单词 | 折磨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 折磨 —tormentless common: persecute 折磨 noun —anguish n折磨 verb—grind v磨折 —torment磨折 noun —torture nExamples:酷刑折磨—torture and cruel treatment 反酷刑折磨公约—UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988) See also:折—fracture • a loss • convinced • twist • rebate • snap • turn sth. over • suffer loss • break (e.g. stick or bone) • document folded in accordion form • turn upside-down • accounts book • change direction • tenth (in price) • convert into (currency) • tip sth. out (of a container) 折 n—discount n • bend n 折 v—fold v • break v • turn v 磨—sharpen • polish • rub • grindstone • die out • pester • waste time • wear down • insist • turn round
因此,各国不能限制失踪人员亲属了解 [...] 失踪人员命运和下落真相的权利,因为限制这种权利只会加重或延续对其 亲属造成的持续折磨。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the State cannot restrict the right to know the truth about the fate and the whereabouts [...] of the disappeared as such restriction only adds to, and prolongs, [...] the continuous torture inflicted upon [...]the relatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
委員認 為,儘 管該工作小組建 議的措 施會有一些幫 助 , 離 婚 人 士 [...] 及其子 女 在 收取贍養費時所遇 到的困苦和 折磨將 無法獲得紓 解 。 legco.gov.hk | Members were of the view that although the measures proposed by the [...] working group could be of some assistance, [...] the hardship and torment suffered by divorcees [...]and their children in collecting maintenance [...]payment could not be alleviated. legco.gov.hk |
2000年4月25日,来自44个受疟疾折磨的 非 洲国家元首及高层代表,齐聚在尼日利亚阿布贾出席一个里程碑式的疟疾问题峰会。 unicef.org | On 25 April 2000, Heads of State and senior representatives from 44 malaria-afflicted countries in Africa came together in Abuja, Nigeria to attend a milestone Summit on Malaria. unicef.org |
发出该指令是因为认识到,“长期呆在死囚名单上造成了不必 要的精神痛苦和折磨、心 理创伤和焦虑,构成了不人道的待遇”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is in recognition of the fact that ‘extended stay on death row causes undue mental anguish and suffering, psychological trauma, anxiety and constitutes inhuman treatment". daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会感到遗憾的是,对安全和情报人员,以及 法官、检察官、法医和和同被拘留者打交道的医务人员的培训方案所作的介绍极 为稀少,不足以阐明《公约》的规定和说明如何对身体和心理后遗症方面受到的 折磨进行检测并留下存证记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Committee regrets that there was sparse and inadequate information on training programmes for security and intelligence personnel, as well as for judges, prosecutors, forensic doctors and medical personnel dealing with detained persons, on the provisions of the Convention and on how to detect and document physical and psychological sequelae of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果公职人员在履行公务期间给某个人造成严重痛苦 或 折磨 , 不 论是身 体上的还是心理上的,以便从遭到酷刑者或第三方那里获得资料或供词, 或者对该人实施或涉嫌实施的行为进行惩罚,或胁迫他们做出或不做出某 一具体行为,则该公职人员犯有酷刑罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | A public servant commits the offence of torture if, in exercise of their official functions, they inflict severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, on an individual in order to obtain information or a confession from the tortured individual or a third party, or to inflict punishment for an act which that individual has or is suspected of having committed, or to coerce them into engaging or not engaging in a specific act. daccess-ods.un.org |
孩子的大夫医生补充说:“我很高兴,到本周末,全国的孩子都将受到保护,他们再也不用像小金一样经历现在这样的疾 病 折磨。 unicef.org | One of the baby’s doctors added: “I am so glad that at the end of this week all children in my country will be protected and none of them will need to undergo what the little Kim is going through right now. unicef.org |
当然,安理会必须采取具体、有效和坚决的行动, 来处理此种局势,这是那些备受武装冲 突 折磨 的 人的 要求,也是像墨西哥这样相信安全理事会必须在这方 面发挥领导作用的国家的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certainly, the Council must take specific, effective and resolute actions to address such situations, as required by those who suffer the trials of armed conflict and as demanded by States such as Mexico that are convinced of the leading role that the Security Council must play in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织帮助阿富汗制订了一项利用远程遥感技术和地理信息系统(GIS)为遭受战 争折磨国家的重建服务的基线研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO assisted Afghanistan in the preparation of a baseline study on the use of remote sensing and GIS for the [...] reconstruction of war torn countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(g) 人权,尤 其是人格 尊严权、免受精神和 身体 折磨及 惩罚 的权利受到 接受、尊重和关爱的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Right to receive respect and care for the human rights, particularly right of dignity, right to be free from torture or punishment both mentally and physically. daccess-ods.un.org |
国民议会提前一周批准了 1958-1998 年惩罚出 于政治动机的犯罪、强迫失踪、酷刑 折磨 及 其 他侵 犯人权行为法案,该法案所确定的条例有助于国家 在此期间按政府计划加速调查侵犯人权行为,并确 保为受害者伸张正义和对其进行赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | One week earlier, the National Assembly had approved an Act to punish politically motivated crimes, disappearances, torture and other human rights violations during the period 1958-1998, which established regulations that allowed the State to expedite the investigation of human rights violations planned by the Government during that period and to ensure justice and reparations for the victims. daccess-ods.un.org |
本居留權的苦難了生動的描述發生在稍後巴列維的“視覺的阿爾達Viraf ” ,其訪問地獄,與現實說明其折磨, 生動地回顧,但丁。 mb-soft.com | Of this abode of misery a lively description occurs in the later Pahlavi "Vision of [...] Arda Viraf", whose visit to the Inferno, with the realistic [...] description of its torments, vividly recalls [...]that of Dante. mb-soft.com |
他最后发出一个正面的信息,指出一般的妇女在 2005 年的预期寿命要 比 1955 年的预期寿命长三分之一,遭受疾病和贫 穷 折磨 的 可能性较小,识字和 受教育的可能性要大得多。 daccess-ods.un.org | He ended with a positive message, noting that in 2005 the average woman could expect to live one third longer than would have been likely in 1955, is less likely to suffer from disease and deprivation and much more likely to be literate and educated. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在该是国 [...] 际社会正视以色列政权采取不人道做 法 折磨 被 占领 土上无助的巴勒斯坦人民的时候了。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was high time that the international [...] community countered the Israeli regime’s [...] inhuman practices afflicting the defenceless [...]Palestinian people in the Occupied Territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,现在的情况与 2006 年不同,当时国家正 遭受武装冲突的折磨,政 府权威在国家很多地方几乎 不存在,但现在,全国各地安全局势已基本稳定,而 且本届议会的任期已经结束,各机构运作顺利,民主 辩论富有活力,言论自由得以行使。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, unlike the situation in 2006, when the nation was in the throes of armed conflict and the authority of the State was almost non-existent in a significant portion of the country, the security situation is now stabilized virtually throughout the national territory, and we have reached the end of a legislative term characterized by institutions that function smoothly, lively democratic debate and freedom of expression. daccess-ods.un.org |
i. 承运人毋须对旅客因任何性质的情绪困扰、精 神 折磨 / 痛 苦或心理创伤所造成的损害负责,除非此等损害乃由 承运人或其代理人或其员工故意疏忽或行为而造成的并且令该位旅客遭受实际人身伤害、或承受实际人身伤害 风险。 starcruises.com | Carrier shall not be liable to Guest for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering/anguish or psychological injury of any kind under any circumstances, except when such damage was caused by the wilful neglect or conduct of Carrier or its agent or employees and resulted from the same Guest sustaining actual physical injury, or having been at risk of actual physical injury. starcruises.com |
當時, 我一方面不明白我們的國家領導人為何會以一種如此冷漠和無良的態度來 [...] 對待這羣年青人的訴求和熱誠,以及如此殘酷 地 折磨 他 們 ,但另一方面,我 又覺得中國有這羣年青人,以他們如此熱忱於國家的未來,如此關懷國家的 [...]現況,可見國家是有將來的。 legco.gov.hk | At that time, on the one hand, I did not understand why the leaders of our country would adopt such an indifferent and heartless attitude towards the [...] aspirations and ardour of this group of [...] young people and torment them so cruelly; [...]on the other hand, I thought that since [...]China had such a group of young people with such enthusiasm for the future of the country and who were so concerned about the situation of the country, it could be seen that our country would have a future. legco.gov.hk |
第二天,申诉人 的朋友去到她家,发现她哥哥遭受了残 酷 折磨 并 被 处决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following day the complainant’s friend went back to the house and found the brother brutally tortured and executed. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外也必须进行适当权衡第 三方(发展中国家遭受疾病折磨的患 者)的合法权益和专利权所有人的权益。 iprcommission.org | Moreover, the legitimate interests of third parties (people suffering from diseases in developing countries) would need to be weighed appropriately against those of the patentee. iprcommission.org |
尼泊尔军队继续无视对被控在 2004 年折 磨和杀 害 15 岁的 Maina Sunuwar 的军官下达的逮捕令,并据报在调查法庭为其 开脱,该法庭是尼泊尔军队为查明 2009 年该名军官从联合国中非共和国和乍得 特派团被遣返的实情而设立的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Nepal Army continues to disregard a warrant for the arrest of the officer accused in the torture and killing of a 15-year-old, Maina Sunuwar, in 2004, and has reportedly exonerated him in a Court of Inquiry it established to probe the circumstances of his repatriation from the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
是否以大 家 参 与的 方式制定了教 师及 其 他 教育工 作 人 员 需 要 遵 守 的 性 折 磨 、性 虐 待 、性 剥 削 等 方 面 的行为准则并签字执行? globalprotectioncluster.org | Establish therapeutic feeding centres at both facility and community levels and ensure a gender balance of health workers managing the centres. globalprotectioncluster.org |
建议采取的补救办法 采取有效补救措施,包括就损失和侵害提供赔偿, 敦促缔约国加快刑事程序,以便迅速起诉和审判绑 架、折磨并导致 Luis Napoleón Torres Crespo 先 生、Angel María Torres Arroyo 先生和 Antonio Hugues Chaparro Torres 先生死亡的责任人,以及 绑架和折磨 Villafañe 兄弟的责任人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Remedy recommended Effective remedy, which includes compensation for loss and injury and urges the State party to expedite the criminal proceedings for the prompt prosecution and trial of the [...] persons responsible for the [...] abduction, torture and death of Mr. Luis Napoleón Torres Crespo, Mr. Angel María Torres Arroyo and Mr. Antonio Hugues Chaparro Torres and of the persons responsible for the abduction and torture of the Villafañe brothers daccess-ods.un.org |
历史上那些为争取对宪章中所规定的平等与安 全提供广泛保障的人们,希望能够从解 决 折磨 着 加 拿大社会的重要的平等、安全和尊严问 题出发,来解释《宪章》所规定的这些权利。41 加拿大最高法院认定,“应该假定宪章的 保护力度至少与加拿大所批准42 的国际人权文件中的类似条款所提供的保护力度相同” , 国际人权法律对 ‘解释《宪章》内的权利的范围具有决定性的影响’43 。 socialrights.ca | Historically, it was expected by those who fought for broad protections of equality and security in the Charter, that these rights in the Charter would be interpreted to address the key equality, security and dignity issues plaguing Canadian society.41 The Supreme Court has affirmed that ‘the Charter should generally be presumed to provide protection at least as great as that afforded by similar provisions in international human rights documents which Canada has ratified’42 and that international human rights law is ‘a critical influence on the interpretation of the scope of the rights included in the Charter. socialrights.ca |
如去年的《拉奎拉全球粮食安全联合声明》和《世界粮食安全首脑会议宣言》 所强调的那样,饱受饥饿和粮食短缺 折磨 的 国家应站在消除饥饿这场斗争的最前 线。 fao.org | As stressed at the L’Aquila Joint Statement on Global Food Security and the Declaration of the World Summit on Food [...] Security last year, the countries [...] that are afflicted with hunger and food shortages need to be at [...]the forefront of the fight. fao.org |
委员会建议缔约国采取适当措施,解决遭受与战争有关的创后精神紧张 症 折磨 的阿 富汗人的健康问题,如有必要可寻求国际合作和援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party take adequate measures to address the health problems of Afghans who suffer from war-related traumatic disorders, if necessary by seeking international cooperation and assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |