单词 | 折衷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 折衷 noun —compromise nExamples:折衷主义—eclecticism 折衷鹦鹉—Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New Guinea) See also:折 n—discount n • bend n 折 v—fold v • break v • turn v 折—fracture • a loss • twist • rebate • convinced • snap • turn sth. over • suffer loss • change direction • tip sth. out (of a container) • document folded in accordion form • accounts book • break (e.g. stick or bone) • convert into (currency) • tenth (in price) • turn upside-down 衷—inner feelings 折—classifier for an act in a theatrical production
它表示希望:人权理事会和大会将通过 这项折衷案文。 daccess-ods.un.org | It expressed the hope that the compromise text would be adopted by the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些代表团提及本届 食典委会议上积极的例子,组成几个小组并形 成 折衷 意 见。 codexalimentarius.org | Some delegations referred to positive examples at the present Commission session where small groups had been formed and compromise was reached. codexalimentarius.org |
如果这种折衷不当 ——或保护过 多,或保护过少,尤其从长远来看,社会就要付出昂贵的代价。 iprcommission.org | Striking the wrong compromise - whether too much or too little - may be costly to society, especially in the longer term. iprcommission.org |
但是,东盟认识到这是其作为一个持续的路程 上的第一步而愿意接受的折衷的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it acknowledged that this was the result of a compromise that it was ready to accept as a first step in a continued journey. daccess-ods.un.org |
雖然商業事務可循調解或其他㆞方的法庭去解決紛爭,但個別 市民卻不能以這個方式向政府提出訴訟,這就是為何我們必須有㆒個可信的法庭,而 不是㆒個在折衷情況㆘設立的法庭。 legco.gov.hk | While businesses can resort to arbitration or use a different court, individuals suing the Government cannot, and that is why we must have a credible court, not a compromised court. legco.gov.hk |
这 种解决办法可能会被视为试图折衷第 六 委员会与本委员会辩论中出现的关于危急 情况的两种截然相反立场:其中一种立场赞成对国际组织给予与国家相同的地 位,反对的观点则完全排除了国际组织援引危急情况的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | This solution may be regarded as an attempt to reach a compromise between two opposite positions with regard to necessity: the view of those who favour placing international organizations on the same level as States and the opinion of those who would totally rule out the invocability of necessity by international organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个“6+3”联络小组最重要的目标,将是考虑 各方的利益,向各方提出在阿富汗结束军事行动的方 案,寻求导致国家分裂的关键问题和矛盾 的 折衷 解决 方案,并提供安全和必要的保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most important goal of the 6+3 contact group would be to offer the parties a programme for ending military operations in Afghanistan, finding compromise solutions on the key problems and contradictions that split the country, and providing security and the necessary guarantees, taking into account the interests of all parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权高专办只需极 为一般的指导方针就能继续开展其工作,尽管迄今 为止尚未达成共识,但她希望各代表团能继续就该 问题建设性地开展工作,找到折衷的 措 辞以处理各 代表团真正关注的问题,并发出明确的信号支持人 权高专办极其重要的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR required only very general guidelines to be able to continue with its work, and although no agreement had been reached thus far, she hoped that delegations would continue to work constructively on that issue and find a compromise that addressed delegations’ genuine concerns while sending a clear signal of support for the very important work of OHCHR. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們認 為 分 區 屠宰是 適 當的折衷方 案,一方 面 既顧及 保障公眾健康的 需要,同時也能兼顧飲食 業 和市 民 對 美 食的要 求 。 legco.gov.hk | We consider that regional slaughtering would be an appropriate compromise as it takes into consideration the need to protect public health on the one hand and the culinary concerns of the catering industry and the public on the other. legco.gov.hk |
例如,我们在以前的折衷分析 [5]中提到,四核处理器的频 率比双核处理器降低约 27%,软件必须有 [...] 70%的代码实现并行化,才能使四核处理器的性能优 于双核处理器,这是一个很大的比例,几乎没有应用软件能够达到这个水平,当然不是通过原 生并行,因为取得如此高的平行化,需要特殊的专门的并行化工作。 stericsson.com | In a previous analysis of this tradeoff [5] we have [...] shown that for example for a ~27% frequency penalty of a quad-processor [...]versus a dual-processor, software needs to expose a parallel portion of at least 70% in order for the quad-processor to win, which is a huge proportion that very few applications can reach - certainly not through natural concurrency, as specific dedicated parallelization work needs to be done to obtain such high levels of parallelism. stericsson.com |
因此,为了保持宽 泛的折衷,所 有这三项内容都应保留在案文中。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to maintain the broad compromise, all three elements should therefore be kept in the text. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据这 一观点,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》被说成是各个主权国家交涉的产物,是更广泛的 所有各方都应该受益的折衷方案 的一部分。 iprcommission.org | On this view, TRIPS was produced as a result of bargaining between sovereign states as part of a larger package of trade-offs in which there were supposed to be gains for all. iprcommission.org |
最后,作为一个折衷办法 ,食典委同意在步骤 8 通过拟议的修改,但在 3.9 节 C18:3 栏中(亚麻酸)没有列出任何数字,加脚注:“在国际橄榄油理事会的调查结果出来之前 及脂肪和油类委员会进一步审议之前,可以继续保留国家限量”。 codexalimentarius.org | Finally as a compromise, the Commission agreed to adopt the Proposed Revision at Step 8 without any figure in the column of C18:3(linolenic acid) in Section 3.9 with footnote “Pending the results of IOOC survey and further consideration by the Committee on Fats and Oils, national limits may remain in place”. codexalimentarius.org |
作为裁谈会现任主席,我认为,巴西作为主席提交并载于CD/1889 号文件 的最近一项决定草案是一个良好而公平 的 折衷 方 案 ,为照顾到所有相关国家提供 了可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the incumbent President of the Conference, I feel that the recent draft decision contained in document CD/1889, presented by the presidency of Brazil, is a good and a fair compromise, offering possibilities for all the States concerned to be accommodated. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会指出,先前的一种观点是,向所有人提供服务和确保环境 可持续性之间是一种折衷,但 绿色增长战略已经证明这两个目标并非相互 排斥,而且甚至可以互补。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted that there was a perceived trade-off between providing services to all and ensuring environmental sustainability, but that green growth strategies offered the proof that the two goals were not mutually exclusive and could even complement each other. daccess-ods.un.org |
她认为,鉴于有了整套折衷案文的要 点和 2009 年第六委员会工作组期间提出的意见,委员会已经具备了完成工作所 [...] 需要的工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | She was of the view that, with the [...] elements of a compromise package and the suggestions that had been put forward during [...]the 2009 working group of the Sixth Committee, the necessary tools existed to fulfil the Committee’s mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有代表团重申,任何折衷案文 都必须基 于如下原则,即任何原因或不平都不得作为为一切形式恐怖主义开脱的理由,公 约草案也不应涵盖其他法律制度已有规定的国家军事力量的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also reiterated that any compromise text had to be based on the principle that no cause or grievance could justify terrorism in any form and that activities of the military forces of a State, which were already governed by other legal regimes, should not be covered by the draft convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
魔镜魔镜告诉我:在价格、成本和风险之间如 何 折衷 , 何 时选择精密电阻器? digikey.cn | Mirror, Mirror: What is the Trade-Off Between Price, Cost, and Risk, When Selecting a Precision Resistor? digikey.ca |
印度代表团代表第 IV 选举组强调,作为折衷办法 ,它同意爱沙尼亚的建议,但不同意 墨西哥代表团的建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Delegation of India, on behalf of Group IV, stressed that it could agree with the proposal made by the Delegation of Estonia, as a compromise, but not with the one made by the Delegation of Mexico. unesdoc.unesco.org |
密克罗尼西亚联邦的代表回应称,最终可 能需要在不同方式之间达成折衷,该问题将由一个联络小组予以讨论。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The representative of the Federated States of Micronesia said in response that a compromise would ultimately need to be reached between the various approaches, and that that could be one of the subjects discussed in a contact group. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在这些谈判中曾经尝试一切可能 的途径,但很显然,要想达成彼此均可接受 的 折衷办 法是不可能的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such negotiations, which have explored all possible avenues, have made clear the impossibility of reaching a mutually acceptable compromise. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度代表团发言并强调,它不能同意第 III 选举组早先提出的关于平均分配席位的建议, 拟议的分配方式是确保公平地域分配的一种很好 的 折衷。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Delegation of India took the floor and stressed that it could not agree with the proposal earlier made by Electoral Group III on distributing an equal number of seats and that the proposed formula was a good compromise for ensuring equitable geographical distribution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
基础设施质量也是政策与生产率基本要 素 折衷 的 结 果,2012 年墨西哥改善就是这种情 况;这也适用于近几年秘鲁高等教育入学率提高或韩国较高的 R&D 支出。 bbvaresearch.com | Quality of infrastructures is also the result of policy compromise with productivity fundamentals, as it was the case of Mexico improvement in 2012; the same applies for recent years to the increase of tertiary education enrolment in Peru or higher R&D expenditure in Korea. bbvaresearch.com |
现在我知道了这种立场,并因此深感担忧,但 [...] 我将继续奉行和平政策,承诺我们将为科索沃未来地 位问题找到折衷解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Now I know the position, and I am greatly worried because of it, but I will [...] continue to pursue a policy of peace and to pledge our commitment [...] to finding a compromise solution to [...]Kosovo’s future status. daccess-ods.un.org |
本产品在英特尔平台上的重大改进与Ligos公司专有的创新性软件以及硬件设计相结合,使本产品成为简约、可靠的备选方案,它重新定义了服务提供商过去一直被迫面对的性价 比 折衷。 evget.com | Combining dramatic improvements in the Intel platform with Ligos’ own innovative software and hardware design, MediaRig Encoder SD is the compact, reliable alternative that redefines the cost vs. performance tradeoff that service providers have traditionally been forced to address. evget.com |
現有的LED陣列解決方案中,LED陣列金屬印刷電路板或陶瓷陣列基底往往需要在節省成本的小燈座基底尺寸和提供所需的光學性能之間作 出 折衷 妥 協的挑戰,同時需要提供整合式電氣、機械和光學特性,以便在燈具系統中使用。 ipress.com.hk | Existing LED arrays represent a challenging compromise between the LED array metal printed circuit boards or ceramic substrates being small enough to minimize costs and deliver the optical performance required while also providing electrical, mechanical and optical attach features to make them easier to use in a lighting system. ipress.com.hk |
但是据指出,《补编》草案购置款融资一章使用这一概念体现了一种可以 接受的折衷办法 ,为的是建立一种与有形资产购置款融资制度相平行的知识产 权购置款融资制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was stated, however, that use of that concept in the acquisition financing chapter of the draft Supplement represented an acceptable compromise to establish a regime of acquisition financing rights in intellectual property that would be parallel to the acquisition financing regime with respect to tangible assets. daccess-ods.un.org |
利益攸关者的进一步参与也有助于决策 进程,因为能使决策人更好地了解其决定的影响和薄弱环节,权 衡 折衷 的 成 本与 利得,并确定广泛的应对措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Stakeholder participation contributes to the decision-making process because it allows for a better understanding of impacts and vulnerability, the distribution of costs and benefits associated with trade-offs, and the identification of a broader range of response options. daccess-ods.un.org |
这看起来是使用出口设备数量(如果设备型号明显不同,这造成出口份额结果与实际不符) 与难以确定设备价值之间的一种折衷 办 法。 multilateralfund.org | This appears to be a compromise between using the number of units exported – which leads in case of units with significantly different size to unrealistic results for the share of export – and the difficult-to-determine value of the equipment. multilateralfund.org |
其任务是要使得很关心某一项 目的那些人可以交换意见,以促进达成以后协议以 及 折衷 的 解 决办 法;它们可以拟定决议草案或者至少制定代替的解决办法;可以指 派报告员,向设立这些机构的委员会提出其结论,并作必要的解释。 unachina.org | Their function would be to make it possible for those primarily interested in an item to exchange views, thus facilitating subsequent agreement and compromise solutions; they could prepare draft resolutions or at least formulate alternative solutions: they could appoint rapporteurs to present their conclusions and to give the necessary explanations to the committee which established them. unachina.org |