

单词 折光率

See also:


discount n
bend n

a loss
turn sth. over
suffer loss
document folded in accordion form
convert into (currency)
change direction
turn upside-down
accounts book
tenth (in price)
break (e.g. stick or bone)
tip sth. out (of a container)


fold v
break v
turn v

External sources (not reviewed)

A.2.3 浸油(用液体石蜡和氯代萘按不同重量匹配支 折光率 在 1. 490~1.570范围内的若干种浸油,并折光率测定仪测定折光率)。
A.2.3 Immersion oil ( several
[...] immersion oil with coefficient of refraction of 1.490 ~ 1.570 by mixing fluid wax and naphthalene chloride in different weight ratio.
折光率为1.48,且可 在需要时通过浸没在甲苯或二甲苯中而 [...]
Refractive index is near 1.48 [...]
and can be removed if necessary by soaking in toluene or xylene.
A.4.2 粉末分析法
[...] 取少量样品放在载玻片上,滴入所配的浸油(最接近石棉矿 折光率 的 一 种浸油)于样品上,盖 上盖玻片,放在显微镜下观察,若有与石棉矿物光学性质相吻合的矿物,即断定该矿物为石棉矿物的 [...]
Drop prepared immersion oil (a kind of immersion oil has the closest
[...] coefficient of refraction to asbestos mineral) [...]
on the sample.
通过 MCVD 流程,OFS 能够精确控制每光纤对纤芯折射 率, 包括纤芯的中心区域。
The MCVD process enables OFS to precisely control each
[...] fiber’s index of refraction across the core, including the [...]
core’s center region.
光速改变的率就可称为折 光指数,用来测试折光指数 的仪器就称为折光仪。
The ratio or change in the speed of light is called refractive index and [...]
instruments that measure this are called refractometers.
这些未来的福利随后被用适 当折算率折算为现值(见下文第 6 段)。
These future
[...] benefits are then discounted back to today’s values by using an appropriate discount rate (see para. 6 below).
在本财务期内以不同业务汇率 收到的会员国用欧元支付的会费与不变 率折 算 所产生的差额也将以汇率盈项或汇率 亏项入帐。
The differences arising from recording Member States’ contributions in euros received during the
financial period at varying
[...] operational rates of exchange as compared with the constant rate will also [...]
be recorded as gains or losses on exchange.
不得低于允许的最小弯曲半径光导 纤 维不 折 )。
Radii must not fall below the minimum permissible bend radii (do not bend OF).
以 公 允 價 值 計 量 的 外 幣 計
[...] 價 非 貨 幣 項 目,按 照 確 定 公 允 價 值 之 日 的率 折 算。
Non-monetary items measured at
fair value in a foreign currency are translated
[...] using the exchange rates at the date when the [...]
fair value was determined.
以人們配戴的眼鏡為例,其光率約 90 %,但全曄的觸控面板的透光度可達93%,這是目前全球最高的標準,可減緩亮度對比減低的視覺影響。
Their light transmission rates are about 90%, but the light transmission rate of Chenmtech's [...]
touch panel can reach 93%,
which is currently the highest standard in the world and can alleviate the influence of reduced brightness contrast on the sense of sight.
在評估使用價值時,估計未來現金流量將使用稅 折現 率折現至 其現值,以反映當前市場所評估之貨幣時間值及該資產特有風險。
In assessing value in use, the estimated
future cash flows are discounted to their present value
[...] using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current [...]
market assessments
of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
評估使用價值時,會以除稅折現 率折 算 估 計日後現金流量至現值, 以 反 映 現 時市場 對金 錢 時間 值及 未有 對估計未 來現金流量 作出 調整 的資 產之 特定 [...]
風險 的 評 估。
In assessing value in use, the
estimated future cash flows are
[...] discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current [...]
market assessments
of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.
The reason the lines do not intercept at zero is because the reference side of the refractometer unintentionally had a slightly different solvent in it than that used to make up the sample solutions.
他着重指出,“紧急情况”涉及 面很大,不只是涉及处于媒体光率 高 的 阶段的情况,而且在过渡和恢复阶段以 [...]
He highlighted the fact that “emergency”
[...] covers a large range of situations, [...]
not just the high-media phase, and that one
also needed to look at long-term responses covering the transition and recovery phases and post-disaster reconstruction as well.
深紫色的外包裝以及活力四射的瓶 折光 , 突出了這款香水的激情和萬寶龍品牌對細節的關注。
The intense colour of the packaging with the
[...] vibrating light beam underlines the [...]
passion of details so dear to the brand.
除上述建议外:还应当为总部外办事处和教科文组织全国委员会系统注入媒体能力, 改善网站维护、向媒体提供专家文章、支持有关部委的媒体单位、教科文组织就可持续发展 教育和全民教育已经开发的媒体工具包、定期就教科文组织各项活动进行新闻通气会,以及 提高全国委员会和第 2 类中心在网上的光率。
Beyond recommendations already made above: media capacities systematically introduced into field offices and National Commissions; better website maintenance; provision of expert articles to the media; support of the media units of the ministries concerned; media kits already developed by UNESCO on ESD and EFA; regular press briefing on UNESCO activities; and the enhancement of National Commissions’ and category 2 centres’ Internet presence.
在開發新的高率光源, 沃爾皮工程師的基於機器視覺的要求。
In the development of
[...] new high-power light source, the Volpi [...]
engineers based on the requirements of the machine vision.
本船在设计满载吃水条件下,主机发出最大持续 率 , 光 洁 船身,蒲氏风不大于3级,浪高不大于2级,深静水试航速度为34.0km/h。本船各种装载情况下的稳性均满足中国船级社(CCS)《内河高速船入级与建造规范》(2002)及中华人民共和国海事局(CHINA [...] [...]
Under design full load draught condition, the ship gives
[...] the maximum power with clean hull; the [...]
wind is not greater than Beaufort 3, wave
height no more than Grade two, the deep hydrostatic trial speed is 34.0km / h. Under various loading conditions, the ship's stability can meet China Classification Society (CCS) "High-speed boat Classification and Construction principles" (2002) and the Republic of China Maritime Safety Administration (CHINA MSA) "River Marine Rules of Statutory Inspection Techniques" (2004) and "Change Notification" (2007 and 2008) and the "Yangtze River and Three Gorges Ships Inspection Supplementary Provisions" (2004) on the B-level navigation area and J2-level sail section.
對於預碰撞傳感,紅外率光源會 照亮車輛前方 最遠 20 米的區域,而且 3D 攝像機會錄制三維 圖像並識別障礙物。
For Pre-Crash
[...] Sensing the area in front of the car up to 20 m ahead is illuminated by an IR [...]
power light source, and a 3D
camera records a 3-dimensional image and recognizes obstacles.
海 外 子 公 司 於 本 年 經 常 發 生
[...] 的 現 金 流 量 按 當 年 加 權 平 均率 折 算 成 港 幣。
Frequently recurring cash flows of overseas
subsidiaries which arise throughout the year are translated into Renminbi at the
[...] weighted average exchange rates for the year.
在 釐 定 代 價 時,買 方 已 計 入Kingsrich繳
足 資 本1,000美 元(相 等 於
[...] 約7,816港 元)及 二 零 零 七 年 五 月 三 十 一 日 貸 款 金 額295,528美 元(按 協 定率 折 算,相 等 於 約2,309,965港 元),亦 計 入(i)估 值 師 告 知 本 公 司 該 土 地 於 二 [...]
零 零 七 年 三 月 三 十 一 日
之 巿 值 約 為 人 民 幣65,000,000元(相 等 於 約 66,740,000港 元),較 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 根 據 土 地 使 用 權 出 讓 合 同 應 付 的 土 地 出 讓 金 為 高;及(ii) 賣 方 在 成 立 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 時 所 花 的 時 間 及 所 付 出 的 努 力,包 括 但 不 限 於 就 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 合 資 合 同 及 合 資 章 程 以 及 土 地 使 用 權 出 讓 合 同 的 條 款 而 進 行 的 磋 商。
In the determination of the Consideration, the Purchaser has considered the paid up capital of Kingsrich of US$1,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$7,816) and the
amount of the Loan as
[...] at 31 May 2007 of US$295,528 (equivalent to approximately HK$2,309,965 at the Agreed Exchange Rate) and has also considered [...]
(i) the market
value of the Land as at 31 March 2007 of approximately RMB65 million (equivalent to approximately HK$66.74 million) as indicated to the Company by the Valuer which is higher than the amount of land premium payable by JYTP under the Land Use Right Grant Contract; and (ii) the time and effort spent by the Vendor in the setting up of JYTP including, but not limited to, the negotiation of the terms of the joint venture contract and the joint venture articles of JYTP and the Land Use Right Grant Contract.
(ii) 非上市投資包括可供出售財務資產及按公允價值透過損益列賬的財務資產的公允價值乃參照相關投資的市價或 類似投資的現行市場價值或相關淨資產的預計未來現金流入 折 現 率折 現 釐 定, 折 現 率 反 映現時市場評估的 時間值及資產之特有風險。
(ii) The fair value of unlisted investments including available-for-sale financial assets and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is determined by reference to the market prices of the underlying investments, the current market value of similar investments or the estimated future cash
flows generated from the
[...] underlying net assets discounted at a rate that reflects current market [...]
assessment of the time
value of money and the risks specific to the assets.
因收購海外業務產生的商譽及公平值調整乃視為該項海外業 務的資產及負債,並按期末率折算。
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising from the acquisition of a
foreign operation are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign operation and are
[...] translated at the closing rate.
采用报表日的实际率折算得出的数值与采用财政两年期最后一个月 的联合国率折算得出的数值有重大差别时,应在脚注中说明差额。
In the event that the application
[...] of actual exchange rates at the date of the statements would provide a valuation materially different from the application of the organization’s rates of exchange for the [...]
last month of the financial
biennium, a footnote will be presented quantifying the difference.
就以攤銷成本列賬的貿易及其它流動應收賬及其它金融資產而言,減值虧損是以資產的賬面金額與以其初始實際利率(即在 初始確認有關資產時計算的實際率 ) 折 現 ( 如果折現會造成重大的影響)的預計未來現金流量現值之間的差額計量。
For trade and other current receivables and other financial assets carried at amortised cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present
value of estimated
[...] future cash flows, discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate (i.e. the effective interest rate computed at [...]
initial recognition of
these assets) where the effect of discounting is material.
[...] 公平值,乃以現時市場利率 (本集團就類似財務工具須 付出之率) 折算未來合約現金流量估算。
The fair value of financial liabilities for disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting the
future contractual cash flows at the current
[...] market interest rate that is available [...]
to the Group for similar financial instruments.
RImax是一款模块化系统,由集成溶剂与进样模块的GPCmax、示 折光 检 测 器、色谱柱温箱组成,并配有同样在TDAmax科研系统中使用的功能强大的OmniSEC软件。
The RImax is a modular system consisting of the
GPCmax integrated solvent and sample
[...] delivery module, refractive index detector, [...]
column oven, plus the same powerful OmniSEC
software used in the TDAmax research system.
检查专员将公司赞助定义为私营部门和 联合国实体的合作关系,其中私营部门实体为了提高其企业形象,通过提供财政 或实物支持,支助一场活动达到宣传的目的,以换取 光率 和 (或)接触到更广泛 的受众。
The Inspectors have defined corporate sponsorship as a form of partnership between the private sector and United Nations entities in which the private sector entity, aiming to enhance its corporate image, supports an event or activity through the provision of financial or in-kind support for promotional purposes, in exchange for publicity and/or to obtain access to a wider audience.
倘 應 收 賬
[...] 款 減 值,本 集 團 會 將 其 賬 面 值 撇 減 至 可 收 回 金 額,即 按 該 工 具 原 有 實 際率 折 現 估 計 未 來 現 金 流 量,然 後 逐 步 將 折 扣 額 確 認 為 利 息 收 入。
When a receivable is impaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, being the
estimated future cash flow
[...] discounted at original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continues unwinding the discount as interest income.
[...] 在損益賬內確認,而有關數額乃根據資產賬面值與按原有實際 率折 現 之 估計未來 現金流量現值之間的差額計算得出。
For financial assets carried at amortised cost, an impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired, and is measured as the difference between the asset’s
carrying amount and the present value of the estimated
[...] future cash flows discounted at the original [...]
effective interest rate.




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