

单词 抽签

See also:

draw out
remove part of the whole
(of certain plants) sprout or bud
pull out from in between
whip or thrash

a tag
a label
sign one's name
small wood sliver
inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

他的讲解显示出,较为公正的是选 抽签 的 办 法,以 更换每个小组一半的成员。
His explanation showed that it was more equitable to opt for the solution whereby selection by lot enabled half of the members by electoral group to be renewed.
如果在第二轮 投票中双方所得票数相同,主席应在两名候选人中通 抽签 作 出 决定。
If in the second ballot the votes are equally divided, the President shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots.
最初 的五名成员中有两名抽签的方 式确定,初次任命为四年。
Two of the initial five members, to be identified by the drawing of lots, shall be appointed for an initial fouryear period.
代表团建议一种替 代办法,就是在磋商无果的情况下,在拥有三个以上席位的选举小组之间进 抽签。
It suggested that an alternative solution would be to draw lots among the regional groups with more than three seats, should consultations prove fruitless.
为确保及时完成该活动,任何重 抽签 将 在实施情况审议组会议的第二天和第 三天进行。
To ensure the timely completion of the exercise, any repeat draws will be held on the second and third days of the meeting of the Implementation Review Group.
在会议开始之前的星期五上午,由主席当着主席团的抽 签挑出名单上的第一名发言者。
On the Friday morning preceding the beginning of the session, the President, in the presence of the Bureau, will draw by lot the first speaker on the list.
但如果票数相等而未能当选的候选人人数较多,应举行一次 特别投票,目的是将候选人人数减少到所需要的人数;倘若结果又是多于所需要 的候选人得票相等时,主席将通 抽签 将 他们的人数减少到所需要的人数。
However, in the case of a tie between a greater number of unsuccessful candidates a special ballot shall be held for the purpose of reducing the number of candidates to the required number; if a tie again results among more than the required number of candidates, the President shall reduce their number to that required by drawing lots.
第二次投票结果双方所得票数相同而法定当选票数为过 半数时,主席抽签决定 其中之一当选。
If in the second ballot the votes are equally divided, and a majority is required, the Chairman shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots.
按照惯例,秘书长已举抽签,选 出坐在大会会场第一个桌位的会员国,从 [...]
In accordance with established
practice, the Secretary-General has drawn lots
[...] for the purpose of choosing the Member [...]
State to occupy the first desk on the
General Assembly floor from which the alphabetical seating order will begin.
大会在第 62/228 号决议中决定法官只能在争议法庭或上诉法庭任满一个任 期,为期七年,不得续任,但抽签 方 式确定的争议法庭两名首任法官和上诉法 庭三名首任法官除外,他们的任期为三年,因而可以申请同一法庭为期七年的任 期,但不得再续任。
The General Assembly decided, in its resolution 62/228, that judges shall serve only one non-renewable term of seven years on either tribunal, with the exception of two of the initial judges of the Dispute Tribunal and three of the initial judges of the Appeals Tribunal, to be determined by drawing of lots, who shall serve three years and may consequently apply to the same Tribunal for a non-renewable term of seven years.
抽签机制 向一些法官提供较短任期,是为了 通过确保交错任命法庭法官,保护机构记忆,提供连续性,从而避免每隔七年每 个法庭任命全体新任法官带来的问题。
Some of the judges were afforded shorter terms of office, through the mechanism [...]
of the drawing of lots, in order to protect
institutional memory and provide continuity by ensuring that there would be staggered appointments to the Tribunals, so avoiding the problem attendant upon a new full set of judges being appointed for each Tribunal every seven years.
(c) 如果选区存在未予分派的授权,中央选举局基于有权获得授权的政 党、政治联盟或选举联盟之间的协议予以确立,在缺乏此类协议的情况下,则通 过此前分配工作结束前 24 小时抽签决定
(c) If there are mandates left unassigned per constituencies, the Central Electoral Bureau establishes them based on an agreement between the political parties, political alliances or electoral alliances to which those mandates are due and in the absence of such an agreement by drawing lots within 24 hours from the closure of the previous operations.
按照既定惯例,巴布亚新几内亚 抽签 选 定为在按字母顺序的贸发十三大座 次安排中排在首位的国家。
In accordance with established practice, Papua New Guinea was drawn by lot to be first in the alphabetical order to be used for seating arrangements at UNCTAD XIII.
审议组同意俄罗斯联邦提出的一项请求,即把放有亚洲国家组和东欧 国家组名签的箱子混在一起进抽签 选 出其在同一地理区域的审议缔约国。
The Group agreed to a request by the Russian Federation to mix the boxes containing the lots of the Group of Asian States and the Group of Eastern European States in drawing its reviewing State party from the same geographical region.
如果需求数量高出土地/住房数量,分配将 由公证抽签决定 ;如果低于土地/住房数量,委员会做决定时将考虑申请时间 方面的因素。
If the demand is higher than the number of land/housing, the allocation is made by notary drawing of lots; if less, commission decides by taking into account the application periods.
唱名表决 应按参加届会代表团的国名英文字母的次序进行,由主 抽签 决 定 的代表团 开始。
A roll call shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the delegations at the Conference, beginning with the delegation whose name is drawn by lot by the President.
任期于上述起初三年届满时终止的管制局成员,应由秘书长于第一次选举完 成后立抽签决定
The members of the Board whose terms are to expire at the end of the abovementioned initial period of three years shall be chosen by lot to be drawn by the Secretary-General immediately after the first election has been completed.
在会议开始之前的星期五上午,由主席当着主席团的 抽签 挑 出名 单上的第一名发言者。
On the Friday afternoon, all delegations will be informed of the speaking order and of the speaking time available to delegations.
在遵守本规则第58 条的前提下,委员会一般应实行举手表决,在有任何委 员要求的情况下也可实行唱名表决,唱名表决应从主 抽签 决 定的委员开始,按 委员姓名英文字母顺序进行。
hands, except that any member may request a roll-call, which shall then be taken in the alphabetical order of the names of the members of the Committee, beginning with the member whose name is drawn by lot by the Chairperson.
如有三个或三个以上得票最多的候选人票数相同,则应 举行第二次投票;如结果仍有两个以上候选人得票相同,则 抽签 将 候 选人数目 减为两个。
In the case of a tie among three or more candidates obtaining the largest number of votes, a second ballot shall be held; if a tie results among more than two candidates, the number shall be reduced to two by lot.
作为过渡措施,首批任命的法官中抽签确定 的两名法官(一名专职法官和一名半职法官)任期为三年,可重新任 命为同一争议法庭法官,再任七年,此后不得再连任。
As a transitional measure, two of the judges (one full-time judge and one half-time judge) initially appointed, to be determined by drawing of lots, shall serve three years and may be reappointed to the same Dispute Tribunal for a further non-renewable term of seven years.
除非委员会另有决定,委员会应以唱名方式进行表决,唱名表决应从主抽 签决定的委员开始,按委员姓名英文字母次序进行。
Unless otherwise decided by the Committee, the Committee shall vote by a roll-call, which shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of the names of the members of the Committee, beginning with the member whose name is drawn by lot by the Chairperson.
陪审团包括 12 名陪审员和一个或多个从公众抽签 决 定 的候补陪审 员。
It consists of three professional judges (a president and
two associate judges) and a jury made up of 12 jurors and one or more
[...] alternates drawn at random from the general public.
如结果仍有两个以上的候选人或候选代表团票数相等,则应抽签的办法将候选人或候选代表团数目减为两个,然后再依上款的规定,专就 这两个候选人或候选代表团继续进行投票。
If a tie results among more than two candidates, the number shall be reduced to two by lot and the balloting, restricted to them, shall continue in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
缔约方大会依照《公约》第 34 条第 9 款,抽 签的方式,决定 Ben Lallohom 先生(突尼斯)、Könczei 先生(匈牙利)、McCallum 先生(澳大利亚)、Maina 女士(肯尼亚)、Torres Correa 先生 (厄瓜多尔)和 Uršič 先生(斯洛文尼亚)的任期为两年。
The Conference decided by the drawing of lots, in accordance with article 34, paragraph 9, of the Convention, that Mr. Ben Lallohom (Tunisia), Mr. Könczei (Hungary), Mr. McCallum (Australia), Ms. Maina (Kenya), Mr. Torres Correa (Ecuador) and Mr. Uršič (Slovenia) would serve for a two-year term.
唱名表决应从主抽签决定 的代表团开始,按参加会议国家的国名 的英文和法文字母的次序进行。唱名表决时,每一国家的国名均应唱出,其代表 应回答“赞成”、“反对”或“弃权”。
The name of each such State shall be called in all roll-calls, and its representative shall reply “yes”, “no” or “abstention”.
混合委员会抽签的方 式成立由5人组成的预备委员会,自成立之日起1个月内完成对卷宗的审查并出具报告。
A preparatory committee with five members established by means of designation by lot within the Joint Committee investigates the file and concludes the report within a month starting from its inception.
谈到关于《公约》及其各项议定书实施情况审议机制职权范围草案修订稿 (CTOC/COP/WG.5/2012/CRP.1)第 21 段时,一名代表指出,应当允许被选为
[...] 审议国的缔约国拒绝担任审议国,在这种情况下应当再 抽签。
Regarding paragraph 21 of the revised draft terms of reference of the mechanism for the review of implementation of the Convention and the Protocols thereto (CTOC/COP/WG.5/2012/CRP.1), one delegate noted that a State party picked as a
reviewing State should be able to decline serving in that capacity, in which
[...] case the drawing of lots should [...]
be repeated.
虽然欧盟已接受这个一次性解决办法,它不认为, 通抽签作出 这样的决定与大会主要委员会之一的 尊严相称。
While the European Union had accepted that one-time solution, it did not believe it befitting of the dignity of one of the Main Committees of the General Assembly to make such decisions by drawing lots.




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