

单词 投票所

See also:




ballot n
ticket n

bank note
person held for ransom
amateur performance of Chinese opera

External sources (not reviewed)

国际社会的持续支持,包括美国的支持,要求必须有 可信的进程,这一进程能够代表海地人民通 投票所 表达的意愿。
Sustained support from the international community,
including the United
[...] States, requires a credible process that represents the will of the Haitian people, as expressed by their votes.
雖然 大部分委員支持有關建議,但亦有委員對於為利 便在囚人投票所採取 的實務安排表示關注。
While a majority of members expressed support for the
proposals, members also expressed concern on the practical
[...] arrangements to facilitate voting by the imprisoned [...]
(b) 要抽象㆞預算籌備及進行全投票所 需 要 的時間和可能涉及的開支,會十分困 難。
(b) It is difficult to give an estimate, in the abstract, of the time required to prepare for
[...] and conduct a referendum, and the likely [...]
您第一次投票時,必須投票所出示 您的駕駛執照或其他身分證件,或是連同您的「郵寄投票」選票郵寄一份身分證件副本。
The first time you vote, you may have to show your driver license or other ID at the polls or mail a copy of your ID with your “vote by mail” ballot.
预期联苏特派团在 2010/11 预算期间支持全投票所需的 资源数额将很大, 尤其是鉴于苏丹南方和阿卜耶伊的基础设施很薄弱或根本不存在,并且需要在选 [...]
It is expected that UNMIS resource requirements for referendum support during [...]
the 2010/11 budget period will be significant,
especially in view of the weak or non-existent infrastructure in Southern Sudan and Abyei and the fact that referendum preparations will need to begin well before the elections are concluded.
拟编列经费 165 300 美元,用于支付以下与研讨会、会议和讲习班相关的
[...] 所需差旅费:举行维和特派团高价值粮食和燃料合同现场招标会,提供供应商 提投票所需的 有关当地基础设施和特派团复杂后勤要求的第一手知识,并签 [...]
The provision of $165,300 would cover travel requirements related to the following seminars, conferences and workshops: conduct on-site bidders’ conferences for high-value
food and fuel contracts in peacekeeping
[...] missions to provide first-hand knowledge [...]
of local infrastructures and missions’ complex
logistic requirements, required for vendors to submit proposals, as well as the establishment of high-value systems contracts for engineering supplies/equipment.
但印度尼西亚代表团无法对一项针对具体 国家的决议草案进投票,所以在 表决时投了弃权 票。
However, his delegation was not in a position to vote for a country-specific draft resolution and had abstained in the voting.
根據上市規則第14A.43條,倘若:(i)並無獨立股東於本公司召開的股東大會就批准出 售事項須放棄投票;及(ii)一名或一批有密切聯繫之股東持有或合共持有本公司已發行股本 面值超過50%且有權出席股東大會並於會 投票所 發 出的書面批准,則出售事項所需之獨 立股東批准可能透過獲得獨立股東發出書面批准之方式取得,而無須召開股東大會。
Under Rule 14A.43 of the Listing Rules, independent shareholders’ approval for the Disposal may be obtained by written Independent Shareholders’ approval without the need of convening a general meeting if (i) no Independent Shareholder is required to abstain from voting if the Company were to convene a general meeting for the approval of the Disposal; and (ii) written approval has been obtained from one or a closely allied group of shareholders who together hold more than 50% in nominal value of the issued share capital of the Company having the right to attend and vote at general meetings.
我亦在此呼籲大家,真的要憑良心 投票 , 所 以 我 要送 這個給他們,讓大家看着這個民主女神像(計時器響起)......他們不回 來便是他們該死。
I, therefore, have to give this to them, so that they can look at this statue of the Goddess of Democracy (The buzzer sounded) …… Serve them right if they do not return.
代理主席,如果按以往勞顧會在最低工資、標 準工時,以至最近在佣金計入假期的風波中,我們可看到,把責任交予勞顧
會,其實工資保障運動只是“拖字訣”,這個“拖字訣”不幸的是,在昨天 所謂峰迴路轉的工聯會的記者會上,張建宗先生指在 1 年後,會有工資保障
[...] 運動的中期檢討,為求在這工資保障運動下,能得到最低限度親政府陣營的 工聯會那 3 票的重投票所支持
What is unfortunate about such stalling is that at yesterday's press conference held by the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) which presented a lot of surprises and unexpected developments, Mr Matthew CHEUNG said that an interim review would be conducted of the Wage Protection Movement one year after
implementation, in order to obtain support from at least those
[...] three important votes from the pro-government [...]
FTU for the Movement.
[...] 将被视为对所标候选人投赞成票。选票上除为标 投票所 必须 的标记外不应有其他任何记号或标记。
The ballot paper shall carry no other notation or sign than those required
[...] for the purpose of indicating the vote.
多設一個議會便會有更多普及 選舉的機會,讓人民從政和參投票 , 所 以 , 怎能說“殺局”不是收窄民主 的空間和民主倒退呢?
If there is one more assembly, there will be more occasions for popular elections and more opportunities for the people to take part in political matters and elections.
在勞工界別內,我接受其他議員的提議,多次提出希望可以㆒㆟㆒票,雖 然經過我們多次的爭取,但為了最後達成㆒些基本㆖的共識,亦由於政府自己本身的勞工 組別,都只通過以㆒種間選的方式,由他們的執委 投票 , 所 以 這 兩個新的組別最後都遵 守這方法。
As for the Labour Functional Constituency, I have accepted the suggestions of some Members and I have tried to advocate the system of “one person, one vote” on a number of occasions. Although I have repeatedly tried to fight for it, for the sake of reaching a basic consensus and taking into account the fact that the Government’s own labour groups have endorsed a system
of indirect election,
[...] in which the votes are cast by their executive committee members, at last it is decided that this system of voting will be adopted [...]
by the two new functional constituencies.
我也不知道應怎投票,所 以最 好能將這個動議分為兩部分,正如林議員的要求,讓議員作出表決。
I think the best way is to split the motion into two parts, as Dr LAM Kui-chun has requested, for Members to vote on each.
全民投票法》是 2011 年公投票所必要 的一项重要立法,这部久拖未 决的立法也将得到审议。
The Referendum Act, a vital piece of legislation necessary for the 2011 referendums, is long overdue and will also be considered.
秘书长在其关于经费筹措安 排的说明(见 A/65/509)中为联苏特派团支持全投票 请 拨 所需的额外经费,全投票所需经 费详尽细目载于咨询委员会的报告 A/65/571(见下文第 9 段)。
The additional financial requirements in respect of support for the referendums by the Mission were requested by the Secretary-General in his note, on financing arrangements (A/65/509), and a detailed breakdown of the referendums requirements is contained in annex V to the report of the Advisory Committee (A/65/571) (see para. 9 below).
投票所帶來 的問題,是過 早發放在預先投票日進行票站調查的結果,可能會影響選民在一 般投票投票時所作的選擇。
The problem
[...] of advance polling was that the premature release of exit poll results conducted on the advance polling day might influence electors' choice on the general polling day.
[...] 法會提供了全部10名評審委員在匿名之下的各 投票 , 所 以 並 不需要 好像湯家驊議員剛才所說,要運用特權再去索取同一資料。
In response to the request made by Members last Friday in the House Committee, the Government already provided the Legislative
Council last evening with the information
[...] on all rounds of voting conducted by all [...]
the 10 jurors on condition of anonymity.
缺乏就全面审查进行全投票所需的 资源。
The resources needed for conducting referendums in the total review is non-existent.
現時,這些㆟將會以個㆟身投票, 所 以 符 合公 平的原則。
From now on,
[...] these people will vote in their personal [...]
capacity, thus in compliance with the principle of equality.
無線衛星台後來的報告稱,票站調查的誤差可能有三個原因:(1)訪員要 投票所 3 0 公 尺 外進行抽樣,影響抽樣的準確度及訪問品質。
The subsequent report from TVBS explained the discrepancies might arise due to
the following three reasons: (1) Interviewers had to conduct the random sampling 30
[...] meters away from the polling stations.
於股東週年大會,股東可就每項建議的決議案進 投票 , 所 有 要 求股東考慮的事宜均以不同的決議案在 [...]
At the AGM,
[...] shareholders can vote on each proposed [...]
resolution and all issues to be considered by shareholders will be proposed
at the general meeting as separate resolutions.
根據台灣選舉的總統副總統選舉罷免法, 投票所 四 周 30公尺內,「喧嚷、干擾或勸誘他人投票或不投票」者屬於違法,經警衛人員制止後仍繼續為之者,可判處徒刑或罰款,但這不應是禁止票站調查的理據。
According to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act in Taiwan, within 30 feet around the polling station, "The person has made a din or has interfered with or persuaded others to vote or not to vote, in defiance of interdiction.
关于全投票所具体 针对的对象,即波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那国家一级的司法机构,我必须指出,根据 《波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那宪法》,国家拥有开展国际 和实体间刑法执法工作的专属权限。
With regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s judicial institutions at the State level, which are specifically targeted by the referendum, I must point out that, under the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the State has exclusive competence for international and interentity criminal law enforcement.
我認為在目前這個敏感時刻, 不應該進行全投票,所以我 反對動議。
I think we should
[...] not hold any referendum at this sensitive moment and therefore I oppose [...]
the motion.
為 符 合 資 格
[...] 出 席 股 東 周 年 大 會投 票,所 有 股 份 過 戶 文 件 連 同 [...]
有 關 股 票 必 須 於 二 零 一 二 年 五 月 四 日 下 午 四 時 三 十 分 正 前 交 回 本 公 司 的 香 港 股
份 過 戶 處,香 港 中 央 證 券 登 記 有 限 公 司,地 址 為 香 港 灣 仔 皇 后 大 道 東183號 合 和 中 心 17樓1712–1716室,以 辦 理 登 記 手 續。
In order to be
[...] eligible to attend and vote at the AGM, all share [...]
transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates
must be lodged with the Company’s Share Registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Rooms 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not later than 4:30 p.m. on 6 May, 2013, for registration.
我们还感谢我们的所有国际伙伴:以联合 国苏丹特派团为代表的国际社会和本组织;本杰
[...] 明·姆卡帕先生领导的秘书长苏丹全民投票事务 小组;以及不断密切监督全投票所 有 阶 段以确 保《全面和平协议》获得执行的安全理事会。
We would also like to thank all our international partners: the international community and this Organization, represented by the United Nations Mission in the Sudan; the Secretary-General’s Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan, led by Mr. Benjamin Mkapa; and the Security
Council, which has continued to
[...] closely monitor all phases of the referendum to see the [...]
Comprehensive Peace Agreement implemented.
[...] 对话,以便就这些问题,包括对宪法第 91 条关于修改宪法的全投票所需最低 人数的解释达成共识。
My Special Representative has intensified her good offices to engage political parties in an inclusive dialogue to reach a common understanding regarding these issues, including the
interpretation of article 91 of the Constitution, regarding the threshold
[...] required for the referendum to amend the [...]
1988年9月20日,安全理事会决定授权秘书长任命一名负责西撒哈拉问题的特别代表,协助秘书长报告西撒哈拉人民为实现自决进行全民投票的情况,并报告联合国与非洲统一组织合作为确保组织和监督这样一个全 投票所 采 用 的各种方法和手段。
On 20 September 1988, the Security Council decided to authorise the Secretary-General to appoint a special representative for Western Sahara who would assist the Secretary-General in reporting on the holding of a referendum for self-determination of the people of Western Sahara and on ways and
means to ensure the organization and
[...] supervision of such a referendum by the United [...]
Nations in cooperation with the Organization of African Unity.
我是在回應我相信是新華社就該 投票所 發 表 的聲明時, 使用「空洞的恐嚇」㆒詞,但有㆒家新聞社在翻譯這個詞時,卻犯了㆒個我肯定是少 [...]
有的錯誤,就是把這個詞譯成「沒有頭腦」(empty-headed)而非「空洞的恐嚇」(empty threats)。
I used the word "empty threats" in relation to the
statement that was made, I think, by the
[...] NCNA about that vote and it was translated [...]
by one of the agencies, making, I am
sure, a rare error, as being "empty-headed" rather than "empty threats".




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