

单词 抗抑郁剂

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轻度至中抑郁症的典型症状包括情绪变化,力量缺乏,睡眠障碍,焦虑,食欲紊乱,注意力不集中 抗 逆 性 差。
Typical symptoms of major depression of mild to moderate severity include mood changes, lack of energy, sleep problems, anxiety, appetite disturbance, [...] [...]
difficulty concentrating and poor stress tolerance.
SILFOAM®系列有机硅消剂能高效抑泡 消泡性能和优异 抗 碱 性 、相容性,确保了它在任何类型的洗涤产品中都表现出卓越的消泡性能和分散稳定性。
SILFOAM® provides high efficiency foam control, alkaline resistance and compatibility, ensuring outstanding defoaming effects and a homogeneous distribution for any type of detergent.
神经性厌食症的治疗通常包括:个体心理治疗和家庭心理治疗 抗抑郁 药 物 和饮食建议,以及应对生理疾病所需的治疗。
Treatment will commonly include personal or
[...] family therapy, antidepressants and dietary [...]
advice, alongside any treatment required for physical problems.
研究Diclofensine(回顾)表明,该代理是一种兴 剂 , 还对生物体产生 抗抑郁 作 用
The studies of Diclofensine (reviews) have shown that the agent is a stimulant, and also produces an antidepressant effect on the living organisms.
在细田摄子医生教授身心平衡的过程中,她发现当中的很多技巧已经证实能够帮助 抗抑郁 、 焦虑和高血压症状。
In Dr. Hosoda’s experience teaching the
course, she has noted that these techniques have proven useful
[...] for countering depression, anxiety and [...]
high blood pressure.
在您戒烟时帮您解决焦虑抑郁或心 理健 康问题。
Help with anxiety, depression or mental health [...]
while you are trying to quit.
These medicines may interfere with the
[...] effectiveness of the anti-depressants. They [...]
may worsen your symptoms, or cause severe and even fatal side effects.
要治疗产后抑郁,可进行辅导、疗法,透过支持网络互相支持,以及服用药物 抗抑郁 药 等
Postpartum depression can be treated with counseling, therapy, support networks and drugs, including antidepressants.
但是,购买处方药、抗生素抗抑郁 药 和其他某些药物,则需要通常由药物 购买地所在州的巴西医生开处方。
However, the purchase of certain medications, such as
[...] prescription drugs, antibiotics, antidepressants and others [...]
require a prescription issued by a
Brazilian doctor, usually from the same state as where the medicine is to be acquired.
根 据 《 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条 例 》 ( 第 132 章 ) 第 55 条 而 订 立 的 《 食 物 内 防 腐 剂 规 例 》 所 载 , 防剂 是 指 任 何抑 制 、 减 慢 或 遏 止 食 物 的 发 酵 、 发 酸 或 其 他 变 坏 过 程 或 能 掩 盖 食 物 腐 烂 征 状 的 物 质 , 但 不 包 括 添 加 于 食 物 内 以 维 持 或 提 高 其 营 养 价 值 的 物 质 , 或 任 何 准抗 氧 化 剂 、 准 许 染 色 料 及 食 盐 ( 氯 化 钠 ) 。
As listed under the Preservatives in Food Regulations in Hong Kong, made under section 55 of Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132), preservative means any
substance, which is capable of inhibiting,
[...] retarding or arresting the process of fermentation, acidification or other deterioration of food or masking any of the evidence of putrefaction but this term does not include substances added to food for maintaining or improving nutritional qualities or any permitted antioxidant, permitted colouring matter, common salt (sodium chloride).
瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡研究所的Lars H. Lund, M.D.,
[...] Ph.D.及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在检查肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS) 抗剂 ( 即 血管紧张素转换酶 [A C E ] 抑 制 剂 或 血 管紧张素受体阻滞剂 [ARBs ] )是否与射血分数(这是左心室每次收缩时的泵血功能好坏的一个指标)得到维持的心衰患者死亡率的下降有关。
Lars H. Lund, M.D., Ph.D., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues conducted a study to examine
whether renin-angiotensin
[...] system (RAS) antagonists (i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors or angiotensin [...]
receptor blockers
[ARBs] are associated with reduced mortality in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (a measure of how well the left ventricle of the heart pumps with each contraction).
最有效的联合用药方法包括:至少使用两 抗 生 素 加上胃酸分 抑 制 剂。
The most effective combinations
[...] include at least two antibiotics plus the acid reducers.
伟大的将是在国家,谁在他身上打下铁梁,粉碎他,使他的呼声达到上天的手痛苦的以法莲支派弥赛亚要经过七年,但他愿意为成全提交他的人民,不仅是生活,而且还死了所有这些谁是亚当死亡;和神地的天上的宝座,他的战车在四活物的处置带来的复活和再生对所有天体的伟大工程 抗剂 “ ( pesiḥ.传译36)。
Great will be the suffering the Messiah of the tribe of Ephraim has to undergo for seven years at the hand of the nations, who lay iron beams upon him to crush him so that his cries reach heaven; but he willingly submits for the sake of his people, not only those living, but also the dead, for all those who died since Adam; and God places the four beasts of the heavenly throne-chariot at his
disposal to bring about the great work of resurrection and regeneration against
[...] all the celestial antagonists" (Pesiḥ. R. 36).
同样重要的 是,要治疗患抑郁症和 其他精神障碍的人,并建立可向自杀或暴力的受害人或 [...]
It is also crucial to treat those
[...] suffering from depression and other mental [...]
disorders and to establish crisis centres that
can provide immediate support to victims or potential victims of suicide or violence.
现时一种称为SSRI’s 的药物,是相对地较新抗抑郁药, 可透过针对脑部影响情绪的元素 — 血清素而发挥效用,并帮助许多恐惧症患者。
A relatively new class of antidepressants called SSRI's can work on serotonin, which is a chemical signal in the brain that affects mood, can also help many patients with phobia.
而且,对儿童的暴力会对儿童的情感和健康产生严重的终身影 响;暴力影响了儿童的发展和学习能力,禁锢了积极的人际关系,造成创伤抑 郁,并往往导致冒险和侵犯性行为。
Moreover, violence against children has a serious, lifelong emotional and health impact on children’s lives; it undermines child development
and learning
[...] abilities, inhibits positive relationships, provokes trauma and depression and often leads [...]
to risk-taking and aggressive behaviour.
[...] 她提请委员会注意,她的健康状况,她在来文内附上了一份医检证明证实她患有 若干生理和心理紊乱症,包抑郁症 , 严重失眠和自杀倾向。
Lastly, she drew the Committee’s attention to her state of health, enclosing with her submission a medical certificate attesting to the fact that
she had numerous disorders, both physical and
[...] psychiatric, including depression, severe insomnia [...]
and suicidal tendencies.
前不久,他在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿召开的心血管研究技术2013年会上进行过呈报,那次呈报显示,血小板反应性驱动 抗 血 小 板策略的成本效益同样优于所有PCI患者普遍使用较强效 抑 制 剂 替 卡 格雷。
This follows his recent presentation at the 2013 annual Cardiovascular Research Technologies meeting in Washington DC, where his presentation demonstrated that a platelet reactivity driven
antiplatelet strategy is
[...] also more cost-effective than a universal strategy of giving the more potent inhibitor, ticagrelor, to all PCI patients.
经常疲劳,可能表明甲状腺功能减退症 抑郁 症 , 纤维肌痛,肝炎,贫血或其他症状。
Frequent fatigue may indicate hypothyroidism, depression, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, anemia or another condition.
根据目抗体是 否分泌并在高尔基体内滞留,激酶或磷酸化蛋白是否需要磷酸 抑 制 剂 , 核 蛋白是否需要磷脂双分子层部分溶解和DNA松弛,细胞透化需要选择不同的方式。
There are different choices for cell
permeabilization depending
[...] on whether the antibody target is to be secreted and therefore sequestered in the Golgi, a kinase or phosphoprotein that requires aggressive inhibition of phosphatases, [...]
or a nuclear protein that requires
partial dissolution of two membranes and relaxation of the DNA.
在一些病例 中,一些药物的用途可能不同于你所熟悉的 用途,例如抗抑郁药或 抗惊厥药治疗疼痛。
In some cases this may be a different use of the drug to the one with which you are familiar, eg using antidepressants or anticonvulsants to treat pain.
在病毒学领域,Progenics 公司正在开发病毒体侵抑制剂 PRO 140,该药是一种与协同受体 CCR5 结合的人化单克抗体,用于抑制人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 感染。
In virology, Progenics is also
[...] developing the viral-entry inhibitor PRO 140, a humanized monoclonal antibody which binds to co-receptor CCR5 to inhibit human immunodeficiency [...]
virus (HIV) infection.
此外,AAD-2004还表现出了能够与氟西汀相比拟 抗抑郁 效 果
AAD-2004 also shows anti-depression effects comparable [...]
to fluoxetine.
一项研究报告说,一种胃泌素释放肽(GRP) 抗剂 能 减 退良性前列腺增生(BPH)大鼠模型的前列腺尺寸,良性前列腺增生(BPH)是一种进行性的、与年龄有关的前列腺组织扩增,其特征是前列腺扩大和缺乏有效的疗法。
A study reports that a gastrin-releasing
[...] peptide (GRP) antagonist reduces prostate [...]
size in a rat model of benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), a progressive, age-related proliferation of prostatic tissues characterized by prostate enlargement and lacking effective treatments.
在一项包括了90名接受脑肿瘤手术的病人的研究中,立陶宛(立陶宛健康科学大学)和美国(北卡罗莱纳大学查珀尔希尔分校及哈佛大学布里格姆与妇女医院)的研究人员发现,低T3(三碘甲状腺原氨酸)综合征可以预测不良的临床转归 抑郁 症 状
In a study of 90 patients undergoing surgery for brain tumor, researchers in Lithuania (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) and the United States (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard University) have discovered that
the finding of low T3 (triiodothyronine) syndrome is predictive of unfavorable
[...] clinical outcomes and depressive symptoms.
基金会的目标是为Aleksandra及其团队所照顾的孩子提供物资:衣服、鞋子、玩具、书籍及尿布等等。团队成员发现,一些人之所以不愿意领养儿童,是因为受到既定印象所影响,以为孤儿都较悲伤、不健康、且 抑郁。
The aim of the foundation is to provide for the material needs of the children Aleksandra and her team are taking care of: clothes, shoes, toys, books, diapers, etc. The team realize that sometimes parents are reluctant to adopt a child because of stereotypes and the idea that orphans are sad, ill and unhappy.
今天在南非开普敦举行的第五届国际艾滋病协会(IAS)艾滋病病因、治疗和预防大会上新公布的数据显示,具有艾滋病向性测定作用的遗传学方案可用于有效确定经CC R5 拮 抗剂 马 拉 韦罗(maraviroc)治疗后有起色的患者。
A genetic approach to determining HIV tropism can be used to effectively identify patients who will respond to treatment with the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc, according to new data presented today at the 5th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Cape Town, South Africa.
[...] 加强能提供病媒控制干预手段的保健体系,为疟疾的寄生虫学确认提供诊断手段 及青蒿素综合疗法,以及发展疟疾、寄生虫对抗疟药物抗药性和蚊虫对杀 剂抗 药性的日常监测系统。
Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals will require not only adequate financial resources, but also the strengthening of health systems capable of delivering vector control interventions, the provision of diagnostics for the parasitologic confirmation of malaria alongside treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies, and the development of routine surveillance systems
for malaria as well as for resistance of
[...] parasites to antimalarial medicines and resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides.




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