






worry aboutv



External sources (not reviewed)

董事共同及个别 对本通函所载资料的准确性 责任,并在作出一切合理查询後确认,就彼等所知及 [...]
所信,本通函所载意见乃经审慎周详考虑後始行作出,且本通函概无遗漏任何其他事实致 令本通函所载任何声明产生误导。
The Directors jointly and
[...] individually accept full responsibility [...]
for the accuracy of the information contained in this
circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, opinions expressed in this circular have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement in this circular misleading.
(i) 本公司可按董事会认为合适之有关条款向本公司、其 任何附属公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有关控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 属 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 诚 雇 员 提 供 财 务 援 助,以令彼等可买入或认购或以其他方式收购本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份缴足),而 有关条款可包括一项提述,倘董事不事,或 雇员不再受雇於本公司或有关其他公司,则以有关财 务援助买入或认购或以其他方式收购之股份须或可按 董事会认为合适之有关条款售予本公司或有关其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
(E) 在考虑有关委任两名或以上董公司或本公司拥有权益 之任何其他公司之职务或受薪职位(包括委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 [...]
安排时,须就每名董事分别提呈决议案,而每名有关董事均可就各项决议案投票(及 计入法定人数),惟有关其本身委任(或委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之
决议案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之职务或受薪职位)该董事连同 其任何联系人士拥有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何类别股本之已发行股份 或该公司任何类别股份之投票权。
(E) Where arrangements are under
[...] consideration concerning the appointment (including [...]
the arrangement or variation of the
terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
各董事愿就本通函所载资料之准确性 共同及个别责任,并於作出一切合理查询後确认,就彼等所知及确信,当中并无 遗漏任何其他事实,致令其内容有所误导。
The Directors collectively and individuallyaccept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading.
香港交易及结算所有限公司及香港联合交易所有限公司对本通函之内容概不负责,对其准 确性或完整性亦不发表任何声明,并明确表示,概不就因本通函全部或任何部份内容而产 生或因倚赖该等内容而引致之任何损失 责任。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.
3.4 为任何人士、商号或公司(无论是否以任何方式与本公司相关或关联)履行 其全部或任何责任提供保证 弥偿、支持或抵押,无论透过个人契诺 或本公司现时及未来全部或任何部分业务、物业及资产(包括其未催缴股 本)的按揭、押记或留置权或任何上述方法,且不论本公司是否就此收取有 值代价。
3.4 To stand surety for or to guarantee, indemnify, support or secure the performance of all or any of the obligations of any person, firm or company whether or not related or affiliatedto the Company in any manner and whether by personal covenant or by mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of the undertaking, property and assets of the Company, both present and future, including its uncalled capital or by any such method and whether or not the Company shall receive valuable consideration therefor.
(f) 在条例及本条下段的规限下,董事或候任或准董事不得因其职务而不 符合资格与本公司订约,不论就其任何受薪职位或岗位的年期或作为 卖家、买家或以任何其他方式,亦无须避免订立与此有关的任何合约或 董事以任何方式有利害关系的任何其他合约或安排,任何因此订立或 有利害关系的董事无须只基於事职务或因而建立的受信关系 而就因任何有关合约或安排所变现的任何薪酬、利益或其他福利向本 公司或股东作出交代。
(f) Subject to the Ordinance and to the next paragraph of this Article, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatsoever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company of the members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
(d) 有条件或无条件地认购、包销、获委托发行或其他方式取得、持有、处理及转换所有类型的股 额、股份及证券,及就分享溢利、互惠特许或与任何人士或公司合作缔结合夥或任何安排,及 发起或协助发起设立、组成或创办任何类型的任何公司、联合组织或合夥,以取得及司的任何财产及负债或直接或间接推动本公司的宗旨或为达成本公司认为合宜的任何其他目 的。
(d) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or organise any company, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
(e) 发行及配发本公司之证券,以换取现金或就本公司所购买或以其他方式购入之任何土地或非土地 财产或向本公司提供之任何服务之付款或部分付款或作为任何责任或金额(即使低於该等证券之 面值)为了其他目的。
(e) To issue and allot securities of the Company for cash or in payment or part payment for any real or personal property purchased or otherwise acquired by the Company or any services rendered to the Company or as security for any obligation or amount (even if less than the nominal amount of such securities) or for any other purpose.
(i) 设立及支援或协助设立及支援旨在惠及本公司或其业务的前任人的雇员或前 雇员、或惠及该等人士的受养人或亲属的组织、机构、基金、信托及便利设 施;批给退休金及津贴;就保险作出付款;为慈善或仁爱宗旨,或为任何奖
[...] 助宗旨或任何公衆、大衆或有用的宗旨而认捐款项付款项。
(i) To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of associations institutions funds trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or its predecessors in business or the dependants or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe or
guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibitions or for any
[...] public generalor useful object.
4.20 就分占溢利、共同权利、合作、合营企业、交互特许权、合并或其他 事宜,与任何从事或将从事或於经营或从事令本公司直接或间接将或 可能从中受益之任何业务或事业中拥有或将拥有权益之任何人士或公 司订立合夥业务或任何安排;进行贷款、为任何有关人士或公约或以其他方式协助任何有关人士或公司,及认购或以其他方式获 得有关公司之股份及证券,以及出售、持有、再发行(不论有或以其他方式交易有关股份及证券。
4.20 To enter into partnership or into any arrangements for sharing profits, union of interests, co-operation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, amalgamation or otherwise with any person or persons or company engaged or interested or about to become engaged or interested in the carrying on or conduct of any business or enterprise from which this Company would or might derive any benefit
whether direct or indirect
[...] and to lend money, guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person or company and to take subscribe for or otherwise acquire shares and securities of any such company and to sell, hold, re-issue withor without guarantee [...]
or otherwise deal with the same.
(x) 拨付及参与任何公司或法团的开办及登记及配售其股本或证券或其他 发行,尤其是(惟在不影响前述一般性的情况下)发起或参与发起任何 附属公司或其他公司(其宗旨完全或部分与本公司相似的或其宗旨包括 收购及接管全部或任何资产及负债或在任何方面旨在直接或间接提升 本公司宗旨或利益),并认购、收购及持有股份、股额或证券付任何该等公司发行的任何证券。
(x) To finance and take part in the flotation and registration of any company or corporation and the placing of its capital or securities or other issues and in particular but so as not to limit the generality of the foregoing to promote or join in the promotion of any subsidiary or other company having objects wholly or in part similar to those of this Company, or whose objects shall include the acquisition and the taking over of all or any of the assets and liabilities of or shall be in any manner calculated to advance directly or indirectly the objects or interests of the Company and to subscribe for, acquire and hold shares, stocks or securities of,and guarantee the payment of any securities issued by any such company.
董事会可在香港或其他地方设立任何当地委员会或代理机构,管理本公司之任何事务,并 可委任任何人种当地委员会成员或为本公司委任经理或代理,及可确定其酬金,而且 可将授与董事会之任何权力、权限及处理权授与任何这种当地委员会、经理或代理(由董事会决 定是否附带转授权力),以及授权任何当地委员会成员或任何委员会填补其中任何空缺,而且不 论有无空缺都授权办事,而任何这种委任或授权可根据董事会认为适当之条件作出﹔董事会可 撤换如此委任之任何人士,亦可撤消或改变任何这种授权,但着意从事业务而未收到撤消或改 变通知之人士则不受其影响。
The Directors may establish any local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents for the Company, and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate (with or without power to sub-delegate as the Directors shall determine) to any local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Directors, and may authorise the members of any local boards, or any of them, to fill any vacancies therein, and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Directors may think fit, and the Directors may remove any person so appointed, and may annul or vary any such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such annulment or variation shall be affected thereby.
(b) 达 成 任 何 保 证 、 保 障同 , 特 别 是 在 不 损 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 况 下 , 无 论 是 通 过 个 人 义 务 还 是 通 过 抵 押 或 收 取 公 司 费 用 的 所 有 或 任 何 部 分 、 目 前 和 将 来 的 财 产 与 资 产 、 未 催 缴 的 股 本 抑 或 是 通 过 这 两 种 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 来 保 证 、 支 援 或 确 保 履 行 义 务 或 承 诺 并 偿 还 或 支 付 任 何 个 人 的 债 务 和 任 何 曾 经 是 本 公 司 的 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 与 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 费 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 价 证 券 。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or suretyand in particular (without prejudice or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company.
泰盛国际(控 股)有限公司的董事(「董事」)对本报告之内容共同及个别。并作出一切合理查询後,确认据彼等所知及所 信:(1)本报告内所载的资料在各重大方面均属准确完备及并无误导成份;(2)本报告并无遗漏其他事实,以致其任 何声明有所误导;及(3)本报告内所发表之意见乃经审慎周详之考虑,并按公平合理的准则与假设而作出。
The Directors of the Company, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief:— (1) the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading; (2) there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement in this report misleading; and (3) all opinions expressed in this report have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and are founded on bases and assumptions that are fair and reasonable.
(q) 向於配售或协助配售 售本公司股本中任何股份或本公司任何债权证 或其他证券或於本公司成立或创办或经营其业务中提供或将提供服务的任何 个人或公司给予酬金。
(q) To remunerate any person or company for services rendered or to be rendered in placing or assisting to place or guaranteeing the placing of any of the shares in the Company's capital or any debentures or other securities of the Company or in or about the formation or promotion of the Company or the conduct of its business.
(ii) 本公司可按照当时生效并获成员在股东大会上批准的任 何计划,为或就购买或认购本公司或本公司任何控股公 司的缴足或部份缴款的股份直接或间接提供资金或其他 财务资助,即由受托人购买或认购本公司、其任何附属 公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何该等控股公司的附属 公司的股份,或购买或认购将由该等公司持有或为该等 公司雇员的利益而持有的股份,而有关雇员包括於任何 上述公薪职务或职位的任何董事,任何此等信 托的其余受益人可以是或包括慈善对象。
(ii) The Company may in accordance with any scheme for the time being in force and approved by the members in general meeting provide money or other financial assistance direct or indirect for the purpose of or in connection with the purchase of, or subscription for, fully or partly paid shares in the Company or any holding company of the Company, being a purchase or subscription by a trustee of or for shares to be held by or for the benefit of employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company, including any director holding a salaried employment or office with or in any such company and so that the residual beneficiary of any such trust may be or include a charitable object.
如 果 本 集 团 的 持 续 参 与 形 式 为 对 被 转 让 资 产 提则 本 集 团 的 持 续 参 与 程 度 的 计 量 是 下 述 两 者 中 的 较 低 者:资 产 的 账 面 金 额 和 本 集 团 可 以 被 要 求 偿 还 的 对 价 的 最 大 金 额。
Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to repay.
指使用太阳能、风能、生物质能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能、地热能及废物能(包括土地堆填和污水气体) 或港灯与政府日後互相议定的常存在及用之不竭(意 思是无备耗尽的问题)的其他能源來发电的 系统。
means an electricity generation system employing solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from waste (including landfill gas or sewage gas) or such other energy sources that are secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future.
(b) 当审议涉及委任兩名或以上董本公司或本公司拥有权益的 任何其他公司的职务或受薪职位,或确定或更改其委任条款或终止其 委任的建议时,可就每名董事分别提呈决议案,而每名有关董事均可 就各项决议案投票,并计入法定人數,惟决议案有关其本身的委任或 确定或更改其委任条款或终止其委任,或委任另一名董公司 拥有权益的公司的职务或受薪职位且该名寻求投票或被计入法定人 數的董事於决议案中拥有有关权益者除外。
(b) Where proposals are under consideration concerningthe appointment, or the settlement or variation of the terms or the termination of theappointment, of two or more directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each director and in that case each of the directors concerned shall be entitled to vote and be counted in the quorum in respect of each resolution unless it concerns his own appointment or the settlement or variation of the terms or the termination of his ownappointment or the appointment of another director to an office or place of profit with a company in which the Company is interested and the director seeking to vote or be counted in the quorum has a Relevant Interest in it.
(A) 除非本公司与任何可换股优先股股东协定任何其他付款方 式,否则本公司将向有关可换股优先股股东寄发港元(或 倘以另一种货币付款,则为有关其他货币)支票支付因兑 换或赎回优先股而导致的任何现金分派及有关款额,邮寄 地址为该名可换股优先股股东於有关记录日期於股东名册 上所示的登记地址,惟邮误风险概由其自行
(A) Unless any other manner of payment is agreed between the Company and any CP Shareholder, payment of any cash distributions and moneys due on conversion or redemption to such CP Shareholder shall be made by the Company posting a cheque in Hong Kong dollars (or in the case of payments which are to be made in another currency, such other currency) addressed to that CP Shareholder at his registered address appearing on the Register as at the relevant Record Date and at hisrisk.
5.3 假若阁下未有根据本客户协议及本附表履行本身的任何责任及/或偿还阁下的任何债务,包括未有提供保 证金,则吾等可无须事先通知阁下或获得阁下同意的情况下,采取绝对酌情权:(a)拒绝接受阁下在交易 所交易的期权业务发出的进一步指示;(b)将阁下与吾等之间的部分或全部客户合约平仓;(c)订立合约或 进行证券、期货或商品的交易以履行所产生的责任或对冲吾等因阁下未有履行责任而须 险;及/ 或 (d)处置保证金或其在任何部分并将该等处置所得收益清偿阁下欠下吾等的债务,及在阁下欠吾等的一 切债务清偿後的任何收益余款支付予阁下。
5.3 If you fail to comply with any of your obligations and/or to meet your liabilities under any of the provisions of this Client Agreement including this Schedule, including without limitation failure to provide Margin, we may at our absolute discretion and without prior notice to you or your consent; (a) decline to accept further Instructions in respect of Exchange Traded Options Business; (b) Close Out some or all of your Client Contracts with us; (c) enter into Contracts or transactions in Securities, Futures or Commodities, in order to settle obligations arising out to or to hedge the risks to which we are exposed in relation to your failure; and/or (d) dispose of the Margin or any part thereof, and apply the proceeds thereof to discharge your liabilities to us, and any proceeds remaining after discharge of all your liabilities to us shall be returned to you.
(n) 收取按金款项或贷款及借款或以本公司认为合适的有关方式筹资,尤其是透 过发行债权证、或债权股证(永久或其他方式)以取得偿还任何所借款项、 筹集或所欠或本公司(现时及未来)物业或资产的全部或任何抵押、押记或 留置权,包括其未缴催缴资本,及亦类似抵押、押记或留置权以取得公司或任何其他人士或公司於本公司或任何其他人士或公司(视乎情况而 定)任何责任。
(n) To receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, or debenture stock (perpetual or otherwise) and so secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the property or assets of the Company (both present and future), including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar
mortgage, charge or lien
[...] to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company or any other person or company of any obligation undertaken by the Company or any other person or company as the case may be.
董 事 会 所 有 董 事 以 本 公 司 的 最 佳 利 益 为 前 提,领 导 和 监 管 本 集 团,就 本 公 司 的 管 理、监 控 和 营 运 事 宜 向 本 公 司 所 有 股 东和 个 别 的 责 任。
Members of the Board of Directors seek to act in the best interests of the Company, providing leadership and supervision over the Group and assuming joint and individual responsibility to all shareholders of the Company in respect of the management, control and operations of the Company.
10.4 在条款 10.2 和 10.3 的规限下及在适用法律允许的情况下,对於因任何货 品或该货品失效(不论是否因侵权(包括疏忽)、违约或其他因素)而引致的任 何收益损失、盈利损失、合约损失、数据丢失或由此引致的任何间接或连 带损失或损害,我们将不会我们双方签订的合约或其他合约下的 责任。
10.4 Subject to clauses 10.2 and 10.3 and to such extent as permitted by applicable law, we will not be liable under the contract between us or otherwise for any loss of income, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of data or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind howsoever arising or for any damage caused by any product or failure of such product to perform and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise.
71 董事会可以其认为适当的方式及按其认为在各方面均属适当的条款及条件筹 集付或偿还该等款项,尤其可发行本公司的债权证、债权股证、债 券或其他证券,不论是纯粹为此等证券而发行,或是作为公司或任何第三者 的任何债项、债务或义务的附带保证而发行。
71 The Board may raise or secure the payment or repayment of such sum or sums in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as it thinks fit and, in particular, by the issue of debentures, debenture stock, bonds or other securities of the Company, whether outright or as collateral security for any debts, liability or obligations of the Company or of any third party.
(d) 进行建造及建筑承包商、室内及室外装饰商、以及土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各 自之内任何产业权或权益拥有人的业务;管理屋村及物业;接受及徵收租金;以及按本公司 认为适当的条款与条件,就土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各自之内的任何产业权或 权益,为任何一位或多位人士、公司或法团理人或代理商及进行各类代理及佣金业 务,以收取佣金或对价。
(d) To carry on the business of construction and building contractors, interior and exterior decorators, and owners of land and hereditaments, messuages and tenements and any estate or interest therein Hong Kong Stamp Duty $20.00 5-8-65 — 2 — respectively, to manage estates and properties, to receive and collect rents, and to act as attorneys or factors and transact all kinds of agency and commission business so far as regards lands and hereditaments, messuages and tenements, and any estate or interest therein respectively for any person or persons, company or corporation for such commission or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit.
113.2 倘於董事退任的任何股东大会上,退任董事的职位未有填补,退任董事可继续任职至下 年度下届股东周年大会,以後如此类推,除非董事名额如上述减少,或除非本公司与股 东周年大会决议,已退任董事不得继务。
113.2 If at any general meeting at which a Director retires, the office(s) of the retiring Director(s) are not filled up the retiring Director(s) may continue in office until the annual general meeting in the next year, and so on from year to year unless the number shall be reduced as aforesaid or unless the Company at the annual general meeting shall resolvethat a retiring Director shall not remain in office.




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