

单词 报名费

报名费 noun ()

entry fee n

See also:


sign up
enter one's name

External sources (not reviewed)

在大多数情况下,学习者必须支 报名费 , 政府提供课程补 贴,如果是失业人员,则提供免费课程。
In most cases participants have to pay a fee to enrol in such education; however, the lessons are subsidised by the government, and if a person is unemployed, the lessons are free of charge.
在第一阶段招标中,招标人不收 报名费 , 招 标文件工本费,和保 证金.
In Phase 1, the bidder will not be charged
[...] entry fee, printing cost of bidding document [...]
and deposit.
初次费用为RM1,800,包报名费和学 生签证处理费用,可通过电汇或购买银行汇票(bank draft)至申请表格上所属院校的相关资讯。
Initial fee payment RM1,800, inclusive of application fee and student visa processing, payable by telegraphic transfer or bank draft to respective campus Bank details found on Application Form.
When SEGi International Office has
[...] received the required fees i.e. have been [...]
credited into SEGi’s bank account via Telegraphic
Transfer or Bank Draft, it will courier the original Letter of Acceptance and the Original Visa Approval Letter to the eligible international student.
在收到申请表格报名费和相 关文件后,按以上所述,若国际学生符合入学要求,SEGi将邮寄并电邮一份入学通知书给学生。
Upon receipt of
[...] application form, required fees and relevant supporting [...]
documents, as explained above, SEGi will post and
email a copy of the Letter of Acceptance to the students if the International Student meets the entry requirements.
付款时,学生需填写自己的学生证(针对课程费用)/姓名及护照号码(针 报名费 ) 以 作为参考。
Students are required to write their students ID (for
[...] course fee) / Name & Passport number (for application fee) as reference [...]
while making the payments.
如果需对 拍卖收报名费,收 费水平应与所有采购方法相一致;如果收费,至少必须在 邀请书中予以披露。
If there were to be any entry fee for the auctions, consistent with the position for all procurement methods; where one is levied, at a minimum it must be disclosed in the invitation.
在 2005-2008 年期间,泽纳布支
[...] 持妇女参与发展协会一直在帮助实现这一目标,所采取的行动包括:(a) 通过支报名费的方 式赞助贫穷家庭的女童和男童上小学;(b) 改造 [...]
10 间教室;(c) 在 加达里夫州不同地方的小学分发小学教育材料;(d)
向 500 位学生分发校服、书 包和书本;(e) 在辍学率高的学校为 200 位学生提供校餐;(f) 完善学校基础设施, 为学校提供储水罐和水塔,修建卫生间和安装校门;(g) 为 10 位残疾学生分发轮 椅,为 12 名盲童和 10 位聋哑儿童提供教育工具。
Over the period 2005-2008, ZWD contributed to this goal by: (a) sponsoring girls and boys from poor families to
register for primary schools
[...] though payment of their registration fees; (b) renovated [...]
10 classrooms; (c) distributed educational
materials for primary schools at different localities in Gadarif State; (d) distributed uniforms, book bags and books to 500 students; (e) provided meals to 200 poor students at schools with a high drop-out rate; (f) improved school infrastructure by supplying schools with water pots and water tanks, building bathrooms, and installing school gates; (g) distributed wheelchairs to 10 disabled students, and educational tools for 12 blind and 10 deaf children.
通过网络上传照片的俱乐部参赛成员请注意:如果俱乐部已为你们一次付 报名费, 上传结束时出现的付费要求可以忽略。
Online entries of club members: The payment should be ignored after the upload if the fee will be paid by one member.
请注意,这个申请表格仅适用于那些决定来LCI英语培训中心学习,并已经支付了相应 报名费 的 国际学生,这样我们就能开始处理他们的签证了。
Please note that the registration form is to be used only by those international students who have decided to
come study at LCI Language Center and are ready to
[...] pay their registration fee so that we [...]
can start processing their visas.
此外,在提交了所有的文件,并且交纳了2,0 00 元 报名费 / 申 请 费后(不退费),学生才会被放入联 系名单中。
Furthermore, the student will not be put on
[...] the contact list until all of the following documents are returned and the non-refundable application fee of 2,000 [...]
RMB is paid.
大会贵宾马来西亚乳癌福利协会(BCWA)首席执行员Ms Ranjit
[...] Kaur在致词中感谢参与者们对活动的支持,同时也感激大东方将参与者们 报名费 RM 44,400作为善款,捐献予该协会。
The guest-of-honour, Ms Ranjit Kaur, the CEO of the Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA), expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all the participants
for their support and to Great Eastern for the donation of RM 44,400 received from
[...] the participants’ registration fees.
报名费包括 了:场地、专业飞盘、队服、周六晚餐啤酒、聚会啤酒两瓶、两顿午餐、一顿晚餐、场地:啤酒、水果、水、面包,花生酱和礼品。
Registration fee includes: Field fees, custom shirt [...]
(Five Ultimate), two lunches, one dinner, lots of beer at dinner, two
drinks at the party, fruit, water, bread, peanut butter, beer (on field), prizes, and lots of fun.
Payment is to be made by the company cheque only.
内容上相似的另一项政府决定,即 2007 年 5 月 28 日第 594 号政府决定使按合同 支报名费的学 生数量继续呈减少趋势。
Another Government Decision, No. 594 from 28 May 2007, similar in terms of contents, continued the tendency of reduction of number of students on basis of contract with payment of the enrolment fees, offering the possibility to study in the medium specialised and secondary professional education.
由于中国意大利商会与中国国际贸易促进委员会(简称CCPIT)拥有良好的合作关系,所有参会的商会会员将享受免 报名费 的 优 越条件,同时CCPIT还将负责商会会员的食宿行等相关旅行费用。
Thanks to good relations between the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the CCPIT, all CICC Members that choose to participate in the event will be offered free entry and a free travel package, which includes transportation and board.
它还注意到报侵害 儿童的暴力案件的程序极其 费 时 间 ,缺 乏作出反应和为受影响者提供照顾的全面措施。
It also noted that procedures for reporting cases of violence against children [...]
were extremely long and lacked comprehensive measures to respond and provide care to those affected.
主席可向本会议提议截止发报名、 限 制发言者的发言时 间和每一国的代表对某一问题的发言次数、暂停和结束辩论、暂停会议和休会。
The President may propose to the Conference the
[...] closure of the list of speakers, a [...]
limitation on the time to be allowed to speakers and on the number of times the
representative of each State may speak on a question, the adjournment or the closure of the debate and the suspension or the adjournment of a meeting.
Recent activities aimed at improving the electoral climate have included the presidential assent by His Excellency Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma to the Public Elections Law, which consolidates all existing electoral legislation into a single document; the appointment of a new Chair of the Political Parties Registration Commission after the death of the incumbent, in order to enhance the Commission’s capacity to be actively functional in the discharge of its mandate; and the inauguration of the electoral courts to deal with electoral offences and related matters in order to ensure due process, as well as support for the machinery of justice through UNIPSIL’s collaboration with Government in the training of judges, prosecutors, police investigators and paralegal staff.
还有 2 名审计员出差 4 次,在日内瓦和内罗毕参 加评估中心对潜在候选人的评价和约谈(52 300 美元);估计需要 334 600 美元来 支付调查员从区域中心到维和特派团出差 74 次,每次为期 1 周,对不当行为指 控进行调查;200 800 美元将用来支付以下各项费:2 名调查 员到 2 个外地特 派团出差 2 次(为期 1 周)和 5 名调查员到 2 个外地特派团(为期 2 周)以完成关于 更广泛的维和目标的实现和维和行动成果的方案评价,为完成 1 份专题评报告 和 1 份关于 1 个维和组织单位或维和惯例的视报 告 而 进行的出差。
Two auditors would take 4 trips to participate in an Assessment Centre evaluation and to interview potential candidates in Geneva and Nairobi ($52,300); the amount of $334,600 is estimated to cover the travel of the investigators to complete 74 trips of one week each from one of the regional hubs to
various peacekeeping
[...] missions to conduct investigations of misconduct allegations; the amount of $200,800 would provide travel funds for two investigators to conduct 2 field mission visits of one week and five investigators to conduct 2 field mission visits of two weeks to complete two reports on programme evaluation addressing the attainment of broader peacekeeping objectives and results in peacekeeping operations and would cover travel requirements to complete one thematic evaluation report and one inspection report of a peacekeeping [...]
organizational unit or practice.
报名截止 后所作的某一发言,如任何代表认为需要作出答辩,主席可准 其行使答辩权。
The right of reply may be accorded by the President to any representative if a speech delivered after the list of speakers has been closed makes this desirable.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他报告中 列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务 费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266,
the Secretary-General
[...] has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political [...]
missions in the
proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
如果仍然无法照顾到所有发言者,则应 报名 发 言 的所有代表团中平均分配 时间,从而使每个发言者都能发言。
among all
[...] delegations inscribed so as to enable [...]
each and every speaker to take the floor.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了 名 新 的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综报告, 说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the
appointment by the
[...] Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full [...]
implementation of its
resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
我们特别关注这件事,因为我们知 报名 需 要 出示出生证明,”拉斐尔女士说,“这真的很让人着急。
We were very concerned about this because we knew that to enroll in school you needed a birth registration,” said Ms. Rafael.
h. 请联合国发展集团提出回应理事会第 2009/1 号决议中的要求的方法, 以制定衡量报告协调费用和效益的方法和工具,其中包括国家一级应 用的实例,并请求秘书长在关于发展业务活动三年度全面政策审查执行 [...]
情况的报告中,向理事会 2011
(i) Request the United Nations Development Group to propose ways to respond to the Council’s request in resolution 2009/1 to
develop approaches and tools
[...] for measuring and reporting on the costs and benefits of coordination, [...]
including examples
of country level application, and the Secretary-General to report on progress in this regard to the substantive session of the Council in 2011 as part of the report on the implementation of the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development.
国际危机组织在其 2005 年 9 月的报告中指出,“据独立评估,军队中的亚美 尼亚族人有 8 500 名来自卡拉巴赫,10 000
名来自亚美尼亚”,而且“许多从亚 美尼亚应征入伍的士兵和雇佣兵继续服役于纳卡 [纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫 ]”,而以前
[...] 从埃里温和亚美尼亚其他城镇应征入伍的士兵则告诉危机小组,他们在前往招募报名后, 似乎就立即被不分青红皂白地送到纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区及被占领 [...]
The International Crisis Group noted in its September 2005 report that “[a]ccording to an independent assessment, there are 8,500 Karabakh Armenians in the army and 10,000 from Armenia” and that “many conscripts and contracted soldiers from Armenia continue to serve in NK [Nagorny Karabakh]”, while “[f]ormer conscripts from Yerevan and other towns in Armenia have told Crisis Group they were seemingly
arbitrarily sent to Nagorno-Karabakh and the occupied districts
[...] immediately after presenting themselves to [...]
the recruitment bureau.
他忆及咨询委员会关 于
[...] 2010-2011 两年期方案预算第二次执行情况报告的 报告(A/66/611),其中咨询委员会建议大会请秘书长 全报告重计费用方法的其他备选办法,包括分析每 种办法的风险和所需资源。
He recalled that, in its report on the second performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/66/611), the Advisory Committee had recommended that the Assembly
should request the
[...] Secretary-General to report comprehensively on alternative options for the recosting methodology, [...]
including an analysis
of the risks and resource requirements of each option.
教科文组织还应特立尼达和多巴哥会 议期间的一个申请,为名外聘顾问 费 用 出 资,从而支持了对加勒比地区的科学需 求进行关键分析的工作。
UNESCO also supported the critical analysis of science needs in the Caribbean by funding the services of an external consultant, further to a request that was made during the meeting in Trinidad and Tobago.
该助理将支持综管系统的财务工作,包括具体规 定规范要求,测试变动,进行改进;支持差 费报 销 (包括危险津贴申领)门户网 站,支持该门户网站与综管系统的接口;向会员国提供支持,让会员国能看到实 时缴款情况,包括汰换纸面明细表。
The Assistant will provide support for IMIS finance including specification of requirements and testing of changes and enhancements; provide support for the travel claims portal, including with regard to hazard pay and the interface between the portal and IMIS; and provide support to Member States so that they can see contributions in real time, including the replacement of paper statements.




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