

单词 折冲樽俎

External sources (not reviewed)

从人权角度来看,这一现象可能构成对可能或罹患坏疽性口 炎儿童权利的侵犯。
From a human rights point of view, it may amount to a violation of the rights of the children at risk or affected by noma.
但其 努力却因再度发生有外部行为者参与的武装冲突、尤其是该国东部地区的武冲 突而遭到折。
Its efforts were being held back,
however, by the
[...] recurring armed conflicts raging mainly in the east of the country, with the involvement of several external actors.
[...] 談到未來時,他不斷要求我們不要說得太長遠,討論得太長遠便是俎 代庖 ,現在我們討論“生果金”時,張局長說2033年時有四分之一人口是 [...]
However, I think that there is some contradiction because recently, when Secretary Stephen LAM was talking about constitutional reform and about the future, he kept
asking us not to talk about the too faraway
[...] future because doing so was to take [...]
someone else's job into our hands. Now, when
discussing the "fruit grant", Secretary CHEUNG said that by 2033, a quarter of the population would be elderly people, adding that if we do not formulate the relevant policy now, would the situation not be very bad by then?
如果香港市民以“一人 一票” 決定不要“2012雙普選” 的話,特區政府便有一百分之二百的理 由,明正言順地作此宣布;如果香港的同胞投票不要“2012雙普選”的 話,中央便無須俎代庖 、無須喬曉陽來此釋法。
Should Hong Kong people decide not to have dual universal suffrage in 2012 by "one person, one vote", it would be more than justified for the SAR Government to formally announce that, as Hong Kong people have voted against the implementation of dual universal suffrage in 2012, it will be unnecessary for the Central Authorities to exceed their functions or for QIAO Xiaoyang to come here to interpret the law.
当然,安理会必须采取具体、有效和坚决的行动, 来处理此种局势,这是那些备受武 冲 突 折 磨 的人的 要求,也是像墨西哥这样相信安全理事会必须在这方 [...]
Certainly, the Council must take specific, effective and resolute actions to address such
situations, as required by those who suffer the
[...] trials of armed conflict and as demanded [...]
by States such as Mexico that are convinced
of the leading role that the Security Council must play in that regard.
在起草过程中接受咨询的所有行为者无一例外地表示,在抗击坏 疽性口炎方面还需要做更多工作,应以旨在消除贫困和减少营养不良状况的政策 为出发点,各国与相关专门机构也应承担起责任。
Across the board, the actors consulted during the drafting process agreed that more needs to be done in the fight against noma – starting with policies aimed at eliminating poverty and reducing malnutrition – and that States and relevant specialized agencies ought to assume responsibility.
坏疽性口炎是贫困和儿童营养不良最残酷的表现形式,因此导致了 一些最恶劣的侵犯儿童权利的情况。
Noma is the most brutal face of poverty and malnutrition in children and thus gives rise to some of the worst violations of the rights of the child.
但是, 如果要求香港特區政 府正式 向 中 央 政 府 提 出要求,給予這些持 外 國 護照但 屬 香港永 久 性 居 民 的人士免 簽證安 排 , 以 方 便進入國 內 的 話 , 這 肯 定 超 越 了 香港政 府 的 職責範 圍 ;正如 我 剛 才 表 示 , 這 是俎代庖,根本 是 不對的 。
However, it is certainly not within the remit of the SAR Government to formally request the Central Government to make visa-free arrangements for these Hong Kong permanent residents holding foreign passports to facilitate their visits to the Mainland.
因此,坏疽性口炎儿童是一个被忽 视的受害者群体的说法并不牵强。
It would thus not be far-fetched to describe children with noma as representing a group of neglected victims.
前,在他的網誌中表示,(我引述)“每年的預算案是為了配合行政長官 的施政報告,作出資源調撥,以實施各項有益於社會的政策和措施......
[...] 預算案一般都不會提出新政策的......各政策局尚未完成有關政策的決 定時,財政司司長一般都不會俎代 庖”(引述完畢)。
As the Financial Secretary said in his blog before the delivery of the budget last year, to this effect: "The budget each year is compiled in line with the policy address of the Chief Executive and it aims at making appropriations to implement policies and measures beneficial to society …… In general, a budget will not introduce any new policy …… If the relevant bureau
has not made any decision on any policy, the Financial Secretary will under normal
[...] circumstances not do it on its behalf.
附件所载人权原则和准则旨在加 强对可能或已遭受营养不良的儿童,尤其是对可能或已罹患坏疽性口炎儿童的保 护。
The annex contains the human rights principles and guidelines to improve the protection of children at risk or affected by malnutrition, specifically at risk of or affected by noma.
[...] 2006 年不同,当时国家正 遭受武冲突的折磨,政府权威在国家很多地方几乎 [...]
不存在,但现在,全国各地安全局势已基本稳定,而 且本届议会的任期已经结束,各机构运作顺利,民主 辩论富有活力,言论自由得以行使。
Furthermore, unlike the situation in 2006, when the nation was in the
[...] throes of armed conflict and the authority [...]
of the State was almost non-existent
in a significant portion of the country, the security situation is now stabilized virtually throughout the national territory, and we have reached the end of a legislative term characterized by institutions that function smoothly, lively democratic debate and freedom of expression.
(c) 严重营养不良与儿童疾病的关系,要考虑到诸如受“坏疽性口炎”影 响的儿童,以及改善对营养不良儿童的法律保护的指南
(c) The relationship between severe malnutrition and childhood diseases, taking children affected by noma as an example, and guidelines to improve the legal protection of malnourished children
满友公司每年开发新产品10多项,近几年先后引进意大利P4金属板材柔性多边折弯系统;德国L4050激光切割机;V320数 折 弯 机 5 0 0 0 冲 切 中 心;大型龙门加工中心3000SD;750吨、250吨压铸机;王牌机械吹塑机;日本马扎克生产的车铣组合加工中心;保加利亚进口卧式镗加工中心;瑞士“GEMA”全自动喷涂流水线等国际先进的加工设备以及高精度金切加工设备700余台套,建立了高标准的生产车间,现已成为全国现代化的柔性医疗器械生产线。
Over 10 new products are developed every year in our company. in recent years, we imported some world-leading machining equipments from aboard, including P4 medical plate multi-bending soft machine system from Italy, L4050 laser cutting machine,V320 numerical control bending machine, 500R punching machine and 500R punching machine from Germany, 3000sd Long men machining center, 750-ton and 250-ton die-casting machine, Brand Wang blow molding machine, GEMA automatic painting line from Switzerland etc. High-class-workshops have been built up.
假如立法局插手這事,則奪取了籌備委員會的權力; 如果㆗英政府插手,亦是俎代庖
Then, would any interference from the Legislative Council be regarded as an attempt to usurp the Preparatory Committee’s power; and would the Chinese and British Governments be viewed as back seat drivers if they meddle in this matter?
保安局局長:主席,我 們 也 曾 考慮過 這 個問題, 但 鑒於那 些 是 廣 東省公安廳 的 數 據,所以我們認為不應俎代 庖 , 刊登他 們 的 資料。
However, since those data belongs to the Guangdong Public Security Bureau, we consider it inappropriate for us to interfere with its business by publishing its data.
关于巴勒斯坦、埃及、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和 瑞典提出的关于在她的报告中没有提到戈德斯通报 告的问题,Pillay 女士指出人权理事会已经通过了关 于此问题的 A/HRC/RES/S-12/1 号决议,该决议将在 联合国大会上进行审议,她不想俎 代 庖
In response to the representatives of Palestine, Egypt, the Syrian Arab Republic and Sweden regarding the lack of references in her report to the Goldstone report, she said that the Human Rights Council had adopted resolution A/HRC/RES/S-12/1 on the matter, which would be examined by the General Assembly, and that she had not wanted to encroach on its mandate.
安 全理事会这种表面上看来难以阻挡的 俎 代 庖 的做 法令人担忧,对像我们这样的会员国而言尤其如此, 因为我们主要大会成员、安全理事会 15 个成员对另 外 177 个非成员的职能和权力的任何不必要的侵犯, 将损害最为重要的据此建立联合国的令人信服的逻 辑和独特的目标。
Any unnecessary encroachment by the 15 members of the Council into the functions and powers of the other 177 non-members will serve to undercut the compelling logic and unique goals under which the United Nations was established.
其實,現在這個替補機制都沒有尊重議會制度,因為議員是由市 民選出來的,他們應否再坐在議會內,亦應該是由市民決定,而不是 由政府來決定,由政府決定便是俎 代 庖 ,便是霸佔了決定權,這便 是最錯的事情。
If the Government makes the decision, it will be exceeding its functions and seizing the right to decide, which will be a grave mistake.
雖然在過去數年,警方亦曾經在接獲大量市民投訴後,與衛生署採取聯合行 動,在觀塘部分藥房檢獲大樽裝咳 藥水,而藥房職員亦因非法出售第㆒類危險藥物 而被捕,但可惜後來大部分咳藥水證實為經稀釋的第㆓類危險藥物,即不受任何條例 或規例所管制。
The staff of those pharmacies were arrested for selling dangerous drugs listed in Part I of the First Schedule of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance. However, most of the cough syrup was later found to be diluted dangerous drug stated in Part II of the First Schedule of that Ordinance, meaning that they are not subject to the control of any ordinance or regulation.
第 二 點 是關於 調整機制的責 任,仍 然 由 該 機 構 的 董 事局制訂 , 並 非 由 立 法會俎 代 庖 的 。
The second point is that the responsibilities of the adjustment mechanism are still determined by the managing board of the body, rather by the Legislative Council, for this does not come under the latter's ambit.
如果我們可以俎代庖,隨意影響行政部門的具體 人事任免,那麼我們豈不是更有理由影響終審法院法官與高等法院法官的任 免?
I mean, if we ever think that we can supersede the executive authorities and influence their decisions on personnel appointment and removal whenever we want to, then, is it correct to say that we have even stronger reasons to influence the appointment of the Judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court?
這教㆟警覺到,港府在以行政手段把市民趕㆖公共交 通工具的同時,卻沒有對集體運輸機構的服務質素和票價作出有力的監管,令市民淪 為各運輸服務機構俎㆖之 肉,任由宰割。
This has alerted people to the fact that while the Government is pushing the public into using public transport by administrative means, it has not effectively monitored the quality of services and the fares of mass carriers, reducing the public to the meat on a chopping board, ready to be exploited by various public transport providers.
雖然形勢比人強,很多歷史因素造成了今天的形勢,“君為 俎 , 我 為 魚肉”,但最重要的是,站出來的政黨和政治人物的立場。
It is true that the situation is overwhelming, and there are many historical factors behind the present situation in which we are but the meat on the chopping board, yet the most important issue remains the stance assumed by political parties and politicians.
因此,作為代 表新界東,特別是將軍澳區的立法會議員,我覺得就今天這項議題提出修正 案及發言,絕非俎代庖
Therefore, as a representative of New Territories East, especially a Member of the Legislative Council serving the Tseung Kwan O area, I think for me to propose an amendment to this motion and to speak on it is far from being minding some business that is not my own.
考 克斯報告關乎 中 美 關 係,中 央 政 府 會 繼續就此問題跟進, 香港立法會不 宜俎 代 庖
The Cox Report concerns Sino-American relations, and the Central Government will continue to follow it up, and it is undesirable for us in the Hong Kong Legislative Council to take it into our own hands.
经常出现冲突、挫折、贫 穷 和越来越多的严重健康问题,就是其产生的后果,这与运作不畅的地域流动性 [...]
(轮换)和职业发展体系有进一步的联系(见外聘审计员关于工作人员晋升和评 价的第 182 EX/48 号报告)。
Frequent conflicts, frustration, poor motivation [...]
and a growing number of serious health problems are the consequence, further
linked to a badly functioning system of geographical mobility (rotation) and career development (cf. see 182 EX/48 Report by the External Auditor on the promotion and evaluation of staff).
公司具有各种高精度的加工设备和检测设备180多台,其中包括哈斯卧式加工中心EC1600,德马进口短边折弯机AMADA、村田的多工位数 冲 床 、AMADA数 折 弯 机 、高速精密数控加工中心、TruLaser-3030数控激光切割机、ARL-346光谱仪、WA-300T电子式万能试验机、X射线实时成象检测系统、喷漆涂装生产线;同时还具有专业压铸生产的加工设备20多台,其中包括一台意德拉OL-2700S,二台2800吨、一台2000吨、一台500吨压铸机。
The company has a variety of high-precision processing equipment and testing equipment 180 sets, including the Haas horizontal machining center EC1600, de import
short side bending machine AMADA,
[...] Murata's multi-station CNC punch press, AMADA CNC bending [...]
machine, high-speed precision CNC
machining centers, TruLaser-3030 CNC laser cutting machine, ARL-346 spectrometer, WA-300T electronic universal testing machine, X-ray inspection real time imaging systems, paint coating production line; also has a professional production of die-casting process equipment more than 20 units, including one intended to de OL-2700S, two sets of 2800 tons, a 2,000 tons, a 500-ton die casting machines.
实力耀安:拥有日本进口AMADA数冲 床 、 剪板机 折 弯 机 、电焊机,以及日本进口全自动风管生产线、等离子切割机等230多台精良的加工、检测装备和完善的检测工艺,为生产高品质的防火阀系列产品提供了强有力的保证。
Yaoan strength: our company owns more than 230 excellent processing and
detecting equipment such as AMADA
[...] numeric control punch, cutting machine, bending machine, [...]
electric welder, fully automatic
air duct production line, plasma cutting machine, etc. imported from Japan and perfect detecting process which provides strong assurance for producing high-quality fire damper series products.
生产速度:4000到10000箱/ 8小时名单的机器在制造工厂:张钢分条机切割(断头台剪切机)卷圆机集装箱边缝焊机容器的形状不规 折 边 机 成型 冲 床 冲 压 复合顶部底部模具衬砌机不规则固定缝合机试验机。
Production Rate: 4,000 to 10,000 Containers/8 Hrs List of machines in the manufacturing plant: Gang Slitting Machine Cutting Of Sheets (Guillotine Shearing Machine) Round Rolling Machine Container Side Seam Welder Container Shape Forming Machine Irregular Flanging Machine Power Press Stamping Top Bottom Ends Compound Die Lining Machine Irregular Stationary Seaming Machine Testing Machine.




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