

单词 抽湿机

See also:

抽湿 v

dehumidify v

draw out
pull out from in between
remove part of the whole
whip or thrash
(of certain plants) sprout or bud

湿机 pl

dehumidifiers pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Choose a dehumidifier with energy label.
挖泥机将聚集在矿池四壁的矿抽入 漂浮 的 湿 式 选 矿 机 中。
The dredges pump the mineral sands that form the wall of the pond into a floating wet concentrator plant.
腐败情况机抽样调 查采用与犯罪受害情况调查同样 的方式,允许就各人、家庭和企业所遭遇的情况直接搜集证据。
In the same way as crime
[...] victimization surveys, random sample corruption [...]
surveys allow for the direct collection of data
on the experience of individuals, households and businesses.
这款泵油是专为含有酸性蒸汽的情 抽 气 而设计,但它很 湿 , 对 水汽 抽 取 能 力有限。
This oil is especially designed for pumping acid vapors but is very hygroscopic and has limited capacity for water vapor.
报告介绍了核查所采用的方法,包括实地访问和 机抽 查 相 关记录,以便核与报告 结果的一致性。
The report described the methodology
employed in the verification, which included site
[...] visits and a random check of pertinent [...]
records for consistency in reported results.
Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers
专业生产纸巾湿毛巾、湿纸巾 、餐巾纸 抽 纸 、 卷纸等。
Produces paper goods, wet towel, wet paper goods, paper napkin, pulls out paper, rolled paper.
其利用湿帘作为降温介质,水从湿帘的顶部沿湿帘的波纹表面均匀的流下,使湿帘从上到下均匀 湿 润 , 风 机抽 风 时 ,产生压力,迫使未饱和的空气流经多孔湿润湿帘表面时,空气中大量的湿热转化为潜热,迫使进入室内的空气从干球温度降低接近湿球温度增加了空气的湿度,使得干燥的热空气变为洁净的凉爽空气,从而起到降温增湿的作用。
The use of wet curtain as a cooling medium, water from the wet curtain along the top surface of the wet curtain of corrugated shed uniform, so that the wet curtain from top to bottom evenly moist, fan ventilation, the resulting pressure of the air flow through the unsaturated porous wet wet curtain surface, a large number of hot and humid air into latent heat, forcing air into the interior from the dry bulb temperature decreases close to the wet bulb temperature increased air humidity, making the dry hot air into a clean, cool air, which in turn has to the role of cooling humidification.
近期研究表明,卡塔芙树皮萃取物有助于改善角膜层的质量,并可激发肌肤自然 湿机 制。
It was recently discovered that
Katafray bark extract helps improve the quality of the corneal layer and encourages the
[...] skin's natural hydration mechanisms.
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里,但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起 机 后 , 被浑 湿 透 的 胶水。
They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue.
机抽取填 报者 外,2009 填报周期没有完整提供第三方文件的填报者也在 [...]
2010 年核对过程中再 次抽选。
In addition to the
[...] participants selected at random, those participants [...]
from the 2009 filing cycle who did not provide complete
third-party documentation were reselected for the 2010 verification process.
选手比赛的顺序按字母 顺序确定,以一个机抽取的 字母开始。
The order in which the candidates will play is alphabetical, starting with a letter drawn by lot.
近日,我司自主研发生产的组合式空调机组、医院洁净手术室用空 机 组 、 双冷源 湿 度 独 立控制新 机 组 等 AAHM系列末端设备系列产品顺利通过德国TÜV南德认证机构的欧盟高标准认证,此次欧盟标准认证针对空气处理机组产品性能的认证主要包括EN60204-1/A1:2009、EN1886:2007和EN13053/A1:2011认证,分别对产品的电气安全、机械特性和整机性能进行测试。
Recently, modular air conditioning units of the Division I independent R & D and production, the hospital clean operating room
air conditioning
[...] units, double the cold source temperature and humidity independent control of the [...]
new air handling unit
AAHM series of terminal equipment series passed the German TÜV SÜD certification body, the EU high standards of certificationthe EU standard certification for the certification of air handling unit performance including EN60204-1/A1: 2009, EN1886: 2007 and EN13053/A1: 2011 certification, electrical safety, mechanical properties and performance of the whole test.
此外,根 据监督厅关于人力资源和管理做法的检查报告,近三分之一(31%)在检查过程中
接受意见调查的工作人员表示,他们在过去 12
[...] 个月中没有同主管完成关于电子 考绩报告的讨论。36 在此次检查中,监督厅分析电子考绩工作计划 机抽 样样 本后发现,工作计划的编写方式存在差距:明确说明产出和交付成果的工作计 划不到一半(40%),清楚说明如何考评目标和业绩的工作计划仅占三分之一 [...]
In addition, based on the OIOS inspection report on human resources and management practices, nearly one third of the staff surveyed at the time of the inspection (31 per cent) indicated that they had not completed an e-PAS discussion with their supervisors in the last 12 months.36 In
that inspection, an OIOS
[...] analysis of a random sample of e-PAS workplans showed gaps in how they were developed: [...]
less than half (40
per cent) clearly defined outputs and deliverables, and only one third (32 per cent) articulated how the goals and performance would be assessed.
(c) 核对(审计)职能,机抽取的填报者提供第三方资料,以确保披露信息 [...]
(c) The verification (audit)
[...] function, based on a random selection of [...]
participants to provide third-party documentation
to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the disclosed information.
抽样调查对 象由两方面人员组成,一方面是 18 个最大的补助对象,领取补助金略多于 933000 美元,占 2007 年该项支出总数约 25
[...] %,另一方面是从 289 个补助对象中机抽取的 11 个工作人员。
The sample consisted, on the one hand, of staff in receipt of the 18 largest grants, accounting for slightly more than $933,000 or roughly 25% of total disbursements under this head
in 2007 and, on the other, of 11 staff
[...] members selected at random from among the [...]
289 staff members in receipt of grants.
与“迷你”型成套设施相比,这一设施将增加其他物品,如撞 球桌、乒乓球设施、数字投影仪、DVD 播机、湿酒吧和冰箱。
In comparison to the mini-kit, that package would include additional items such as a pool table, table tennis set, digital projector, DVD player, wet bar and refrigerator.
有关最抽吸高湿和干)请参见技术数据 (第 41 和 44 页)。
See the Technical Data on pages 41 and 44 for maximum suction lift (wet and dry).
机湿部的机架改 造过程中,可评估腐蚀设备的安全隐患,确保在防止人身伤害和设备损坏的情况下进行改造。
In the course of the machine frame rebuild in the wet end, the endangerment potential of corroded components is evaluated, and a rebuild is carried out to prevent injury to personnel and damage to machines.
我们可能使用各种类型的网上调查,从访客的 机抽 样 中收集意见和反馈。
We may use various types of online surveys to collect opinions and
[...] feedback from a random sample of visitors.
专门的质量保证团队对处理后的数据进行 机抽 样 检 查。
Our dedicated quality assurance team performs random sampling checks on processed data.
抽样及其范围:检查核实工作中对工作重点的抽样采用的是分层 机抽 样 法 ,目的是 确保各重大计划的选样包括:至少一个对该部门的主要优先事项作出贡献的工作重点;至少 一个含有明确预期结果的旗舰项目的工作重点;以及涉及两个横向专题(CCT)中某一个专 题的项目。
Sampling for the MLAs included in the verification exercise was carried out using a stratified random sampling method with a view to ensuring that the selections include, for each major programme, at least one MLA contributing to the principal priority of the sector, at least one MLA including a flagship project with explicit expected results and one cross cutting (CCT) project from among the two cross-cutting themes.
通过在正确答题的参赛者中进行 机抽 取 的 奖励方式,来自法国戛纳的Arnaud [...]
Mr. Arnaud Maccari from Cannes, France,
[...] was selected at random from among the [...]
names of those who correctly answered all the questions.
将耐火陶瓷(如氧化铝)湿式法抽丝(W et-Spinning)之设备; e. 为生产预浸料与预先成形物或特殊纤维之表面处理而设计或改良之设 备,包括滚子、张力伸展器、涂敷设备、切割设备,以及掣子模子。
e. Equipment designed or modified for special fibre surface treatment or for producing prepregs and preforms, including rollers, tension stretchers, coating equipment, cutting equipment and clicker dies.
产品包括:拉力试验机、流变仪、门尼黏度仪、橡胶加工分析仪、疲劳试验机、耐磨试验机、弹性试验机、耐候试验机、破裂强度试验机、毛细管流变仪、热变形温度试验机、轮胎综合测试机、高低温试验机、脆化试验机、检测仪器、万能试验机、硫化机、硫变仪、门尼试验机、门尼粘度计、混凝土抗压、恒温 湿机 、 耐寒试验机、冲击试验机、izod、charpy、熔融指数、碳黑分析仪、耐臭氧试验机、办公室桌椅试验机、家具试验机、运动器材试验机之质量检测仪器。
Products include: Universal Testing machine,Tensile Tester, Rheometer, Mooney Viscometer, Rubber Processing Analyzer, Fatique Tester, Abrasion Tester, Rebound Tester, Weather Tester, Bursting Strength Tester, Capillary Rheometer, HDT Tester, VICAT Tester, Tire Intergration Tester, High/Low Temperature Chamber, Brittleness Temperature Tester, Universal Testing Machine, Concrete Compression Tester, Humidity Chamber, Freezing Tester, Impact Tester, IZOD, Charpy, Melt Flow Indexer, Carbon Black Dispersion Tester, Ozone Tester, Offer Furniture Tester, Furniture Tester, Sports Equipment Tester.
凯登公司可优化造机湿部的高低真空控制系统,使用 V-1000 真空控制阀和适当大小的管路降低能源消耗,同时提高纸张干燥速度。
Kadant optimizes low and high vacuum control systems on the wet end of the paper machine to reduce energy consumption while increasing sheet dryness by using the V-1000 Vacuum Control Valves and properly sized piping.
(19) 委员会审议了关于第 02120 段的 32 C/DR.65(提案国:苏丹;附议国:埃及),该决议草案 要求支持会员国应用尊重生态系统管理方法,促进公平合理地保存和可持续利用资源,其中包括在 社会经济方面,以通过国际水文计划和人与生物圈计划的合作与结合,制订管理生物圈保留地中湿地和水资源的计划和政策,并进一步建议从预算外资金中拨款 200,000 美元,以便与 2004 年教科 文组织妇女教席合作在喀土穆举办一次地区研讨会,之后委员会建议大会这样作决定,即人与生物 圈计划/国际水文计划的合作中已有该决议草案的想法,可筹集预算外资金来召开喀土穆地区研讨 会。
(19) Having examined 32 C/DR.65 (submitted by Sudan, supported by Egypt), concerning paragraph 02120, requesting support to Member States to apply the ecosystem approach and promote conservation and sustainable use in an equitable manner including the socio-economic aspects to develop plans and policies for management of wetlands and water resources in Biosphere Reserves through collaboration and integration of IHP and MAB Programmes and further proposing the allocation of US $200,000 from extrabudgetary sources for the purpose of holding a regional symposium in Khartoum in 2004 in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair for Women, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that the idea of the draft resolution already existed through the joint MAB/IHP collaboration and that a regional symposium in Khartoum could be organized by raising extrabudgetary funds.
南南合作将在帕拉联邦大学设立的教科文组织可持续发 展教席(巴西贝伦)、热带森林和区域综合规划和管理地区研究生院(ERAIFT)以及印度
[...] 尼西亚人与生物圈全国委员会联系起来,这是为促进 湿 热 带 地区的工作而启动的,是边缘 [...]
South-South cooperation linking the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development in the Federal University of Pará (Belém, Brazil), ERAIFT and
the Indonesian MAB National Committee was
[...] launched for the humid tropics, as [...]
was a new phase of the project on Sustainable
Management of Marginal Drylands.
为了确定小额金融业使用抵押品的方式,秘书处对向 Mix Market
[...] 报告财务 数据的小额金融机构进行了机抽样 调 查,所报告的数据涉及这些机构的金融 [...]
To determine the usage patterns of collateral in the
microfinance industry, the Secretariat
[...] surveyed a random sampling of MFIs that [...]
report financial data including information
on their financial products and lending methodology to the Mix Market.




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