单词 | 抗忧郁药 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抗忧郁药 —antidepressantSee also:抗药—drug-resistance (of a pathogen) 忧郁—depressed • dejected • sullen
神经性厌食症的治疗通常包括:个体心理治疗和家庭心理治疗 、 抗 抑 郁药 物 和 饮食建议,以及应对生理疾病所需的治疗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Treatment will commonly include personal or [...] family therapy, antidepressants and dietary [...]advice, alongside any treatment required for physical problems. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
现时一种称为SSRI’s 的药物,是相对地较新的抗抑郁药, 可 透过针对脑部影响情绪的元素 — 血清素而发挥效用,并帮助许多恐惧症患者。 hsbc.com.hk | A relatively new class of antidepressants called SSRI's can work on serotonin, which is a chemical signal in the brain that affects mood, can also help many patients with phobia. hsbc.com.hk |
要治疗产后抑郁,可进行辅导、疗法,透过支持网络互相支持,以及服用药物 如 抗 抑 郁药 等。 hsbc.com.hk | Postpartum depression can be treated with counseling, therapy, support [...] networks and drugs, including antidepressants. hsbc.com.hk |
但是,购买处方药、抗生素、抗抑 郁药 和 其他某些药物,则需要通常由药物 购买地所在州的巴西医生开处方。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the purchase [...] of certain medications, such as prescription drugs, antibiotics, antidepressants and others [...]require a prescription [...]issued by a Brazilian doctor, usually from the same state as where the medicine is to be acquired. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一些病例 中,一些药物的用途可能不同于你所熟悉的 用途,例如用抗抑郁药或抗惊厥 药治疗疼痛。 thewpca.org | In some cases this may be a different [...] use of the drug to the one with which you are familiar, eg using antidepressants or anticonvulsants to treat pain. thewpca.org |
为了帮助缓解人们对艾滋病治疗药品 分 发的 担 忧 , 世 界卫生组织今年已经发行了在不利设 施下使用抗逆录 酶病毒进行治疗的第一份指南,并下发了该药品的制药商名录及产品清单 (包括 11 种抗逆录 酶病毒),这些产品都达到了世界卫生组织的质量标准,供联合国机构使 用。 iprcommission.org | In order to help allay concerns about delivery mechanisms for AIDS drugs, the WHO has this year produced the first treatment guidelines for using ARVs in poor settings and issued a list of manufacturers and products (including eleven ARVs) which meet WHO quality standards as suppliers to UN agencies. iprcommission.org |
其中心血管疾病、癌症、慢 性呼吸道疾病、糖尿病和忧郁症是威胁人的健康和发展的主要疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among them, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and depression represent the [...] leading threats to human health and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
压力上的差距:跟男生相比,女生往往会表现出他们承受 的压力更大,经历更严重的忧郁症, 而且这种差异会一直 贯穿于大学始终。 fgereport.org | A stress gap: Women display higher levels of [...] stress and depression than men, and [...]those differences persist throughout the undergraduate years. fgereport.org |
田园诗》中最出色的诗歌是《无限》,写于 1819 年,这一年诗人处于重度忧郁状态 ,差点到了自杀的地步,同时也激发了他的欲望,以创作作为自我救赎的方式。 wdl.org | The most [...] defining poem of the Idilli is L’Infinito, written [...]in 1819, a year in which the poet experienced a deep state of [...]melancholia, leading him almost to the point of suicide but which at the same time sparked in him a need to write as a means of salvation. wdl.org |
对多种 药物产生抗药性的 结核病的流行是令人关注的主要疾病,有越来越多的证据表 明,存在对大量药物具有抗药性的 结核病。 daccess-ods.un.org | The epidemic of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis is a major concern, with growing evidence of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. daccess-ods.un.org |
因使用可卡因而收治的情况将近占总收治人数的 15%,健康问题依然没有缓解,首次治疗需求有所增加,吸毒致死和对有害假 药的担忧日益引起人们对毒品的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Treatment admissions for cocaine use account for nearly 15 per cent of total admissions, and health concerns continue unabated, with increases in [...] first-time treatment [...] demand, drug-related fatalities and concern expressed at the harmful adulterants increasingly being added to the drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些药物可能会影响抗郁剂的功效、令病情恶化,亦可能引起严重甚至致命的副作用。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | These medicines may interfere with the effectiveness of the anti-depressants. [...] They may worsen your symptoms, or cause severe and even fatal side effects. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
对菲律宾的其他影响 在财政上还没有数量统计:飓风过后,由于亲人、财产和生计的丧失,该国 的忧 郁症和自杀率大幅上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other impacts on the Philippines have not been financially quantifiable: the country’s depression and suicide rates have increased significantly following the hurricanes, due to the loss of loved ones, possessions and livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
忧郁和厄运? fao.org | Gloom and doom? fao.org |
秋叶的色彩传递着一个信息——它 忧郁 地 预示着即将告别的漫长夏日,提醒人们黑暗和寒冷的冬天很快就会来到每一个角落。 visitfinland.com | Autumn leaf colour acts as a messenger of [...] sorts; it bids a melancholy farewell to [...]long summer days and serves as a reminder [...]of the dark and cold winter that looms around the corner. visitfinland.com |
助分泌多巴胺(对付忧郁症和 注意力不足过动症) 。 goodlifenutritionhouse.com | stimulates the production of [...] dopamine (fights depression and attention [...]deficit disorder). goodlifenutritionhouse.com |
孤独的感觉可能会影响到她们的心理健康,引 发 忧郁 症 , 造成缺乏自尊,有时还 会引起自杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Feelings of isolation may affect their mental health, [...] resulting in depression, low self-esteem and, in some cases, suicide. daccess-ods.un.org |
她除了患有忧郁症之外,身 体健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | Her health was good, except that [...] she was suffering from depression. daccess-ods.un.org |
6.11 在2008年1月18 [...] 日提交的申请中,申诉人重申了他们之前的主张并补充 说,第二申诉人患有忧郁症, 在申请中附有医疗报告证明。 daccess-ods.un.org | 6.11 In applications submitted on 18 January 2008, the complainants reiterated their previous [...] claims and added that the second complainant [...] suffers from depression as documented [...]by a medical report attached to their applications. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了以抗抑郁药物治 疗与心理治疗(常规治疗抑郁症的手段)之外,光照治疗也被临床研究证实为一种有效的治疗方法。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition to antidepressant medication and psychotherapy (both conventional treatments for depression), light therapy has also been proved by clinical studies as an effective treatment for the condition. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
东北大学大学院医学系研究科神经内科学方向的长谷川隆文助教、今野昌俊医师及武田笃准教授等人的研究小组在世界上首次明确了,作为一 种 抗 抑 郁 症 药 物 的 舍曲林可能对帕金森病及类似疾症的病变扩大有抑制效果。 tohoku.ac.jp | The research group led by Assistant Professor Takafumi Hasegawa, Dr. Masatoshi Konno, and Associate Professor Atsushi Takeda of [...] Tohoku University Graduate [...] School of Medicine has found that antidepressant sertraline effectively suppressed [...]the cell-to-cell [...]transmission of pathogenic protein aggregates in the cellular model of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. tohoku.ac.jp |
告诫病人和照护者抗抑郁药物可 能在服用 两星期后才开始起效。 thewpca.org | Warn the patient and carers that it may take two [...] weeks before the antidepressants begin to work. thewpca.org |
最后,哥伦比亚政府再次重申,它已决定继续采 取有效措施,以便监测和评估疫情发展,防止疫情蔓 延,促进及早诊断,减少艾滋病早发病例和抗逆转录 病毒药物抗药症状 ,并改善艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者 的生活质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | To conclude, the Government of Colombia once again reiterates its decision to continue to take effective measures to monitor and assess the epidemic’s development, prevent its spread, promote early diagnosis, reduce the number of early onset AIDS cases and of resistance to antiretroviral medicine, and improve the quality of life of those living with HIV/AIDS. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,许多抗菌类产品所使用的抗菌剂都是三氯森,许多微生物已经对其产 生 抗药 性。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In fact, the antibacterial agent in many of these [...] products is Triclosan, to which [...]many organisms have already developed resistance. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
写稿的那天是“忧郁的星 期一”,心情影响之下我到谷歌搜寻“Monday blues”,电脑萤幕上立即出现很多疗愈的方法,不过我觉得它们都没有用,因为我对付工作压力的方式是取消工作﹗七天前的星期一,我飞到哥打基纳巴卢,送给自己一个假期。 innercircle.shangri-la.com | The best way to beat the Monday blues is to get on a flight to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, as I did seven days ago. innercircle.shangri-la.com |
确认尽管对疟疾控制的全球和国家投资增加,在减少许多国家的疟疾负担方 面取得很大成果,而且一些国家正在朝消除疟疾的方向迈进,但许多国家的疟疾 负担仍然很高,令人无法接受,为了实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与卫生有关 的千年发展目标,必须迅速加强预防和控制疟疾的努力,这些努力严重依赖药物 和杀虫剂,但由于人类对抗疟药剂产 生 抗药 性 以 及蚊子对杀虫剂产 生 抗药 性 ,药 物和杀虫剂的效用不断受到威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that, despite the fact that increased global and national investments in malaria control have yielded significant results in decreasing the burden of malaria in many countries, and that some countries are moving towards elimination of malaria, many countries continue to have unacceptably high burdens of malaria and in order to reach internationally agreed development goals, including the health-related Millennium Development Goals, must rapidly increase malaria prevention and control efforts, which rely heavily on medicines and insecticides whose utility is continuously threatened by the development of resistance in humans to antimalarial agents, as well as resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides daccess-ods.un.org |
越来越多的疟原虫对过去治疗中最广泛使用 的 抗 疟 药 , 氯喹和周效磺胺-乙胺嘧啶产生 了 抗药 性 , 这已促使六十八个国家改变其国民待遇议定书,以纳入新高效的青蒿素综合疗法(ACT)。 unicef.org | Increasing resistance of the [...] malaria parasite to chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine — previously the most widely used antimalarial treatments — [...]has prompted sixty-eight [...]countries to change their national treatment protocols to incorporate the new and highly-effective artemisinin-based combination therapies or ACTs. unicef.org |