

单词 投考

External sources (not reviewed)

澳门公共行政工作人员通则》的第46 条规定了人员的聘任和甄选原 则,订明所投考享有平等之条件及机会。
Article 46 of the SPAW provides that equality of conditions and opportunities for all candidates to civil service is a general principle for selection and recruitment.
另一方面,狱投考职前培训内容包括对待残疾人的应有态度及其他人 权课题。
Besides, pre-professional training provided to prison guard candidates includes manners in treating persons with disabilities and other human rights issues.
基本法》规定的平等和非歧视 的原则已实现于普通法律之上,订明公投考平等条件和机会,以及在公务 系统内的平等晋升。
The principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the BL are expressly recognized under ordinary legislation through the equality of conditions and opportunities for all candidates to public office and positions, and equality concerning the right to promotion within the ranks of the civil service.
对於分类为可供出售之股券公平价值有否大幅或长 期跌至低於其成本,以证明资产减值。
In the caseof equityinvestments classifiedas available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the securities below itscost [...]
is also evidence that the assets are impaired.
投 资 者 在 决 定 是 否 投 资 於 ETF 前 , 应 根 据 自 己 本 身 之 财 务 状 况 、 投 资 经 验ETF 是 否 适 合 自 己 。
Before deciding whether or not
to invest in an ETF,
[...] investors should consider ifinvestment in the ETF is suitable for them in terms of their financial situation,investment experience and investmentobjectives.
在进行 这项工作时,当局亦因应香港地方选区选举补方法,并曾參考一些海外司法管 辖区的做法。
In so doing, the Administration has also considered thereplacement method against thevoting system for the GC elections in Hong Kong, and the practices in some overseas jurisdictions.
这些都必须结合所有有兴趣者进但是中国企业快速发展的势力及其所发出的信 息将中国政府推向了被热议的风口浪尖。
These must be considered withregard to all interested investors, but the rapidly-growing [...]
presence and signals from Chinese
companies put Beijing at the forefront of the discussion.
This webpage mainly provides citation and
[...] abstraction ofon-line reference material which may be helpful to the study of referendums, in order [...]
to provide a one-stop collection of research data.
吉尔吉斯斯坦是威尼斯委员会(通过法律实现民主欧洲委员会)的成员,在宪 法权利、选举和全民面都委员会的建议。
Kyrgyzstan is a member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice
Commission) and takes into account its recommendations on constitutional law
[...] and the holding of elections andreferendums.
基金秘书处曾向工发组织表示,如果没目,文件记载的哈龙低安 装容量,按照第 47/10 号决定,该项目只能核准 [...]
25,000 美元,因为仅 2.4 ODP 吨的文件记 载的已安装容量将被视为该值域中的低端。
The Fund Secretariat indicated to UNIDO
[...] that without the investmentproject, and given the low level [...]
of documented installed capacity,
the project could only be approved for US $25,000 based on decision 47/10 since a documented installed capacity of only 2.4 ODP tonnes would be considered the lower end of the range.
在双年度内结束的对教科文组织--国际科学理事会框架协议进行的外部评估提出了一些建议,要求各地区加大 对合作今后些建议。
The External Evaluation of the UNESCO-ICSU Framework Agreement, concluded during the biennium, made recommendations concerning a greater regional input into the collaborative process, and these will be heeded in the coming years.
有关票站与民研计划无关,惟希望设立有关票站的机构遵守民研计划发出的指引 (见附件),包括在票站范围附近不要进行拉票活动,在票站内给士足够的冷静,及确密进行。
POP has no connections with polling stations of this kind but hopes these organizations will follow the guidelines laid down by POP (please see the appendix), including no campaigning for votes near the polling station and allow voters
inside the polling station to have
[...] enough room for thinking so as to guarantee thevoting is conducted with high privacy.
显示获得的实效,地区 污染减少,且实施了一系列教育计划。
The field visit enabled us to observe the
[...] result of this investment, which includes [...]
a reduction in pollution in the area and
the implementation of educational projects.
务 请 有 意 接 纳 股 份 收 购 建 议 之 独 立 股 东 紧 记 密 切 留 意 股 份 於 要 约 期 内 之 市 价 及 流 通 性 ; 倘 於 公 开 市 场 上 沽 售 其 股
份之所 得 款 项 净 额 将 高 於 根 据 股 份 收 购 建 议 应 收 之代价 净 额 ,
[...] 则 於 顾 及 其 本 身 之 处 境标 後 ,售 其 股 份 取 代 接 纳 股 [...]
份 收 购 建 议 。
The Independent Shareholders who intend to accept the Share Offer are reminded to closely monitor the market price and the liquidity of the Shares during the Offer Period and shall, having regard to their own circumstances and investment objectives, consider selling their Shares in the open market, instead of accepting the Share Offer, if
the net proceeds from the sale of such Shares would
[...] be higher than thenet considerationreceivable under the Share Offer.
有意投资者应注意投资於该等公司之潜在风险,并应经过审 慎周才作定。
Prospective investors should be aware of the
potential risks of investing in such companies and should
[...] make thedecision to investonly afterdue and careful consideration.
董事可就与本身 委任无关的建(d) 倘建议涉及委任(包括厘定或修订 委任条款或终止委任)兩名或以上董事为本 公司或本公司拥有权益的任何公司的高级职 员或雇员,则该等建议须分开处理,并就个 别董事而分开考虑,在此情况下,各有关董 [...]
关本身委任以外的各项决议案投票(亦可计 入法定人數内)。
Directormay voteon proposals not concerning own appointment (d) Where proposals are under considerationconcerning the [...]
appointment (including
fixing or varying the terms of or terminating the appointment) of two or more Directors to offices or employments with the Company or any company in which the Company is interested, such proposals shall be divided and considered in relation to each Director separately and in such case each of the Directors concerned (if not prohibited from voting under paragraph (c)) shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment.
Upon completion of the Definitive Agreement, ArcelorMittal has agreed to invest additional capital into the Company by way of a non-brokered private placement of common shares (the "Share Placement") and intends to acquire up to 19.9% of the Company's common shares after taking into account potential shares issued upon the conversion of its Debentures and the Share Placement.
供资计划还需门用于这些负 债是否适当。
The funding plan may
[...] also need toconsider the appropriateness of the ring-fencing of theinvestments that areset aside [...]
for such liabilities.
阁下在作择前,下本身的风险承受程度及财政状况。如阁下在挑选单 位信托基金时对某单位信托基金是否适合阁下(包括其是否与阁下的投资目标符合一 [...]
致)存有疑问,阁下应寻求财务及/或专业意见,并且考虑阁下的情况选择最适合阁下的 单位信托基金。
Theinvestment decision is yours but you shouldnot invest [...]
unless the intermediary which sells you the fund has advised
you that the fund is suitable for you and has explained why, including how investment in the fund will be consistent with your investment objectives.
我们认为,世界贸易组织的这项日程符合要求但有失偏颇,因为有关现有的知识产权制度 对发展中国家的影响还有许多事情需
There is far more that needs to be thought
[...] about and done inconsidering the impact of [...]
the existing system upon developing countries.
关于在核准氟氯烃淘汰管理计划之前提交氟氯烃淘汰投资项目提案的问题,秘书处 代表指出,为了能够提供秘书处审议项目所需要的资料,提交提案的国家必目与整体计划存在哪些联系,投资项目如何符合该国执行氟氯烃控制措施的整体战略。
With respect to the submission of an HCFC phase-out investment project proposal before approval of the HPMP, the representative of the Secretariat stated that, in order to be in a position to provide the kind of information
required by the
[...] Secretariat for consideration of the project, the country would haveto consider how the investmentproject related [...]
to the overall plan,
and how it fitted in with the overall strategy of the country to comply with HCFC control measures.
工作文件庭的裁决中起到一定作用的考虑因素,并详细 讨论了最惠国待遇权的来源及其范围。
It also looked intotheconsiderations thathad played a part in investmenttribunal decisions, [...]
dwelling on the source of
the right to MFN treatment, as well as its scope.
欢迎秘书长作为基金资产投资的受托人,继续在发达市场和新兴市场之 间进行分散投资,请秘书长确保,在目前市场动荡的情况下,对基金在任何国家 的投资决策应非常审慎,并充四个主要标准,即安全、赢利、流动 和可兑换。
Welcomes the continued effort of the Secretary-General, as fiduciary for the investment of the assets of the Fund, to diversify its investments between developed markets and emerging markets, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure that, under the current volatile market
conditions, decisions concerning the investments of the Fund in any country should be implemented very
[...] cautiously, fully taking into accountthe four main criteria for investment, namely,safety, [...]
profitability, liquidity and convertibility.
(E) 关委任两名或以上董事担任本公司或本公司拥有权益 之任何其他公司之职务或受薪职位(包括委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 安排时,须就每名董事分别提呈决议案,而每名有关董事均可就各项决议及 计入法定人数),惟有关其本身委任(或委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 决议案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之职务或受薪职位)该董事连同 其任何联系人士拥有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何类别股本之已发行股份 或该公司任何类别股份之投票权。
(E) Where
[...] arrangements are under considerationconcerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (andbe counted [...]
in the quorum) in
respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
他 为国际标准化组织社会责任标准的人权部分(ISO 26000)提供意见;成功地促使联 合国国际贸易法委员会在涉及包括人权在内的公共利益因素时仲 裁程序中增加透明度;他或他的一名代表在国家人权研究所商业和人权工作组、 条约机构、土着问题常设论坛和美洲人权委员会等场所介绍了该框架。
He provided input for the human rights section of the social responsibility standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 26000); successfully urged the United Nations Commission
on International Trade Law toconsider greater
[...] transparency inits investor-State arbitration proceedings when public interest considerations, including [...]
human rights, are involved;
and he or a representative presented the framework to, among other forums, the National Human Rights Institutions’ Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the treaty bodies, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
At the IT edge: Despite demonstrated willingness to innovate, many mining companies fail to leverage back-end technology, such as data analytics or properly integrating disparate technology platforms following an M&A. To improve operations while reducing
costs, they should revisit their IT
[...] strategies and consider investing in programmable logic [...]
controllers (PLCs), supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES), business intelligence systems, data analytics and advanced manufacturing systems.
公开和非限制性招标涉及发布 公告邀请参加采购、向所有响应公告的人发送招标文件,以及充或其他报盘的供应商或承包商的资格和提交书。
Public and unrestricted solicitation involves an advertisement to invite participation in the procurement, the issue of the solicitation documents to all those that
respond to the
[...] advertisement, andthe full considerationofthe qualifications and submissions of suppliers and contractors thatsubmit tenders or other offers.
[...] Wi-Fi 接入点安装地点的简略情况以作须在人流较多的地方提供网络 覆盖供公众使用,并须按实际环境及人流规划 [...]
Wi-Fi 接入点的數量及安装地方。
The bidder is toplan the number and [...]
placement of the Wi-Fi access points based upon actual onsite situation and foot traffic.




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