answer given by that person to a question put by a police officer and of any statement made by that person, that it shall have been voluntary, in the sense that if has not been obtained from him by fear of prejudice or hope of advantage, exercised or held out by a person in authority, or by oppression.




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