

单词 抱有

抱有 ... verb

hug sb. v

抱有 ()



有抱负 adj

ambitious adj

See also:


embrace v
hold v
clasp v

carry (in one's arms)

External sources (not reviewed)

正如已收到的许多活动建议所证明的那样,各会员国和非政府组织对教科文组 抱有 很多 期望,但是没有筹集到预算外资金。
The Member States and the NGOs had great expectations of UNESCO, as attested to by the many activity proposals received, but there was no mobilization of extrabudgetary funds.
因此,执行委员会对巴巴多斯继续执行其国家方案和制冷剂管理计划活动并在 减少当前的 CFC 消费量上继续取得成抱有希望
The Executive Committee is therefore hopeful that Barbados will continue with the implementation of its country
programme and refrigerant management plan activities with
[...] continuing success in the reduction [...]
of current CFC consumption levels.
本公司仍抱 有信心 ,相信現在是對業務的未來作出承擔,當市場回穩時將可享受成果。
The Company remains confident that the commitment it is now making to the future of its business will bear fruit when the market picks up.
摆在我们面前的秘书长的报告(S/2010/446)使 人们有理由对海地的未来再抱有希 望
The Secretary-General’s report before us (S/2010/446) justifies renewed hope about the future of Haiti.
3.127 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 维持和平伙伴提供必要的支助;(b) 会 员国为授权军事和警察人员的部署提供必要的支持和辅助;(c) 联合国会员国和非洲联盟对在 和平与安全领域促进与区域和次区域组织的合 抱有 持 续的政治意愿并作出承诺;(d) 非洲联 盟国家元首核可委员会的重组提案。
3.127 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) peacekeeping partners provide the necessary support; (b) Member States provide the mandated military and police personnel with requisite sustainment and enablers for their deployment; (c) there will be continued political will and commitment among Member States of the United Nations and the African Union in promoting cooperation with regional and subregional organizations in the area of peace and security; and (d) African Union Heads of State endorse a restructuring proposal for the Commission.
在审理程序中,有证据表明受害者在审理中的地位作用 方面存在严重的漏洞,在确立赔偿方面缺乏明确性,并且主要由于相关的国家实 体缺乏协调而使受害抱有过高 的期待。
During the proceedings, there was evidence of serious flaws with regard to the role of the victims, lack of clarity in the establishment of reparations and creation of false expectations among the victims due, in large part, to the lack of coordination of relevant State entities.
很多婦女過去在工廠工作,今日,這些工廠倒閉或者北移之後,這些 婦女如果未能得到適當的再培訓,很大機會會失業,因為她們自己本身普遍缺乏轉業 所需的技能或信心,而服務業的僱主對大量聘用原先從事製造業的工㆟,亦可 抱有 保留態度。
With the closing down or moving north of these factories today, these women will have a greater chance of being unemployed if they are not given any appropriate retraining. It is because generally they do not have the required skills or confidence in changing to other occupations; the employers in service trades may also have some reservations in employing a large number of workers originally engaged in manufacturing industry.
此結果亦反映各位股東對本公司的未來增長前景繼 抱有 信 心
It also reflects the continuing confidence of shareholders in the Company’s future growth prospects.
一些答复对于独立外部评价的成 抱有 很 高期望,认为这是一次极佳机会,可以借此 在下一个 C/5 时采纳具体而可行的以行动为导向的建议,促成一种更加系统的方法,从而使 计划行动和监督的目标更加明确。
Some respondents expressed high expectation for the outcome of the independent external evaluation which they see as an excellent opportunity to introduce in the next C/5 document concrete and implementable action-oriented recommendations for a more systemic approach that would lead to more targeted programme action and monitoring.
最不发达国家对即 将于 2012 年举行的里约会抱有很大 期望,希望筹 备过程能够将他们的意见考虑在内。
The least developed countries were looking forward to the 2012 Rio Conference with great expectations, and he hoped that their input would be taken into account in the preparatory process.
如果特區政府仍抱 有 “重西 輕 中”的 舊 包 袱 , 仍然以為以社區為 主 導 的發展 方 向 ,可促 進 中 醫 藥 發 展 的 話 ,最後 , 本來擁 有發展中醫 藥 國 際中心 的 條件及 優勢, 亦 會 斷 送 在 政府決 策 官 員 手 上 。
If the SAR Government still clings to the anachronism of "emphasizing Western medicine and neglecting Chinese medicine", and if it still relies on the private sector as the mainstay of development, thinking that this can already foster the development of Chinese medicine, then our advantages in developing into an international centre of Chinese medicine will only be wasted by the policy-making government officials.
I asked him ‘why do you have hope for humanity when you know all this?
工作组成员随后进行了简短讨论,他们表示,尽管他们对这个术语可能 产生的任何情抱有同感 ,但人类学家可通过术语学进一步研究这个问题,最终 命名只是一个语源问题――在法语中,“ascendance”(上升)与“下降”的意思正 好相反。
A brief discussion ensued with the members of the Working Group who indicated that while they were sympathetic to any feelings the term might spark and that anthropologists could examine the question of self-image through terminology further, at the end of the day the denomination was an etymological question – in French the term used was “ascendance,” the exact opposite of descent.
本公抱有宏願 且閣下之董事會和管理層相信,本公司業務重點向上游轉移的決策將於未來幾年為 股東創造更高價值。
The Company has great aspirations and your Board and management believe that the decision to shift the focus of the Company’s business upstream will enhance shareholder value over the years to come.
在几内亚比绍,正如在其它任何地方一样,建设 和平工作是能够取得成功的,如果社会及其领导抱 有这样的希望,如果作为一个国家他们愿意作出巩固 稳定和为繁荣奠定基础所需的艰难决定。
In Guinea-Bissau, as everywhere else, peacebuilding will succeed if society and its leaders so wish and if, as a country, they are ready to make the difficult decisions needed to consolidate stability and lay the foundations for prosperity.
旅游业的发展不但对诸如水资源等其它资源 可用性的依赖程度极高,同时还要求地方人口对参 观抱有包容和热情友好的态度。
Development of tourism very much depends on the availability of other resources such as water, but also a local population that is receptive and hospitable to visitors.
3) 更好的第一印象:如果您能立即对游客的问题做出答复,他们就会呆得更久,购买更多的产品,并对您的公 抱有 更 大 信心。
3) Better First Impression: Visitors who get quick answers to their questions stay longer, buy more products, and show more confidence in your company.
关于一些核武器国家声明打算裁减其部分核武 库的问题,我们认为,有限的双边和单边军备裁减远 未达到国际社会对采取真正有效步骤彻底消除核武 器抱有的期望,也绝不能替代核武器国家彻底消除 其核武器的义务。
With regard to the stated intention of some nuclear-weapon States to reduce part of their nuclear arsenals, we are of the view that limited bilateral and unilateral arms reductions are far below the expectations of the international community for real and effective steps towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons and can never be a substitute for the obligation of nuclear-weapon States to completely eliminate their nuclear weapons.
阿拉伯利比亚民众国代表团强烈谴责对宗教的诽谤 以及以言论自由为借口,基于其宗教或信仰对他抱有贬损 性的陈规定型观念和谴责他人,她指出了 此类做法激起他人仇恨的可能性,并敦促各国执行 《德班宣言和行动纲领》第 150 段。
Her delegation strongly condemned the defamation of religions and the derogatory stereotyping and stigmatization of persons based on their religion or belief under the pretext of freedom of expression, noting the potential of such practices to incite hatred of the other, and urged States to implement paragraph 150 of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
虽然没有什么人对实现 石油协抱有希望 ,各方确实在原则上同意转变石 油谈判焦点。
Though few had hopes an oil deal would materialise, the parties did agree in principle to shift the focus of oil negotiations.
英文报道)新浪微博和腾讯(HKEx: 700)微博都因散布谣言受到惩罚的消息不足为奇,但是因对其微博服 抱有 很 大 希望而购买这两家公司股票的热情投资者可能决定周一是一个出售其部分股票的好时机。
(English article) The news that Sina’s Weibo and another popular microblogging service from Tencent (HKEx: 700) are both being punished for spreading rumors should come as a surprise to no one, though enthusiastic investors who purchased stock of both companies on big hopes for their microblogging services might decide that Monday is a good time to sell some of their shares.
联叙监督团积极利用宣传机 会,强调继续履行对叙利亚人民的承诺,并解释其作用有限,不 抱有 不 切 实际 的期望。
UNSMIS was active in taking advantage of public information opportunities to emphasize its continued commitment to the Syrian people, explain its limited role and contain expectations.
為此,我 們將繼續爭取一個清晰明確的規管架構,讓如
[...] TRUenergy 般的經驗營運 商可依然對投資澳洲電力市抱有信 心
To this end, we continue to advocate for a clear regulatory framework under which
large, experienced operators, such as TRUenergy, can
[...] continue to invest with confidence in [...]
the Australian power sector.
(a) 强烈谴责针对移徙者的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍的 种种表现和行为以及经常对他抱有 的 成 见,包括基于宗教或信仰的成见,并敦促 各国在出现针对移徙者的仇外或不容忍行为、表现或言论时,适用现行法律,必要 时加强这些法律,以根除实施仇外行为或种族主义行为的人逍遥法外的现象
(a) Strongly condemns the manifestations and acts of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against migrants and the stereotypes often applied to them, including on the basis of religion or belief, and urges States to apply and, where needed, reinforce the existing laws when xenophobic or intolerant acts, manifestations or expressions against migrants occur, in order to eradicate impunity for those who commit xenophobic and racist acts
美国和其 他国家战后一代对美国敌视朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政策的历史原因缺乏正确 认识;他们不了解朝鲜半岛的核问题是美国敌视朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政策所 造成的,甚至错误地认为美国是因为核问题才对朝鲜民主主义人民共和 抱有敌 意
The post-war generation in the United States and other countries has no proper understanding of the historical roots of the hostile United States policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; they are not aware of the fact that the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula stems from the hostile United States policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and even misunderstand that the United States is hostile to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea because of the nuclear issue.
抱有希望的是,美利坚合众国这个有潜力展现真正国际领 导力的国家在完成审议本国地雷政策的工作后能够决定加入我们共同的努力。
I remain hopeful that the United States of America, with its potential to demonstrate real international leadership, will conclude the review of its landmine policy in such a way that it too will become part of our collective effort.
再者,兩大勢力的支持者抱有不同 的政治理念,硬要把他們拉在一起,只會動搖他們對組織的信心,令他們退出工會。
In addition, supporters from the two bodies personally endorse different political ideals. If we force these supporters together, they would only lose confidence in their respective bodies and eventually choose to withdraw from the group.
他解释说,该组织 不顾巴基斯坦在日内瓦的代表团多次抗议和人权事务高级专员办事处的警告,仍 系统地从事破坏巴基斯坦主权与领土完整 抱有 政 治 动机的活动。
He explained that the organization had been systematically engaged in politically motivated activities to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan, despite several attempts by his delegation in Geneva to approach the organization and warnings by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.




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