

单词 抽空

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

守則條文A.1.3條規定舉行定期董事會會議前至少十四天應向全體董事發出通知書,讓彼等均 抽空 出 席
Code Provision A.1.3 stipulates that notice of at least 14 days should be given of a regular board meeting to give all directors an opportunity to attend.
我要非常感谢他们在其年度会议的过程 抽空到 安理会发言。
I would like to thank them very much for taking time out of their annual conference to speak to us.
我谨表示,我国代表团感谢潘基文秘书长百忙之抽空时间 出席本次会议并向安理会介绍妇女与和 [...]
I would like to convey the appreciation of my delegation to Secretary-General
[...] Ban Ki-moon for taking time out of his [...]
busy schedule to attend this meeting to
brief the Council on the important issue of women and peace and security.
(c) 董事(包括就本段(c)而言之替任董事)或秘書所提供證實董事(可能為簽署 證明之董事)於董事或其任何委員會之決議案時不在總辦事處區域內或未抽空出席 或未能行事或尚未就向其發出通知提供位於總辦事處區域內之地 址、電話及傳真號碼之證明應所有人士適用(毋須向對方發出明確通知)且 為所證實之事項之確證。
(c) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of this paragraph (c) an alternate Director) or the Secretary that a Director (who may be the one signing the certificate) was at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving of notice to him shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, be conclusive of the matter so certified.
上星期ST ERASMUS的創辦人和設計師Pieter Louis Erasmus在百忙的時間表抽空在Harvey Nichols發表他的2012秋冬配飾系列。
Late last week the founder and designer of ST Erasmus, Mr Pieter Louis Erasmus paid a visit to Harvey Nichols to present his new Autumn Winter 2012 accessories collection.
在任何批准關連交易或任何其他須經獨立股東批准之交易的股東大會上,獨 立董事委員會成員亦會盡可抽空出 席回答股東的問題。
In case of any general meeting to approve a connected transaction or any other transaction that is subject to independent shareholders’ approval, members of the independent Board committee will also make an effort to attend to address shareholders’ queries.
塔斯马尼亚州矿产资源管理局抽空 访 问 了北京和上海,这也是澳贸委在上海世博会推广矿物资源的活动之一。
Mineral Resources Tasmania has also spent some time in Beijing and Shanghai, and it was part of the Austrade promotion of minerals as part of the World Expo in Shanghai.
(h) 倘報名參加某次會議的議員不足5人,則秘書處聯絡的其 他議員應設抽空出席 該次會議,以確保達到會議的最低 規定人數。
(h) If the number of Members who have signed up for a meeting is less than five, other Members approached by the Secretariat should make an effort to attend the meeting to ensure that the minimum attendance is met.
參加者感到很高 興因為 NAPCA 長者環境就業計 劃全國部長 Connie Meyers 也抽空參加
The Enrollees were very pleased that Connie Meyers, NAPCA National SEE Director, was able to attend.
若其委任人當時不在香港或因其他原因而未 抽空 或無 法行事,候補董事在其委任人作為成員的董事會或董事會委員會的任何書面決議案上的簽名應 與其委任人的簽名同樣有效(惟其委任通知中若另有相反規定則除外)。
If his appointor is for the time being absent from Hong Kong or otherwise not available or unable to act, the signature of an alternate Director to any resolution in writing of the Board or a committee of the Board of which his appointor is a member shall, unless the notice of his appointment provides to the contrary, be as effective as the signature of his appointor.
亞洲天王巨星及台灣人氣偶像周杰倫日前抵達香港出席新專輯宣傳活動,特 抽空 現 身 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館,與早前揭幕的蠟像分身作近距離接觸。
Jay Chou, Asian superstar and Taiwanese pop icon, appeared at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong to get up close with his new lifelike wax double unveiled earlier this month, as the star arrives in Hong Kong for his new album promotion.
关于国际公务员制度委员会(CFPI)主席, 他最近在参加在纽约召开的上述联合国系统国际同仁会协调委员会(CCASIP)大会 抽空 接见了 AIPU 主席,交流了看法,对 GS 人员优为有利。
The same goes for the Chairman of ICSC, who recently received the President of ISAU when the latter was attending the CCISUA General Assembly in New York, for an exchange of views that was particularly promising for GS staff.
正忙於灌錄專輯的Kelis 將抽空駕臨 澳門,與澳門的樂迷一同狂歡!  門票訂價為澳門幣350元。
On November 16, Kelis will come to Club Cubic and party all night long with party animals in Macau!
在机油分销商加满料桶之后或废油服务供应抽 空废机油桶之后,按下 TLM 上的显示按钮以确保 [...]
TLM 具有最新的料桶容积状态。
After a tank is refilled from an oil distributor or
[...] a waste oil tank is emptied by a waste oil service [...]
provider, press the Display button
on the TLM to ensure the TLM will maintain the most current tank volume status.
我要感謝今天所有參賽者,包括我們的客戶、商業夥伴和集團員工,感謝他們在週 抽空 參 與 這次活動,並慷慨解囊。
We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to all participants, including our customers, business partners and staff, who made donations and took time out from their weekend to participate in this event.
[...] 有共同的Glimo多級真空法“的Vacu²”開發的壓力鑄造,鑄造室和模具腔在兩個階 抽空。
Pfeiffer Vacuum and have in common the Glimo multistage vacuum method
"Vacu ²" developed for the pressure casting, in which the casting chamber and the
[...] mold cavities are evacuated in two stages.
事实上,曹市长是第二度应邀前来观摩展会,2009年,他不仅遍访代表性参展商展位,而且专 抽空 接 待 来自美国、日本、台湾的国际知名大厂商,详细向他们介绍广州电子游戏机产业的发展环境,并鼓励其多与广州厂商进行交流与合作。
During the 2009 event, he not only visited all representative exhibit stands, but also made time for receiving famous international companies from the US, Japan and Taiwan as well as introducing the Guangzhou e-game industry development environment.
這位華人賽車手即將前往德國參加世界冠軍房車賽(WTCC),其特別在旅途 抽空 親 臨 Oris瑞士錶廠參觀。
Chinese racing driver Darryl O’Young dropped in for a visit on his way to take part in the World Touring Car Championship in Germany.
6 月 7 日 - 五位濱海灣金沙團隊成員自抽空到 M etta School,教授一群學生花藝設計和餐巾摺擺的藝術。
7 June - Five Team Members from Marina Bay Sands volunteered their time and headed down to Metta School to teach a group of students the art of floral arrangement and towel folding.
今年已是第十二屆舉行的亞洲國際電氣電子工程及照明科技展覽會,Asian Elenex 蔚然成為亞洲電氣電子工程及照明科技界首屈一指的盛事,全球業界領袖及專業人士均從百忙 抽空 參 與 此項兩年一次的活動,以探討相關產品與科技的最新發展。
This year marks the twelfth year anniversary of the Elenex; the Elenex 2006 has established its status as the region¡¦s leading event for electrical engineering and lighting technologies, industry leaders and professionals across the world will schedule to attend this biennial event, to explore the latest developments in products and technologies, as well as pertinent issues.
倘其委任人當時不在香港或未抽空 出 席 或未能履行其職 務(就此而言,在並無向其他董事發出相反內容的實際通知的情況下,則候 補董事發出的證明文件具有決定性),則其就有關董事的任何書面決議的簽 署應如其委任人的簽署般有效。
If his appointor is for the time being absent from Hong Kong or otherwise not available or unable to act (as to which a certificate by the alternate shall in the absence of actual notice to the contrary to other Directors be conclusive), his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor.
感謝大抽空去了 解現時校區為英語學習生所提供的課程 及服務。
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the available programs and services for English Learners.
全體董事均會盡可抽空出席 ,外聘核數師亦 出席股東週年大會回答股東的問題。
All Directors will make an effort to attend. External auditor is also available at the annual general meeting to address shareholders’ queries.
我必抽空送他 上托儿所,再回家喂他喝奶,等他睡着后,我连忙换衣到学院上3小时的课。
I would then set my books aside to prepare him for his playschool and then hurry to come home, breastfeed him, put him to sleep so I can dress up to go to the college and attend to the 3 hour lecture.
澳门,2013年3月11日)– 金沙中国有限公司与澳门生态学会合作于星期六上午假路凼城生态保护区举行导赏团,为金沙中国关怀大使及公司的绿色行动团队成员提供珍贵的机会,于百忙 抽空 亲 身 感受大自然的美丽及观赏本澳的多个鸟类品种,并藉此提高他们对本地濒危动植物的知识。
in collaboration with the Macau Ecological Society, organised a visit to the Cotai Ecological Protection Zone Saturday morning, where a group of Sands China Care Ambassadors (SCCA) and Green Action Team members were given an exclusive opportunity to observe different species of birds and witness the vast beauty of nature, enhancing their knowledge of the endangered fauna and flora in Macao.
當日有幸邀請了香港賽馬會董事李家祥博士、社會福利署助理署長(康復及醫務社會服務)袁鄺鏽儀女士、本會理事會主席羅德賢小姐及元朗院重建計劃委員會主席林衛邦先生 抽空 出 席主禮,典禮後並參觀了元朗院院友居住的新環境。
As a welcome to the residents of the Yuen Long Home, a Housewarming Ceremony was held at Tuen Mun Home on 6 December 2011 with Dr. Eric Li Ka Cheung, GBS OBE JP, Steward, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mrs Cecilia Yuen, Assistant Director (Rehabilitation & Medical Social Services) of Social Welfare Department, Mr Lam Wai Pong, Chairman of Yuen Long Home Redevelopment Committee and Miss Nancy Law, Chairman of HKSB as officiating guests.
这是一款充气保护设备,并非摄影包,所以请使用摄录机的拎带或把手携带,并在到达目的地后,将气 抽空 并 折 叠放置在你的工作包中。
This is inflatable protection not a camcorder bag, so while on the go use the camcorders strap or handle to carry and when arriving at the destination it should be deflated and packed away in your working bag.
董事會已預先計劃於各財政年度舉行四次定期董事會會議,約於每季舉行,以確保本公司全體董事預 抽空 出 席定 期董事會會議。
The Board has planned in advance four scheduled Board meetings in each financial year at approximately quarterly intervals in order to make sure that all directors of the Company could prepare in advance for their availabilities to attend the scheduled Board meetings.




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