单词 | 抽象代数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抽象代数 —abstract algebraSee also:抽象 n—abstract n 抽象—abstraction 代数 adj—algebraic adj
完全抽象不同的数据库 类型:只需编写一 组 代 码 即 可访问任何支持的后台数据库类型。 evget.com | Complete abstraction of different databases types: write one set of code and [...] target any supported database backend type. evget.com |
完全抽象不同的数据库 设计:使用一个单一的中间层服务器来处理不同的数据库设计,比如一个传统的数据库和一个新的、精心设计的 替 代 数 据 库。 evget.com | Complete abstraction of different database layouts: have a single middle-tier server target different database designs, for example a legacy database and a new, well-designed replacement database. evget.com |
它允许你使用对象代替SQL来读写数据 库 表格中的行。 javakaiyuan.com | It allows you to use objects instead of SQL to write database table rows . javakaiyuan.com |
除了抽象主题 名和队列名之外,JNDI还提供了另一个有用的功能:能够使用Java EE的JMS对象接口来编写代码。 infoq.com | Aside from abstracting the names of the topics and queues, JNDI provides another useful feature: the ability to write your Java code using Java [...] [...] Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) interfaces for the JMS objects. infoq.com |
Spring提供了唯一的数据访问抽象,包 括简单和有效率的JDBC框架,极大的改进了效率并且减少了可能的错误。 javakaiyuan.com | Spring provides a unique data access abstraction , including a [...] simple and efficient JDBC framework that greatly improved [...]the efficiency and reduce possible errors . javakaiyuan.com |
在使用计算机辅助个人面谈和计算机辅助电话约谈等 现 代 技 术时 , 抽 样 调查 获得的数据一 般来说可比登记册数据得到更加迅速的处理和公布。 daccess-ods.un.org | Data from sample surveys in general can be [...] processed and published much more [...] rapidly than register data, when modern techniques such as Computer-Assisted [...]Personal Interviewing [...](CAPI) and Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) are used. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦的名字被秘书长代 表 抽 中 , 即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议发言时段 的 数 字。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Once the name of a Member State, [...] the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has been drawn by the representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its [...]capacity [...]as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
三名法國攝影師創造現實、虛構和 抽象 重 疊的 當 代 畫 面。 frenchmay.com | Three French [...] photographers create contemporary landscapes where reality, fiction and abstraction overlap. frenchmay.com |
即便在私有实现部分使用平台相关的功能的情况下(这在许多情况下是很有可能的,在 多 数 的 实 际情况下更有可能),BPEL4WS 中抽象流程 和可执行流程间的基本概念的模型的连续性可能将包含在业务协议中的公共部分作为流程或角色模板进行输出和输入,同时保持协议的目的和结构。 huihoo.org | Even where private implementation aspects use platform-dependent functionality, which is likely in many if not most realistic [...] cases, the continuity [...] of the basic conceptual model between abstract and executable processes in BPEL4WS makes [...]it possible to [...]export and import the public aspects embodied in business protocols as process or role templates while maintaining the intent and structure of the protocols. huihoo.org |
我们将“黑现代主义”理解为以下这样的一种当代艺术创作:它引用了国际 现 代 主 义 中 抽象 艺 术 的形式经典,同时将 现 代 主 义 抽象 艺 术 形式作为引用并和具体的事件并置。 shanghaibiennale.org | Below, we understand “modernist noir” as such productions of contemporary art which quote the form canon of non-representational art of international modernism and at the same time combine shanghaibiennale.org |
如结果仍有两个以上的候选人或候选 代 表 团 票 数 相 等 ,则应 以抽签的办法将候选人或候选代表团 数 目 减 为两个,然后再依上款的规定,专就 这两个候选人或候选代表团继续进行投票。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a tie results among more than two candidates, the number shall be reduced to two by lot and the balloting, restricted to them, shall continue in accordance with the preceding paragraph. daccess-ods.un.org |
挤奶数据,特别是从ICAR测试获得的有脂肪和蛋白质信息 的 代 表 性牛 奶 抽 样 数 据 , 让您能调整奶牛饮食,获得最佳的营养。 delaval.cn | The milking data, [...] particularly the representative milk sampling data with fat and [...]protein information from ICAR testing, [...]enables you to adjust cow diets for optimal nutrition. delaval.ca |
當然有時也以風格區分,有別於1980年代後發展出的「 當 代 藝 術」風格作品者 , 抽象 藝 術 如趙無極、朱德群等人近作,中國寫實主義如陳逸飛、王沂東等人畫作,皆歸類在「華人現代藝術」範疇之內,其特色為風格偏向古典,具有美術史定位,價值較高。 ravenelart.com | For example, in contrast to [...] much of the “contemporary art” developing after the 1980s, the more recent, abstract output of Zao Wou-ki, [...]Chu Teh-chun and [...]others, as well as works of “Chinese realism” by Chen Yifei, Wang Yidong and others, are usually tagged as “Chinese modern art,” its defining characteristics including a more classically oriented style and an established place in art history—qualities that fairly consistently put these works in a higher price range. ravenelart.com |
整张手卷的风格,基本上是对中国古典绘画形式挪用的尝试;审美的情趣和画面经营上,受到了西方 现 代 派 , 抽象 派, 西方平面设计,日本传统艺术,中国绘画的手卷的装裱分隔和传统中国画特别是元代绘画(如:钱选)和明代绘画(如:仇英)的影响。 shanghaibiennale.org | In style, the scroll is an adaptation of traditional Chinese [...] techniques. Its aesthetic and composition [...] draw on western modern art, abstract approaches, advertising [...]design, and traditional Japanese [...]techniques, and the influence of traditional Chinese mounting and traditional painting are also clear, especially the styles of the Yuan Dynasty (e.g. Qian Xuan) and the Ming Dynasty (e.g. Qiu Ying). shanghaibiennale.org |
法治不是一个现代的抽象概念 ;它植根于所有国 家的历史并体现在所有文化中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rule of [...] law is not a modern, abstract concept; it [...]is ingrained in the history of all nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
Helma是应用程序对象到数据库 表格映射 零 代 码 化 与简单化的先驱,此外一个内嵌的面向 对 象数 据 库可以完成未映射 对 象 数 据的自动持久化。 javakaiyuan.com | Helma application object is [...] mapped to a database table with simple zero- code of a pioneer , in addition to an embedded object-oriented database can be done automatically without data mapping object [...]persistence . javakaiyuan.com |
与Marvell的合作让我们正在迎来全新的服务 时 代 。 这 个服务 时 代 以 SD N架构为基础,利用我们 的 数 据 、 控制面 板 抽 取 和 基础架构的程序化控制。 marvell.com.cn | Together with Marvell, we are opening the door [...] to a whole new era of services enabled by our SDN architecture, leveraging our data and control plane abstraction, coupled with [...]programmatic control [...]of the infrastructure, ” said Sandy Orlando, vice president of marketing at IP Infusion. marvell.com |
实际上,所有的生物测定技术均通过下述步骤实现:传感器采集个体的原始生物测 定 数 据 ;特 征 抽 取 处 理采集到 的 数 据 , 形成一 个 代 表 该 个体的生物特性的特征集;模式匹配将抽取的特征集与数据库中保存的模板进行对比;决策程序据此判断用户声明的身份是否能通过验证。 analog.com | Virtually all biometric techniques are implemented using a [...] sensor to acquire raw [...] biometric data from an individual, feature extraction to processes the acquired data to develop a feature set that represents the biometric trait, pattern matching to compare the extracted feature set [...]against stored templates [...]residing in a database, and decision-making whereby a user's claimed identity is authenticated or rejected. analog.com |
特别报告员认为,条约的 目的和宗旨这一标准尽管具有抽象的 意 义,但在确定有限参加的条约概念方面没 [...] 有多大用途。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur was of the view that the criterion of the object and [...] purpose of the treaty, notwithstanding its [...] pertinence in the abstract, was not of much [...]use in determining the notion of a treaty with limited participation. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用焦点动物观察取样法对上海野生动物园半散放的一群川金丝猴(7♂,4♀)交配活动进行了为期一年的观察,发现该物种在交配过程中无锁结 现 象 , 通常在一次爬跨 及 数 次 (2 ±1.58, n=782)抽动后 出现射精;在1 h之内出现两次射精的比例约占总射精数的26%。 actazool.org | We observed male copulatory behavior in a captive group of the Sichuan snub nosed monkey comprised of 11 [...] individuals, seven [...] males and four females, with focal animal sampling technique, during May 2000~May 2001 at [...]Shanghai Wild Animal Park. actazool.org |
这个抽象数据表 组件为Delphi 或C++Builder 提供了访问任何数据的通道,同时还保留了报表的所有功能。 evget.com | The abstract table component provides a means to access any data that can be [...] seen by Delphi or C++Builder while retaining all report features. evget.com |
通常来说,您所掌握的是晶体结构的 抽象数 字 描 述,一般包括单胞参数、空间点群以及原子 参数(元素种类、分数坐标等),以印刷材料或者文件形式(如 [...] CIF 文件)存在。 crystalimpact.de | What you have is an abstract numerical description of [...] a crystal structure, typically consisting of unit cell parameters, [...]space group and atomic parameters (elements, fractional coordinates etc.), either in print or as a file (e.g. CIF-file). crystalimpact.de |
对于按图片、形状或色彩而非按抽象 的 字母 或 数 字 进 行简单配对的游戏或乐透式游 戏,两岁半以后的幼儿可能会喜欢。 cpsc.gov | Simple matching or lotto-type games, in which the matching is based on pictures, shapes, or colors [...] rather than more abstract letters or numbers, may be enjoyed [...]by children in [...]the latter half of this age group. cpsc.gov |
因此指出,特别报告员没有考虑到这样一种可能性,即当前 的程序问题也许不是援引或放弃豁免的问题,而是在发生严重国际罪行的情况下 [...] 没有豁免的问题,虽然其他委员也反驳说,关于对这种“核心罪行”没有豁免的 声称是抽象笼统的,委员会必须在较后的阶段更详细地处理这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, it was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur had failed to address the possibility that the procedural issue at hand was not one of invocation of immunity or waiver thereof but rather the absence of immunity in respect of situations in which grave international crimes were committed, although it was also countered by other members that the assertion [...] that there was no immunity for such “core [...] crimes” was abstract and general, [...]and the Commission will have to deal with these [...]matters in greater detail at a later stage. daccess-ods.un.org |
地区性重症医疗使用出院抽象数 据和病人管理分类的评估。 medevacfoundation.org | The evaluation of regional trauma care [...] using discharge abstract data and patient management [...]categories. medevacfoundation.org |
本拍品《05.06.53─茶色與黑色的構圖》為趙無極自己起的題目,「構圖」的原文Composition一詞原為「作曲」之意,為康丁斯基以降的西方抽象畫常見的命名方式,顯見音樂性對於 現 代抽象 繪 畫有巨大的影響。 ravenelart.com | The present lot, 05.06.53 - Composition bistre, noire, named by the artist himself, follows a common trend for Expressionist artists of this period, many of whom included “composition” as part of the monikers for their paintings. ravenelart.com |
另一 個疑問是究竟理性行為的偏差是否只是因為我們對問題作 出決策時只把問題規範在現代、抽象 的 概念中,而這些概 念與我們進化歷史大部份的進程中為征服各種情況所建立 [...] 的認知工具大不相同,而且不能與我們每天面對的挑戰相 比。 genre.com | Another is the question of whether deviations from rational behaviour only occur because [...] our decision problems [...] are framed in terms of modern, abstract concepts – concepts [...]very different to those our cognitive apparatus had to develop in the conditions [...]that prevailed during the greater part of our evolutionary history and that are not comparable with most of the challenges we face today. genre.com |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不 足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他 少 数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of [...] racial profiling and [...] police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
但如果票数相等而未能当选的候选人人数较多,应举行一次 特别投票,目的是将候选人人数减少到所需要的人数;倘若结果又是多于所需要 的候选人得票相等时,主席将通过抽 签 将 他们的 人 数 减 少到所需要的人数。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in the case of a tie between a greater number of unsuccessful candidates a special ballot shall be held for the purpose of reducing the number of candidates to the required number; if a tie again results among more than the required number of candidates, the President shall reduce their number to that required by drawing lots. daccess-ods.un.org |
多数代表团支持在步骤 5/8 通过提到的拟议法典草案,该草案已在通用原则委员 [...] 会做了相当长时间的讨论,并且已经成了一份文件,可作为一个指导原则,对尚无健全 食品管理系统的国家提供重要且紧急保证。 codexalimentarius.org | Many delegations supported the [...] adoption of the Proposed Draft Code at Step 5/8, mentioning that it had been discussed in [...]the CCGP for quite some time and was a document that could be a guiding principle giving important and urgent assurances to countries not having adequate food control systems. codexalimentarius.org |