单词 | 投笔从戎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 投笔从戎 —lay down the pen and take up the sword [idiom.]join the military (esp. of educated person)
托尼·托加尔先是 从丹戎古斯塔监狱发布命令,2010 年初被转移到北苏 门答腊的另一所监狱——先达市监狱以后,又在那里 进行指挥。 crisisgroup.org | Fadly suggests a territorial structure, not unlike JI, with Toni Togar in command, first from Tanjung Gusta, then from Pematang Siantar prison, also in North Sumatra, where he was moved in early 2010. crisisgroup.org |
但是,这笔投资却从未对 沃达丰进入中国市场提供任何帮助,从而导致其最终於2010年售出中国移动股份。 youngchinabiz.com | But again, that investment never helped Vodafone [...] make any inroads into China, with the result that Vodafone finally ended [...]up selling its China Mobile stake in 2010. youngchinabiz.com |
英文报道)从战略 角度看,苹果对其最大的合作制造商如此大 手 笔投 资 非 常有意义,不仅表明对合作伙伴健康的承诺,也表明其运营效率和伦理道德。 youngchinabiz.com | (English article) From a strategic [...] standpoint, it makes perfect sense for Apple to make such a large investment in one of its biggest manufacturing [...]partners, [...]which shows not only its commitment to the health of that partner but also to the efficient and ethical running of its operations. youngchinabiz.com |
这笔资金不应从参与 计划出, 因为它现有的拨款已不能满足目前的需要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The funds should not be taken from the Participation Programme as its present allocation was already insufficient to meet current needs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但是,这笔投资与 最初 制作资料时的投入相比以及与如果不开发适当的系统而使资料遗失对社会造成的损失相比, [...] 是微乎其微的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, such investments are negligible [...] compared to the resources invested in creating the materials in the first place, [...]and the cost to society if no adequate systems are developed and materials are thereby lost. unesdoc.unesco.org |
投保人可以选择保险 公司,当达到领取养老金的年龄后 (女性60岁,男性65岁),便可以通 过代理公司从社会保障部和公共养老 基金领取养老金,最终这笔钱还是从 第三个支柱中支付的。 paiz.gov.pl | After reaching a pensionable age the pensioners (women at 60, man at 65) get pensions from the Social Security Institution (ZUS) and the Open Pensionable Fund (OFE) through an Agent Company, and the eventually payment from the free 3rdpillar. paiz.gov.pl |
丹戎既不 是年级最大,也不是学历最高或最富圣 战活动经验的成员,然而他把这个团体集合在一 起并成为组织的决策者。 crisisgroup.org | The group’s leader, Fahrul Rozi Tanjung, was neither the oldest, the best-educated, nor the most experienced in jihadi activism, but it was he who brought the group together and became its decision-maker. crisisgroup.org |
咨询委员会注意到, 增加的主要原因是行政支助费用,包括联合国日内瓦办事处为欧洲经委会提供的 行政支助的估计费用,这笔费用从 2010-2011 两年期第 20 款下费用的 46.7%增加 到 52.4%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes that the increase is due mainly to the cost of administrative support, inclusive of the estimated cost of the administrative support provided by the United Nations Office at Geneva for ECE, which reflects an increase from 46.7 per cent of the total cost of section 20 in the biennium 2010-2011 to 52.4 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
作為新聞記者,她樂於採訪,但卸下 戎 裝 參 加晚會,她怕影響新聞工作者的形象。 hkupop.hku.hk | As a journalist, she would be happy to report on the spot. hkupop.hku.hk |
最近的地铁站是EW15 – 丹戎巴葛站。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | The nearest MRT Station is EW15-Tanjong Pagar Station. lsbf.edu.sg |
为使资源从投资国 流向接受国,就需要信任和透明度,而 这只有在详细的监测和报告计划得到执行的情况下才能实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | To make resources flow from investing to receiving countries, [...] trust and transparency are needed, which can only be achieved [...]when a detailed monitoring and reporting plan is executed. daccess-ods.un.org |
禁止酷刑委员会感到不安的是,在丹 戎 不 碌 (1984年) 、东帝汶(1999年)和阿 倍普拉(2000年) 案中,人权法院、包括特设法院不能确保对任何被控严重侵犯人 权的人定罪,尤其是现在最高法院已经宣判 在行使司法职责方面遇到严重困难,造成事实上对于严重侵犯人权者有罪不罚, 因此缔约国应考虑修订关于人权法院的立法。 daccess-ods.un.org | CAT was troubled that human rights courts, including ad hoc ones, were not able to secure the conviction of any of the alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations in relation to the Tanjung Priok (1984), East Timor (1999) and Abepura (2000) cases, especially now that the Supreme Court had acquitted Enrico Guterres. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们定期进行的效率测 试可向运营商展示,如何才能从投资 中获得最佳效益。 sms-meer.com | Our regular performance tests show the plant users how to get [...] the most out of their investments. sms-meer.com |
然而,电子登记处运营费用并不高,这意味 着,从登记 处设立后较短时期内的服务收费中即可收回 这 笔投 资。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the comparatively low cost of operation of an electronic security rights registry means that this investment should be recoverable out of service fees within a relatively short period after start-up through service fees. daccess-ods.un.org |
发布了审查最不发达国家证券交易发展情况的白皮书 , 从投 资 方角度详 细介绍当前最不发达国家证券交易面临的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | A white paper reviewing the development of least developed [...] country stock exchanges was released, [...] detailing, from the investor perspective, the [...]challenges that least developed country [...]stock exchanges currently face. daccess-ods.un.org |
将活塞总成 (5) 从下盖上笔直向上滑出。 graco.com | Slide the piston assembly (5) straight up off [...] the bottom cover. graco.com |
法國南部這三個城市的博物館是《法-美地區博物館協會》(Frame)進行藝術和教育項目合作的成員館,該協會的成員館還有波爾多、 第 戎 、 格勒諾布爾、裡爾、裡昂、蘭斯、魯昂、斯特拉斯堡和美國的一些地區博物館(共26家機構)。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The museums in all three of these southern French cities are part of the Frame [...] association, whose other members include institutions [...] in Bordeaux, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, [...]Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg and the [...]United States (26 in all), which work together on artistic and educational projects. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
印尼政府已经意识到极端主义囚徒可能带来的问题: 他们可能拉普通囚徒入伙(苏卡米士金和 丹 戎 古 斯塔 监狱就是例证),或者拒绝改造,在出狱后立即重新 加入以前的激进网络。 crisisgroup.org | The Indonesian government recognises the problems that extremist prisoners can cause, from the recruitment of ordinary criminals, such as went on in Sukamiskin and Tanjung Gusta prisons, to the problem of recidivism by men who, once released, immediately return to former networks. crisisgroup.org |
中 国公司在塔斯马尼亚州的另一项大投 资 手 笔 是 云 南锡业及其合作伙伴Parksong 采矿及资源回收有限公司。 australiachina.com.au | The other large investment by Chinese interests [...] in Tasmania is Yunnan Tin Limited and its partner Parksong Mining and Resource Recycling Limited. australiachina.com.au |
研究组确认,一般出发点应是《维也纳条约法公约》,同时以 可 从投 资 领 域 的实践中得出的任何原则作为补充,但研究组指出,提到以最惠国索赔涉及的双 边投资条约每个缔约方的另外缔约做法来确定各方在最惠国条款范围方面的意 图,这似乎得不到《维也纳条约法公约》的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was confirmed that the general [...] point of departure would be the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties, supplemented by any principles that may be deduced from practice in the investment area, although it [...]was noted that reference [...]to the separate treaty-making practice of each of the parties to the BIT, in respect of which an MFN claim had been made, as a means to ascertain the intention of the parties regarding the scope of the MFN clause, did not seem to find support in the VCLT. daccess-ods.un.org |
领土 22%的人口在 65 岁以上,人口老龄化的情况使得越来越需要提供 大 笔投 资,执行新的老年人护理方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ageing population of the Territory, with 22 per cent of the [...] island over 65 years of age, has created an [...] increasing need for substantial investment in a new elderly [...]care programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
第戎,本 地区的首府,直到1477勃艮第公爵的家是一个文化和艺术的天堂,大量的学生人口,给它一个现代和充满活力的感觉。 leapfrog-properties.com | Dijon, the region’s capital [...] and until 1477 home to the Dukes of Burgundy is a cultural and artistic haven and the large [...]student population gives it a modern and vibrant feel. leapfrog-properties.com |
成果管理制的基础是一个自上而下逐级落实各要素的系统,其基本“假设条 件是从投入到 产出再到结果的逻辑层次或因果关系链条”(A/63/268,第 3 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The foundation of results-based management consists of a system of cascading elements that builds upon the “assumption of a logical hierarchy or chain of causeand-effect relationships from inputs through outputs to outcomes” (A/63/268, para. 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
例子包括第戎芥末及“辣"芥末(以 有殼種子製成)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include Dijon mustard, and “hot” mustard [...] (prepared from seeds with hulls). cfs.gov.hk |
回到墨西哥后,我继续着该系列的创作,画的是大幅面,因此需要充裕的准备时间,得先用一层又一层清漆涂刷纸面,随后用一支大 画 笔 来 作画 , 从 而 勾 勒出这种与人类最接近的动物的简单而粗犷的姿态。 shanghaibiennale.org | I continued with the series after returning to Mexico in a large format that requires preparation time, priming the sheets with varnish paint, layer after layer, and then using a broom to draw on them, with the simple and rough gestures of our closest relatives. shanghaibiennale.org |
然而,如果进一步减少大会的运作费用,则需采 取上面所提的措施改革大会目前的运作方式,这些措施结合在一起,可将大会届会的总会期 压缩至两周而非将近三周,从而节省 大 笔 费 用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, further reducing the running costs of the General Conference would necessarily imply reforming its current functioning through measures such as those mentioned above which, combined, could take the total duration of Conference sessions down to two weeks instead of nearly three, and lead to significant economies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他具体说明为什么美国 小企业创新研究计划 “ 概念可 靠 ,实践见效”,1 是 促 进 研究所 与 实业合 作的范 例,因为它填补了 标准的 风险资本投 资和小笔研究 赠款之间的空白――风险资本在结 构 上 有 局限性,格局上就是“进 来晚, 离场 早 ” ;赠款使 得 新创企业和扩张企业能够越 过“死亡谷”。 daccess-ods.un.org | He showed why the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programme of the United States was “sound in concept and effective in practice”1 and a good example of promoting collaboration between research institutions and industry, because it filled the gap between standard venture capital financing – which is structurally limited and designed to get in late and get out early – and small research grants, enabling start-ups and expansion firms to cross the “valley of death”. daccess-ods.un.org |
这笔经费将从应急 基金支出,因此需要为 2010-2011 两年期 增列这笔批款,须由大会第六十五届会议在审议关于经社理事会决定所涉方案预 算问题和订正估计数的综合说明后予以核准。 daccess-ods.un.org | This would represent a charge against the contingency fund and, as such, would require additional appropriation for the biennium 2010-2011, which is subject to approval by the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session in the context of the consolidated statement of programme budget implications and the revised estimates of decisions taken by the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们另外的六个基地(丹戎不碌 、棉兰、苏腊巴亚、三宝垄、BGR 仓库和巴丹仓库)也将接受认证,将于 2013 年和 2014 年接受必维国际检验集团的年度审核审计。 sdv.com | Our six other sites (Tanjung Priok, Medan, Surabaya Semarang, BGR warehouse and Batam warehouse) will also be certified but are to be inspected during the BV annual surveillance audits in 2013 and 2014. sdv.com |
位於巴黎第八區讓古戎路(Jean Goujon)8號的La Maison Champs-Elysees,融合了現代及傳統歷史的軌跡,酒店兩座建築物的其一建於拿破崙時代法蘭西第二帝國,大廈原址在1864年曾被拿破侖三世的妻子Eugenie皇后設為私人住宅,至1989年以來,隨著時代變遷漸被擴建成酒店和餐廳。 think-silly.com | Located at 8 Jean Goujon in the eighth district, La Maison Champs-Elysees combines modern and traditional aesthetics. One of the two buildings of the hotel was built in Napoleon era, formerly a private residence shared by the French Emperor and his wife Eugénie de Montijo’s from 1864 to 1989. think-silly.com |