单词 | 抹煞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抹煞 verb —rule out vless common: overshadow v See also:抹 adj—wiping adj 抹 v—wipe v 煞 adv —very adv • extremely adv 煞—fiend • terminate • bring to a stop • cut short • baleful
無論你的權力、勢力達到甚麼程 度,不論如何抹煞,這個歷史事實最終都會在歷史的書本上留下一個永 遠的紀錄。 legco.gov.hk | Disregarding the extent of one's powers and influence and no matter what is being done to write it off, this fact in history will ultimately remain to be eternally recorded in history books. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我很希望我們的特區政府經過今次辯論之後,能仔細考慮一 下是否可以跟隨我剛才提出的例子,如英國、歐洲等地,設立一些真正 讓青年人有機會表達意見的地方,不要讓傳媒或其他 人 抹煞 了 他 們的意 見,指所有青年人都是非常激進,只懂得破壞及罵人。 legco.gov.hk | President, I eagerly hope that after this debate, the SAR Government will carefully consider the possibility of developing platforms that provide genuine opportunities for young people to express views, as in the examples of the United Kingdom or Europe which I cited earlier on, so as not to allow the media or anyone else to rubbish their views by saying that young people are all very radical, who do nothing but causing destruction and scolding others. legco.gov.hk |
我覺得今天不可 以用這個作為藉口,回饋一些可以賺到大量金錢的人, 而 抹煞 了 一 羣亟需援 助的人的需要。 legco.gov.hk | I think this can no longer be used as the excuse to repay high earners and ignore those who are desperately in need. legco.gov.hk |
如果《基本法》規定這種權力確實 [...] 存在,則它並不會因為《行政長官選舉條例草案》這一項本地立法或其他本 地所定立法律的規定而有所增加或減少;正如本地立法會不能憑空製造出 《基本法》中不存在的權力一樣,它也無 法 抹煞 《 基 本法》中原有規定的權 力。 legco.gov.hk | If this power is actually provided in the Basic Law, it will neither be increased nor reduced because of a local legislation like the Chief Executive Election Bill or other laws enacted in Hong Kong, just as the Legislative Council in Hong Kong cannot [...] make up any power which does not [...] exist in the Basic Law, nor can it ignore the original powers provided for in Basic Law. legco.gov.hk |
當然, 我 沒 有否定 各位委 員的貢獻, 但 也 不能說有成 就 便 可以抹 煞 這制度的 缺 憾 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, while I have no intention of ruling out HA members' contribution, I must still say their contribution should not be allowed to overshadow the defects of the system itself. legco.gov.hk |
當然,如果我們日後發現對救護車的需求增加,我當然不 會 抹煞會 增加救護車數目,甚至增加人手。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, if we find that there is an increase in the demand for ambulance service in future, I will certainly not rule out the possibility of increasing the number of ambulances or even the manpower. legco.gov.hk |
政 府於 1998 年 成立了由財政司司長領 導 的 就 業 專 責小組 , 研究解決 失 業的特別措 施 , 包括針 對 青 年 失 業的措 施 , 但 青 年 失 業 數 字 仍 然 高 企 , 反 映 這計劃似乎 未 能對症 下 藥 , 制 訂 適 切 的青年 就 業 及 培 訓 政 策 ; 但 當 然 , 我們 不 能 抹煞小 組 對 青 年 失 業 問 題 的關注 。 legco.gov.hk | In 1998 the Government set up a Task Force on Employment under the leadership of the Financial Secretary to study special measures designed to solve the problem of unemployment, including those targeting youth unemployment. However, youth unemployment figures remain high, which seemingly reflecting the point that the plan has not been able to suit the remedy to the case in drawing up appropriate policies for youth employment and training. legco.gov.hk |
他表示不應 抹煞內地學生參與這些活動的機會。 legco.gov.hk | He said that Mainland students should not be denied the opportunity to participate in such programmes. legco.gov.hk |
如果有政黨打着代表整體市 民的旗號,抹煞大多 數市民的意願,並為一己私利或某些特別的政治原因而 否決香港市民的訴求,他們是值得譴責的。 legco.gov.hk | If some political parties posture themselves as representing all members of the public but negate the wishes of the majority public and rule out the aspirations of the Hong Kong public on account of their self-interests or some special political reasons, they warrant our condemnation. legco.gov.hk |
一個真正可以讓公共廣播服務機構在財政上獨立於政府的建 議,就是這樣被抹煞了。 legco.gov.hk | That was how a proposal that could make the public service broadcaster truly financially independent of the Government was ruled out. legco.gov.hk |
拙劣的废物管理抹煞了就 提供安全饮水、环境卫生和个人卫生教育所作的很 多努力,令人更难达到千年发展目标中的目标 7;这是形同撤资的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bad waste management negates many efforts with regard to the delivery of safe drinking water and to sanitation and hygiene education and makes it more difficult to reach Millennium Development Goal 7; it is, in effect, a disinvestment. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, 在現階 段 , 我 認 為不能抹 煞 我們在討論《基本 法》的原 則時, 可以研究《基本 法》的立法原意, 以 及 我們須 進行這套 研究, 確 保 我們符合 這 立法原意和國家對 香港恢 復 行使主權時所 定下的長遠 方 針 政 策 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, at the present stage, I think we cannot deny that while discussing the principles of the Basic Law, we can look into the legislative intent of the Basic Law, and we should conduct this study to ensure that we conform to this legislative intent and the long-term policy laid down by the country when sovereignty over Hong Kong was resumed. legco.gov.hk |
因此, 如 果 是 由於房 委 會 過 去 曾 有一些政 策受到 市民批 評、爭 議 而 抹 煞 了 房 委 會 對 社 會的 貢獻, 這未免 是 過 於 武 斷 及 偏頗。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, it is too arbitrary and biased for the public to criticize the HA on the basis of some policies it made in the past and thus denied its contribution to the community. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我們不會抹煞任何可能性,我們會在數方面加強工作,第一,我 們會全力追緝兇徒;第二,我們會加強警方在該區的部署,以防止這類 案件再次發生。 legco.gov.hk | First, we will make the best endeavours to track down the culprit; second, we will enhance the deployment of police officers in that district, so as to prevent the further occurrence of comparable incidents. legco.gov.hk |
無論如何,要我們這一代等待也好,要下一代等待也好, [...] 我相信立法會或香港人在每年的6月 4日也會記得,21年前在國內曾經發 生一件非常不開心的事情,把中國的民主運 動 抹煞 了。 legco.gov.hk | Be that as it may, no matter if our generation or our next generation has to wait for it, I believe that on 4 June each year, both the Legislative Council and Hong [...] Kong people will remember that an [...] extremely unhappy event wiping out the pro-democracy [...]movement in China happened on the Mainland 21 years ago. legco.gov.hk |
現時的動議將這 個要求刪去,是抹煞了其 重要性,而且有違十月㆓十五日立法局內務會議的理解。 legco.gov.hk | The present motion to remove this demand is to deny its importance and thus has breached the understanding reached in the Legislative Council's In-House meeting on 25 October. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 阻止美国直接或通过代理人对厄立特里亚人民和政府采取颠覆行动,以 图一方面抹煞和偏 离核心问题,另一方面掩盖其煽动区域危机和造成民众苦难的 失败政策 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Deter subversive acts conducted by the United States against the people and Government of Eritrea directly or by proxy in its bid to overshadow and derail the central issue on the one hand, and to cover up its failed policies of stoking regional crises and popular sufferings on the other daccess-ods.un.org |
這是他們管理成功之處,我們是不可 抹煞 的。 legco.gov.hk | This was the result of their success in company administration. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我亦反對純粹因為現時不是 警察調查警察,於是便要把整個投訴警察課的經費一筆勾消,完 全 抹煞 了投 訴警察課的 170 位人員;投訴警方獨立監察委員會(“警監會”)19 位成員, 包括 3 位立法會議員;警監會辦事處 25 位人員,包括我們特委的警監會觀 察員 63 位人士;以及幾百位就投訴警察工作作出嚴肅而公正的調查和監察 的人士的貢獻,我對於這種態度感到十分可惜。 legco.gov.hk | I also oppose cancelling the entire provision to the CAPO simply because the investigations against the police are carried out by the police. This would be tantamount to ignoring the contribution made by the 170 members of the CAPO, 19 members of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) (three members of the Legislative Council included), 25 staff of the IPCC office together with 63 specially appointed observers, and several hundred people who have worked towards a serious and impartial investigation into, and towards monitoring, the complaints against the police. legco.gov.hk |
當然,這個可能性大家都知道是極低,但不 能 抹煞 這 個可能性的存在。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Though we all consider that such possibility is low, we could not rule it out. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在此後的 [...] 幾天裡,我們爭相報導這一議題,而我早些日子 煞費苦心作出的文章卻因一個我以為沒有意義的 問題而被抹煞。 americancorner.org.tw | We spent the next couple of days scrambling to [...] report that, and my painstaking literary effort from days [...] earlier was obliterated by what I thought [...]was a nonsensical issue. americancorner.org.tw |
正如報告書謂「檢討」㆒言,內容往往是向後望,數算以往的輝煌業 績(當然我們不能抹煞這點),而 沒有充分自省尚有什麼目標是以往被忽略或是未做到 的。 legco.gov.hk | Still it does not make much soul searching with regard to what objectives have been neglected or yet to be fulfilled. legco.gov.hk |
是谁占领了土地和大量掠夺其他 国家的资源,摧残人才并抹煞母语、文化和民族特性? daccess-ods.un.org | Who occupied lands and massively [...] plundered other nations’ resources, [...] destroyed talents and obliterated native languages, [...]cultures and national identities? daccess-ods.un.org |
有些成员反对这种改动,因为《联合国示范公约》主要 关系到处于不同发展水平国家之间的条约,因此,删除与此相关的措辞等 于 抹煞 了公约的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some members objected to such a change on the grounds that the United Nations Model Convention was relevant mainly to treaties between countries at different levels of development, and therefore to remove that reference would do a disservice to the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們並非抹煞屋 經 理和執行委員會成員對住戶需要和屋 管理的了解,不過,如房 協能將住戶代表加入其執行委員會和物業管理小組,必能更充分反映住戶的利益。 legco.gov.hk | We are not here to say that the Estate Managers and the Executive Committee lack an understanding of the residents' needs and estate management. However, if the Society would allow some resident representatives to sit on its Executive Committee and Estate Management Subcommittee, the residents' interests can certainly be more fully reflected. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 勞聯認為功能界別的長遠發展尚需要時間供社 會大眾探討,功能界別議員過往在議會的工作及 在社會上發揮的作用是不可以抹煞的 , 能夠做到 反映業界意見,平衡社會各階層利益。 legco.gov.hk | They are able to reflect the views of various sectors and balance the interests of different sectors of society. legco.gov.hk |
社運人士當然必須捍衛自己在市中心的生存權與自立機會,例如文化與社會再製的合理空間,而非仰賴不符合特定需求的浮誇規劃原則,甚 至 抹煞 實 驗 與開放空間。 thisbigcity.net | For these activists it was essential to defend their right to access and self-sustain central city amenities such as affordable space for cultural and social reproduction, rather than subjecting to superficial planning [...] imperatives, which did not respond to their specific [...] needs; in the worst case diminishing space [...]for experimentation and ‘openness’. thisbigcity.net |
(a) 评估人员强调了所涉期内取得的巨大成就,并说明“报告中零零散散的批评意见 无法抹煞这些成就”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) The evaluators underlined the fact that great progress was made during the period under consideration and that this progress “can in no way be neutralized by the criticisms sprinkled throughout this report”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无论是什么理由都不能抹煞这样 的现实:像维生素案那样的国际卡特尔以 要价太高的形式对那些没有活跃的卡特尔执法制度的经济体造成了更大的危害 ( 72. 一个能说明问题的例子见方框1) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whatever the reasons, they do not take away from the reality that international cartels like Vitamins inflict greater harm – in the form of overcharges – on those economies without active cartel enforcement regimes (see box 1 for a telling example of this). daccess-ods.un.org |
这不是要使这一事件神圣化,而是 为了了解它,揭示它,阐明它,重新赋予它厚重的所有历史内涵,但并不因此 而抹煞在个 人和有关社会记忆轨迹中的那些至关重要的印记。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An organization such as UNESCO is duty bound to engage in such educational, critical and reflective work, not to sacralize the event, but to understand it, put it into words and into perspective and restore its historic depth without in any way removing the trace of what was vital in the memorial journey of the individuals and societies concerned. unesdoc.unesco.org |