

单词 抱残守缺

See also:


badly damaged

External sources (not reviewed)

需要更多关注的具体挑战还包括公共场 缺 乏 方 便 残 疾 人 的设施以及残疾人无法 使用设施和服务。
The lack of disability-friendly facilities [...]
in public places and the inaccessibility of facilities and services are practical
challenges that require greater attention.
按照残疾人权利委员会 (DRC) 的要求,我们还致力于守《1995年残 疾 人 歧视法法案》(DDA) 中有关在线服务规定的精神。
We also strive to obey the spirit of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) of 1995 with respect to the provision of services online, as required by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
此外还应该考虑缺乏有关残疾人 的数据、接纳 残疾人方面的障碍以及使社会排挤更为严重的阻碍等等,尤其是对每一项指标而 [...]
The lack of data on people with disabilities, obstacles [...]
to inclusion and barriers compounding exclusion should also be taken
into account, in particular with regard to the respective indicators.
已注意缺乏对残疾人 权利的了解,因 此,政府将继续加强解决这一问题的措施。
The access of
[...] persons with disabilities to public office needed to be further addressed. A lack of knowledge [...]
about the rights of persons
with disabilities had been observed, and thus the Government would continue to enhance those measures to address the problem.
可惜,有些㆟仍抱 殘守缺,認 為公開會議會為藝術發展局帶來運作㆖的困難,並影響該局的初期成長, 而且會在立法方面開創先例,給其他政府委員會帶來壓力。
Regrettably, some people still pander to outworn beliefs, thinking that to hold meetings in public will give rise to operational difficulties in the ADC. They also hold that in so doing the early development of the Council will be affected and that a precedent will be set in respect of the formulation of legislation, thereby putting pressure on other councils or committees under the Government.
在這種 安 排 之 下,各 方須有一種 平 衡 的 看 法,一方面社會 要審慎 對待任 何 一 種介入 和 干 預 專 業 獨 立的要求, 另一方面各 個 專 業 界 別 也 須 瞭 解 , 所 謂 超然高 尚 的 專 業地位其實 並非必然 , 倘 若 忽 視 服 務 市民的宗旨抱 殘 守 缺 , 在社會 持 續 發 展 下,不 能回應市民對 專 業 服 務的期 望 , 便可能 損 害 確 立 上述社會 契 約所需 的 相 互 信 賴 基 礎 。
If they neglect the purpose of serving the public, pander to the outworn beliefs, and fail to respond to public expectation of professional services as the development of society continues, it may damage the mutual trust on which the social contract mentioned above is founded.
但是,如果局長仍抱殘守缺,堅 持現時的做法,我 相信勞工界在未來的日子,將會與局長有更多的接觸機會。
But if the Secretary sticks to the old rut and insists on the existing practice, I believe there will be more chances for the labour sector to come into contact with the Secretary in the coming days.
我感慨的是香 港早應丟棄盲目追求經濟增長的態度,但部分香港僱主 抱 殘 守缺, 阻礙社會的進步。
What I lament is that Hong Kong should have abandoned the attitude of pursuing economic growth
single-mindedly long ago, yet some employers in Hong Kong are
[...] still sticking to the old rut and impeding social [...]
可是,我感到相當失望的是,最近當政府的首席經濟分析師郭國全 先生離職後,政府採用因循抱殘 守缺 的 做 法,由內部晉陞一位女士擔 任此職,我對該位女士不熟悉,我也不懷疑她的辦事能力,但我覺得政 府錯過了這個機會,沒有引進一些外面的知識和經驗,無論是商界的經 驗、金融市場的經驗或國際視野,來擴闊政府的知識基礎和經驗層面。
I just think that the Government has missed an opportunity to introduce outside knowledge and experience from either the private sector or the financial market, or enrich its international exposure so as to broaden its knowledge base and experience.
(b) 运用预算资源并使卫生人员获得技能,以便有效 守残 疾 人 的健康 权,同时确保残疾人能够进入医院和保健中心
(b) Apply budgetary resources and create skills among health
personnel, in order to
[...] effectively comply with the right to health care of persons with disabilities, ensuring [...]
that hospitals and health
centres are accessible to persons with disabilities
香港人也不需要一些只懂得透過自己的專業知識來反對或阻止 香港任何向前進步的行動的政黨,這些政黨只懂 抱 殘 守缺 , 只 懂得 盡量保留和抓緊殖民地的一切事物。
Hong Kong people do not need political parties that only make use of their professional knowledge to oppose or impede any forward progress of Hong Kong.
办事处 官员基本上不上班,守的官员则抱 怨 说 ,他们拿不到工资,对整个行业进行有 效监督必不缺的摩 托车无法上路,原因是零配件不足,或者没钱购买燃料。
Regional Officers were largely absent, and those
[...] who were there complained that they were unpaid and that their motorcycles — vital for the effective monitoring of the sector — were not roadworthy either because they were short of spare parts or lacked the financial resources [...]
to purchase fuel.
本案中,驳回建筑许可申请的理 由绝非因为提交人残疾人,而是 守 平 等 地适用于所有人的惯例。
The rejection of the application for a building
permit in this case is in no way
[...] due to the author’s disability, but rather consistent [...]
with practice that applies equally to all.
[...] 上本区域在制订与残疾有关的法律、政策和计划方面取得了进展,大多数国 家仍缺乏确保残疾人 享有其权利所需的规定,包括关于执行现有法律、政 策和计划的规定。
It was noted that, while the region in general had made progress in the formulation of
laws, policies and plans
[...] relating to disability, the majority of countries still lacked the provisions, [...]
including for the enforcement
of existing laws, policies and plans, necessary to ensure the enjoyment by persons with disabilities of their rights.
在下 列情况下,公民有权获得保险:失业、健康问题 残 疾 、 守 寡 、老龄或由于其意 愿之外的情况导致失去了生计(《摩尔多瓦共和国宪法》第 [...]
47 条)。
(2) Citizens have the right to
insurance in case of: unemployment,
[...] health problems, disability, widowhood, elderly age [...]
or in other cases of loss of subsistence
means as a result of circumstances beyond their will (art. 47, Constitution of the Republic of Moldova).
面 對 經濟全 球 化 及 中 國 入 世 帶來的 挑戰,政府實在不宜 墨 守 成規抱 殘 守 缺 , 應 當 與時俱 進 , 改 變 觀 念 及 改善職能, 為民生經濟服 務,這才是政府 當 務 之 急 。
In the face of challenges arising from globalization of the world economy and China's accession to the WTO, it is inadvisable for the Government to adhere to rigid rules and conservatism.
雖 然,這是因為歷史遺留㆘來的問題,使物業繼承方面跟隨封建的㆗國傳統習慣, 偏袒男性,但法例必須配合時代的需要,因時制宜,而不 抱 殘 守缺 , 犧 牲女性的權益, 貶低女性的㆞位,否則這是㆒個公平社會的恥辱。
Yet, instead of retaining the outmoded provisions which go against women's interests and belittle women's status, the legislation should move with the times and be commensurate with social developments.
勞動合同法》是國家的重要政策,也是國家發 展的大勢所趨,我在此呼籲港商積極配合,不 抱 殘 守缺 , 期待 國家不去落實或撤回《勞動合同法》。
The Labour Contract Law is an important national policy and it follows the general trend of our country's development.
對此,政府應盡 快 探 討 和 研究出一個 全 盤性和前瞻 性 的 計 劃抱殘守缺 和 亦 步 亦 趨 , 勢 將 使香港付出巨 大代價 。
The Government should expeditiously explore and consider a comprehensive and forward-looking plan.
此外,我们从新近颁布的 对于不守《残疾人基本法》及其细则条例的《违反和惩治法》中了解到,社会 文化模式不会因严刑酷法而自动修正,而歧视现象也不会因此而自动消弭。
Moreover, as the recently adopted Act on
Offences and Penalties for
[...] Non-Compliance with the Omnibus Act on Persons with Disabilities and its Implementing [...]
Regulations has
revealed, it is not simply by issuing decrees or taking particularly drastic measures that we change social and cultural norms or reduce discrimination.
委员会深为关切,残疾儿童仍未全面融入教育体制,而且依 缺 乏 有 关 残疾 儿 童及其需求的数量和实质情况的数据。
The Committee remains deeply concerned that children with disabilities are still not fully integrated into the
education system and that
[...] there is still a lack of quantitative and qualitative data on children with disabilities and their needs.
负责监残疾指标的守和评 价工作的有关机构和机制应当共同努力,提供 关于残疾状况的信息和分析,尤其是在 [...]
2015 年后发展框架的监测和评估进程的 背景下。
Concerted efforts should be made by relevant
institutions and mechanisms
[...] responsible for monitoring compliance and evaluation of [...]
disability indicators to work together
to generate information and analysis on disability, especially in the context of monitoring and evaluation processes of a post-2015 development framework.
此外,委员会深表关注的是师资培训不足,同时 缺 乏为 残疾儿童提供教育的合格教师。
Furthermore, the Committee is deeply concerned about the inadequate training of
[...] teachers and the lack of trained teachers for children with disabilities.
近 期 拆 局法例險 些 流產, 高 官 相 繼引退 ,曾主席對 政 治 現況不滿的公開 發 言 , 都 似 是 “ 風 雨欲來 ” 的 前 奏 , 高 官 政 界 求 變之心, 已 明 顯 不過, 我相 信 , 港 人 期望政 府能夠公 開 、 客 觀地面 對 現實, 分 析 討論後, 再 作出有效改 革 , 若 非 如此, 只 是 “ 扮 作 政 治 駝鳥的政府 ” , 便只會 被 人 感 覺 是抱 殘 守 缺 、自欺欺人 。
The near abortive attempt to enact the legislation on dismantling the two Municipal Councils, the resignations of high-ranking government officials and Mr Jasper TSANG's open dissatisfaction with the current political situation are all "signs of an imminent storm".
在审理程序中,有证据表明受害者在审理中的地位作用 方面存在严重的漏洞,在确立赔偿方面缺乏明确性,并且主要由于相关的国家实缺乏协调而使受害抱有过 高的期待。
During the proceedings, there was evidence of serious flaws with regard to the role of the victims, lack of clarity in the establishment of
reparations and creation of
[...] false expectations among the victims due, in large part, to the lack of coordination [...]
of relevant State entities.
所以, 我 再 次 請各位議員支持這項議 案 , 給 政 府一個正 面 的 信 息 , 促 使
[...] 政 府為香港經 濟 發 展 作出更大 的 努 力,不抱 殘 守 缺 、故步 自封。
I do not need to do this, because the Chinese Manufacturers' Association will definitely support such a motion that can work for the economic interests, stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. Therefore, once again, I urge Members to support this motion, so as to deliver a message to the Government, that it must make
greater efforts to promote the economic development of Hong Kong, instead
[...] of sticking to conservativeness and complacency.
特區政府仍抱殘守缺,一 方面仍強調以自由市場來解決問題作為 擋箭牌,另一方面,卻堅持既有的金融服務業主導的發展模式,拒絕支 持其他可創造大量就業機會的行業。
On the other hand, it insists on adopting the established mode of development led by the financial services industry and refuses to support other industries which can create a lot of employment opportunities.
有見及 此 , 我 和 民 協 重 申,政府不應抱殘守 缺 , 而 是應主動 出 擊 , 採 取 積極而 果 斷 的 措 施 ,修訂相關法例,例如 授 權交通 警 員 可 在 私 家 街 道 內執 法,並在短 期 內 改 變 這 種 “ 三 不 管 " 的 情況。
In view of this, the ADPL and I reiterate that the Government should act proactively. It should take decisive actions and amend the relevant legislation, so that traffic policemen, for example, can be authorized to take enforcement actions on private streets.
虽然,在灾难的第一周 年之际,要像许多人那样说几乎没有做什么或重建工作未取得进展,这可能不太
[...] 准确,会产生相反效果,尽管如此,独立专家还是对国内流离失所者的地境遇、 频繁出现的对妇女和儿童的暴力现象和 残 疾 人 缺 少 关 心等问题感到关切。
Although it is inaccurate and counterproductive to claim, as many did on the first anniversary of the disaster, that little has been done or that there has been no progress with reconstruction work, the Independent Expert is nonetheless concerned by the plight of internally displaced
persons, the incidents of violence against women and
[...] children and the lack of consideration for persons with disabilities.
本次统计工作借鉴了前次调查的经验,即 1999 年残疾、缺陷及 健康状况 调查”,但是根据现有的社会及人口情况做了相应调整,以及采取了“国际残疾及 [...]
健康功能分类”的标准,并且包含了一项根本上的创新:即第一次将残疾调查的 范围扩大到不居住于家庭房屋的人群。
The survey was based on the experience gained from
[...] the earlier Disabilities, Impairments and Health [...]
Status Survey of 1999, adapted to current
social and demographic conditions and imbued with the philosophy of the new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).




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