

单词 抗药能力

See also:

能力 n

capacity n
capability n
capabilities pl
abilities pl
competence n
capacities pl

External sources (not reviewed)

8在发 展中国家,基础设施不足是个重要的问题, 能 意 味 着即使是低价药品也被闲置或误用,并 导致药品有抵抗力的病 原体或病毒产生。
Even so the cost of drugs is a controversial political issue in developed countries, for governments and for patients not covered by effective state or insurance schemes.8 In developing countries, inadequacy of the infrastructure is an important problem, and
may mean that even inexpensive
[...] medicines are not used, or that they may be misused and contribute to the emergence of drug resistant pathogens or a virus.
(e) 保持已经建立的抗病虫害监控机构 能力 , 研 究当地害虫对磷化氢 抗药 性,制定病虫害防治标准
(e) Sustaining the capacity of the established insect resistance control unit (ICRU) [...]
to study the phosphine resistance of
local pests as well as develop pest control standards
另一方面,具备一定研能力的制药 商 或 能够从跨国公司 得到特许的制药商可以从专利保护制度受益。
On the other hand, producers who are
[...] developing a research capability, or who may be able [...]
to obtain licences from multinational
companies, may perceive benefits from patent protection.
网络还更能提供 对灾难事件和环境其他变化更高 的抗力,例如气候变化。
A network is also more likely to provide higher resilience to catastrophic events and other changes [...]
in the environment, such as climate change.
若 干这些国家已作出力确保 其电厂和电 能抗 御 热 带风暴影响。
Several such States have made
[...] efforts to ensure that their power plants and grids are tropical-storm-resistant.
这对建筑木工的能标 准 与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是 抗 震 建 筑提供更 好的熟练劳力。
Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.
同样重要的是监测替代品的性能表现, 以确保其能表现 的连续性(例如,检查磷化 抗力 , 杀虫剂适当适用和熏蒸办法培训)。
Equally important is monitoring performance of alternatives to ensure continuity of
their performance
[...] (for example, checking for phosphine resistance, training in appropriate pesticide [...]
application/fumigation methods).
确认尽管对疟疾控制的全球和国家投资增加,在减少许多国家的疟疾负担方 面取得很大成果,而且一些国家正在朝消除疟疾的方向迈进,但许多国家的疟疾 负担仍然很高,令人无法接受,为了实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与卫生有关 的千年发展目标,必须迅速加强预防和控制疟疾的努力,这些 力 严 重依 赖 药物 和杀虫剂,但由于人类抗疟药剂产 生 抗药 性 以 及蚊子对杀虫剂产 抗药 性 ,药 物和杀虫剂的效用不断受到威胁
Recognizing that, despite the fact that increased global and national investments in malaria control have yielded significant results in decreasing the burden of malaria in many countries, and that some countries are moving towards elimination of malaria, many countries continue to have unacceptably high burdens of malaria and in order to reach internationally agreed development goals, including the health-related Millennium Development Goals, must rapidly increase
malaria prevention and control
[...] efforts, which rely heavily on medicines and insecticides whose utility is continuously threatened by the development of resistance in humans to antimalarial agents, as [...]
well as resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides
这也有助于减轻对稀缺资源,如粮食供应的压力, 从而增强抗能力和公平。
This also contributes to reduced pressure on scarce resources, such as food supplies so increasing resilience and equity.
然而,由于生物制剂系统的复杂性,药物载体或转移媒介,例如:脂质体、微球、聚合物、蛋白质复合物、病毒颗粒及 能 化 纳 米颗粒,常常需要改进传输方式、增加 力 , 甚至 对 药 物 的 释放进行控制,同时降低药物潜在的毒性。
Given the complexity of biological systems however, drug carriers or transport vehicles such as liposomes, microspheres, polymers, protein-conjugates, virosomes, and functionalized nanoparticles, are
often required to improve delivery,
[...] enhance efficacy, and even control the release of the pharmaceutical, as well as reduce potential drug toxicity.
(h) 考虑发展全面综合的治疗体系,在科学循证的基础上提供药理学(如 解毒以及阿片显效药和抗药保持疗法)和心理学(如咨询、认知行为治疗和 社会支助)两方面相结合的广泛干预手段,同时侧重于康复、恢复和重返社会 过程;(i) 加强力,以减轻吸毒对个人和整个社会造成的有害影响,同时不仅
(h) Consider developing a comprehensive treatment system offering
a wide range of
[...] integrated pharmacological (such as detoxification and opioid agonist and antagonist maintenance) and psychosocial (such as counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy and social support) interventions based on scientific evidence [...]
and focused on the process
of rehabilitation, recovery and social reintegration
[...] 侵害行为,因为一些最严重的大规模国内暴力发生在非常贫穷的国家,最穷的人 没有抗能力(不过 ,对犹太人的大屠杀以及最近在巴尔干发生的暴行证明,贫 [...]
On balance, substantial increments in levels of general development assistance could well reduce the aggregate incidence of crimes and violations relating to the responsibility to protect, because some of the worst cases of mass domestic violence have
occurred in very poor countries, where the poorest of
[...] the poor lack the capacity to resist (the Holocaust [...]
and the more recent atrocities
in the Balkans, however, attest that poverty is not a necessary condition).
对多种 药物产抗药性的 结核病的流行是令人关注的主要疾病,有越来越多的证据表 明,存在对大量药物具抗药性的 结核病。
The epidemic of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis is a major concern, with growing evidence of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
2005 年修改了《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》,允许对没有药 能力的国家颁发强制性许可证。
The TRIPS Agreement was amended in 2005 to allow for compulsory licensing for
[...] countries without a pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity.
但是,卖方的法律责任,能承担 责任,如果他证明该故障或不适当履行其义务,是由于买方,不可预测和无法克服的第三方的提供的服务无关条件,或不 抗力 的 情 况。
However, the Seller's liability can not be held liable if he proves that
the failure or
[...] improper performance of its obligations is attributable to the Buyer, the unpredictable and insurmountable a third party unconnected with the provision of the services Conditions, or a case of force majeure.
尿中的沙丁胺醇含量超过1000 ng/ml或者福莫特罗超过30 ng/mL 将被推定
[...] 为不属于有意的治疗用药,因此将被视为阳性检测结果,除非该运动 能 通过药代动力学研 究证明此不正常结果确系因使用达到上述最大值的治疗性吸 [...]
The presence in urine of salbutamol in excess of 1000 ng/mL or formoterol in excess of 30 ng/mL is presumed not to be an intended therapeutic use of the substance and will be considered as an Adverse Analytical
Finding unless the Athlete proves,
[...] through a controlled pharmacokinetic study, that the abnormal [...]
result was the consequence
of the use of the therapeutic inhaled dose up to the maximum indicated above.
吁请国际社会支持通过各种途径,让疟疾流行国家,特别是非洲国家中 有能接触恶性疟原虫疟抗药性菌 株的人有更多的机会,以负担得起的价格购 买各种关键性产品,例如病媒控制措施,包括室内滞留喷剂、长效驱虫蚊帐、环 境管理和疫苗、利用快速诊断检测剂进行监测和青蒿素类复方药物,包括增加资 金和采用新的机制,尤其是酌情为青蒿素的生产和采购提供经费并扩大其规模, 以满足更大的需求
the international community to support ways to expand access to and the affordability of key products, such as vector control measures, including indoor residual spraying, long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, environmental management and vaccines, as well as by monitoring surveillance through rapid diagnostic tests, and artemisinin-based combination therapy for populations at risk of exposure to resistant strains of falciparum malaria in malaria-endemic countries, particularly in Africa, including through additional funds and innovative mechanisms, inter alia, for the financing and scaling-up of artemisinin production and procurement, as appropriate, to meet the increased need
框架提出若干问题以引导关键领域的资料收集和分 析,涉及 (a) 民族、族裔、种族或宗教群体的存在和易受害问题;(b) 侵犯这种群 体人权的事件;(c) 国内防止灭绝种族能力;(d) 是否存在武装抗力量;(e) 是否存在任何重大的政治、经济等方面的动机趋势政治领袖挑动群体之间的分 裂;(f) 是否已经出现构成灭绝种族罪的要素;(g) [...]
是否有出现致命弱点的时候; 以及 (h)
是否存在某种苗头,决心要摧毁人口中一个民族、族裔、种族、或宗教 群体等问题。
The framework asks a number of questions to prompt information collection and analysis of key areas, about (a) the existence and vulnerability of national, ethnic, racial or religious
group(s); (b) human
[...] rights violations committed against such group(s); (c) domestic capacity to prevent genocide; (d) the existence of armed opposition actors; (e) the [...]
existence of any significant
political or economic other motivation encouraging political leaders to stoke divisions between groups; (f) whether elements of the crime of genocide are already occurring; (g) whether there are moments of particular vulnerability approaching; and (h) whether there is a discernible intent to commit to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious population group.
腹泻是海地五岁以下儿童最主要的致死病因之一,而且,长期的腹泻或病情反复会导致儿童的营养不良,身体的疾病 抗能力 也 会 随之下降。
Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes of death among children under age five in Haiti, and chronic or repeated sufferers can become malnourished and vulnerable to other illnesses.
Fordaq将不对因为市场的任何延迟, 能 不 足 或服务中断而承担责任,Fordaq也不对因为不 抗力 或 异 常的问题例如罢工,洪水等 通讯问题或电脑病毒或其他任何由于第三方造成的原因承担责任。
Fordaq shall not be responsible for any delay, poor functioning or service interruption of the Market Fordaq shall
also not be liable
[...] for any events which are due to force majeure, or for exceptional problems capable of or affecting its performance, [...]
such as
strikes, floods etc., telecommunication problems or the interference of computer viruses or generally any event which is due to a third party.
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 土的大麻药草绝大部分是经陆路走私;经干燥后,大 药 草 借助 压 力 机 和液压 千斤顶被装在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非法市场。
Mexican authorities reported that the vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as well as entering, its territory was smuggled by land; once dried, the cannabis herb was packed in plastic bags with the help of presses and hydraulic jacks and then transported to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries.
指数建立了社会责任投资方式投 资的基准,能够显示因关注环境、社会和治理问题 而带来的长期价值和风险抗能力。
The index set up a benchmark for SRI style
investment, which might be able to indicate the long term
[...] values and risk resistant capacity which result from [...]
ESG concerns.
吁请国际社会,包括通过现有的伙伴关系,增加投资和加 力 度 , 研发 与疟疾有关的安全和负担得起的新药、新产品和新技术,如疫苗、快速诊断性检 测、杀虫剂和使用方法,以预防和治疗疟疾,特别是用于面临风险的儿童和孕妇, 以提高有效性和推抗药性的产生
Calls upon the international community, including through existing
partnerships, to increase
[...] investment in and efforts towards the research and development of new, safe and affordable malaria-related medicines, products and technologies, such as vaccines, rapid diagnostic tests, insecticides and delivery modes, to prevent and treat malaria, especially for at-risk children and pregnant women, in order to enhance effectiveness and delay the onset of [...]
专家组还正在调查向科特迪瓦北部贩运某些非军事商品同向该地区转运大 宗武器和药之间可能存在的联系,上一个专家组的报告(S/2009/521)第 [...]
124 至 151 段报告了这一情况。
The Group is also investigating a potential link between trafficking in certain non-military commodities into the north of
Côte d’Ivoire and the large
[...] transfers of weapons and ammunition into that region, [...]
which the previous Group of Experts reported
in paragraphs 124 to 151 of its report (S/2009/521).
出現下列情況時,各方均不應被認為違約,也不應要求另一方承擔責任:任一方遭受地震、洪水、火災、暴風雨、自然災難、天災、戰爭、恐怖主義、武裝鬥爭、工人罷工、停工、抵制或其他超過此方合理控 能力 之 外 之類似事件,而導致其停止、中斷或延遲履行本協議義務 (支付義務除外),但前提是援引本條款 (第 17 條) 的此方 (i) 就此迅速發出書面通知;且 (ii) 採取所有必要合理之措施以減輕不 抗力 事 件 之影響;更進一步,假設不 抗力 事 件持續之時間總計超過 30 天期限,則各方均可在書面通知後立即終止本協議。
Neither party shall be deemed in default hereunder, nor shall it hold the other party responsible for, any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder (excluding payment obligations) due to earthquake, flood, fire,
storm, natural
[...] disaster, act of God, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, boycott or other similar events beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided that the party relying upon this Section 17: (i) gives prompt written notice thereof; and (ii) takes all steps reasonably necessary to mitigate the effects of the force majeure event; provided further, that in the event a force majeure event [...]
extends for a period
in excess of thirty (30) days in the aggregate, either party may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice.
这 往往是由于没有机会获取
[...] 础设施落后,距离遥远,有交通问题;初级保健中心人满为患;公共健康教育不 足,包括老年人或其家人认为疾病症状是老龄化引起的而延误就医;专业保健人 员人数不足和能不足;药物短缺。
This is often the result of lack of access to health care, including the distance and cost of travelling to a facility, especially in rural areas where infrastructure is underdeveloped, distances are vast and transportation is problematic; overcrowding of primary health centres; inadequate public health education, including delays in seeking health care when older persons or their families attribute
symptoms of a disease to ageing; understaffing and
[...] inadequate skills of health professionals; and shortage of medication.
对于因双方合理控能力之外的情况导致的任何延迟或未 能执行本协议下规定的任何义务,双方均无需承担任何责任,此处所指 的情况包括但不限于火灾、洪水、爆炸、事故、不 抗力 、 已 宣布或未 宣布的战争或暴乱、罢工、停工或工人的其他集体行为、政府行为、原 材料短缺、未能获得出口或进口许可、《美国出口管制条例》的任何条 款或规定,或任何政府行为、不作为、监管、许可、命令或裁定。
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if and to the extent such delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to, fires, floods, explosions, accidents, acts of God, declared and undeclared wars or riots, strikes, lockouts or other concerted acts of workmen, acts of government, shortages of materials, inability to obtain export or import licenses, or any provision or requirement of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations or any government act, omission, regulation, license, order or rule.
对BOPP香烟包装膜发皱、雾度增大机理的研究,认为BOPP烟用薄膜对纸皮残留溶剂的 抗能力 与 薄 膜的双向拉伸过程、使用的助剂有较大的关系,经过无数次的试验和攻关,成功开发了制备抗皱防污BOPP香烟包装膜的拉伸工艺和专用的助剂体系,形成了抗皱防污BOPP香烟包装膜的完整的生产工艺技术。
BOPP cigarette packaging films for wrinkling, increasing
the mechanism of haze that BOPP tobacco
[...] film for mosaic resistance of residual solvents [...]
in two-way stretch with the film
process, the use of additives have a greater relationship, after numerous testing and research, has developed a preparation of anti-wrinkle anti-fouling BOPP cigarette packing film stretching technology and proprietary additives system, the formation of anti-wrinkle anti-fouling BOPP cigarette packaging films of the complete production process technology.




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