单词 | 抨击 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抨击 noun—fire n抨击 verb—pan v抨击 —attack (verbally or in writing)Examples:以言词或文字抨击 v—tilt v 猛烈抨击 v—slate v See also:抨 v —attack v 抨—impeach 击 v—strike v
导致其支持率每况愈下的主要原因似乎是其过度的 民族主义运动和对民主党的猛烈抨击。 crisisgroup.org | Going overboard with its nationalist campaign and fierce attack against the Democrat Party appears to have been a major cause for the PAD’s declining popularity. crisisgroup.org |
发言 人最后说,尽管受到不公正的抨击, 但 伊朗仍坚定 地致力于促进人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Iran remained firmly committed to the promotion of human rights, despite the unjust criticism in the report. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨首相 [...] 洪森对这些消极行为和阻挠战术极为沮丧,并经常 对其作出抨击,甚 至曾任命他信为顾问。 crisisgroup.org | Frustrated by this inaction and these [...] obstructionist tactics, Cambodia’s prime minister, [...] Hun Sen, often lashed out and on one [...]occasion appointed Thaksin as an adviser – [...]an episode that was the political low point of a troubled period. crisisgroup.org |
我这样做不是要进 行抨击或攻 击,而只是想澄清某些事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | I do so not to attack or to go on the [...] offensive, but simply to clarify certain facts. daccess-ods.un.org |
我重申,我这样说不是要 进行抨击,而只是想描述真正的现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | Again, I wish [...] not to go on the attack, but simply to [...]describe genuine realities. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们抨击和谴 责这些国家的操纵和歪曲,它们粗 暴和公然违反《联合国宪章》和安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议,企图强行改变一个主权国家的政 权。 daccess-ods.un.org | We denounce and condemn the manipulation and distortions of those States that are blatantly and openly violating the United Nations Charter and Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), hoping to impose a regime change in a sovereign State. daccess-ods.un.org |
近日,主帅哈里•雷德克纳普抨击他 的 球员们似乎缺乏赢得比赛的动力,甚至暗示某些“明星球员”被高估啦。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Recently, manager [...] Harry Redknapp slammed his players for [...]seemingly lacking the motivation to win and even suggested that [...]some of the “stars” are overrated. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
特别委员会的报告用大量篇幅对以色 列进行猛烈抨击,但 随便忽略了在其 7 月份访问加 沙期间发生的向以色列平民发射 19 颗火箭弹的事件 ——而且刚刚再次否认——而在过去的十年中,已 向以色列南部发射了 9 000 多枚火箭。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee had filled many pages of its report with fierce criticism of Israel, but the firing of 19 rockets at Israeli civilians during its mission to Gaza in July had been conveniently excluded — and just denied once more — as had the more than 9,000 rockets launched into southern Israel over the previous decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
美利坚合众国通过 中央情报局分设在世界各地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导致现任政府声名狼藉,这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;它抨击人权 理事会,但又惧 怕人权理事会审查其人权记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里我 们可以很好地抨击人们 熟悉的所有有关保留核武器具有威慑作用及其它核 武器存在的理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are good answers to all the familiar deterrence and other justifications for retaining nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,该行业在发 展过程中面临着公众不断加大对该行业的审视、宣传力度加大和反对派团体大力 抨击的现实。 fao.org | However, the sector has developed at a time of growing scrutiny from the public, improved communications and vociferous opposition groups. fao.org |
每个利用第二委员会作为抨击以色 列的论坛的 国家都曾受益于以色列为推进可持续发展和各国间 [...] 的合作所作的贡献,都知道正是以色列的最尖端的创 新和专有技术为其带来了繁荣,而以色列开发它们就 是为了处理第二委员会工作和目标中的核心事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | Every country that had used the Second Committee [...] as a forum to bash Israel had benefited [...]from Israel’s contributions to the [...]advancement of sustainable development and cooperation among States and knew that it prospered as a result of Israel’s stateof-the-art innovations and technological know-how, which had been developed to deal with matters at the heart of the Committee’s work and goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
限制少数群体政治参与的歧视可表现为:一种对少数群体代表性有不利影 响的选举制度;对少数群体问题和少数群体成员持反对意见的政党;在选民中普 遍存在的偏见,抨击有意 纳入少数群体候选人或提出少数群体问题的党派;对少 数群体的关切和参与怀有敌意的媒体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discrimination which inhibits the political participation of minorities may manifest itself in, among others: a type of electoral system which negatively affects minority representation; political parties which are adverse to minority issues and minority membership; widespread prejudice among the electorate which punishes parties willing to include minority candidates or voice minority issues; media which are hostile to minority concerns and participation. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在不是找托词和相互抨击的时 候,而是要讨论和平问题的时候了。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was not a time for excuses and invective, it was a time to talk peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球粮食、能源和金融危机暴露了放松监控 的全球市场的运作所固有的系统性缺陷,需要各国政府以适当方式参与应对这些 危机,对支撑华盛顿共识的传统理念给 予 抨击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The global food, energy and financial crises that exposed the systemic flaws inherent in the functioning of deregulated global markets required Governments to step in to address those crises — and in ways that dealt a blow to the conventional wisdom underpinning the Washington Consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们抨击和谴责北约的轰 炸,要求立即和无条件停止这些轰炸以及北约在利比 亚的军事干预中的各种攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | We denounce and condemn the bombings by NATO and demand the immediate and unconditional cessation of those bombings and of all kinds of attacks perpetrated the NATO military intervention in Libya. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权问题调查之后的报告和倡导活动必须供人们质疑, 如果“实况”是通过不可靠的方法,或由经验不足、有偏见的实况调查人员收集, 则很容易受到抨击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reporting and advocacy that follow human rights investigations are open to challenge and can readily be impugned where the “facts” themselves were gathered through unreliable methodologies, or by inexperienced, or biased fact-finders. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿他抨击反对赛马场可能会特别注意到它,是非常残酷的现代谴责在其对本场比赛马匹战车参与了。 mb-soft.com | A diatribe against he Hippodrome may be especially [...] noted, for it is very modern in its denunciation of the cruelty to the [...]horses which was involved in the chariot races. mb-soft.com |
正如一度代表了业界标准的铅基油漆和石棉产品后来被更新、更安全的产品所取代相仿,近来铜质冷热水管道也遭到 了 抨击 和 越 来越多的调查——不仅因为它可能与金属溶浸入水造成水污染有关,而且还因为它频频过早出现故障。 cn.lubrizol.com | Just like lead-based paint and asbestos-containing products once represented standards in the industry and have since been replaced by newer, safer products, so has copper plumbing recently come under fire and increased scrutiny--not only for its link to possible water contamination caused by metal leaching into the water, but also for its frequency of premature failure. lubrizol.com |
对我们双方人民来说,通往和平的唯一途径显然 是谈判桌边的真正对话,而不是这一论坛中一再出现 的那种充满陈词滥调的抨击谩骂。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that real dialogue around the negotiating table — and not the tired diatribe that has characterized this forum — is the only path to peace for our two peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
他抨击与聪 明很多异端,所有的活泼,和比口才和良有效性的。 mb-soft.com | He attacked heretics with much [...] of the cleverness, all the vivacity, and much more than the eloquence and effectiveness of Tertullian. mb-soft.com |
他问如何才能举行抨击他的 信仰,在教会里,他告知有多少种方法犹太人一个错误诠释他的读者。 mb-soft.com | He asks how it could be held to impugn his faith in the Church, that he informs his readers in how many ways the Jews construe a single error. mb-soft.com |
随着 发表最后报告,政治行为者们变得更加直言不讳,其中一些呼吁总统接受和全部 执行这些建议,另一些则公开抨击和 反 对各项建议,后者当中有一些根据委员会 的建议将被起诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the release of the final report, political actors have become increasingly vocal, with some having called on the President to accept and fully implement the recommendations, and others, some of whom are recommended for prosecution by the Commission, publicly denouncing and rejecting them. daccess-ods.un.org |
充分尊重人权高专办的独立性,对于确保人权 高专办保持客观、有力抨击侵犯人权行为至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Full respect for the independence of OHCHR was of paramount importance to ensure that it remained an objective and strong voice against human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
Pak Tok Hun 先生(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国) 抨击了美 国在伊拉克、阿富汗和巴勒斯坦被占领土 的“反恐行动”,认为这种侵略和战争行为造成了无 辜者死亡、社会混乱和贫困,严重侵犯了人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tok Hun (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), criticizing the “war on terror” that was being waged by the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said that acts of aggression and war that caused the deaths of innocent people, social chaos and poverty constituted the most serious violations of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国出口领域的超级明星华为和中兴通讯<0763.HK><000063.SZ>进军全球市场依然障碍重重,前者近期在澳大利亚遭遇重大挫折,後者也因在伊朗市场的业务遭 到 抨击。 youngchinabiz.com | China’s export superstars Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) continue to face new obstacles in their quest for global legitimacy, with the former receiving a major setback in Australia as the latter comes under fire for dealings in the problematic Iranian market. youngchinabiz.com |
各 国应当确保地方社区、宗教和社区领袖、民间社会和妇女组织、男子和男孩、青 年和私营部门(包括媒体)的参与, 抨击 维 持暴力侵害妇女行为的性别陈规定型观 念和社会规范,并确保妇女和女孩在环境、社区和学校中感到安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | States should ensure the engagement of communities, religious and community leaders, civil society and women’s organizations, men and boys, young people and the private sector, including the media, to challenge gender stereotypes and social norms that perpetuate violence against women and ensure that environments, communities and schools are safe for women and girls. daccess-ods.un.org |
在印度的人权工作组和联合国报告说,2010 年《外国捐款管制法》的苛刻 条款可能威胁到人权组织,尤其是 抨击 印 度 政府的组织的正常运行。 daccess-ods.un.org | WGHR reported that the stringent provisions under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010 could threaten the functioning of human rights organizations, especially those critical of the Government.169 Concerns about the Act were also raised by the European Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses.170 77. daccess-ods.un.org |
我认为——尽管这种看法对塞尔维 亚、塞族共和国、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的公众舆论不无影响,法庭在那里被视 为“反塞族”;41 在克罗地亚和科索沃也是如此,法庭的裁决也常常在那里受到 抨击—— 这种看法不会妨碍法庭在该区域设立信息中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | I consider that—even though this perception is not without impact on public opinion in Serbia, in Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina where the Tribunal is often presented as “anti Serb”,41 and in Croatia and Kosovo where the decisions of the Tribunal are also often criticised—this perception would not discourage the Tribunal from establishing Information Centres in the Region. daccess-ods.un.org |