

单词 押记

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

它还担忧的是,据悉有记者数次游 行抗议羁押条件,造成一名押记者 死 亡,警察进行了镇压。
It is also concerned about reports that the security forces put down
demonstrations by journalists who were protesting over the circumstances of the
[...] death in custody of a journalist (arts. 2, 11, [...]
12 and 16).
[...] 权的转让要求(除签订转让协议之外)不动 产交付给被转让人,并且在法院进行 押登 记。
Perpetual usufruct transfer requires (apart from
signing the sales agreement) entering the new usufructee into the real estate
[...] and mortgage register kept by the proper court.
4 名被押的记者死 亡;它已经致函酷刑问题特别报 告员,要求他竭尽全力改善被关押在厄立特里亚的记者的居留条件。
Reporters Without Borders noted that four imprisoned journalists had died in [...]
recent years, and that it had sent a letter
to the Special Rapporteur on torture to ask him to do everything in his power to improve conditions of detention of imprisoned journalists in Eritrea.
后来,医生和两名以同样罪名被押 的 记 者 被 暂时 释放。
The physician was later provisionally released,
[...] along with two journalists imprisoned on [...]
the same charges.
请求国指出,意大利已经针对德国在意大利的资产采取了执行措施:对德 意文化交流中心 Villa Vigoni 实施的“司法押”已记入土 地登记册。
The applicant states that enforcement measures have already been taken against German assets in Italy: a
“judicial mortgage” on Villa Vigoni, the
[...] GermanItalian centre of cultural exchange, has been recorded in the land register.
董事会可以行使本公司的所有权力,为本公司的目的以他们认为合适的条款作无 限额借款,并且押或押记本公 司的业务、财产(包括现有或将来的财产)和未 [...]
催缴股本或其任何部分,并且发行债券、公司债券、债权股证及(须该条例第 57B 条的规定)可转换债券和可转换债权股证及不论是直接的或作为本公司或任
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money for the purposes of the Company, without limit
and upon such terms as they may think
[...] fit, and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, [...]
property (both present and future)
and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and to issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock, and, subject to section 57B of the Ordinance, convertible debentures and convertible debenture stock and other securities whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
(2) 董事会须依照法例条文促使保存一份适当的登记册,登记影响本公司特定 财产的所押记及本公司所发行的任何系列债权证, 并须妥为符合法例有关当中所订 明有押记及债权证的登记要求及其他方面的规定。
(2) The Board shall cause a proper register to be kept, in accordance with the provisions of the Law, of all charges specifically affecting the property of the Company and of any series of debentures issued by the Company and shall duly comply with the requirements of the Law in regard to the registration of charges and debentures therein specified and otherwise.
如本公司的任何未催缴股本遭押记 , 其 后所有有抵押权的人应以较先的抵押为 准,不得以给予股东通知或其他方式有权取得比该较先的抵押优先的权利。
Where any uncalled capital of the Company is charged, all persons taking any subsequent charge thereon shall take the same subject to such prior charge and shall not be entitled, by notice to the shareholders or otherwise, to obtain priority over such prior charge.
倘若董事或任何董事或任何其他人士个人须要负责支付本公司所欠的任何款项, 董事可签署或令致其他人签署关于或影响本公司的全部或任何部分资产的任何 按揭押记或抵押文件 ,以弥偿上述负有责任的董事或人士因该责任而受到的任 何损失。
If the Directors or any of them, or any other persons, shall become personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the Company, the Directors may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage, charge or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Directors or persons so becoming liable as aforesaid from any loss in respect of such liability.
工作组在访问中感到担忧的是,在 押记 者 或 以“性 倾向违反自然”为由实施拘留的案件中,存在侵犯言论和意见自由的问题。
During its visit, the Working Group enquired about violations of the right to freedom of expression and opinion in cases involving the detention of journalists and detention on the grounds of “sexual orientation against nature”.
(g) 就俄罗斯经济发展部与欧洲复兴开发银行合作制订的《俄罗斯民法》
[...] 关于抵押的条款草案提供意见,以及就俄罗斯财政部和中央银行制订的俄罗斯 关于押登记的法律草案提供意见;12 (h) 努力与欧盟委员会协调,在转让产生的所有权效力的适用法问题上采 [...]
取一种协调的办法,关于这一问题,英国国际法与比较法研究院正在为欧盟委 员会编写研究报告
(g) Submission of comments on the draft provisions on pledge of the Russian Civil Code, prepared for the Russian Ministry of Economic Development in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), as well as on the Russian
[...] draft law on pledge registries, prepared by [...]
the Russian Ministry of Finance and the
Central Bank;12 (h) Efforts to coordinate with the EU Commission for a coordinated approach on the law applicable to proprietary effects of assignments, with regard to which the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is preparing a study for the EU Commission
[...] 年重申其建议,认为蒙古应严格管理 押 登 记 册 , 除其 他外,特别记录逮捕的时间和地点、被逮捕者到达拘留中心时的健康状况和强制 [...]
In 2008, the Special Rapporteur reiterated its
[...] recommendation that custody registers be scrupulously [...]
maintained, recording of, inter
alia, the time and place of arrest, the state of health of the person and information about the compulsory medical examinations undertaken upon arrival at the detention centre.
以将不动产(土地、建筑和房屋)抵押给贷款人(第15条规定:“用于保证一笔资金 支付的抵押,即使是在押登记时债 务人仍未收到抵押贷款或只收到部分贷款的 情况下,也是有效的。
(Article 15 provides for that the “Gage applied for the guarantee of payment of a sum of money is valid even if at the moment of its registration the debtor has not yet received the payment for which the gage is made or has only received it partially.
澳大利亚还关切地注意到有关骚扰和 押 新 闻 记者 的 报告,对民事诽谤和文字诽谤的禁止性惩罚以及有关公众集会的严格法律。
It also noted with concern reports regarding the harassment and
[...] imprisonment of journalists, prohibitive penalties [...]
for civil defamation and libel,
and restrictive laws concerning public assembly.
尽管《日内瓦四公约》容许拘禁个人,但其中规定,整个拘禁体系所依的 概念是,应对被押者进行登记并将其置于得到正式承认的拘禁场所。
Notwithstanding the capacity to detain individuals, the entire system of detention provided for by the Geneva
Conventions is founded on the notion that
[...] detainees must be registered and held in officially [...]
recognized places of detention.
欧洲联盟要求释放自 2001 年 9 月起未经诉讼就秘密押的政治犯记者。
The European Union called for the release of all political
[...] prisoners and of the journalists held in secret, [...]
without trial, since September 2001.
[...] 主义人员和物资通行,允许接触并释放被 押 者 , 让 记 者 通 行和享有行动自由, 让人们享有结社自由和和平示威的权力。
It also requires a range of other steps by the Syrian Government to alleviate the crisis, including humanitarian access, access to and
release of detainees, access and freedom
[...] of movement for journalists, and freedom of [...]
association and the right to demonstrate peacefully.
以监狱系统为例, 非法或任意逮捕、不将未成年人与成年人分开、不在 押 和 拘 留注册簿 记 以及 恶劣押条件都续有存在。
In the prison system, there are still instances of illegal or arbitrary detention, failure
to separate minors from
[...] adults and keep records of persons in police custody or detention, and poor [...]
conditions of detention.
2 节规定,“政府不 得采取任何行动拒绝或阻挠言论或新闻自由。政府不得要求任何真正的记者透露 他在职业调查中所获得的信息,也不得因拒绝而 押 任 何 记 者。
No bona fide reporter may be required by the government to divulge or be jailed for refusal to divulge information obtained in the course of a professional investigation.
国家义务的 具体内容包括:确保监狱监管和管制适当;为羁押人员提供充分的卫生保健条件
[...] 监狱的情况发生(A/HRC/8/3);确保押 人 员 记 录 和 宣判资料完备(A/HRC/14/ [...]
The specific content of the obligations of the State include: ensuring appropriate prison oversight and monitoring; providing adequate health care to detainees (A/HRC/11/2/Add.5) and appropriate budgets to prisons (A/HRC/14/24/Add.3); stopping practices of
prisoners running prisons (A/HRC/8/3);
[...] ensuring accurate records of detainees and [...]
their sentences (A/HRC/14/24/Add.3); and
exercising due diligence to prevent inter-prisoner violence.
缔约国还应确立明确和适当的规则和程序,规定个人从遭 押 即 刻 起就记 入册,并确保在短期内将之送交法官。
The State party should also set clear and appropriate rules and procedures on the registration of persons from the outset of their detention and on ensuring that they are brought before a judge within a short period of time.
[...] 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 了一些新记者遭到关押。
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law
concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil servants, which had led to the
[...] imprisonment of several journalists.
[...] 亚政府采取各种其他步骤,以缓和危机,包括给予人道主义准入,允许探访并释 放被押人士,给记者准 入和行动自由,保障结社自由以及和平示威权利。
The plan also includes a range of other steps to be taken by the Syrian Government to alleviate the crisis, including humanitarian access, access to and the
release of detainees, access and
[...] freedom of movement for journalists, and freedom of association [...]
and the right to demonstrate peacefully.
2009 年,出现了令人欢迎的格调,遭朝鲜民主主义共和国逮捕并 押 的两 名美记者、 在开城工业园区内被逮捕的一名大韩民国工人和遭朝鲜民主主义共 [...]
On a welcome note, in
[...] 2009, two United States journalists arrested and imprisoned [...]
by the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea, a worker from the Republic of Korea arrested from the Kaesong industrial zone, and a number of fishermen from the Republic of Korea apprehended by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were released from captivity during the year.
缔约国应立即采取有效措施,确保在个人被实际剥夺自由的时刻起对其进行记,并确保他们在被押却未登记为 被 拘留者的期间不会遭到违反《公约》的行 为。
The State party should take prompt and effective
measures to ensure that
[...] individuals are registered from the actual moment of deprivation of liberty, and that they are not subjected to acts in breach of the Convention when they are under custody, but not yet registered as detainees.
委员会依然感到关切的是,仍有许多关于对嫌疑人和其他被拘留者实施酷 刑和虐待的指控,据称这些行为通常发生在被捕之后、在 押 中 心 正式 记之 前
(9) The Committee remains concerned about the numerous continued allegations of use of torture and ill-treatment of suspects and other
detainees, which reportedly commonly takes place between the moment of
[...] apprehension and formal registration at remand centres.
其中包括为执行枪支收缴 活动而进行的宣传活动,押枪支的 登 记 和 合 法化,以及在对收缴的枪支和弹 药进行识别、登记和安全储存方面为主管的执法人员提供适当培训。
This includes awareness-raising activities for the implementation of arms collection campaigns, registration and legalization of seized arms, and provision of adequate training of competent law enforcement personnel in the identification, registration of collected firearms and ammunition and their safe storage.
[...] 将女性与男性分别关押,执行要求由同性别官员看管女囚犯的条例规定,以及监 督记录羁押期间的性暴力事件,防止对被羁押女性的性暴力行为。
The State party should take effective measures to prevent sexual violence against women in detention, including by reviewing current policies and procedures for the custody and treatment of detainees, ensuring separation of female detainees from males, enforcing regulations calling for female inmates
to be guarded by officers of the same gender, and
[...] monitoring and documenting incidents of sexual [...]
violence in detention.
国际法学家委员会指出,政府在2008 年的《人权计划》中宣布,将引进措 施禁止单独拘押未成年人,采取措施在警方羁押设施中通过录像或其他音像方式 进行全记录;允许被押者由 国家防止酷刑机制任命的另外的医生进行探访。
ICJ indicated that the Government announced in its 2008 Human Rights Plan that it would introduce measures to prohibit incommunicado detention for minors, to adopt measures to
record by video or other
[...] audio-visual means for the entirety of the stay in police detention facilities; and to allow for detainees [...]
to be visited by an
additional doctor appointed by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture.
[...] 明,许多政府反对派,包括人权捍卫者、政治活动人士 记 者 , 被任意 押 和逮 捕,遭到数日至数月的隔离羁押,不能聘请律师,也不能向法庭质疑其羁押的合 [...]
(20) The Committee notes with concern allegations, including in conjunction with recent events in the region of Sa’ada, indicating that many Government opponents, including human
rights defenders,
[...] political activists and journalists, have been subjected [...]
to arbitrary detention and arrest, incommunicado
detentions lasting anything from several days to several months, denied access to lawyers and the possibility of challenging the legality of their detention before the courts.




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