

单词 披星戴月

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

可以夸张一点地说,捱更抵夜披星 戴月作已占去市民生活的绝大部分。
I can say, though in a bit exaggerated manner, that the public are spending most of their lives toiling day and night orworking late in the evening.
此种进展 始于男子乘木筏和独木披星戴月的年代,随后进展成为现代社会,其中各 [...]
It had begun in the days when men sailed on rafts and canoes
[...] and voyaged amongstars,andhadmade progress [...]
to become a modern society with various
activities focused on human rights.
宠物同谋带着他们的第三张录音室唱片《Noise From The Future》披星戴月宙中走来,当那些老合成器发出的声响和行星碰撞发出的声响交织在一起时,发生了强烈的化学反应,这是目前为止最让乐队兴奋的唱片。
Pet Conspiracy has been busy coming up with a new out-of-this-universe sound for their third record ‘Noise From The Future’.
不过,信中有一处耐人寻味就是2001年925,有一行的秘书,将3个戴德梁行高级职员的履历传 真到马来西亚的公司。
According to the disclosure, asecretary of DTZ faxed the resume of three senior [...]
staff members of DTZ to the Malaysian firm on 25 September 2001.
广受国服装设计师 Olivier Châtenet,由阿拉亚到爱马仕纵横各大名牌,自己却是超级圣罗兰迷。
Stylist Olivier Châtenet, working through the greatest brands from Alaïa to Hermes, and cherished by many stars, is an absolute fan of Yves Saint Laurent.
就目前的 个案而言,由於业主已在其2012年1123的声明幅墙的构造和建造目的,故没有必要这样 做。
In the present case, this was not
[...] necessary as the ownerhaddisclosed the construction and [...]
purpose of the wall in his statement made on 23 November 2012.
[...] computer maker Dell said last week it had experienced "relatively small" supply chain disruptions, while Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE said last month itexpected supply problems to last for three to six months.
This IWC watch and
[...] its complex siderealmechanism and accurate star charts allow the wearer to appreciate [...]
and understand their
place in our galaxy – an extraordinary accomplishment for a mechanical device that you can wear on your wrist.
根据对NASA的双飞船范艾伦辐射探测器(Van Allen Probes)得到的数据所进行的一项新的研在2012年9地球周围形成了一个辐射环,它在持续了4个被一个强力的行星间冲击波破坏(并实际上被湮灭)。
A ring of radiation formed around the
[...] Earth inearly September of 2012 and persisted for over four weeks before being disrupted (and virtually annihilated) by a powerfulinterplanetary shockwave, reports [...]
a new study of
data from NASA’s twin spacecraft, the Van Allen Probes.
Hollywood’sbrighteststars choose to wear Piaget [...]
watches and jewelry for oscar night.
在计算上市发行人已发行股本变动的百分比时,将参照以上市发行人在发生其最早一宗相关事件前的已发行股本总额 (就此目的而言不包括已购回或赎回但尚未注销的任 何股份) ;该最早一宗相关事件是之前并未有在」或「翌表」
The percentage change in the listed issuer’s issued share capital is to be calculated by reference to the listed issuer’s total issued share capital (excluding for such purpose any shares repurchased or redeemed but not yet cancelled) as it was
immediately before the earliest relevant event which has
[...] not been disclosed in a Monthly Return or Next Day Disclosure Return.
他的作品在奥斯卡颁奖礼上也同样大放异彩——美国女希·Nancy O'Dell)踏上红地毯时所佩戴的极为精美的超长款耳坠便是出自Rucker之手。
His work has also graced the Academy Awards: at a red-carpet event, Nancy O'Dell, an American actress, wore extra-long, extremely delicate, drop earrings from his collection.
大会 2003 年 3 月 13 日第 57/301 号决议决定,一般性辩论在大会常会开幕 后的下一个星期二开始,并应不间断地进行九个工作日。但是,依照 2009 年 12 月 21 日第 64/184 号决议和 2010 年 4 月 15 日第 64/555 号决定,第六十五届会 议的一般性辩论将于 2010 年923四至925六及927一至930举行。
By its resolution 57/301 of 13 March 2003, the General Assembly decided that the general debate should open on the Tuesday following the opening of the regular session of the General Assembly and should be held without interruption over a period of nine working days; however, for the sixty-fifth session, in the light of resolution 64/184 of 21 December 2009 and decision 64/555 of 15 April 2010, the general debate will be held from Thursday, 23 September, to Saturday, 25 September, and from Monday, 27 September, to Thursday, 30September 2010.
423凌晨 3 时 30 分许,该机离开阿斯马拉机场直飞摩加迪沙 [...]
K50 简易机场。
On Thursday23 Aprilat approximately [...]
3.30 a.m., the aircraft left Asmara airport and flew directly to Mogadishu, K50 airstrip.
除 上 述外,於'007''''本 公 司 各 董 事、监 事 及 总 裁 概 无 在 本 公 [...]
司 或 其 相 关 法 团(定 义 见《证 券 及 期 货 条 例 》第XV部 )的 股 份,相 关 股 份 及 债
权 证 中 拥 有 任 何 须 记 录 於 本 公 司 根 据 香 港《证 券 及 期 货 条 例 》第''' 条 规 定 须 予 备 存 的 登 记 册 的 权 益 或 淡 仓,或 根 据 香 港 联 交 所 上 市 规 则 附 录 十《上 市 公 司 董 事 进 行 证 券 交 易 的 标 准 守 则 》(「《标 准 守 则 》」)须 通 知 本 公 司 及 香 港 联 交 所 的 权 益 或 淡 仓。
Save asdisclosed above, as at3'December 2007, noneof the [...]
Directors, Supervisors and the President had any interest or
short position in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company and its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance) that is required to be recorded in the register to be kept under Section 352 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, or otherwise notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers (the “Model Code”) as set out in Appendix '0 to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules.
财务报表附注13截至 2009 年1231,非消耗性财产价值为 930 万美元,而上期结余为 1 750 万美元,下降了 46.9%。
As disclosed innote 13 to the financial statements, the value of non-expendable propertyas at 31 December2009 amounted [...]
to $9.3 million, a 46.9
per cent decrease from the previous period’s balance of $17.5 million.
除上文,於2007年630概无人士(本公司董事或行政总裁(其权益於上文「董事及行政总 裁於股份、相关股份及债权证之权益及淡仓」一节所载除外)於本公司之股份、相关股份及债权证中拥 [...]
Save asdisclosed above,no person, other than the directors [...]
or chief executive of the Company, whose interests are set
out in the section “Directors’ and Chief Executives’ Interests and Short Positions in Shares, Underlying Shares and Debentures” above, as at 30 June 2007, had registered an interest or short position in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company that was required to be recorded pursuant to Section 336 of the SFO.
他们均引领以待, 长; 少年; 静待官员额外施恩。
The old in their kerchiefs, and young in their caps, were hoping to get more than a few scraps.
注: 按 照 中 国 企 业 会 计 准 则,稀 释
每 股 收 益 是 由 归 属 於 上 市 公 司 的 净 利 益
[...] ╱(本 公 司 实 际 总 股 本'007年''本 报。本 公 司 实 际 股本没有变化,股本仍为''',''',6'0股加上因本公司第一期股权激励计划标的股票额度形成的稀释性潜在普通股计'7''万股的'0%部分 [...]
) 计 算 得 出。
Note: In accordance with PRC enterprise accounting standards, diluted earnings per share is calculated on the basis of net interests attributable to the listed company (representing the effective total share capital of the
Company (which remained
[...] unchanged at 959,52',650 shares during theperiod from ' January [...]
2007 to the date up to which this
report was made) plus 20% of the 47.98 million potentially dilutive ordinary shares representing Subject Shares quota granted under the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company).
本通函旨在向股东提供(i)股份拆细及更改每手买卖单位以及重选本公司董事的进一步 资料;(ii)香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则(「上市规则」)规定的说明函件;及(iii)有关
[...] 赞成或反对本通函所述的决议案作出知情决定,而(其中包括)有关决议案将提呈於二零一 一年三日)下午二时正假座香港金钟道万豪酒店三楼Queensway及Victoria [...]
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and
which, inter alia, will be dealt with
[...] at the annualgeneralmeeting of the Company to be [...]
held at Queensway and Victoria Room,
Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
华盛顿邮报》的消息来源说:“在20036的报点情 况后,泰国官员敦促中央情报局将其关闭”。182 [...]
《纽约时报》后来称,据说当 地官员对“曼谷市郊一个代号‘猫眼’的黑点”日益感到不安,而这是中央情报 局想拥有“自己的更永久拘留所”的一个原因。
The sources of the Washington Post stated that, after
“published reports revealed the
[...] existence of the site in June2003, Thai officials insisted [...]
the CIA shut it down”.182 The
New York Times alleged later that local officials were said to be growing uneasy about “a black site outside Bangkok code-named Cat’s Eye” and that this was a reason for the CIA to want “its own, more permanent detention centers”.185 110.
The Board announced on 27 July 2011 that the
[...] date for holding of the AGM is changed from Monday, 15August 2011 to Friday, 2 September 2011.
S/PV.6590)以来,以色列已批准在霍马山定居点修建 900
[...] 个住房单元,在 Gilo 建造 1 100 个住房单元,还 不算Givat Hamatos 计划,即耶路撒冷 市内有 [...]
2 600 个住房单元的大规模全新定居点。
Since the Council’s most recent public debate on this issue (see S/PV.6590), Israel has approved the construction of 900 housing units in the Har Homa
settlement and 1,100 at Gilo,
[...] without countingthe disclosure inOctober oftheplansfor Givat [...]
Hamatos, a vast and entirely
new settlement of 2,600 housing units in the city of Jerusalem.
最近有传於今116行的区议会选举後发现不少 怀疑种票个案;此外,在以往每次立法会选举和区议会选举之 [...]
後,当局皆接获数万份退回的投票通知卡;鉴於选民登记制度缺 乏有效的核实机制,容易让不法份子以虚假地址登记为选民,破 坏选举制度,令选民失去信心,本会促请当局全力调查怀疑种票
个案,检控不法份子,并全面检讨选民登记制度,以确保在明年 9月立法会选举举行前堵塞漏洞,重建市民对选举制度的信心。
That the
[...] media haverecently disclosedthe discovery ofmany [...]
suspected voterigging cases after the District Council Election
held on 6 November this year; besides, after every Legislative Council Election and District Council Election in the past, the Administration also received tens of thousands of returned poll cards; as there is a lack of an effective verification mechanism under the voter registration system, law-breakers may easily register as voters with falsified addresses, thus ruining the electoral system and causing voters to lose confidence, this Council urges the Administration to spare no efforts in investigating suspected vote-rigging cases, institute prosecutions against lawbreakers, and comprehensively review the voter registration system, so as to ensure that before the Legislative Council Election to be held in September next year, the loopholes are plugged and people’s confidence in the electoral system is rebuilt.
2007 年2涉及未准专利的案件中,联邦贸易委员会颁发了反垄断救济令,要求内存 条制造商 RAMBUS 公司以一定的条件许可其专利。该救济令限定了补偿金的最高比例,RAMBUS 公司可以向 SDRAM 产品收取 0.25%的补偿金,向 DDR SDRAM 产品以及 SDRAM 内存条控制器及 其他非内存芯片部分收取 0.5%的补偿金,向 DDR SDRAM 内存条控制器及其他非内存芯片部分收取 1%的补偿金。
In 2002, the US Departmentof Justice required Microsoft to license on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms intellectual property rights in a number of different protocols needed to create products that were interoperable with Microsoft Windows.14 In February 2007, in a case involving a failure to disclose patents on the standard, an FTC antitrust remedial order compelled memory chipmaker Rambus to license its patented technology on certain specified terms and limited the maximum royalty rates that Rambus can collect for use of its patents to 0.25 percent for Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) products; 0.5 percent for Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM products, as well as SDRAM memory controllers or other non-memory chip components; and one percent for DDR SDRAM memory controllers, or other non-memory chip components.
Having notoriety of being the first Harvard graduate since 1953 and also the first Asian-American entering the NBA, Lin was not infatuated, but in fact, humbly shared credits with his team, and did not forget to glorify God. He understands that glory was but a temporary, and doesn’t let the fame change him.
这些儿童停留在利勒库拉中心,通常只留很短时期,其中 56%的儿童 留在收容日内最多一19%最长一余儿童留在收容所都超过一 个月,也就是说解决他们的问题要多久,就留多久,在某些情况下,解决他们的 [...]
The children stay in Lilleküla centre usually only for a short period of time. 56%
of children stay in the shelter
[...] for up to aweek,19%for up toa month, and the rest of [...]
the children stay in the shelter
longer than a month, i.e. as long as it takes to solve their problem, which, in some cases, may take for up to a year.
[...] 区公正与持久和平的总体努力的进展情况,秘书长将 于921,即,召开四方主角会议,接 着将召开与阿拉伯国家联盟《阿拉伯和平倡议》后续 [...]
To review progress in the Israeli-Palestinian talks and in the overall search for a just and lasting peace in the region, the
Secretary-General will host Quartet
[...] principals on 21September — next Tuesday —followed [...]
by a meeting with members of the League
of Arab States Follow-Up Committee on the Arab Peace Initiative.
(a) 2012 年 6 月 14 日从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的一名卢旺达国防 军士兵说,他所在的部队在基加利 Kanombe 军营接受了两训练,之后在3第一被部署到 Runyoni。
(a) An RDF soldier, who surrendered on 14 June 2012 from Ntaganda’s position in Runyoni, stated that
his unit had been
[...] trained fortwo weeks inKanombe military camp in Kigali, before being deployed in Runyoni already during thefirstweek ofMarch.




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