单词 | 护肤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 护肤 —skincareExamples:保养或护理(头发皮肤等) v—condition v
在今年的PCHi展会上,瓦克还将展示一系列含有BELSIL® DMC 6038 的护肤产品。 wacker.com | At PCHi this year, WACKER will [...] display a series of skin care products containing [...]BELSIL® DMC 6038. wacker.com |
我们的日常无味护肤露使用了一种独特的配方, 含有温和润肤和保湿成分,以帮助保护宝宝的娇嫩的皮肤免受干燥和刺激。 cn.iherb.com | Our Unscented Everyday Lotion is a unique formula containing gentle emollients and moisturizers to help protect your baby's delicate skin from dryness and irritation. iherb.com |
通过鼻孔或喉咙呛入水、灰尘、痱子 粉、去垢或护肤油等等都会导致肺炎。 stranieriincampania.it | Inhaling water, dust, talcum powder, bath oils or body oils through the nose can cause pneumonia. stranieriincampania.it |
最后,以蕴含玫瑰、岩 兰草、薰衣草及维生素E的香薰护肤乳 按 摩双手,令 双手恢复美丽及亮泽。 chuanspa.com.cn | Your hands will feel completely pampered as we complete the treatment with a massage application of aromatic hand lotion containing rose, lavender and vitamin E. chuanspa.com |
我们日常护肤膏的 成分能使宝宝的皮肤柔软,光滑,比以往任何时候都更加诱人亲吻和拥抱。 cn.iherb.com | It has been formulated to [...] make your baby's skin soft, smooth, [...]supple and more kissable & squeezable than ever. iherb.com |
宝洁公司不仅成功整合瑟雅将其纳入产品组合,并继续加强品牌管理,他们也将建立一个针对高端男 性 护肤 产 品 的市场。 labbrand.com | Not only will P&G have to successfully integrate Zirh into [...] their portfolio and continue to build the brand, they will also have to build a market [...] for luxury male grooming products. labbrand.com |
本次展会的亮点包括非常适用于护发 、 护肤 和 防晒产品的硅胶混合物BELSIL® GB 1020;数款基于几种不同硅油乳液调和而成的全新整合护发解决方案以及赋予个人护理品更多功效的双相个人护理品。 wacker.com | Highlights include the silicone [...] gum blend BELSIL® GB 1020, ideally [...] suited for hair care, skin care and sun care applications, [...]new integrated hair care solutions [...]based on different types of silicone fluid emulsion, and a dual-phase system which can impart more functions to personal care products. wacker.com |
2004年,日本的护肤品牌资生堂收购了瑟雅,但令人惊讶的是,罗宾逊于2008年购回了这一品牌。 labbrand.com | In 2004, the Japanese skin-care brand Shiseido [...] acquired the brand, but surprisingly Robinson bought Zirh back in 2008. labbrand.com |
尽管BB美肤霜SPF [...] 25蕴含卡达芙提取物,并结合透明质酸成分(两种能够保持肌肤水分的保湿成分), 但为了达到最佳的护肤效果 ,我们建议您在娇韵诗日霜后使用。 clarinsusa.com | Although BB Skin Perfecting Cream SPF 25 contains Katafray extract combined with [...] hyaluronic acids (two humectants that draw [...] moisture to the skin), we recommend [...]applying it over your Clarins day cream for best results. clarinsusa.com |
这个护肤公司 的产品都由有效自然原料制作而成。 ba-repsasia.com | The skincare company offers products made from high-performance natural ingredients. ba-repsasia.com |
世界最大的个人小额贷款网站Kiva.org今天与专 业 护肤 品 牌 德美乐嘉、女明星及支持者Geena Davis、《纽约时报》专栏作家Nicholas [...] Kristof和女装商Eileen Fisher等机构和个人联合宣布,推出一项新颖的活动,向美国和另外56个国家低收入地区的女性创业者提供小额贷款。 tipschina.gov.cn | Kiva.org, the world's largest personal microlending website, [...] announced today with professional skin care brand Dermalogica, [...]actress and advocate Geena Davis, [...]New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and women's clothier Eileen Fisher and others, the launch of a novel campaign to provide micro loans to women entrepreneurs in low-income regions of the United States and 56 other countries. tipschina.gov.cn |
许多不需处方的护肤 品,例如润肤液和凡士林,会在皮肤上留下一层涂料,干扰放射治疗。 breastcancersingapore.com | Many over-the-counter skin products, such [...] as lotions and petroleum jelly, leave a coating that can interfere with radiation therapy. breastcancersingapore.com |
通过运用护肤常识并了解天气炎热可能给皮肤带来的风险,您能在阳光下尽情活动而避免出现不适。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | By using your common sense and learning about the potential [...] risks to your skin that come with [...]summer, you can have your fun in the sun and avoid discomfort. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
以清水洗净脸部,然后继续日常护肤 程 序 如爽肤、涂乳液等。 aster.com.hk | Follow with normal skin care procedure [...] like applying toner and milk lotion. aster.com.hk |
唯使用这些护肤品、化妆品及香水商品/健康及美容商品﹝「商品」﹞有一定的使用方法及指引,阁下亦需留意个别商品可能于个别人士身上产生不同的反应或影响,包括但不限于可能引到皮肤或身体的敏感反应。 cosme-de.com | The use and selection of cosmetics and fragrance products and other health and beauty products ("Product") requires care to be certain that any directions and warnings from the manufacturer are observed and followed and that Customer is aware of the possibility that some people may have allergic or other reactions to such products. cosme-de.com |
种子中提取的油脂和蜡质具有润泽和 护肤 的 功 效。 clarinsusa.com | The oil and wax from the seeds have [...] moisturizing and protective benefits. clarinsusa.com |
借助路博润的下一代Carbomer,为具有抗衰老和抗疵点活性成分 的 护肤 体 系平衡流变特性、美观性和稳定性将不再是挑战。 cn.lubrizol.com | Balancing the rheology characteristics, aesthetic properties and [...] stabilization of skin care systems featuring [...]anti-aging and blemish-fighting actives [...]is no longer a challenge with Lubrizol’s next generation carbomer. lubrizol.com |
只要在晚间护肤程序 中增加简单一项,便能增强皮肤吸收深层保湿成分─ RICE POWER [...] 精华(R)的能力,有效解决皮肤暗哑粗糙、表皮爆裂甚至变成片状、以及其他因皮肤老化而出现的问题。 store.riceforce.com | A simple addition [...] to your night time skin care routine increases [...]the absorbency of the deep moisturizing ingredient “RICE [...]POWER EXTRACT(R) “, and solves many skin care issues such as dullness, leathery skin, rough, flaky skin, and other issues that inevitably accompanies maturing skin. store.riceforce.com |
例如,御泥坊是一家销售护肤品的 零售商,2 011年日均 发货3 0 0 0 [...] 份订单,占中国最大的快递公司在湖南省会城市长沙的快递量的一半 左右。 mckinseychina.com | For instance, [...] Yunifang, which sells skin-care products, shipped [...]3,000 orders every day in 2011, accounting for about half [...]of the volume delivered by China’s largest express courier in Changsha (the capital of Hunan Province). mckinseychina.com |
由于含有Carbopol® [...] Ultrez 10和20聚合物,使用这款新生护肤乳液后可令肌肤最初获得适度的绵软感,同时这些聚合物还能提供粘度和乳液稳定性。 cn.lubrizol.com | The combination of Carbopol® Ultrez 10 and 20 Polymers [...] provides moderate cushion in the initial [...] skinfeel of this skin renewal body lotion [...]while providing viscosity and stability to the emulsion. lubrizol.com |
这款护肤经典 能舒缓、修复和镇静皲裂干燥的肌肤,缓解肌肤粗糙、发红和轻度的肌肤刺激不适。 aster.com.hk | The skincare classic that soothes, restores, calms and helps relieve [...] chapped, cracked, dry skin. aster.com.hk |
在你的日常护肤程序 的基本第一步,「Mia 2 超声波洁面刷」是一个专业水平的的刷子,利用温和的的超声波按摩动作,深入洁净皮肤。 cosme-de.com | The Essential first [...] step in your daily skin care ritual, Mia [...]2 is a professional-caliber brush that uses a gentle sonic [...]micro-massage action to cleanse deeply. cosme-de.com |
设计、批授经营权、采购、制造、批发及零售ESPRIT品牌高级成衣及相关用品及Red Earth化妆品及美容护肤用品。 hklistco.com | Design, licensing, sourcing, manufacturing, wholesale and retail distribution of high quality [...] apparel and related products under the ESPRIT brand name, and [...] Red Earth cosmetics, skin and general body care [...]products. hklistco.com |
位于新加坡的乌节路(Orchard [...] Road)的心脏地带,交通极为便利,医生帕特里夏元的皮肤科激光美容诊所在Paragon提供了全方位的服务,从一般的医疗皮肤科专业美 容 护肤 需 求。 compareclinic.com | Conveniently located in the heart of Singapore’s Orchard Road, Dr Patricia Yuen’s Dermatology, Laser & Aesthetics Clinic at [...] Paragon provides a comprehensive range of services from general medical dermatology to [...] specialized aesthetic skin care needs. compareclinic.com |
首先,在眼 [...] 部四周进行穴位按压,然后敷上具柔软及舒缓作用 的胶原蛋白护肤膜, 令疲劳的双眼恢复生气,及时 [...]得到舒缓。 chuanspa.com.cn | With the use of jade known as a healing stone it will [...] nurture, heal and restore your skin. chuanspa.com |
第二代Proactive药浴产品,配以专利技术I-tech (游离碘技术)和ACT(高级护肤技术 ),具有完备的消毒性能。 delaval.cn | This second generation Proactive features proven disinfecting properties, along with the patented technologies I-tech (Free Iodine Technology) and ACT (Advanced Conditioning Technology). delaval.cn |
义乌厂家生产批发水晶吊坠,水晶精油吊坠,水晶精油项链,精油水晶吊坠项链,天然石材项链,四叶草水晶吊坠项链,心型水晶吊坠项链等,有透明、粉红色、紫色、蓝色、黄色、绿色水晶吊坠六种颜色,可定做形状及印制LOGO,是饰品店、精品店,专柜,及化妆品 , 护肤 用 品 ,洗涤用品促销用品及各种广告促销礼品之首选,每个月都会推出新款,请直接联系我们取得更多相关资料。 cnonen.com | Yiwu manufacturer production wholesale crystal pendant, crystal pendant, crystal necklace essential oil essential oil, essential oils crystal pendant necklaces, natural stone material necklace, crystal pendant necklaces, claddaugh rotates inside a traditionally-designed box heart type crystal pendant necklaces, transparent, pink, purple, blue, yellow and green crystal pendant six kinds of color, can make to order shape [...] and print LOGO, is the shop, shops, [...] shop, and cosmetics, skin care products, cleaning [...]products promotion articles and various [...]promotional advertising gift, the first choice for every month out new fund, please contact us to get more related material. cnonen.com |
简介:针对中国市场竞争最激烈的行业之一 , 护肤 消 费 品,CIC制作了一份细致深入的分析报告。 ciccorporate.com | Brief: One of the most competitive [...] industries in China, Skin Care receives a thorough, [...]analytical CIC overview and is at [...]the heart of one of our star reports. ciccorporate.com |