

单词 抱头鼠蹿

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现在,他自 己却受到追捕,在土沟地洞抱头鼠 窜。
Now he himself is
[...] being hunted like a rat from hole to hole [...]
and trench to trench.
移植:Bagges发现一只鼠怪物的骨头 时 的 尤斯塔斯试图拍卖他们的发现者,他结束了他的脊椎扭。
The Transplant: The Bagges
[...] find the bones of a kangaroo monster and when Eustace [...]
attempts to auction them to discoverers,
he ends up twisting his spine.
136 名被拘留者有两个淋浴间,两个水头;被拘留抱怨说 ,每天水都被切断。
In the women’s quarters, there were two working showers for 136
[...] detainees, and two taps; detainees complained that the water [...]
was cut every day.
抱住了一段头,随 着洪水形成的滔滔洪流漂浮了很久。
Still, Roy ended up floating through the village in a mighty river of floodwater, clutching a piece of wood.
鼠标箭头移到 屏幕右下角的「安全锁」图示。
Move the mouse pointer over the [...]
'security lock icon' at the bottom-right corner.
在卡塔亚诺卡,科凯亚沃雷恩街 (Kruunuvuorenkatu) 的街角有一家药店,外墙雕刻了头 鹰 、 狐狸和 鼠 的 装 饰图案。
In Katajanokka, on the corner of Kruunuvuorenkatu, you can see something quite remarkable: an Art
[...] Nouveau chemist’s with owl, fox and squirrel motifs.
老年大鼠有较厚的比年轻鼠和小鼠 的 头 骨 和 更严厉的结缔组织,可延缓脑提取和/或夹层,并因此否定或夸大真正的突触功能和可塑性的年龄差异。
Aged rats have thicker skulls and tougher connective [...]
tissue than younger rats and mice, which can delay brain extraction
and/or dissection and consequently negate or exaggerate real age-differences in synaptic function and plasticity.
到2010年,比亚迪的销量已蹿升到 全国汽车制造行业的第六位。
In 2010 the company’s sales skyrocketed making the company the sixth largest Chinese carmaker by units sold.
据一家在线情况机构 Experian Hitwise调查所显示, 南非航空的世界杯品牌指数已经从109 点 蹿 升 到了205点,其网上搜索量也翻了一番,从而使其成为了世界杯所有赞助商中受益最明显的一家。
According to online intelligence service Experian Hitwise, South African Airways’ World Cup Brands Index score has jumped from 109 to 205, and its internet search queries have more than doubled, making it the brand that has benefitted the most from its official sponsorship of the game according to Hitwise.
如果你爱巴黎女人身穿黑色长衣的风韵,如果你爱走在鹅卵石小巷上的触感, 如果你爱香槟泡蹿升的华丽, 你也一定爱香颂婉转悠扬的动听。
If you enjoy the elegance of Parisian women, the charm of cobbled streets, or bubbles of champagne, then you will enjoy the enchanting sounds of the French music.
它将朋克摇滚和艺术项目相结合,宠物同谋以震撼的现场表演在国内外迅 蹿 红 ——被评为“2009年当月优秀MTV乐队”和“2010中国最佳电子乐队”。
Halfway between an art project and a punk rock show, Pet Conspiracy have become popular in China and abroad for their powerful and borderline live acts.
27.2 茲因竒紀人同種按酚上瓃甭舦τ︽ㄆ,客め┯空於ヴ何時丁竭纕竒紀人┮Τ直钡┪丁钡因竒紀人钡受客め的「 蹿 / 锣 姐 指ボ」の按此︽ㄆ τま璓ぇ禗案、禗砠、索纕、穕ア、禣ノのや出。
In consideration of the Broker agreeing to act in accordance with the above authorization, the Client undertake to keep the Broker indemnified at all time against, and to save the Broker harmless from, all actions, proceedings, claims, loss, damage, costs and expenses which may be brought against the Broker or suffered or incurred by the Broker and which shall have arisen either directly or indirectly out of or in connection with t he Broker accepting the Client's Payment/Transfer Instructions and acting thereon.
ヴ何此硄知癸於各よ已玻ネ的舦利Аぃ受紇臫の各よ 於此ヴ何蹿的竡叭ご膥尿Τ效。
Any such notice shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights of the parties, and any obligations of the parties contained in any provision hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall be enforceable notwithstanding such termination.
她们是热爱还是憎恨对方,交换的是 抱 还 是 拳 头 , 除了很紧密的行为,一切都不清晰。
Whether they both love or hate each other,
[...] whether they exchange hugs or blows, remais unclear [...]
despite the intensity of the action.
學校對打架、傷人、毆鬥及一切因仇怨而 產生之暴力行抱零容 忍的態度,絕不姑息。
The school has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, assault, battery, and hate violence.
最好的朋友变成敌人,鼠狼和IR回 头 看 时 ,他们参加了军营,在那里他们被训练成为拱的敌人。
Best friends turned enemies, Weasel and I.R. look back [...]
to when they attended a camp where they were trained to become arch enemies.
与通常玩的游戏不同的是:参赛者必须利用对机器人进行编程,给机器人设计智能来自动指挥它,而不是由键盘 鼠 标 简单地直接控制。
And usually play the game is different: Participants must be programmed to use the
robot to robot design intelligence to automatically direct it , rather
[...] than by keyboard , mouse, simply direct control .
我们的设身处地为用户着想的设计理念使我们的产品达到了极高的易用性,只需轻 鼠 标 +简 单录入即可完成商城管理。
We put ourselves in the design concept for the sake
of users, so that our products meet a high ease of use,
[...] simple click of the mouse input to complete [...]
the mall management.
16.26 候選人如不能夠或沒有在准許的限期屆滿之前,將 選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈的申報書及聲明書送交總選舉事 務主任,而原因是由於候選人本抱 恙 或不在香港,或由 於其代理人或僱員去世抱恙、 不在香港或行為不當,或 由於候選人或其他人粗心大意或意外地計算錯誤或任何合 理因由( 而非因該候選人不真誠所致) ,他有權向原訟法庭申 請頒布命令,批准其將申報書及聲明書於限期後送交總選 舉事務主任 [《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 40(1)及 (2) 條 ] 。
16.26 A candidate who is unable or has failed to send to the CEO the return and declaration of all election expenses and donations before the end of the permitted period due to his own illness or absence from Hong Kong or the death, illness, absence from Hong Kong or misconduct of any agent or employee of the candidate or by reason of inadvertence or accidental miscalculation by the candidate or any other person, or any reasonable cause, and not due to the candidate’s bad faith, has the right to make an application to the Court of First Instance for an order to send in the return and declaration late [s 40(1) and (2) of the ECICO].
鼠标系 列于2010年开卖,其中黑者及黑者魔战很荣幸的同时选入WCG的官方指定使用产品 。
BLACK mouse series was first [...]
introduced in year 2010, with both BLACK and BLACK Element that were honorably selected as
WCG’s Official Hardware sponsor in 2010.
在审理程序中,有证据表明受害者在审理中的地位作用 方面存在严重的漏洞,在确立赔偿方面缺乏明确性,并且主要由于相关的国家实 体缺乏协调而使受害抱有过 高的期待。
During the proceedings, there was evidence of serious flaws with regard to the role of the victims, lack of clarity in the establishment of reparations and creation of false expectations among the victims due, in large part, to the lack of coordination of relevant State entities.
(四) 當局如何評估鼠工作 的成效,以及評估的結果,以及會否加強鼠工作
(d) how it evaluates the
[...] effectiveness of anti-rodent work, as well as the evaluation results, and whether it will step up anti-rodent efforts?
政府亦提 出同㆒理由,指民主黨沒有提其㆗㆒份不利於㆗央公積金的研究報告提供給議員審 閱,你猜今㆝大家在這裡抱 甚麼心情呢?
If the Government put forth the same reason alleging that the Democratic Party had not provided Members with a report which was unfavourable to the CPF, let us guess what would be our frame of mind here today?
调查结构显示,在华经营的欧洲企业仍对中国经济的强劲增长 头抱 有 信 心,但同时也对中国经营环境的不确定性以及持续不断的监管政策不确定性表示忧虑。
The results – the most comprehensive and wide-ranging set of data yet gathered for this annual publication – show a European business community that remains optimistic about surging economic growth, but concerned about uncertainty in the business environment and ongoing regulatory unpredictability.
为了研究二代头孢类新药头孢呋辛赖氨酸在肝损伤大鼠体内的药代动力学过程,建立了采用超快速液相色谱-串联质谱(UFLC-MS/MS)快速测定肝损伤模型 鼠 血 浆 中 头 孢 呋辛含量的方法。
In order to investigate the pharmacokinetic profiles of cefuroxime lysine, a new second generation cephalosporins, in liver-injured rat model, an ultra fast liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry (UFLC-MS/MS) method for the
[...] determination of cefuroxime in liver-injured rat plasma was developed [...]
and validated.
刪 除 “近期流感盛 行”, 並以“面 對 流感的 持 續 威 脅 ” 代 替 ; 在 “加強傳染 病 防控工 作 ” 之 後 刪 除 “ , ” , 並以“;”代 替 ; 在 “ 所 有長者 ” 之 後 加上“和兒童”;及在“新的 疫 苗 ” 之 後 加上“; 檢 討現時在幼稚園、 學 校 、 老 人 院 舍 、
醫 療 機構及人流集中 的 公 共 設施內的 防 感 染措施, 增 撥 資 源 為 這些機構完 善 傳 染 病 的 防控工
[...] 作 ; 改 善 環境衞生,包括加 強鼠 和 滅蚊的工作 ;以及 加 強教育 ,提升 [...]
個 人衞生意 識 ” 。
To delete "as influenza has been prevalent recently and there is" after "That," and substitute with "in the face of continuous threat of influenza and"; to delete "," after "strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases" and substitute with ";"; to add "and children" after "all elderly people"; and to add "; review the existing infection control measures in kindergartens, schools, residential care homes for the elderly, medical institutions and public facilities with high pedestrian flow and allocate more resources for these institutions to improve the prevention and control of communicable diseases;
improve environmental hygiene, including
[...] strengthening anti-rodent and anti-mosquito [...]
efforts; and step up education to enhance
the awareness of personal hygiene" after "diseases and vaccines".
17.2 如因修э┪制﹚ヴ何猭律、砏玥、砏ㄒ、砏彻、指ボ┪現郸,ㄏセ協某 蹿 在 ヴ 何よ面Τ紇臫┪ぃ相才合,受紇臫ぇ 蹿 盢 砆跌為已砆赣单 猭令、兵ㄒ、砏彻、砏玥、砏ㄒ┪指ボ修璹┪既氨,並且セ協某┮Τㄤ他 蹿 の 因 此砆修璹的 蹿 盢 在┮Τよ面膥尿Θミ並且Ч全Τ效。
Whenever any law or legislation shall be enacted or amended, or any rules regulations by-laws directions policy or policies shall be made by any lawful authority or under any law which shall be applicable to effect in any manner or be inconsistent with any of the provisions here of, the provision so affected shall be deemed to be modified or suspended, as the case may be, by such act, statute, ordinance, sub-legislation, by-law, rule, regulation or direction and all other provisions of this Agreement and the provisions so modified shall in all respect continue and be in full force and effect.
结果表明,大鼠血浆中头孢呋辛的质量浓度在0.01~1 mg/L和1~400 mg/L范围内线性关系良好(r>0.99),定量限为0.01 [...]
The linearities ranged from 0.01 to 1 mg/L and 1 to
400 mg/L (r>0.99), and the limit of
[...] quantification of cefuroxime was 0.01 mg/L. The [...]
relative standard deviations (RSDs)
of intra- and inter-day precisions were both less than 11.5%, and the accuracy (relative error) was between ~7.1% and 2.2%.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.




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