

单词 报社

External sources (not reviewed)

该代表团还说,对和平集会自由没有限制, 任何逮捕或关报社都是依法进行。
The delegation added that there were no restrictions
on the freedom of peaceful assembly, and that any
[...] arrests or closure of newspapers were made in conformity [...]
with the law.
高刚性高精度的数控车床NLX系列在日刊工 报社 主 办的2012年(第55届)十大新产品奖中荣获了日本品牌奖。
The NLX series, high-rigidity and high-precision CNC lathes, was awarded one of the 55th Best 10 New Products Awards (Nippon Brand Prize) sponsored by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
报社的记 者记录下了当时观众,坐在黑暗的房间 里观看移动影像时的激动心情:“短片呈现了海浪撞击在岸边破碎开来的景象。
A reporter for a local newspaper wrote enthusiastically [...]
about the experience shared by the audience of strangers, sitting
in a dark theater, watching moving images projected on a screen: "The second film represented the breaking of waves on the seashore.
患难见真 情”,公司积极行动,报社会,支援灾区的善举,为增进中日两国人民的友好感情做出了积极贡献。
Prosperity makes friends”. The company was active in
[...] action, paying back society and supporting the [...]
disaster areas, and made great contribution
to the enhancement of friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害了执政党的财产,有关方面以备受争议的方式实
[...] 施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议员补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有人闯 入一家批评政府报社。
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack by members of the opposition on property of the governing party, the questionable imposition of a threemonth ban on all political party rallies, violence surrounding a win by the
opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City Council and the
[...] recent break-in into a newspaper critical of the Government.
日刊工报社主办 这个奖项的目的,是为了提高国内的技术水平,从每年企业开发并且已经被投入生产的产品当中,选出10个最优秀的产品。
For this award, which is sponsored by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun with the aim of raising the level of technology within Japan, 10 outstanding products are selected from those which have been developed and put into practical use during the past year.
本公司奉行"以人为本、制造精品、拓展企业、 报社 会 ” 的经营宗旨,以"优质规范、开拓创新、持续改进、顾客满意”为质量方针,将广纳人才作为企业的立足之本,视提高产品质量为使命,公司现于通过ISO9001:2000质量认证和产品质量符合美国UL标准、ROHS标准、欧盟SGS无铅产品认证。
We adhere to the "people-oriented, manufacturing products, expand
[...] enterprise, return society" business purpose, [...]
with "quality standard, pioneering innovation,
continuous improvement, customer satisfaction" as the quality policy, as an enterprise of talent recruitment will be the base, depending on improving product quality as our mission, our company now in passed ISO9001:2000 quality certification and product quality meets American UL standard and ROHS, standard, the eu SGS lead-free product certification.
该法令规定,公用事业报社团的资格或基础在于政府,但这些实体: […… ]必须努力实现全局利益、民族或任何区域或社会的宗旨,与中央或地方行 [...]
政当局合作,证明该行政当局方面申报“公用事业”单位是合理的(第 460/77 号 法令第 1(1)条)。
Such Decree-Law prescribes that the [...]
competence to declare an association or foundation as of public utility lies with the
Government, providing that these entities: [...] pursue aims of general interest, or of the national community or of any region or community, co-operating with the central or local administrations, in such terms that justify, on the part of such administration, the declaration of “public utility” (Article 1 (1) of Decree-Law 460/77).
曾在教育部和总理府顾问处任职,作为节目制作人、专栏作家和播出、出版顾问任职于多个全国性电视台、杂志 报社。
He worked as advisor in Prime Ministry and Ministry of Education.
战争结束后,他在 New York Herald(纽约先驱报)担任自由记者和特约通讯员,并于 1871-72 年获报社资助,前往东非寻找苏格兰探险家及传教士大卫•利文斯顿 (David Livingstone)。
After the war, he worked as a freelance journalist and special correspondent for the New York Herald, which sponsored his famous expedition of 1871–72 to East Africa to find the Scottish explorer and missionary, David Livingstone.
这种情况在新兴独立报章中尤为严重:因为埃及并没有独立的报纸印刷企业,独 报社 想 要印刷报纸,只能通过《金字塔报》(Al-Ahram)、《共和国报》(Al-Gomhuria)、《消息报》(Al-Akhbarelyom)等国 报社 , 何时印刷、分销方式、版面数目乃至彩页页数的决定权都掌控在国 报社 手 中
This situation is exacerbated among new, independent newspapers because independent firms
that print
[...] newspapers are not available: Independent papers must print their editions through state newspapers such as Al-Ahram, Al-Gomhuria, and Al-Akhbarelyom, which control when an independent paper is printed, how it is distributed, how many pages it contains, and even how many pages appear [...]
in color.
履行企业社会责任报社会亦 是常博逸极为关注的主题。
Mr. Bouée is also highly involved in corporate social responsibility
[...] and giving back to the community.
您在日内报社担任 总编辑长达十二年。
You were editor-in-chief of the Journal de Genève for twelve years.
通过此次活动,宏源已经向所有的客户、经销商及社会郑重承诺:宏源将始终以百分百的产品质量亮相市场、亮相社会!以一流的产品质量、完善的服务回报消费者, 报社会
Through the campaign, Hongyuan solemnly promises all the clients, dealers and society, that Hongyuan will always produce
100% high-quality products and reward
[...] the consumers and society with first-class [...]
products quality and perfect services.
路博润奠基人相信,我们负有报社 区 的 直接责任,力求使我们生活和工作的社区更加美好。
Our founders believed that we had a direct responsibility to give back –
[...] to make our communities better places [...]
for everyone to live and work.
面对社会,以报社会为 己任,致力环保经济,提倡低碳节能的生活方式,用朝气蓬勃的精神状态为LED照明事业的发展和节能减排工程添砖加瓦,还社会一个碧水蓝天。
The Company with full of
[...] youthful spirit mental state should do its best to LED lighting and the development [...]
of the cause of
energy conservation and emission reduction projects and let the whole world more and more beautiful.
2010 年 6 月,Emerson 被中国外商投资企业协会、中华慈善总会 、中国民(私)营经济研究会及中国企 报社 授 予“ 2010 社会责任大奖”。
In June 2010, Emerson was awarded Special Contribution Award in Corporate Social Responsibility by the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, China Charity Federation, China Private Economy Research Center and China Enterprise News.
[...] 们也承认,还有许多风险和不确定因素,包括哪些利益 报社 区 , 成本如何进行 评估(碳和碳交易价格规则非常不确定),如何更好地管理碳信用/借记计划,不 [...]
However, they also recognized that there were many risks
and uncertainties, including what
[...] benefits returned to communities, how costs were [...]
assessed (carbon price and carbon trading
rules are very uncertain), how best to manage carbon credit/debit mixes, what scientific evidence there was about carbon dioxide (CO absorption rates for trees of different ages, and so forth.
2011年3月,中兴通讯“高效率整流器及通信电源系统”和“绿色IDC供电解决方案”分别荣 获2011中国绿色通信大会组委会、中国电子信息产业发展研究院、通信产 报社 颁 发 的“2011年度绿 色通信节能应用创新奖”和“2011年度绿色通信优秀解决方案
In March 2011, ZTE’s High-Efficiency Rectifier and Communication Power Supply System and Green IDC Power Supply Solution were awarded the “Green Communication Energy-saving Application Innovation Award 2011” and the title of “Green Communication Excellent Solution 2011” respectively by the organizing committee of the 2011 China Green Communication Conference, China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, and China Communications Weekly Office.
展会已经跟中国造纸化学品工业协会、国际科技部造纸化学品工程技术研究中心、日本化学工业 报社 、 印 度化工周刊、韩国化工市场研究公司、Asian paper、RISI、纸业技术、中华纸业、中国造纸杂志社、中国造纸化学品杂志社等国内外的知名协会建立了深入的合作关系,并组织中国造纸化学品企业参加Pulp paper、PAP-FOR RUSSIA、SPCI、Asianpaper、Chemspec等国内外纸展和化学品展览会,拓展展会的行业影响。
Thanks to the dynamic promotional campaign through our domestic and oversea supporter, China Paper Chemicals Industry Association, International Paper Chemicals Science and Technology Engineering Research Center, Japan Chemical Industry Daily, India Chemical Week, Chemical Market Research Korea, Asian paper, RISI, Paper Technology, Chinese Paper industry, China paper magazine, China Paper Chemicals magazine, etc. Chinese Companies will also join the Pulp paper, PAP-FOR RUSSIA, SPCI, Asianpaper, Chemspec and other domestic and international paper and chemicals exhibitions.
报社·邮寄 又如果由于FAX ① 记载了下列的内容的申请书(格式自由)   ・请求日·地址·姓名·电话号码·FAX号码·E-mail ② 用预先取得了的本人以外不可能知道的信息是本人请让我确认。
Application form including the following contents (Any format is acceptable)    Date, address, name, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail ② We will confirm you with questions that should only known to the correct applicant.
中国航报社(CA N Press),中国权威的航空新闻资讯传播机构,提供航空及上下游产业链新闻资讯,以及全媒体传播与服务。
Since 1986, China Aviation News Press (CAN Press) has been the top news and service agency for aviation in China, communicating valuable news and providing professional services for manufacturing, air transportation, defense, and MRO industries.
这些 材料通过媒体对公众产生了广泛的影响:印刷出版的关于这些报告的文章有 129 篇,新社报告 126 份,电视台和电台节目 79 个。
These materials had a broad public impact in the media:
they were featured in 129 articles in
[...] printed publications, 126 reports in information [...]
agencies and 79 programmes on television channels and radio stations.
人权观社报告说 ,该组织已经记录了若干起案例,在这些案 例中,一些人在无视斯里兰卡法律所规定的保护的情况下被拘留。
Human Rights Watch reported that it documented [...]
several cases in which individuals had been taken into custody without regard
for the protection provided under Sri Lankan law.
社报道说 ,电信运营商iPhone微软能够气馁,从提供的新的诺基亚手机联盟,如果两组采用一个封闭的系统作为一个模仿苹果公司的,一个橘子高管告诉路透社记者。
Reuters reports that telecom operators [...]
could be discouraged from offering phones from the new Nokia-Microsoft alliance if
the two groups adopt a closed system as a mimic to Apple Inc’s iPhone, an Orange executive told Reuters.
冈比亚报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区社区进 行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected [...]
areas and has a well
trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
非洲和国外的联机新社、报纸和其它因特网资料来源,如大赦国际观察站和 《人权观察》都长期利用此软件浏览与非洲种族冲突和种族关系有关的信息。
Online news agencies both from
[...] Africa and abroad, newspapers, and other Internet [...]
sources, such as the observatories of Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch, are permanently scanned by the software for information related to ethnic conflicts and ethnic relations in Africa.
尽管加拿大法律规定法院有义务将指控 出庭被告的证据转译为被告的语言,但没有人将在移民和难民局庭审期间使用的 人权观社报告所 载的脚注进行过翻译。
Despite the obligation under Canadian law to translate evidence used against a person appearing in court into his or her language, no one had
translated the footnote contained in the Human
[...] Rights Watch report used during the Immigration and Refugee Board hearing.
社报导:“ 与著名歌唱家结婚,并曾短暂治理中国最富有、最繁华的城市,素有解决问题能力的中国副主席习近平目前一路顺遂,可望於2013年时接受最高职务的工作。
Married to a one-time
[...] famous singer and briefly in charge of [...]
China's richest and most glamorous city, troubleshooting Chinese
Vice President Xi Jinping is now well on his way to taking the top job in 2013," reports Reuters.




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