

单词 抗水解

See also:

水解 n

hydrolysis n

水解 v

hydrolyzeAE v

水解 adj

hydrolytic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

This is achieved through higher
[...] strength and hydrolysis resistance.
受益于其绝佳的抗大气成分性、强抗氧化和潮湿性、高压绝缘性以及粘附剂的长时 抗水解 性 , dyMat PYE3000® 适用于电池组件的封装。
Thanks to its excellent resistance to the atmospheric agents, its strong barrier to oxygen and humidity, the high
voltage insulation and the long term
[...] resistance to the hydrolysis of adhesives, [...]
dyMat PYE3000® is properly indicated for
solar cell module encapsulation.
聚醚基特种聚合物具有优异的低温性能 抗水解 和 抗 真 菌 性。
Polyether-based engineered polymers exhibit excellent
[...] low-temperature properties, hydrolysis, and fungus resistance.
原子空间排列产生抗水解性是 由于在偕二甲基组中接近酰胺功能性的位置排列决定的。
Steric hindrance to hydrolysis results from [...]
the positioning of the geminal dimethyl group adjacent to the amide functionality.
Hydrolysis resistance improves [...]
tear strength
CYANEX 272萃取剂与常见的芳香烃和脂肪烃类 的稀释剂可以完全互溶,而且在耐热性 抗水解 方面是非常稳定的。
CYANEX 272 extractant is totally miscible with common aromatic and aliphatic diluents, and is
[...] extremely stable to both heat and hydrolysis.
因此福伊特开发出一种聚酯单纤维丝 (PET) 的 SynStron 纱线,强韧度更高,具抗水解性, 能确保烘干机织物的使用寿命更长。
Thus Voith developed the SynStron yarn, a polyester monofilament (PET) that ensures a longer service life of the dryer fabrics.
良好高温性能(热变形温度为121~355℃)、良好的抗辐射性 抗水解 性 、 耐候性、耐化学药品性、固有的阻燃性、低发烟性、高尺寸稳定性、低吸湿性、极低的线膨胀系数、高冲击强度和刚性(按相同重量比较,LCP的强度大于钢,但刚性只是钢的15%)。
Good high-temperature properties (heat distortion
temperature is 121 ~ 355 ℃), good
[...] radiation resistance, hydrolysis resistance, weather [...]
ability, chemical resistance, inherent
flame resistance, low smoke, high dimensional stability, low moisture absorption resistance, low coefficient of linear expansion, high impact strength and rigidity (compared by the same weight, LCP’s stronger than steel, but 15% of rigid steel only).
聚异丁烯聚合物主链带来的阻隔性能能使空气 水 蒸 发 的渗透最小化,并且使这种聚合物 抗 热 降 解 和 保持机械性能方面优于大多数橡胶。
The polyisobutylene polymer chain imparts barrier properties
that minimize the
[...] transmission of air and water vapor and makes this polymer better than most rubbers at resisting degradation due to [...]
heat and in maintaining mechanical properties.
[...] 示,本港製造商已致力減低醬油及雞粉中的氯丙醇水平,並研發新的醬油配 方,以其他配料替代加水解植物 蛋白。
Previous surveys indicated that the local manufacturers had made much effort in reducing the levels of chloropropanols in sauces and
condiments and had reformulated their sauces by
[...] replacing acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein [...]
with other alternative ingredients.
合适的厨卫材料必须能够抗水及其 它大量压力源的影响和作用。
Suitable materials must be capable of
[...] withstanding the effects of water and many other sources [...]
of stress.
上帝抗军和解放力 量等武装团体继续实施暴行,严 重违反国际人道主义法,在某些情况下可能还构成危害人类罪。
Armed groups such as LRA and FDLR continue to commit atrocities, which amount to grave breaches of international humanitarian law and, in some instances, may also constitute crimes against humanity.
它们还可以提升热塑性聚氨酯弹性体最终产品(例如 垫片、O
[...] 形圈和密封圈等)的性能,具有卓越的低温抗挠 曲疲劳性、良好水解稳定性和抗化 学腐蚀性、优异的耐 油耐溶剂性、低压缩形变、低气味和良好的着色性。
They also improve the performance of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer end-products such as gaskets, o-rings and
seals, with excellent low-temperature
[...] flex fatigue, good hydrolysis and chemical resistance, [...]
excellent oil and solvent resistance,
low compression set, low odor and good paintability.
根據該機制,當市民遇到大廈管理方面的糾紛, 例如水、管理費及維修費用的分攤,或管理委員會的委任等, 可採用調解方式解決彼此的分歧,以便更快捷及更具成本效益 地,並以和諧的態度,而非用抗性 的 訴訟 解 決 糾 紛。
Under the mechanism, members of the public who encountered
building management
[...] disputes, such as water leakage, contribution of management fees and maintenance charges, or appointment of management committee, might use mediation to resolve their differences in a more efficient, cost-effective and amicable manner rather than to adopt a confrontational approach in litigation.
[...] 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防解决与水资源 问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water
ecosystems, research on
[...] disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, [...]
research in the sustainability
of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
2011年,CNNIC采用FPGA+DSP先进的硬件技术,利用FPGA高速的并行处理能 力和DSP快速灵活的运算能力,研制出高性能、高可靠、高安全的 D N S 解 决 方 案—— DN S - D 抗 攻 击 设备,此 设备具有体积小、功耗小、逻辑简单、处理能力强、软硬件升级方便等优点,解决了传统DNS设备纯软件架 构的性能瓶颈,极大地提高了设备的关键性能。
In 2011, CNNIC adopted FPGA+DSP advanced hardware technology, and developed a high-performance, high-reliability and high-security DNS solution - DNS-D anti-attack device by the high-speed parallel processing capacity of FPGA and rapid and flexible operational capacity of DSP, the device has the advantages of small size, lower power consumption, simple logic, strong processing capability, convenient upgrade of software and hardware, and the convergent effect broke the bottleneck of traditional DNS device’s pure software framework, and significantly improved the key performance of the device.
40注意 到这一知识体系,可以使我们对现象有所 解 , 并 对 抗 议 的 管理和使用武力作出 更好的知情决策。
Our understanding of the social and psychological forces at work during mass demonstrations has grown over the years.40
Taking cognisance of this body of
[...] knowledge can provide an understanding of the phenomenon, [...]
and better inform decisions on the
management of protest and the use of force.
阿尔及利亚强调:(a) 必须准确解水资源 的共有程度、水量和质量;(b) 必 须通过妥善保护和真诚合作,将有关国家可持续发展的环境层面纳入考虑,以公 [...]
平和合理地使用含水层;(c) 需要强化国家条例措施以及双边或次区域合作机 制,以确保有效保护含水层的水资源,使之不受各种形式的污染;(d)
必须保护 共有含水层国家获得其发展所需的足够水量的权利;(e) 必须引进机制,以交流 关于共有水资源及其综合管理条件的信息和知识。
Algeria emphasized: (a) the importance of precise
[...] knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their [...]
volume and their quality; (b) the
importance of integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation, for the equitable and reasonable utilization of aquifers; (c) the need to strengthen national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution; (d) the importance of protecting the right of countries sharing aquifers to have access to sufficient quantities for their development needs; and (e) the importance of introducing mechanisms for exchanging information and knowledge about shared water resources and the conditions for their integrated management.
系统中的湿气可能会导致冰阻碍、与制冷剂的反应、油的老化、氧化过程的加速以及隔热材料水 解。
Moisture in the system may cause ice blocking,
reaction with the refrigerant, ageing of the oil, acceleration of
[...] oxidation processes and hydrolysis with insulation [...]
Moreover, it is resistant to water, oil, dust and chemicals.
曾 有多項研究分析微波煮食對脂肪穩定性的影響,包括研究大豆、蛋黃和 肉類內甘油三酸酯水解作用;雞肉和牛肉餅、雞脂肪、牛脂、煙肉脂 [...]
肪、虹鳟魚及花生油內脂肪酸的概況;和肉類、蛋黃及雞肉所含的多元 不飽和脂肪酸的過氧化反應。
Various studies have been conducted to investigate the stability of
lipids upon microwave cooking,
[...] including studying the hydrolysis of triglycerides [...]
in soya, egg yolk and meats; fatty acid
profiles in chicken and beef patties, chicken fat, beef tallow, bacon fat, rainbow trout and peanut oil; peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in meat, egg yolk and chicken.
今天這項譴責甘議員行為不檢的議案,一共提出了兩項陳述,一項 是指甘議員“向傳媒發表的言論前後不一、有所隱瞞,使公眾對其誠信
[...] 產生懷疑”,另一項則是指甘議員“對被他評為整體工作表現良好的女助 理表示好感抗拒後而將解僱, 處事不公”。
Two representations are made in the motion today to censure Mr KAM for misbehaviour: one of them alleges that Mr KAM "made inconsistent remarks to the media and withheld key information, causing the public to have doubts about his integrity" and the other alleges that Mr KAM "was unfair in dismissing his female
assistant, whose overall work performance was judged by him to be good, after
[...] his expression of affection was rejected by her".
發泡板材質較軟有韌性、堅固耐用,且 水 、 抗 U V , 約 3~5年不褪色,適用於車牌、告示板、立牌….等等。
Soft foam sheet materials are
[...] tough, durable, waterproof and anti-UV, about 3 to [...]
5 years without fading, for license plates, notice boards, standup bo.
在政府和一些研究者眼中,香港市民是經濟動物,對政治冷感,妥協性強,為了生計和穩定可以犧牲原則,而中產階級則忙於工作,遇到社會問題,選擇以私人的方 解 決 , 抗 拒 集 體行動。
For government leaders and some scholars, Hong Kong people are economic animals; they are apathetic towards politics; they think and act based upon calculation of concrete material interests rather than abstract
principles; they are busy with their
[...] work; and they solve their own problems with individual rather than collective [...]
根据安全理事会第 1906(2009)号决议的规定,我建议刚果(金)政府同中非共
[...] 和国、乌干达和苏丹政府一道,拟定一项符合国际人道主义法和人权法的区域战 略,以应对上帝抗军,包括解决侵 犯和虐待儿童问题,同时考虑到现有的区域 [...]
Pursuant to Security Council resolution 1906 (2009), I recommend to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo that it develop, along with the Governments of the Central African Republic, Uganda and the Sudan, a regional strategy in line with
international humanitarian and human rights
[...] law to deal with LRA, including on how to address [...]
the violations and abuses committed
against children, taking into account existing regional mechanisms.
急需改进和扩大国 家和国际水产养殖统计收集和报告计划,以便根据2003年各国在通过《粮农组织改
[...] 进水产养殖状况和趋势信息的战略和规划纲要》时的承诺,完全 解水 产 养 殖。
There is an urgent need to improve and expand national and international aquaculture statistics collection and reporting schemes in order to have a full understanding of aquaculture in accordance with the commitments made by
States in 2003 in adopting the FAO Strategy and Outline Plan for Improving Information on
[...] Status and Trends of Aquaculture.
[...] 减缓和适应气候变化;农村和小型农业;推广低成本、低技术的供能和 水解决 方 案;保护海洋和沿海资源和渔业;基础设施投资;提倡稳定就业;支持社会安 [...]
Increasing efforts in vulnerable countries should be prioritized through investment and targeted partnerships where capacity-building for resilience to external shocks is required: climate change mitigation and adaptation; rural and small-scale agriculture;
diffusion of low-cost and
[...] low-technology solutions for energy and water provision; protection [...]
of marine and coastal resources
and fisheries; investment in infrastructure; promotion of secure jobs; support for social safety nets; empowerment of women; recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights; and addressing political conflict.
理事会成员,包括哥斯达黎加、巴拉圭和秘 鲁代表团强烈支持这一项目,强调 解水 资 源 和文化多样性之间的联系的重要性,承认这一项 目在便转化和应用科学技术以处理特别是世界上发展中国家与水有关的问题方面具有特别的相 [...]
Members of the Council, in particular the delegates of Costa Rica, Paraguay and Peru, strongly supported this
project, highlighting
[...] the importance of understanding the linkages between water and cultural diversity, [...]
recognizing that
it is particularly relevant in order to translate and apply science and technologies to address water-related issues, in particular in the developing countries of the world.




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