

单词 抗原决定簇

See also:



抗原 n

antigens pl


decide (to do something)

External sources (not reviewed)

在 利用免疫检测进行确认时实施的程序必须采用一种能识 别与筛查化验中所用的不同的肽/蛋白 抗原决定簇 的抗 体。
The immunoassay used for confirmation
must use a procedure
[...] with a different antibody that should recognise a different epitope of the peptide/protein than the assay used for screening.
委员 会提出了一些建议,包括同需要 决抗 议 的根 本 原 因 并 确 定 允 许设立和扩大营地 的责任有关的建议。
The commission put forward several recommendations, including with
regard to the need to address
[...] the underlying causes of the protest and to assign responsibility [...]
for allowing the installation
and the expansion of the camp.
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上,有一簇 破 旧的平顶石屋,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色 定 居 者 的建筑。
Nestled on a hill, the town of
[...] Yanoun is a small cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, surrounded on all sides by a leafy landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement.
同时,公司的技术研发中心(TEZ)能够在各种不同的加工条件下检测和验证作为 决 方 案 的 簇 绒 配 件间能否安全、协调的工作。
At the same time the company's Technology and Development Center (TEZ)
enables it to test and prove the process-safe interplay of a
[...] gauge part system solution under different processing [...]
据认为,在防止――并在必要时决 ― ― 未来发生的债务问题 的过程中,确定一些定原则是 第一步。
The identification of agreed principles is viewed
[...] as the first step in the process of preventing – and resolving, if necessary – future debt problems.
世衞建議,所有禽流感感染疑似個案的樣本經測試方法( 包括 快抗原測試 、病毒培植和甲型流感病毒聚合酶鏈反應測試) 得出陽 性結果後,必須送交定的世 衞 H5 參考實驗室作進一步測試及核 實,在國內即為北京的中國疾病預防控制中心病毒學研究所。
WHO recommends that any specimens with a positive result
using testing approaches,
[...] including rapid antigen detection, virus culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for influenza A virus and suspected of avian influenza infection should be further tested and verified by a designated WHO H5 Reference [...]
Laboratory, which
corresponds to the Virology Institute of Chinese CDC in Beijing.
这些片段能够结抗原,但 是它们缺少Fc段,其包括重链的 定 区 2和 3。
These fragments are able to bind antigen but they each lack the Fc region that contains [...]
the heavy chain constant domains 2 and 3.
大会在其关于会议时地分配办法的第 53/208 B 号决议中:再次请秘书长确 保按照同时以大会六种正式语文分发文件的六星期规则提供文件;重申大会决定, 若报告延迟分发,在提出报告时应说明延误 原 因 ; 决定 , 如 果 报告迟交给会议事 务处,应在该文件的脚注内说明延误的原因。
In its resolution 53/208 B on the pattern of conferences, the General Assembly: (a) reiterated its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that documents were available in accordance with the six-week rule for their distribution simultaneously in the six official languages; (b) reaffirmed its decision
that, if a report was
[...] issued late, the reasons for the delay should be indicated when the report was introduced; and (c) decided that, if a report [...]
was submitted late
to the conference services, the reasons for the delay should be included in a footnote to the document.
他不但对圭亚那内政部长决定 曾提出抗告, 而且也间接地违逆了古巴大使馆关于驳回其入籍申请的要求,这一 [...]
The fact that he had
[...] challenged not only the decision of the Minister of [...]
Home Affairs of Guyana but, indirectly, also the
Cuban Embassy’s request to deny him citizenship would be considered a “counterrevolutionary action” by Cuban authorities.
它还规定哪个司法机关有权审理对不准举行和 抗 议 的 决定 提 出 的 上诉,并确定与进行非法示威或暴乱相关的罪行及刑罚。
It also specifies which judicial body is
competent to hear
[...] appeals against decisions to refuse permission to hold a peaceful protest and defines offences and [...]
penalties in connection
with the staging of unlawful demonstrations or riots.
第 二种方法是更广泛的多部门发育营养敏感方法,用以 抗 营 养 不良 决定 因 素, 尤其是通过推动农业和粮食安全,改善营养食物的可获性、获取途径和消费,以 及通过加强社会保障和确保获得保健的途径来做到这一点。
The second approach is a broader multisectoral nutrition-sensitive approach to development that acts to counter the determinants of undernutrition, specifically by promoting agriculture and food security to improve the availability of, access to and consumption of nutritious foods by improving social protection and by ensuring access to health care.
今天,我希望政定立一個 簇新的 、有廣泛代表性的諮詢架構,參與的成員包括前線的醫護人員,以及 [...]
Today, I hope
[...] the Government can set up a new advisory framework [...]
with broad representation that comprises front-line health
care workers and people from all walks of life, with a view to reviewing the existing policies and assisting in identifying future policy directions.
亮紫色421(TM)抗体与目前使用的缓冲剂 定 色 剂 及常用细胞染色技术完全兼容,同时适用于表面和细胞 抗原 染 色
Brilliant Violet 421(TM) antibodies are fully
compatible with currently used
[...] buffers and fixatives, and common cell staining techniques, suitable for both surface and intracellular staining of antigens.
龙牙草是欧洲、亚洲和非洲温带地区常见的一种植物,默默无闻地生长在路旁、岸边或空地上,纤细修长的黄色 簇 , 在 夏天的时候非常醒目。
A plant common to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, Agrimony grows modestly along roads, on banks and in clearings where its slender cluster of yellow flowers is easily recognized in the summer.
(8) 欧洲法院分庭在关于“Loizidou诉土耳其”案 决抗 辩 的 裁 定 9 05 中借机补 充并大大澄清了相关判例。
(8) In its judgment on preliminary objections in Loizidou v. Turkey,905 a chamber of the European Court took the opportunity to supplement and considerably clarify its jurisprudence.
突尼斯将坚持其定、原则立场,支持兄弟般的 巴勒斯坦人民为实现公正、永久和全面的 决 作 出 努 力,以结束巴勒斯坦人民的苦难,恢复他们的国家合 法自决权,并在自己的土地上建立一个以东耶路撒冷 为首都的独立主权国家。
Tunisia will maintain its principled and firm position in support of the efforts of the brotherly Palestinian people to achieve a just, permanent and comprehensive solution that ends the suffering [...]
of our Palestinian
people, restores their national legitimate right to self-determination and establishes an independent sovereign State on their land, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
确保尊重土著人民和当地社区决原 则 , [包括]以及部分或全部在占领下的人民,]并尊重他们 对遗传资源和相关传统知识的权利,其中包括事先知情同意、共同 定 的 条件以及全面和有效参与的 原则,并注意《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。
Ensure respect for the principle of self determination of indigenous peoples and local communities, [including] as well as peoples partially or entirely under occupation] and their rights over genetic resources [...]
and associated traditional knowledge, including the principles of prior informed consent, mutually
agreed terms, and full and effective participation, noting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
2000年, 他因为分子金属富簇及其化合键性质而获得Otto Klung奖。
Prof. Drieß won the Otto Klung Award in 2000 for his work on metal-rich clusters and their bonding characteristics.
根据安全理事会第 1906(2009)号决议的规定,我 建议刚果(金)政府同中非共 和国、乌干达和苏丹政府一道,拟定一项符合国际人道主义法和人权法的区域战 略,以应对上帝抗军,包括决侵 犯 和虐待儿童问题,同时考虑到现有的区域 机制。
Pursuant to
[...] Security Council resolution 1906 (2009), I recommend to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo that it develop, along with the Governments of the Central African Republic, Uganda and the Sudan, a regional strategy in line with international humanitarian and human rights law to deal with LRA, including on how to address the violations [...]
and abuses committed
against children, taking into account existing regional mechanisms.
这两篇论文首次介绍了有繁殖力的Cyp2c基 簇 剔 除 和CYP2C9及MRP2人源化小鼠模型的形成。
The papers describe for the first time the generation of viable and fertile Cyp2c cluster knockout and humanized CYP2C9 and MRP2 mouse models.
活动的选择是经各国机构、国际基因工程和生物技术中心、第三世界 科学院以及教科文组织磋商后定的 ,活动内容包括抑制 Bm86 抗原免疫和发育迟缓免疫导 致的病原体传播:定带菌 者、病原体基因组织、利用生物信息手段在早期确定新出现的植 物病毒、木薯中菜豆金色花叶病毒与卫星细胞的互动和影响、非洲、中东和南亚的联体病毒 [...]
The activities were selected through consultations between national institutions, ICGEB, TWAS and UNESCO
and deal with the inhibition of pathogen transmission by
[...] vaccination with Bm86 antigen, Napier grass stunting disease: vector identification and pathogen genotypes, a bioinformatic protocol for the early [...]
identification of emerging
plant viruses, interaction and impact of cassava begomoviruses and satellites, and diversity of mastreviruses across Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia.
採用華麗的設計與溫暖豐富的色調,DOM Lounge 的特色在簇絨墊 牆面和 LED 照明吧台,賓客可在華麗的麂皮沙發和典雅的皮革沙發上或舒適的休息區內自在放鬆,針對希望擁有私人空間的貴賓,還提供了高牆隔間,內有 [...]
19 世紀初俄國文藝復興風格的空靈壁畫。
Opulently designed and hued in warm, rich colours,
[...] DOM Lounge features tufted cushion walls and [...]
LED lit bars where guests may retreat
comfortably on glamorous suede and classy leather sofas, cozy seating areas or for VIPs seeking privacy - high-walled booths with ethereal wall murals borrowing influences from early 19th century Russian Renaissance.
本拍賣的重點拍品為一枚梨形濃彩藍鑽及梨形濃彩粉紅鑽石戒指(估價1,720萬至1,950萬港元),梨形藍鑽及粉紅鑽分別重2.07克拉及2.33克拉,藍鑽與粉紅鑽分別擁有內部無瑕(Internally Flawless)及VVS1之淨度,藍鑽與粉紅鑽為「Toi et Moi」(你與我)之設計,被典雅的白 簇 擁 之餘,粉紅與藍鑽亦相互依偎,儼如一對甜蜜情人,滿載浪漫情懷 定 為 高 級珠寶愛好者必爭之物。
The prime focus of this sale belongs to a Pear-shaped Fancy Intense Blue Diamond and Fancy Intense Pink Diamond “Toi et Moi” Ring (Est: HK$17.2 - 19.5 million; pictured on the top).
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状星云NGC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的Musca星座(在拉丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一 簇 恒 星
The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years away in the Southern Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross.
這款架構還包括多項專用的多內核特性,例如先進的數據通訊管理、用於輕易整合 D S P 簇 群 (D SP cluster)和ARM®處理器本地連接的快速系統互連支援等,並且還擁有一套基帶軟件庫和先進的C語言編譯器,可全面利用C語言級別的處理器,從而簡化了軟件的發展工作。
The architecture also includes specialized multi-core features such as advanced data traffic management, fast
system interconnect support for easy
[...] integration of DSP clusters and native connectivity [...]
with ARM® processors, and is
complemented by a complete set of baseband libraries and an advanced C-compiler, enabling full processor utilization from C level, simplifying software development.
为了开拓簇绒工艺的应用范围,德国的检测、研究与开发服务提供机构 TFI 在包含格罗茨-贝克特在内的多家合作伙伴的支持下, 决 了 簇 绒 工艺所面临的挑战。
To open up the field of applications in today's tufting to other technologies apart from textile flooring production, and as a service provider for testing, research and development, the TFI has tackled the challenge – with the support of various partners, including Groz-Beckert!
[...] 根据信息权法提起的申诉进行裁决时,可以确认或撤 原决定 , 要 求提供被申请的信息,批 准包括赔偿、指定司法费用承担者在内的临时或特定的费用减免、补偿,或命令公共机构采 [...]
取其他必要的行动(第 42 条)。
In making a decision on a complaint under the RTI Law, the
court may, among other things, confirm
[...] or set aside the original decision, require access [...]
to the information requested to be
granted, grant interim or specific relief, including compensation, order payment of costs, or require a public body to take such other action as it deems necessary (section 42).
在这些谈判中,《宪章》的定和目 标(包括关于任何争端之当事国有义 务尽先以谈判方式求得解决的第 33 条)和第 1514(XV)号决议(领土完整 原则),以及群岛居民的利益(从而不考虑 决原 则 )。
In these
[...] negotiations, the provisions and objectives of the Charter (including Article 33 relating to the obligation of the parties to any dispute to seek a solution first of all by negotiation) and of resolution 1514 (XV) (principle of territorial integrity), as well as the interests of the population of the Islands (thus leaving aside the principle of self-determination).
强调指出必须全面遵守在中东和平进程范围内达成的各项以色列-巴勒斯坦 协定,包括沙姆沙伊赫谅解,并执行四方提出的以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的永久性 两国决方案路线图,9 又强调指出必须全面执行 2005 年 11 月 15 日订立的《通行进出协定》和《拉 法口岸定原则》 ,以便巴勒斯坦平民能够在加沙地带内来去自由和自由出入加 沙地带
Stressing the need for full compliance with the Israeli-Palestinian agreements reached within the context of the Middle East peace process, including the Sharm el-Sheikh understandings, and the implementation of the Quartet
road map to a
[...] permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,9 Stressing also the need for the full implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access and the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing, [...]
both of 15 November
2005, to allow for the freedom of movement of the Palestinian civilian population within and into and out of the Gaza Strip
[...] 理事会主席共同主持的、于 2012 年 1 月 21 日和 22 日在格林纳达举行的第七次 联合王国-加勒比部长级论坛除其他外还 定 “ 支 持所有人民、包括福克兰群岛 岛民的决原则和权利”(另见 A/65/850 和下文第十节)。
Further, the Seventh Ministerial UK-Caribbean Forum, co-chaired by the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and the Chair of the CARICOM Council for Foreign and Community Relations, held in
Grenada on 21 and 22
[...] January 2012, agreed, inter alia, “to support the principle and the right to selfdetermination for all peoples, [...]
including the Falkland
Islanders” (see also A/65/850 and section X below).




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