

单词 抽调

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

通过从任务区其他地抽调同样 人数官兵来完 成这一兵力调整工作。
This rebalancing would be achieved by repatriating an equivalent number of troops from elsewhere in the mission area.
对现有设施中的拘留场所进行改善; (b) 审计工作应当由从迄今为止参与查访监狱的各部 抽调 的 人 员组成的 多学科工作队进行
(b) The audit should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team drawn from the various sectors involved to date in visiting prisons
主Zedd的Octophantom的怪物抽调了最 托米的绿色别动队员力量。
Lord Zedd sends down the Octophantom monster, who siphons off most of Tommy's Green Ranger powers.
此外,作为本组织为开发一个对有效实施计划至关重要的有效信息和知识管理系统所 做的整个努力的组成部分,将考虑从一些中央业务和行政部 抽调 一 些职位,为负责该系统 开发、维护和监测工作而新设立的“首席信息官”(D-2)职位提供充分的支持。
Furthermore, as part of the Organization’s overall efforts to develop an effective information and knowledge management system vital for effective programme implementation, consideration will be given to providing adequate support to the newly created position of Chief Information Officer (D-2), responsible for the development, maintenance and monitoring of such a system, through the transfer of posts from Central Services and Administration.
一段时间以来,人员抽调至审 判分庭,以 便完成本庭的审判工作。
For some time now, staff have been diverted to the Trial Chambers in an effort to complete the Tribunal’s trial proceedings.
作为特派团过渡和集中在东部的战略的一部分,特派 团在从各实务部抽调资源 执行确定的优先任务方 面制订了不同的组织模式:创建了联合保护小组,由 [...]
各实务部门组成,包括民政办公室、人权办公室、政 治事务司以及联合国警察和军事人员,目的是监测、 调查和应对保护方面的问题;还设立了由人权办公
室、法治办公室和联合国警察组成的联合调查小组, 以监测和调查刚果(金)武装力量和国家警察的活动。
As part of its strategy for the transition and concentration in the east, the
Mission has developed different models of
[...] organizing itself in drawing resources from [...]
various substantive sections for identified
priority tasks: Joint Protection Teams, composed of substantive sections, including the Civil Affairs Office, the Human Rights Office, the Political Affairs Division and the United Nations police and military personnel, have been created with the aim of monitoring, investigating and responding to protection issues; Joint Investigation Teams, composed of the Human Rights Office, Rule of Law Office and the United Nations police, have also been established to monitor and investigate the activities of FARDC and PNC.
执行局第一三七届会议决定(决定 137 EX/8.6),“作为试行建立财务与行政问题专家 小组,其成员从财务与行政委员 抽调 , 并由执行局的预算拨款提供经费”。
At its 137th session the Board decided (137 EX/Decision 8.6) “to set up, on an experimental basis, a group of experts on financial and administrative matters which will be drawn from the finance and Administrative Commission and to be financed from within the budget provision made for the Executive Board”.
截至 12 月 15
[...] 日,综合指挥中心的人数为从政府军和“新生力量 抽调的 518 名军事人员,其中 260 人驻扎在亚穆苏克罗,258 [...]
As at 15 December, the strength of the integrated command centre was 518 military
personnel drawn from Government forces and the
[...] Forces nouvelles, with 260 elements based [...]
in Yamoussoukro and 258 elements deployed
in the former zone of confidence.
[...] 法律问题特别顾问提出的建议,即国际专家应从散居 国外的索马里侨抽调。
We welcome the recommendation of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on
Legal Issues Related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia that international
[...] expertise be drawn from the Somali [...]
因为不 宜从联合国环境规划署(环境署)和联合国人类住区 规划署(联合国人居署)的现有员额 抽调 人 员 ,因此 就提出了请求提供额外资源的要求。
As it was not appropriate to supply personnel from the existing staffing table of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), a requirement for additional resources had arisen.
在开展较系统抽样调 查之 前,先进行了试点调查,以测试调查是否适用于各种不 同情况。
Prior to the implementation of more systematic sample surveys, pilot surveys were undertaken to test their utility in a variety of very different situations.
从提供维和部队的各国军抽调有经 验的军事律师派驻刚果,至少派 驻到受冲突影响的各省,担任刚果军事检察机关和法院的顾问
- The deployment, at least in conflict-affected provinces, of experienced military advocates from the militaries of countries contributing peacekeeping troops as advisers to Congolese military prosecutors and courts
中国已经开始越来越多地抽样调查 作 为一种更有效的 数据采集手段,期间可能会采取量身定做的方法,以便专门 [...]
Sample surveys have been increasingly [...]
adopted in China as an efficient means of collecting data, with the possibility of
tailoring them to collect more detailed information required specifically for the local situation in which they are conducted.
联合国 应鼓励部队派遣国派遣建制部队参加维持和平行动,因为同专门为维持和平行动 从现有部抽调出来 的营队组成的混成部队相比,建制部队通常管理更有方,纪 律更严明。
The Organization should encourage troopcontributing countries to send established units to peacekeeping operations, as they are usually managed a nd disciplined better than units assembled specifically for the peacekeeping operation from existing units.
此课程将 采用在课堂内由辅助科任老师进行个别辅导或在上课时间 抽调 到 特别集训班上集中辅 导课等模式,为学生提供至少一个学期的英语辅导来提高其英文水平。
This programme will provide additional support either within the regular class or in a separate, intensive class, for at least one semester.
大韩民国代表指出其意愿是 就千年发展目标和残疾统计举办次区域课程,以扩大其实物捐助,而日本代 表则提出要就国民核算体系抽样调 查 方 法主办区域和次区域课程。
The Republic of Korea mentioned its desire to increase in kind contributions by conducting subregional courses on the Millennium Development Goals and disability statistics, while the representative of India offered to host regional and subregional courses on SNA and sample survey methodology.
如 果侧重于绝对贫穷的情况,80 个国家在 1980-2001 年期间的观察结果表明, 农业的相对优势有所下降,在减少接 抽 样 调 查 国 家中最贫穷四分之一国 家的每日 1 美元贫穷发生率方面,以前的效力是 2.7 倍,降至最富裕四分 之一国家的 2 倍。
In focusing on absolute poverty instead and based on observations from 80 countries during the period 1980-2001, it has been shown that the comparative advantage of agriculture declined from being 2.7 times more effective in reducing the incidence of $1-a-day poverty in the poorest quarter of countries in the sample to 2 times more effective in the richest quarter of the countries.
在此 情况下,可抽样调查中收集补充资料,其目的不仅是为了使统计完整无缺(例 如在覆盖不足的情况下),而且也是为了评估数据的质量,并显示同一问题的不 同方面(例如,将医院记录中获得的发病率与自我健康评估相比较)。
In such cases, additional information may be collected from sample surveys, not only [...]
to complete the statistics (as in case
of under-coverage), but also to assess the quality of the data and to show different sides of the same issue (e.g., to compare morbidity from hospital records with selfassessed health).
这要求理解诸如置信区间、18 与普通行政记录和统调查有关的抽 样误 差和偏差等概念。
This requires, for example, understanding concepts
such as confidence
[...] interval,18 sampling errors and bias associated with common administrative records and statistical surveys.
可选配一个带真空表头的手动控制阀作为附件,用于 调抽 速 和 极限真空值。
A manual vacuum regulator valve with
[...] dial gauge for adjustment of pumping speed and ultimate [...]
vacuum is available as accessory.
可选配一个带真空表头的手动控制阀,用于 调抽 速 和 真空值。
An optional manual regulator valve with dial gauge enables
[...] variable fine adjustment of the pumping speed and ultimate vacuum.
兜帽支持头盔同时使用,而无论是将兜帽戴于头盔外、头盔内、亦或是不与头盔同时佩戴,它的单手 调抽 绳 系统都能够为使用者带来大视野与最佳保护性能。
Whether over, under, or without a helmet, the easy
[...] single hood adjustment system is distinguished [...]
by its large field of vision and
optimal protection from the elements.
因此指出,特别报告员没有考虑到这样一种可能性,即当前 的程序问题也许不是援引或放弃豁免的问题,而是在发生严重国际罪行的情况下
[...] 没有豁免的问题,虽然其他委员也反驳说,关于对这种“核心罪行”没有豁免的 声称抽象笼统的,委员会必须在较后的阶段更详细地处理这些问题。
Consequently, it was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur had failed to address the possibility that the procedural issue at hand was not one of invocation of immunity or waiver thereof but rather the absence of immunity in respect of situations in which grave international crimes were committed, although it was also countered by other members that the assertion
that there was no immunity for such “core
[...] crimes” was abstract and general, [...]
and the Commission will have to deal with these
matters in greater detail at a later stage.
(d) 倘有1 位本可當選的被提名人因有 1 位或多位其他被提名人獲得的票 數和他相等而未能當選( 即 " 票數 相等"),即須舉行另一輪投票,以 解決票數相等的情況;若經過另一 輪投票後仍出現票數相等的情況, 內務委員會主席即須抽籤方式決 定哪些議員應獲提名。
(d) In cases where a nominee would have been elected but for there being one or more other nominees having been given the same number of votes (i.e. "tied votes"), a further round poll should be taken to resolve the tied votes; and if there were still tied votes after that further round, lots would be drawn by the Chairman of the House Committee to determine which of the Members should be nominated.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦的名字被秘书长代 抽 中 , 即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子抽出标 有会议发言时段的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has
been drawn by the
[...] representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the [...]
appropriate box the
number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
但如果票数相等而未能当选的候选人人数较多,应举行一次 特别投票,目的是将候选人人数减少到所需要的人数;倘若结果又是多于所需要 的候选人得票相等时,主席将通抽 签 将他们的人数减少到所需要的人数。
However, in the case of a tie between a greater number of unsuccessful candidates a special ballot shall be held for the purpose of reducing the number of candidates to the required number; if a tie again results among more than the required number of candidates, the President shall reduce their number to that required by drawing lots.




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