

单词 报告书

See also:

报告 n

recommendations pl
Committee n
reporting n
presentation n
speech n
lecture n


make known


papers and books

External sources (not reviewed)

新的国际援助申请表已经登录上网,在线定 报告书 表 格亦 已完成测试检验。
The new international assistance format has been put online and the
[...] online periodic reporting questionnaire [...]
has been tested.
各当事国应于三个月内, 通知委员会主席是否接受和委 报告书 所 载 的建议。
These States shall, within three months, inform
the Chairperson of the Committee whether or not they accept the recommendations
[...] contained in the report of the Commission.
Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used.
这些建议呼吁他在联合国系统范围 内采取行动:(a) 汇编和整理关于内部环境管理的现有文书和指导原 则,(b) 建立内部碳抵消机制以节省采购清洁发展机制发布的经认证 排放减量的佣金和其他费用,(c) 发布长官协调报告书,以 不仅促 进实现气候中性,而且促进各组织秘书处落实所有多边环境协定。
These recommendations call on him to take initiatives within the United Nations system to (a) compile and streamline existing instruments and guidelines on in-house environmental management, (b) launch an internal carbon offsetting mechanism to save brokerage and other costs for the purchase of certified emission reductions (CERs) issued by the Clean Development Mechanism, and (c) issue a CEB statement designed to promote not only achieving climate neutrality, but also the implementation of all MEAs by the secretariats of the organizations.
我们正深入研究报告书,以制订未来路向,并为这课题的公众咨询 作准备。
We are studying this report in depth for formulating [...]
the way forward, and making preparations for undertaking public consultation on the subject.
申请人可以向环境管理局 (EMB)或其办事处提交申请书,以确定环境影 报告书 (EI S)制度是否涵盖被申请项目,并附上项目说明,包括原材料、工艺或生产技 术、项目生产能力、产品种类与数量、排放、资本总额、项目面积、人力要求以 [...]
Proponent may submit a letter of request to the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) or its
regional offices in order to
[...] determine if the EIS System covers the proposed project. Attached to the letter is the [...]
Project Description,
which includes raw materials, process or manufacturing technology, project capacity, type and volume of products and discharges, capitalization, project area, manpower requirements and location map.
委员会向大会提出常报告书,附 具建议,同时 报告书 送 请 联合 国贸易和发展会议发表意见。
The Commission shall submit
[...] an annual report, including its recommendations, to the General Assembly, and [...]
the report shall be submitted simultaneously
to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for comments.
和委会应于详尽审议上述事项后,编 报告书 , 提交委员会主席,内载其对 于与当事方间争执有关的一切事实问题的意见,并列述其认为适当的和睦解决争 [...]
When the Commission has fully considered the matter, it shall
prepare and submit to the Chairperson of
[...] the Committee a report embodying its findings [...]
on all questions of fact relevant to
the issue between the parties and containing such recommendations as it may think proper for the amicable solution of the dispute.
报告书披露 2011 年度(2011 年 1 月 1 日至 2011 [...]
年 12 月 31 日),正泰太阳能企业社会责任方面的关键议题 绩效表现及回应行动的相关信息。
All data
[...] presented in the report is used as reference [...]
or comparison and response regarding the key topics of its social responsibility.
2011 年 9 月 9 日,书记官长以机密方式提交了《书记官长关于乍得共和国的 意见报告》(“书记官长的第二次报告”),7 其中告知分庭:㈠ 乍得驻布鲁 塞尔大使馆于 2011 年 9 月 7 日向书记官长转递了外交部的意见;㈡ 但乍得共和 国的意见谈及的是 2011 年 8 月 5 日在奥马尔·巴希尔到访乍得共和国之前书记 官长寄发的普通照会,而不是 2011 年 8 月 18 日分庭所做的决定;㈢ 2011 年 9 月 9 日,乍得共和国当局非正式表示,希望能延长其对分庭 2011 年 8 月 18 日决 定提出意见的期限。
In its Report of the Registry concerning the observations of the Republic of Chad, filed confidentially on 9 September 2011 (“the Second Report of the Registrar”),7 the Registrar informed the Chamber that (i), the Embassy of Chad in Brussels had submitted the observations of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Registry on 7 September 2011; (ii) that the Republic of Chad’s observations had, however, proved to be in reference to the Registrar’s note verbale of 5 August 2011 transmitted in advance of Omar Al Bashir’s visit to Chad and not to the Decision of the Chamber of 18 August 2011; (iii) and that, on 9 September 2011, the authorities of the Republic of Chad had indicated informally that they sought an extension of the time limit to respond to the 18 August 2011 Decision of the Chamber.
环境合格证还证明申请者已符合环境影 报告书 ( EI S)制度的所有要求,并致力 于执行已获得批准的环境管理计划。
The ECC also certifies that the proponent has
complied with all the requirements of the
[...] Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System [...]
and has committed to implement its approved
Environmental Management Plan.
该会议或贸易和发展理事会愿 报告书 提 出 之 任何意见或建议,包括关于可列入委员会工作方案之事项之建议在内,应依 照一九六四年十二月三十日大会决议案一九九五(十九)之有关规定提送大 会。
Any such comments or recommendations which the Conference or the Trade and Development Board may wish to make, including suggestions on topics for inclusion in the work of the Commission, shall be transmitted to the General Assembly in accordance with the relevant provisions of Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) of 30 December 1964.
(2) 关于新规采用部件,作为《环境负荷物质含有状 报告书 》 或 《不使用证明书》的证据, 添付《分析数据》。
(2) For newly used parts, "Analysis
Data" is attached as
[...] evidence for the "Report on Environmental Impact Substances Contained in Parts and Materials" or "Certificate of [...]
在根据工程师的建议对技术参数做了若干变更,特别是有关 III 号楼排风系统
[...] (制冷)技术参数作了变更后,修改了向法国主管当局提交的工程施工申 报告 书。
Modification of the statement of work submitted to the French authorities, following technical changes
recommended by the engineers, in particular the installation of ventilation equipment (dry coolers)
[...] on the roof of Building III.
因 此报告书内有 关智障人士的统计调查结果的分析,与其他残疾类别人士的分析 分开处理。
Hence, the analysis of survey findings pertaining to persons with intellectual disability has been separated from that of persons with other types of disability in the report.
此外,统计调查的主要结果刊登于2009 年2 月号的《香港统计月刊》,报告书 亦 可 在政府统计处网站免费下载。
In addition, the key survey findings were presented in the February 2009 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics, which is also available for free download from the website of the C&SD.
欢迎您阅览正泰太阳能科技有限公司的第一本企业可持续发 报告书 , 我们将于今后每年持续发行此报告,期 望所有关心我们的利益相关方,能够更了解我们在经济、环境、社会等方面实践企业社会责任的持续努力及成果。
Hope all stakeholders may understand more about our sustainable endeavor and achievements in practicing social responsibility in economy, environment and society.
共著,OECD 移民教育政策回报告书,OECD 非正式教育成果回报告书等。
She has co-written a report on “OECD Policy Review of Migrant Education” [...]
and “OECD Review on the Outcome of Non-Formal Education.
要求之一是,库存管理数据库(伽利 略)须得到正确地更新,以印发《资产最终处报告书》。
One of the requirements was that the
inventory management database (Galileo) be properly updated in
[...] order to issue a report on the final disposal [...]
of assets.
书记官长在 2011 年 8 月 9 日《书记官长关于奥马尔·巴希尔第二次逗留乍 得报告》(“书记官 长的第一次报告”)4 中告知分庭:根据媒体所发消息,奥 马尔·巴希尔于 2011 年 8 月 7 日和 8 日在乍得共和国逗留,出席乍得国家元首 伊德里斯·代比·伊特诺的就职仪式。
In its Report on the second visit of Omar Al Bashir to Chad of 9 August 2011 (“the First Report of the Registry”),4 the Registry informed the Chamber that, according to information reported in the media, Omar Al Bashir had visited Chad on 7 and 8 August 2011 to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Head of State of Chad, Idriss Deby Itno.
除教区学校联会、修会学校联会、及个别学校校长曾就一些政府教育政策,分别表达过意见外,天主教教育委员会也有主动联系各公教教育机构,对不少教育政策问题共同提交意见,包括:学习目标及目标为本评估计划、目标为本课程、母语教育、学校管理新措施、小学全日制、教统会第五 报告书 中 所提建议,及有关受爱滋病毒感染的学生的政策。
Apart from the views expressed by the Diocesan Schools Council, the Religious Schools Council, and some individual school principals, collective comments co-ordinated by the Catholic Board of Education have also been made on educational policies such as Target and Target Related Assessment (TTRA) / Target Oriented Curriculum (TOC), Mother-tongue Education, School Management Initiative (SMI), Full-day
Primary School, policy proposals made in the
[...] Education Commission Report No. 5, and policy [...]
towards students affected by H.I.V.
代表性的事例为内部会计管理制度,事 报告书 等 关 于CEO/CFO的认证制度,证券相关的集团诉讼制等。
The major cases which well illustrate Korea’s progress are the
Internal Accounting Control System, CEO/CFO
[...] certification for business reports, and stock-related [...]
group litigation systems.
资料室的参考资料包括最新期刊、会讯、商业杂志、商业指南、政府机构刊物、投资手册、世界市场报告与统计数据、公司与政府机构常 报告书 、 以及其他商业刊物。
Our Library offers an extensive collection of useful reference materials, including current periodicals, newsletters, journals, business directories, government publications, investment guides, world markets reports and statistics, annual reports (companies and government agencies), and other business publications.
(三) 在医生检报告书确定 的休息时间内,向投保的领取失业补助的 失业者支付临时病残补助。
(iii) A temporary invalidity benefit for the period of rest
[...] determined by medical report is paid to the [...]
insured unemployed receiving unemployment benefit
在厚生劳动省的网页中"第63届厚生科学审议会科学技术部会 资料"
[...] [...] 的"资料6"部分,公开了有关由九州大学医院主持实施的使用本公司开发的搭载血管增生因子的仙台病毒载体的"使用搭载血管增生因子(成纤挝胞生长因子:FGF-2)基因的非传播型重组仙台病毒载体对慢性下肢缺血重症(闭塞性动脉硬化症,伯格氏病)患者进行血管增生基因治疗临床研究"的"基因治疗临床研究结 报告书 "。
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare released in its home page the “Report of the completion of gene therapy clinical research” regarding the “Clinical research for angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of critical limb ischemia (arteriosclerosis obliterans and Buerger's disease) using a non-transmissible type recombinant Sendai virus vector carrying the angiogenesis factor gene, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2)” as part of the “Appendix 6” to the “63rd Committee on Scientific Technology of Health Sciences Council, Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare” The clinical research
had been conducted by Kyushu University Hospital using the FGF-2 gene-carrying
[...] Sendai virus vector developed by DNAVEC.
委员会还建议缔约国以本国各主要语言,包括( 但不限于) 通过因特网、印刷 和广播媒体,向广大民众、民间社会组织、青年团体、专业团体和儿童广泛宣传 缔约国提交的第三次和第四次合并定 报告 、 书 面 答 复以及委员会通过的相关建 议
The Committee further recommends that the combined third and forth periodic report and written replies submitted by the State party and the related recommendations (concluding observations) it adopted be made widely available in the main languages of the country, including (but not exclusively) through the Internet, the print and broadcast media to the public at large, civil society organizations, youth groups, professional groups and children, in order to generate debate and awareness of the Convention, its implementation and monitoring.
因此,建议多边基金聘用一名在定性指标方面经验丰富并有专业知识的 顾问,帮助起草概报告书并就 定性指标和量度方法提出具体建议,建议要适合于基金下 [...]
Hence, it is proposed that a consultant with significant experience and expertise on the subject of
qualitative indicators be hired by
[...] the MLF to develop a concept paper and specific [...]
suggestions for qualitative indicators
and measurement methods, appropriate to the kinds of projects and activities conducted under the Fund.
(1) 关于为 SG
[...] 购入的新规采用部件,要提交《环境负荷物质含有状 报告书 》 或 《不使用证 明书》,并根据《部件、材料含有化学物质调查手册》进行回答。
(1) A "Report on Environmental Impact [...]
Substances Contained in Parts and Materials" or a "Certificate of Non-Use" is submitted
for newly used parts delivered to SG.
关于泰雅族族群系统分类,最早是大正四年(1915年)小岛道由在临时台湾旧惯调查会第一部编印《番族惯习调 报告书 : 第 一卷太么族》从泰雅族中分出赛德克族,称为「纱绩族」(取Sedeq谐音),另编《番族惯习调 报告书 : 第二卷纱绩族》。
The earliest categorization of the Atayal is recorded in the fourth year of the Taisho period (1915), Kojima
Yoshimichi’s “Fa-tsu guan-xi
[...] tiao-ch'a pao-kao shu: di-er juan sha-ji tsu”Report on the Survey of Barbarian Tribes: the second book of Sedeq tribe (番族慣習調查報告書:第二卷紗績族, 1915) published by the Taiwan Office of the Governor-General Provisional Committee on the Investigation of Taiwan Old Customs.




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