单词 | 折射 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 折射—refractionless common: refract reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of) 折射adjective—refractiveadjExamples:折射率n—refractive indexn 折射率—index of refraction See also:折—fracture twist a loss rebate convinced snap turn sth.over suffer loss accounts book tip sth.out (of a container) document folded in accordion form turn upside-down change direction break (e.g. stick or bone) tenth (in price) convert into (currency) 折n—discountn bendn 折v—foldv breakv turnv 射—allude to radio- (chemistry)
通过 MCVD 流程,OFS 能够精确控制每条光纤对纤芯的折射率,包括纤芯的中心区域。 furukawa.co.jp | TheMCVD process enables OFS to precisely control each fiber’s index of refraction acrossthe core, [...] including the core’s center region. furukawa.co.jp |
可改变光 纤的折射率和余长系数设置,从而进行最大距离的测量。 exfo.com | Change index ofrefraction and helix factor [...] settings for optimal distance measurements. exfo.com |
光束在分隔两流动池的液体-玻璃界面,出射一侧的的液体-玻璃界面以及出射一侧的玻璃-空气界面发生折射。 malvern.com.cn | The beam is refracted at the liquid-glass interfaces separating the two compartments and also at the liquid-glass interface on the exit wall, and again at the glass-air interface on the exit wall. malvern.ru |
如同Baker的深沉嗓音,限量表款以不锈钢表壳完美包覆,搭载内侧抗折射的球形切割蓝宝石水晶玻璃表镜。 oris.ch | Much like the pure vocals of Baker, the watch features [...] a perfectly formed stainless steel case, with double curved sapphire [...] crystal andanonreflective coating on the inside. oris.ch |
再加上极度奉行国家利益至上的 民族主义政策,缅甸的自我孤立折射出1962-1988 年奈温闭关自守遗留下来的意识形态。 crisisgroup.org | This, coupled with ultra-nationalism, pushes the regime to isolate itself, reflecting an ideology inherited from the period of autarky under Ne Win from 1962-1988. crisisgroup.org |
这折射出关于有效利用土地和粮食生产方面的政策不恰当的历史;几年来对农业 (尤其是小农生产和加工系统)、农村发展和基础设施的投资不足;无法持续关注 粮食市场的有效运作;缺乏对安全网和社会保障系统的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | This reflects a history of inappropriate policies on effective land use and food production; decades of under-investment in agriculture (particularly smallholderbased production and processing systems), rural development and infrastructure; inconsistent attention to the effective operation of markets for food; and lack of support for safety nets and social protection systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
第九届上海双年展伊斯坦布尔展馆的主题为“突变”(A Twist in the [...] Untimely),我们决定选择能够折射出土耳其与西方的联系中断和延续的三个主题,与一群知名艺术家合作,透过他们的作品走进历史,勾勒伊斯坦布尔在西化过程中多次与西方中断联系的历史真相。 shanghaibiennale.org | For A Twist in the Untimely, the Istanbul City pavilion of the 9th Shanghai Biennale, [...] we decided to make a selection of three [...] propositions that allude tothe various [...]ruptures and continuations that resulted [...]within both contexts and work with a group of strong artists whose work traces several histories and delineates several fault lines inherent in the Westernization process. shanghaibiennale.org |
简单的镜头是放置一个凸玻璃,这样照射物体的光线就折射后在胶 片聚光。 motion.kodak.com | Simple lenses use a single convex glass element positioned so that the light rays from the subject are bent towards and converge at the film. motion.kodak.com |
此外,双眼患有明显及不同的折射问题,如一边眼睛患有近视,另一边则患远视,一旦未能配戴合适的眼镜,就有可能患弱视。 hsbc.com.hk | Children with significantly different refractory errors in each of the eyes (for example, short sighted in one eye and long sighted in the other) are also at risk if proper glasses are not prescribed. hsbc.com.hk |
该表具备轻量特性、抗折射材质、高度防水功能、可轻易调整表带长度、配戴舒适性、抗磁性特质,Oris [...] Col Moschin限量表为两大专业合作的终极表款。 oris.ch | The lightweight, non-reflective, highly water [...] resistant, easily adjustable, comfortable to wear, anti-magnetic Oris Col [...]Moschin Limited Edition is the product of this expert partnership. oris.ch |
每间工厂应在切实可行的情况下进行有效预防,以防止(i)直接来自任何光源或任 何光滑或抛光面折射产生的强光,及(ii)形成阴影,而在某种程度上造成眼睛疲劳或导 [...] 致工人发生事故。 cre8ir.com | In every factory effective provision shall, so far as is practicable, be made for the prevention of (i) glare either directly from any source of [...] light or by reflection from a smooth or [...] polished surface, and (ii)the formation [...]of shadows to such an extent as to cause [...]eye strain or risk of accident to any worker. cre8ir.com |
从大学生到公务 员,牛奶消费方式的变化折射出了数以百万印度人日益增强的 购买力。 tetrapak.com | How we consume milk reflects the increased spending power of millions of Indians, from college students to civil servants,” said Khatter. tetrapak.com |
乌拉斯不断尝试在内容与形式两方面再现奥斯曼帝国的伊兹尼克传统,除此以外,她关注的范围还包括这个单一民族国家的基础架构在构造材质上的不一致性,以及不断转型所折射的脆弱性。 shanghaibiennale.org | While Uras continues to reformulate the Turko-Ottoman tradition of Iznik (Nicea) in terms of content and form, she also examinesthe [...] incongruity of the materials and underlining fragility of the on-going [...] transitions within the nation-stateinfrastructure. shanghaibiennale.org |
由于折射作用,有限宽度的光束穿过分光器时会将较多的光传输至一台光检测器,较少的光传输至其他检测器,因此示差信号也同样会同 [...] x 成正比例关系。 malvern.com.cn | The differential signal will likewise be proportional to [...] x becausethe beam, whichactually [...]has a finite width, will deliver more light [...]to one photo-detector and less to the other as the beam is moved across the beam splitter due to refraction. malvern.ru |
数字手持袖珍折射仪PAL-1获得了东京都技术优秀奖并在2004年10月22日召开的2004年产业交流展进行了颁奖仪式. atago.net | ATAGO Digital Hand-Held "Pocket" Refractometer PAL-1 won an award for Excellence in the Venture Technology Awards of Tokyo 25.10.2004 ! atago.net |
当我跟同事和学生谈起 Filmetrics F20-UV [...] 测量,我会问薄膜厚度范围,透明还是不透明, 以及折射率,” Lu 博士说, “这些因素帮我决定 [...]F20-UV是不是合适的选择。 cn.filmetrics.com | When I talk to students and other fellows about testing with the Filmetrics F20-UV, I ask them about the [...] thickness range of their films, whether the film is transparent or opaque, [...] and whatis therefraction index,"says Dr. Lu. filmetrics.com |
光学临床计算器,也是每一个一般或折射眼科医生,眼科居民,验光师的重要工具,和眼镜。 cn.moba-app.com | Optics Clinical Calculator is a vital tool for every general or refractive ophthalmologist, ophthalmology resident, optometrist, and optician. moba-app.com |
不断发展和日益明朗的行业规格,加上原始设备生产商针对自身具体要求制定的自有标准,共同折射出了现今车辆及终端用户独特的性能需求。 cn.lubrizol.com | The continuous development and clarification of industry specifications – supplemented by original equipment manufacturers’ own standards for their unique requirements – reflects the distinct performance requirements of today’s vehicles and their end users. lubrizol.com |
在胶片上产生影像的光在通过乳剂时发散,或在乳剂和片 基表面发生折射。 motion.kodak.com | Light forming an image on the film is scattered by passing through the emulsion or by reflection at the emulsion or base surfaces. motion.kodak.com |
这幅限量丝印作品折射了传奇性的纽约艺术家、画廊老板Peter Tunney的精神。 ba-repsasia.com | The limited edition screen print reflects the spirit of the legendary New York artist and gallery owner Peter Tunney. ba-repsasia.com |
而双折射则会使得原本应该清晰锐利的影像变 成有离焦与模糊等问题。 moldex3d.com | It is therefore essential for the plastics industry to comprehend the sophisticate process for injection-molded plastics lenses. moldex3d.com |
目前,先进的材料生长与元件制造工艺可以使LED极大多数输入电能转换成光辐射能,然而由于LED芯片材料与周围介质相比,具有大得多的折射系数,致使芯片内部产生的极大部分光子(>90%)无法顺利地溢出介面,而在芯片与介质介面产生全反射,返回芯片内部并通过多次内部反射最终被芯片材料或衬底吸收,并以晶格振动的形式变成热,促使结温升高。 xhxled.com | At present, the growth of advanced materials and components manufacturing process can make the vast majority of LED input optical radiation into electrical energy, but the LED chip as a result of material in comparison with the surrounding medium, with much larger refractive index, which generated a great chip part of photons (>90%) can not overflow a smooth interface, and in the chip have a total reflection interface with the media to return the chip within a number of internal reflection through the chip was eventually absorbed material or substrate, and the form of lattice vibration become a hot junction temperature to rise. xhxled.com |
阿玛是爱尔兰历史最悠久的城市之一,这里奇妙的建筑景观折射出爱尔兰岛6500年的历史。 discoverireland.com | One of Ireland’s oldest cities, Armagh has a rich and unique heritage, with wonderful archaeological sites reflecting over 6,500 years of the island’s history. discoverireland.com |
在充满空气,如海绵状植物叶片或脊椎动物肺部进一步的困难,出现多个过渡之间的细胞和生物组织的光学系统的其余部分之间的空域和细胞成分,折射率叶肉组织。 jove.com | In air-filled tissue such as the spongy mesophyll of plant leaves or vertebrate lungs further difficulties arise from multiple transitions in refractive index between cellular components, between cells and airspaces and between the biological tissue and the rest of the optical system. jove.com |
企业类型:其他采矿和采石业,基本金属制造业,金属制品,机械及设备,机械设备,机械的主要产品群:铝土矿,二次原料,中间产品,铸件,铸锭,金属,挤压轮廓颗粒加工,制成品从铝建筑,运输,电子等行业,用于铝表面处理技术及化合物,车间设备和配件的初级金属,铸造,焊接,热处理(炉和折射),技术listoprokata,挤压和图纸生产浓缩设备,烫金和绘图,制造铝箔,铝带和管,工具和模具,测量和控制设备,废物管理,软件,包装,运输。 dump.lesavik.net | Business Type: Other mining and quarrying, basic metals manufacturing, fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, mechanical equipment, machinery main product groups: Bauxite, processing of secondary raw materials, intermediate products, castings, ingots and pellets of metal, extruded profile, manufactured goods from aluminum construction, transport, electronics and other industries, equipment for the enrichment of aluminum surface treatment technology and compounds, workshop equipment and accessories for the production of primary metals, castings, welding and heat treatment (furnace and refractors), technology listoprokata, extrusion and drawing, hot stamping and drawing, manufacture of foil, aluminum strip and tube, tools and molds, measuring and controlling equipment, waste management, software, packaging, transportation. dump.lesavik.net |
我们的材料数据库覆盖整个OLED的开发历史,能够处理随着有机分子而来的高折射散射和多种紫外光谱特征。 cn.filmetrics.com | Our materials database stretches back to the very beginnings of OLED, and can deal with the high index dispersion and multiple UV features encountered with these molecules. filmetrics.com |
镜面每天追踪太阳动向,将光线折射至碟盘内,将让日光集中於小型光管内,据该公司指称,藉由多面透镜传递,光线传送「不限距离与方向」,亦设有传输器,确保光线能平均洒落在指定区域。 thisbigcity.net | The concentrated light then travels through a series of relay lenses “over any distance and in any direction”, according to the company. thisbigcity.net |
该圆桌会议是以这样两点认识为基础组织的:一方面,传媒是我们这个世界的一面折 射镜,它们应独立、全面和客观地反映它的面貌;另一方面,传媒又是这个世界的产物,因 此,它们自身又可能表现出种族主义,偏见和偏执。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It proceeded from the dual premise that the media are the mirror of our world and should reflect it in an independent, complete and objective manner; and that they are the product of our world and as such may display racism, prejudice and intolerance. unesdoc.unesco.org |