

单词 抱拳

See also:

carry (in one's arms)


embrace v
hold v
clasp v

External sources (not reviewed)

她们是热爱还是憎恨对方,交换的是 抱 还 是 拳 头 , 除了很紧密的行为,一切都不清晰。
Whether they both love or hate each other,
[...] whether they exchange hugs or blows, remais [...]
unclear despite the intensity of the action.
計劃在亞洲大拳腳的跨國公司的行政要員,如能留意這點, 並且認識香港在這個重要的經濟增長㆞區將會扮演的角色,應會無往而不利。
Chief executive officers of international companies who are planning expansion in Asia would do well to think of this, and of the role that Hong Kong will play in this key area of growth.
學校對打架、傷人、毆鬥及一切因仇怨而 產生之暴力行抱零容 忍的態度,絕不姑息。
The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, assault, battery, and hate violence.
在审理程序中,有证据表明受害者在审理中的地位作用 方面存在严重的漏洞,在确立赔偿方面缺乏明确性,并且主要由于相关的国家实 体缺乏协调而使受害抱有过 高的期待。
During the proceedings, there was evidence of serious flaws with regard to the role of the victims, lack of clarity in the establishment of reparations and creation of false expectations among the victims due, in large part, to the lack of coordination of relevant State entities.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位 拳 打 脚 踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被戴上手铐,套上头罩,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭 拳 打 脚 踢, 电击声和人们的尖叫声不绝于耳。
In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, to a police station and, shortly afterwards, to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, and beaten and kicked, and heard electroshocks and people screaming.
16.26 候選人如不能夠或沒有在准許的限期屆滿之前,將 選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈的申報書及聲明書送交總選舉事 務主任,而原因是由於候選人本抱 恙 或不在香港,或由 於其代理人或僱員去世抱恙、 不在香港或行為不當,或 由於候選人或其他人粗心大意或意外地計算錯誤或任何合 理因由( 而非因該候選人不真誠所致) ,他有權向原訟法庭申 請頒布命令,批准其將申報書及聲明書於限期後送交總選 舉事務主任 [《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 40(1)及 (2) 條 ] 。
16.26 A candidate who is unable or has failed to send to the CEO the return and declaration of all election expenses and donations before the end of the permitted period due to his own illness or absence from Hong Kong or the death, illness, absence from Hong Kong or misconduct of any agent or employee of the candidate or by reason of inadvertence or accidental miscalculation by the candidate or any other person, or any reasonable cause, and not due to the candidate’s bad faith, has the right to make an application to the Court of First Instance for an order to send in the return and declaration late [s 40(1) and (2) of the ECICO].
政府亦提 出同㆒理由,指民主黨沒有提其㆗㆒份不利於㆗央公積金的研究報告提供給議員審 閱,你猜今㆝大家在這裡抱 甚麼心情呢?
If the Government put forth the same reason alleging that the Democratic Party had not provided Members with a report which was unfavourable to the CPF, let us guess what would be our frame of mind here today?
在层级的 另一端,“完整”型健身房的设备费用大约为 83 500 美元,设施费用大约为 157 300 美元,其中将包括其它物品,如一套完整的健身设备(多功能举重机、成套负重
[...] 锻炼器材、举重器材架、固定运动自行车、划船机、深蹲架 拳 击 台 )和室外篮 球成套器材。
At the other end of the scale, a full-size gymnasium kit costing approximately $83,500 for equipment and $157,300 for the facility would include additional items, such as a complete set of gymnasium equipment (multi-purpose weight machine, free weight set,
weight rack, stationary exercise bicycles, rowing machines,
[...] squat racks and boxing stations) [...]
and outdoor basketball sets.
第一是濫用警權、 胡亂封路、採取拘捕行動和阻礙市民離開示威現場;第二是在沒有警 告下使用胡椒噴霧;第三是使用手銬扣留一名82歲長者;第四是非法 拘捕記者;第五是無理阻礙香港人權監察的成員在現場監察警方的行 為;第六是偷襲拳打示威人士。
The first problem was abuse of police power, resorting to road closure indiscriminately, making arrests and preventing members of the public from leaving the scene of protest; the second problem was using OC foam without warning; the third problem was using handcuffs to detain a 82-year-old elderly person; the fourth problem was unlawful arrests of reporters; the fifth problem was unreasonably preventing members of the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor from monitoring the acts of the police on the scene; and the sixth problem was launching a surprise attack on and punching protesters.




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