

单词 抗凝血剂

See also:

抗凝 n

anticoagulation n

凝血 n

coagulation n
clot n
blood clotting n




blood clot

External sources (not reviewed)

从一条内置管抽取血样时,取样品前必须倒向冲洗与清除静脉输液 管道以便去除会干扰测试抗凝血剂 或 药 品。
When drawing a sample from an indwelling line, back-flush and
clear the line of IV fluids prior to
[...] sampling to remove anticoagulants or medications [...]
which might interfere with the test.
蚊子的唾液中含有一种类抗凝血剂 的 有 机酸,它能使蚊子轻易地通过口器将血液吸进肚子里。
A mosquito’s
[...] saliva has an anticoagulant that allows blood to flow easily [...]
up through its feeding tube.
大多数蛛状静脉患者都可以接受治疗,孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有禁忌症的人士除外,此处所指的禁忌症包括:深静脉血栓、皮肤感染、未受控制的糖尿病,以及患者正在服 抗凝血剂 等 情 况。
Most anyone suffering from spider veins can receive treatment, with the exception of pregnant or nursing women, individuals with
contraindications such as a history
[...] of deep vein thrombosis, skin infections, uncontrolled diabetes, or patients taking anticoagulants.
(b) 一名69歲男子於2011年
[...] 11月撞傷頭部及腦出血,於3名專科醫生錯讀其腦掃 描影像而處方抗凝血藥物 治療後死亡。
(b) a 69-year-old man who had hurt his head and
suffered a brain haemorrhage died after being
[...] treated with anti-clotting drugs due to [...]
misreading of brain scan images by three specialists in November 2011.
血是抗凝療法 或某種血液惡性病變的潛在併發症,該情況下關節手法治療為相對禁忌症。
Bleeding  is  a  potential  complication  of  anticoagulant  therapy  or  certain  [...]
blood  dyscrasias.
法国巴黎Bichat医疗中心的Gabriel Steg教授评论道:"与标准治疗相比,比伐卢定在直接PCI治疗期间持续降低全因死亡率和 血 管 死 亡率,为直接PCI时换用比伐卢定作为优 抗凝剂 提 供了有力的例证。
Gabriel Steg, from Centre Hôpitalier Bichat in Paris, France commented that "The
sustained reduction in
[...] all-cause and cardiovascular mortality achieved by bivalirudin in the context of primary PCI, compared to the standard of care, provides a compelling case for switching to bivalirudin as the preferred anticoagulant for primary PCI.
瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡研究所的Lars H. Lund,
[...] M.D., Ph.D.及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在检查肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS) 抗剂 ( 即 血 管 紧 张素转换酶 [ACE ]抑制剂或血管紧张素受体阻滞剂 [ARBs ] )是否与射血分数(这是左心室每次收缩时的泵血功能好坏的一个指标)得到维持的心衰患者死亡率的下降有关。
Lars H. Lund, M.D., Ph.D., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues conducted a study to examine
whether renin-angiotensin
[...] system (RAS) antagonists (i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors or angiotensin [...]
receptor blockers
[ARBs] are associated with reduced mortality in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (a measure of how well the left ventricle of the heart pumps with each contraction).
虽然该协议使用人肺微血管内皮细胞 凝血 酶 , 它可以是广义在哺乳动物和非哺乳动物的细胞和组织中具有不同刺激物或抑 剂 , 或 在细胞或组织之间的健康状态来比较转录处理的档案中转录和疾病状态。
Although this protocol uses human pulmonary microvascular
endothelial cells treated
[...] with thrombin, it can be generalized to profile transcriptomes in both mammalian and non-mammalian cells and in tissues treated with different stimuli or inhibitors, or to compare [...]
transcriptomes in cells
or tissues between a healthy state and a disease state.
手术后形成心脏血栓的危险 增加,故需使抗凝药物稀释血液,防止血栓形成。
After surgery there is an increased
[...] danger of blood clots forming in the heart, so anticoagulant medicines to thin the blood are given to [...]
prevent this.
他指出, Wilate®所提供的独有因子组合包含了具有高 凝血 活 性 的优质蛋白质和纯化的本体VWF/FVIII复合物产品、无白蛋白稳 剂 、 完 整的VWF三联体结构和符合生理状况的多聚体形态特点,同时在制造过程中采取了病毒安全性保障措施。
The unique combination of factors provided by Wilate®, he pointed out,
includes high quality protein reflected by high coagulation activity and pure native VWF/FVIII complex product, no albumin stabiliser, an intact VWF triplet structure and physiological multimeric pattern profile, completed with assured viral safety measures during manufacture.
不 過,《食物內防腐劑規例》沒有抗 壞 血 酸 列 入 抗 氧 化劑 的定義範圍。
However, ascorbic acid was excluded from the definition of antioxidant in the Preservatives [...]
in Food Regulations.
前不久,他在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿召开的心血管研究技术2013年会上进行过呈报,那次呈报显示,血小板反应性驱动 抗血 小 板策略的成本效益同样优于所有PCI患者普遍使用较强效的抑 剂 替 卡 格雷。
This follows his recent presentation at the 2013 annual Cardiovascular Research Technologies meeting in Washington DC, where his presentation demonstrated that a
platelet reactivity
[...] driven antiplatelet strategy is also more cost-effective than a universal strategy of giving the more potent inhibitor, ticagrelor, to all [...]
PCI patients.
伟大的将是在国家,谁在他身上打下铁梁,粉碎他,使他的呼声达到上天的手痛苦的以法莲支派弥赛亚要经过七年,但他愿意为成全提交他的人民,不仅是生活,而且还死了所有这些谁是亚当死亡;和神地的天上的宝座,他的战车在四活物的处置带来的复活和再生对所有天体的伟大工程 抗剂 “ ( pesiḥ.传译36)。
Great will be the suffering the Messiah of the tribe of Ephraim has to undergo for seven years at the hand of the nations, who lay iron beams upon him to crush him so that his cries reach heaven; but he willingly submits for the sake of his people, not only those living, but also the dead, for all those who died since Adam; and God places the four beasts of the heavenly throne-chariot at his
disposal to bring about the great work of resurrection and regeneration against
[...] all the celestial antagonists" (Pesiḥ. R. 36).
处理如上所述, 也包括脑卒中的康复,不同的只是不使用稀释血液的药物, 抗凝 药 和抗 血小板药。
The management is then usually as described above,
including stroke
[...] rehabilitation, except that blood-thinning medicines, such as anticoagulants and antiplatelet [...]
agents, are not given.
而且,用兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋凝 集 素 为抗原制备 抗血 清 对 蛹的凝集素活性无交叉反应,表明这两种凝集素是不相同的。
The antiserum against larvae lectin had no cross reaction to the pupa lectin.
总部设在德国慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在2013年3月19至21日于纽伦堡举办的欧洲国际涂料展览会(ECS)上展示最新聚合物粘 剂, 这凝土改 良用产品符合环保型建筑应用的全部要求。
At the European Coatings Show (ECS) in Nuremberg from March 19 to 21, 2013, the
Munich-based WACKER Group is showcasing its
[...] latest polymer binders for concrete modification [...]
and environmentally sound construction applications.
通过此过程产生水泥生料,之后对 其进行冷却和细磨,并加入石膏(一种 凝剂 ) 等骨料,做成水泥。
This produces cement clinker, which is then cooled
[...] and ground with additives such as gypsum [...]
(a setting retardant) to make cement.
应综合考虑皮肤癌患者的健康情况,如有凝血障碍或接 抗凝血 治 疗时,必须采用不出血的方法治疗,氩氦刀冷冻治疗、粒子放射治疗、体细胞免疫疗法均可应用。
If the patient is
[...] suffering from coagulation disorders or under anticoagulation therapy (ACT), the treatment with no bleeding must be adopted, [...]
such as Ar-He knife,
particle implantation, and immunotherapy.
废水的絮凝状态随着 pH 值的改变、化学凝剂(如 带电聚合物)的添加以及氯化铝或其它高带电盐类的存在而发生变化。
The flocculation state of waste water is altered by changes in pH, the addition of chemical flocculants, such as charged [...]
polymers, and the
presence of aluminium chloride or other highly charged salts.
一项研究报告说,一种胃泌素释放肽(GRP) 抗剂 能 减 退良性前列腺增生(BPH)大鼠模型的前列腺尺寸,良性前列腺增生(BPH)是一种进行性的、与年龄有关的前列腺组织扩增,其特征是前列腺扩大和缺乏有效的疗法。
A study reports that a gastrin-releasing
[...] peptide (GRP) antagonist reduces prostate [...]
size in a rat model of benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), a progressive, age-related proliferation of prostatic tissues characterized by prostate enlargement and lacking effective treatments.
这些药物包括用于血压和心脏衰竭的β-阻断剂(如 propronolol);医治胃溃疡的H2拮抗剂(如 cimetidine);医治过敏症的H1拮抗剂(如chlorpheniramine)和治疗精神分裂症的多巴胺拮抗剂(如 clozapine)。
Examples include β-blockers (such as propronolol) for high blood pressure and congestive heart failure, H2 antagonists (such as cimetidine) for peptic ulcers, H1 antagonists [...]
(such as chlorpheniramine) for
allergy, and dopamine antagonists (such as clozapine) for schizophrenia.
肝素是一种硫酸化的天然黏多糖类物质,具有很强的负电荷,广泛存在于人和哺乳动物组织中,具 抗凝血 作 用,肝素由紧靠血管的肥大细胞产生,常以蛋白聚糖单位的形式存在,其化学结构由右旋葡萄糖醛酸和右旋葡萄糖胺交替连接而成,分子量分布5000~30000,平均分子量20000。
Heparin is a sulfated nature glycosaminoglycan of mixed
composition, released by
[...] mast cells and by blood basophiles in many tissues of human body and mammal body, and having potent anticoagulant properties, existing [...]
in the form of
proteoglycan unit, and its chemical structure formed by connection of D-glucopyranuronic acid and D-glucosamine by turns, molecular weight distribution 5000~30000, average molecular weight 20000.
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子抗坏血酸 酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its
high content of
[...] flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, [...]
a new generation
Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
与以往使用阴离子表面活性剂的文献形成鲜明的对比,非离子表面活性剂能采用两种成分( 凝剂 和 表 面活性剂)并能在大得多的范围内形成凝胶,从而可在几个数量级的范围内系统性地定制凝胶的机械性能。
In contrast to previous literature work using anionic surfactants, the
use of nonionic
[...] surfactants allows gels to be formed in a much wider composition range of the two components (gelator and surfactant) yielding [...]
the ability to systematically
tailor the mechanical properties of the gels across several orders of magnitude.
今天在南非开普敦举行的第五届国际艾滋病协会(IAS)艾滋病病因、治疗和预防大会上新公布的数据显示,具有艾滋病向性测定作用的遗传学方案可用于有效确定经CC R5 拮 抗剂 马 拉 韦罗(maraviroc)治疗后有起色的患者。
A genetic approach to determining HIV tropism can be used to effectively identify patients who will respond to treatment with the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc, according to new data presented today at the 5th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Cape Town, South Africa.




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