

单词 担当

担当 verb ()

play v

See also:


carry v
undertake v

take responsibility
carrying pole and its load
classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole
picul (100 catties, 50 kg)
two buckets full

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 总的来讲仍然相对强劲有力,为保持世界经济的稳 担当 了 铁 锚的稳固作 用。
Despite the slowdown, growth in the
region remained relatively robust in general terms,
[...] with the region serving as an anchor [...]
of stability for the world economy.
西班牙经济政策的目标,是使设备资产投担当起经 济发展的主角,从而提升今后几年经济发展的质量。
The objective of economic policy is for investment in capital goods to become increasingly prominent, with a view to strengthening the quality of growth in the years to come.
许多代表团认为,促进全民共享信息和言论自由是一项正在执行的重要任务,因此与全民共享 信息和言论自由相关的两个问题应继续在未来的 C5 文件担当重要角色。
Many delegations proposed that the promotion of universal access to information and freedom of expression was an ongoing important task and that hence the two interrelated issues of access to information and freedom of expression should continue to play a major role in the future C/5 document.
[...] 能在嘈杂环境中平滑、安静操作,并使工人们不再在螺柱旋转过程 担当 吸 收 启动转矩的危险角色。
The new Electric Stud Drive Tool (ESDT) offers smooth, quiet operation
in a noisy environment and relieves workers from the
[...] dangerous role of absorbing breakaway [...]
torque during stud rotation.
经社会指出,占地球表面三分之一的太平洋是全球性资源,需要对之 实行共同的管理担当,并 指出在管理海洋资源方面,太平洋小岛屿发展中 国家已起了带头作用,但它们需要其他亚太地区国家乃至全球的支持,包括 为此建立有效的海洋管理机制。
The Commission noted that the Pacific Ocean, covering one third of the earth’s surface, was a global resource that required collective management and responsibility, and that, while Pacific island developing countries were taking the lead in managing ocean resources, they needed the support of other countries in Asia and the Pacific and globally.
考虑到教 科文组织作为“知识管理者”的作用,还建议本组织可把它的专家力量重点放到少数优先国 家上(最不发达国家或属于联合国共同国别方案的国家) 担当 全 民 教育的政策顾问,倡导 全民教育。
Taking into account its role as “knowledge-broker”, it was further proposed that UNESCO could concentrate its expert resources on a small focused set of priority countries (LDCs or countries undertaking United Nations common country programming) and act as a policy adviser and advocate for EFA.
这些优先领域的工作应围绕着该办事 担当 的 南南合作推动者的角 色而展开。
Those priority areas would revolve around the role of the office as a driver of South-South cooperation.
[...] 员会,由政府和驻地协调员或副特别代表联合主持,以联合国、政府和捐助方代表 为成员,推举开发担当大部 分事务的行政主管,根据既定的要求和轻重缓急,决 [...]
In this connection, UNDG has developed terms of reference for the operation of multidonor trust funds with a steering committee co-chaired by the Government and the RC or Deputy Special Representative, composed of the United
Nations, the Government and donor
[...] representatives and with UNDP as administrative [...]
agent in most cases, to decide on the allocation
of funds based on established requirements and priorities and due reporting and auditing dates.
为了更好体现社会公益与责担当, 今年,CNNIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资源技术的最新发展,尤其是 IPv6 [...]
与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、
云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联网 IP 地址与域名技术发展研 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预测 IP 地址与域名技术的最 新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领域广大管理者、研究者、从业者参考。
In order to do a better job for the public
[...] interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts [...]
of the industry in and
out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the Development of IP Address and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the development trend of IP address and domain name technology for the reference by the managers, researchers and workers in the Internet industry.
在《公约》适用于香港后,康复专员 便 担当 香 港特区政府内实行有关《公 约》事宜的协调中心,而各有关的政府政策局及部门则有责任确保其政策范畴的 [...]
Following the application of the Convention to HKSAR,
[...] while C for R serves as the focal [...]
point within the HKSAR Government for matters
relating to the implementation of the Convention, relevant Bureaux and Departments have the responsibilities to ensure that the policies and measures under their purview provide equal opportunities and rights for persons with disabilities in compliance with the spirit and provisions of the Convention.
因此,在《公约》适用于香港后,康复咨询委员会 便 担当上 新 的角色,就推广《公约》和监察其在香港特区的实行情况向政府提供意见。
In this regard, with the entry into force of the Convention, the RAC has taken on the new role of advising the HKSAR Government on the promotion and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention in HKSAR.
根据 2004 年人口普查的区间结果,柬埔寨共有 2
[...] 188 663 个家庭,其中 25.7%的家庭由妇担当户主
According the interval result of the census in 2004, it
is indicated that in Cambodia there are 2,188,663 families in total including 25.7
[...] per cent women as head of the family.
他们还就有关问题征求内部专家的意见 担当 其 他区域检察官的联系人,并协助 检察官办公室审判工作队提出援助申请。
They also consult with in-house experts on relevant issues, serve as contact points for other regional prosecutors, and facilitate requests for assistance generated by the trial teams of the Office of the Prosecutor.
[...] 政府坚持努力,促进实现加沙和以南持久停火,担 当巴勒斯坦和解谈判东道国。
I also wish to express our deep appreciation to President Mubarak and the Government of Egypt for their
persistence in promoting a durable ceasefire in Gaza and southern
[...] Israel, and in hosting Palestinian reconciliation talks.
研究生教育 项目对培养那些在全球经济中开拓创新 担当 领 军 人物的人才尤 其重要。
Graduate education programs in particular are essential to the preparation of those who will innovate and lead in the global economy.
在这样做的 时候将力求保证对联合国、黎巴嫩政府、黎巴嫩民间社会、各会员国和整个国际 社会的透明度和责担当。
This will be done in an effort to ensure transparency and accountability vis-à-vis the United Nations, the Government of Lebanon, Lebanese civil society, Member States and the world community at large.
Located at the entrance plaza of
Genghai housing project, this building is
[...] designed to be used as a sales office [...]
and later will be converted into retail stores.
例如,各区域委员会已经为监测全球框架 — 其中包括人口与发展国际会议行动计划 和北京行动纲要 — 的落实情担当了区 域平台的角色。
For example, the Regional Commissions are already serving as regional platforms for monitoring the implementation of global frameworks, including the Plan of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Beijing Platform for Action.
全国人权委员会努力加强人权做法 担当 了 国 家的道德指 南。
The National Human Rights Commission strived to strengthen human rights practices and served as the moral compass of the nation.
[...] 将继续通过未来的活动加强国家能力,并在可能时探索利用那些通过技术合作经 常方案获得了技能的受惠担当顾问或专家的可能性。
The Committee trusts that the programme will continue to strengthen national capacity through its future activities and, where feasible, to explore the possibility of utilizing the
recipients, who have acquired skills through the regular programme of technical
[...] cooperation, to act as advisers or experts.
它们担当了在 区域层面交流经验和意见的平台,并在全球 层面发出一致的区域声音。
They also act as platforms for the sharing of experiences and ideas at the regional level, and projecting a cohesive regional voice at the global level.
(b) 对担当气候 技术中心的东道方事宜得到证明的长期承诺; (c) 为处理区域和次区域问题建立网络和组织网络结构的拟议方针和方法 的可行性,也包括能否广泛吸收各种有关组织、中心、网络、倡议和私营部门实 体
(c) Feasibility of the proposed approach and methodology for establishing and structuring the Network in order to accommodate regional and sub-regional issues, also including the involvement of a wide range of relevant organizations, centres, networks, initiatives and private-sector entities
来自本区域各 相关国家统计局和农业部的专家构成农业指导小组的骨干,而亚行、 亚太经社会和粮农组织在伙伴关系 担当 主 要 执行机构。
Experts from national statistical offices and ministries of agriculture in the region form the backbone of the Steering Group for Agricultural Statistics, with ADB, ESCAP and FAO acting in partnership as the key implementing organizations.
共和国总检察署署长的义务和权限如下:a) 代表并维护共和国的财产利 益;b) 依法发表相关意见;c) 依照法律规定的形式为政担当法律 顾问;d) 法 律规定的其他义务和权限。
The duties and powers of the Attorney General of the Republic are to: (a) represent and defend the patrimonial interests of the Republic in judicial or extrajudicial proceedings; (b) issue rulings in such cases and for such purposes as may be specified by the law; (c) provide legal advice to the public administration in the form laid down by law; and (d) exercise such other duties and powers as may be defined by the law.
此外,森林不仅可以防止 土壤侵蚀,还有助于表层土(担当 碳 储 存地)的形 成(更多详情,如下所示)。
Furthermore, forests not only prevent soil erosion but also contribute to the formation of topsoil, which serves as an important sink for carbon (more details below).
正如大家所知,为解决私营市场的困境,政府已停止兴建和出售资助公营房屋,不 担当 地 产发展商的角色。
As you know, to address the malaise in the private sector, the government has withdrawn from the role of acting as a property developer, by halting the production and sale of public subsidized flats.
今天,新西兰在国际 稳定部队中保持了 150 名军事人员的一个步兵连,同 时担当了部队副指挥官的角色。
Today, New Zealand maintains 150 military personnel — an infantry company — within the ISF and holds the Force Deputy Commander role.
拥有许多领导者的 好处有很多:您的组织会更强壮;组织可持续发展能力更强,所以如果某位领导者出了什么问
[...] 题(或者某人已经感到倦怠)工作还可以继续;而且因为更多的 担当 领 导角色,也可以为组 织开发新的机会。
The advantages of having many leaders are many: your organization is stronger; the organization is more sustainable, so that if something happens to one leader (or if someone burns
out) the work can continue; and you develop new opportunities for the organization as
[...] more people take on leadership roles.
多年的经济衰退、失业率上升,加上因经济逆转和供过于求,导致物业价格下跌,令人质疑政府房屋贷款公司应否维持其一直以 担当 的 角 色,继续提供长期的低定息置业贷款。
Years of recession, increased unemployment and price deflation in the property market as a result of economic adversity and oversupply have all called into question the Government Housing Loan Corporation's longstanding role of providing long-term, fixed low-interest home purchase loans.




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