单词 | 抓去 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抓去 —arrest and take awaySee also:抓—grab • catch • arrest • scratch • snatch 抓 v—seize v • grip v
斥候对他说:“你是逃犯,必须将你 抓去 面 见 楚王! chinesestoryonline.com | As Wu Zi Xu approached [...] Zhaoguan (昭关), the last pass to state of [...]Wu (吳), he was caught by a team of soldiers. chinesestoryonline.com |
据报告,他被抓去“讯 问在他释放之后发生的有关事件”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is reported that he had been wanted for “questioning in relation to incidents that happened after his release”. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多被抓去的人表示曾经遭到殴打,并且还展示了被殴打过的痕迹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many of those arrested stated that they had been beaten with sticks and cudgels and could show the marks. daccess-ods.un.org |
他 在 第 [...] 二 次 世 界 大 戰 時受苦 , 被 納 粹德軍 抓 了 去 坐 牢 。 legco.gov.hk | He suffered a lot during the Second World War. legco.gov.hk |
一 個 人 怎 樣 從 家 裏 或 街 上 給 抓 去、他 同 家 人 接 觸 和 取 得 法 律 指 導 的 機 會 、 與 他 申 請 保 釋 和 獲 得 考 慮 的 權 利 , 比 起 國 際 條 約 所 載 述 的 權 利 條 款 或 者 憲 法 文 件 對 於 自 由 民 主 的 保 證 條 文 , 都 更 能 反 映 一 個 社 會 裏 自 由 和 公 民 權 利 的 狀 況 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The way in which a person is taken off the street or out of his home, the access he has to his family and legal advice, and the rights he has to seek and be considered for release on bail, say more about the true state of liberty and civil rights in a society than recitations of rights contained in international treaties or guarantees of liberal democracy in constitutional documents. hkreform.gov.hk |
警告 在相机盖子打开的时候,只能碰那些涂成绿色的内部组件 (参阅在第 xxiv 页的图片),将戒指、领带、首饰和其他的一些物件摘下来,把头发扎 在后边,防止它们掉进相机或者被相机 “ 抓 ” 进去。 codonics.com | WARNING With the imager cover open, touch only those internal components that are colored green (refer to the figure on page xxviii). Remove rings, ties, jewelry, and other items, and tie back hair, so that they do not fall into or get caught in the imager. codonics.com |
他们可做反射性抓握,但这 [...] 一动作只能让他们作短暂性探索。到 3 个月大时,他们开始懂得挥手打击物体或 伸手去抓悬挂物。 cpsc.gov | They have a reflexive grasp, which only [...] allows them to explore objects briefly, and at 3 months they begin to swipe or reach [...] towards a dangling object to grasp it. cpsc.gov |
在抓住猫的后颈后,不要试图去抓猫 的 前腿,以免被猫抓伤。 animalsasia.org | After scruffing the cat, and in order to avoid being scratched, do not attempt to grab its front legs. animalsasia.org |
到 6 个月大时,他们已能熟练地抓握和操控悬挂物。他们会玩得更积 极——会伸手去拿、抓、拖、推、拍、摇和挤压物体。 cpsc.gov | They have mastered the ability to grasp and manipulate a dangling object by 6 [...] months, and begin to engage in more active [...] play by reaching, grasping, tugging, pushing, [...]patting, shaking, and squeezing objects. cpsc.gov |
此系统的变速箱控制模块(TCCM)能够预见或预测可能产生的车轮打滑情况,并提前将扭矩转到前轮,从而消除 失 去抓 地 力 的可能。 cn.drivelinenews.com | The system’s transfer case control module (TCCM) is able to anticipate or predict situations in which wheel-slip might occur and [...] responds by delivering torque to the front wheels as a pre-emptive measure: this eliminates [...] the possibility of a loss of grip. drivelinenews.com |
我們在過去半年較 為抓緊時間來做當做的工作。 legco.gov.hk | In the past six months, we have lost no time in [...] doing what should be done. legco.gov.hk |
但是,这种情况不可能无限期维持下 去 , 因 此,应 该抓住联 黎部队的部署提供的这个机会之窗。 daccess-ods.un.org | But this cannot be sustained indefinitely and the window of [...] opportunity provided by the UNIFIL deployment should be seized. daccess-ods.un.org |
6 至 7 个月时,小孩可自 己坐起来。他们的视觉能力因此而增强, 会 去抓 拿 物 体或把其置于中线研究。 cpsc.gov | At 6 to 7 months, children are sitting independently, [...] which provides them with greater visual [...] capacities for grasping objects or bringing [...]objects to midline for exploration. cpsc.gov |
从猫咪的角度思考一些问题 一只被抓住的猫咪失去了对 自己环境的控制,失去了 应付威胁的能力,这些会严重影响猫咪的健康状况,这会 延长他们的术后恢复期,甚至影响到随后的放归。 animalsasia.org | When caught, the cat will lose control of its environment and its own ability to deal with the threat. animalsasia.org |
当门徒们不能够将鬼赶出去的时 候,耶 稣 抓 住 这 个机 会来教导信心在服事中的重要性(太 17:19-21)。 sallee.info | When the disciples were unable to cast out demons, Jesus took the opportunity to teach the importance of faith in deliverance ministry (Mt 17:19-21). sallee.info |
姆拉 迪奇和哈季奇在逃多时,去年终于被 抓 获 , 这突显出条件性政策(例如,将欧洲 联盟成员资格与充分配合法庭工作联系起来)在促进国际司法取得积极成果方面 [...] 的潜力 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The long-awaited arrests of [...] Mladić and Hadžić last year underlined the potential [...]of conditionality policies — for example [...]linking European Union membership to full cooperation with the Tribunal — to promote positive outcomes for international justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我想提请你们注意占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括安全 理事会在内的国际社会维护他们的法律义务和责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正、全面和持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主 权、民主、毗邻和能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国,实现自己的自决和自由权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize their right to self-determination and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 12 个案例研究国家中可以发现四种(往往是相互关联的)政府应对措施:(i) “反经 济周期”措施,主要见诸于财政能力游刃有余的中等收入国家,这类措施使它们能够通过借 贷或利用累积储备金保持或增加支出(埃及、泰国和略逊一畴的亚美尼亚);(ii) 有针对性 [...] 的社会保护,有些国家采取或强化了有针对性的措施,这些措施往往保护最脆弱的群体(阿 [...] 根廷、加纳、墨西哥、蒙古和泰国);(iii) 以改革为导向、旨在抓住危机带来的机遇提高成 本效益和针对性、改进施政的措施;(iv) [...] 削减预算,一些国家均衡削减各个教育部门的预 算。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Four (often interlinked) categories of government responses can be distinguished in the 12 case study countries: (i) “counter-cyclical” measures, mainly observed in middle-income countries with manageable fiscal capacity, allowing them to maintain or increase expenditure by borrowing or drawing on accumulated reserves (Egypt, Thailand and, to a limited extent, Armenia); (ii) targeted social protection, with some countries taking or reinforcing targeted measures, which often protected the most vulnerable (Argentina, Ghana, Mexico, [...] Mongolia and Thailand); (iii) reformoriented [...] measures aimed at seizing the opportunity [...]of the crisis to improve cost-efficiency, [...]relevance and governance; (iv) budget cuts, which some countries have evenly distributed across all education sub-sectors. unesdoc.unesco.org |
該等前瞻性陳述乃反映中芯高級管理層根據最佳判斷作出的估計,存在重 大已知及未知風險、不確定性,以及其他可能導致中芯實際業績、財政狀況或經營結果與前 [...] 瞻性陳述所載資料存在重大差異的因素,包括(但不限於)與半導體行業周期及市場狀況有 關的風險、全球經濟衰退及其對中國經濟的影響、激烈競爭、中芯客戶能否及時接收晶圓産 [...] 品、能否及時引進新技術、中芯抓住 在 中國發展機遇的能力、中芯於加強全面産品組合的能 [...] 力、半導體代工服務供求情況、行業産能過剩、設備、零件及原材料短缺、未決訴訟的頒令 [...]或判決、能否取得生産力,和終端市場的財政穩定。 cre8ir.com | These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, the downturn in the global economy and the impact on China’s economy, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s [...] customers, timely introduction of new [...] technologies, SMIC’s ability to capture growth [...]opportunities in China, supply and demand [...]for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, orders or judgments from pending litigation, availability of manufacturing capacity and financial stability in end markets. cre8ir.com |
我們管理的多元化物業組合為集團創造持續性增長,令我們更靈活 地抓 緊市 場機遇,以支持集團的長遠發展,並提供可持續及可靠的經常性收入和提高 [...] 投資收益。 wingtaiproperties.com | We now manage a much more diversified property portfolio that has created [...] enduring growth for the Group, giving us greater [...] flexibility to seize market opportunities [...]to support our long-term development [...]and producing sustainable and reliable recurring income as well as enhanced investment returns. wingtaiproperties.com |
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 [...] 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年 里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 [...] 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 [...] 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General [...] Service staff) is proposed, as the Section [...] has over the past years expanded the [...]services it provides, which include round-the-clock [...]operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于教科文组织从过去的孤立主义发展而来,因此该组织需要拓宽和加深其对国家一 [...] 级面临的发展挑战以及基层与贫困相关问题的理解,以便将使我们的部门计划更好地与千年 发展目标和国际议程相联系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As UNESCO emerges from its [...] isolationist past, the Organization [...]needs to broaden and deepen its understanding of development [...]challenges at the country level and poverty-related issues at the grass-roots level, so as to better link our sectoral programmes to the MDGs and international agenda. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在 过 去 的 计 划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的名声,在众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 [...] 织成员,所有这些并未使该国成为一个可进行大规模合作的合作伙伴。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO [...] office, its spotty reputation for programme [...] delivery in the past, the absorption [...]of its small number of staff in numerous [...]small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(F) 在本條細則下段的規限下,任何董事或候任或擬任職董 事不應因其職位而失去以賣方、買方或任何其他身份與 本公司訂立合約的資格,不論有關合約為與其任何有酬 勞職務或職位的任期,或以賣方、買方或任何其他方式 訂立;亦毋須避免訂立任何有關合約或董事以任何方式 於當中擁有權益的任何其他合約或安排;而已訂立有關 合約或如此擁有權益的任何董事亦毋須僅因其出任該職 位或由此而建立的受託關係向本公司或股東交代其由任 何有關合約或安排所獲得的酬金、溢利或其他福利。 fortune-sun.com | (F) Subject to the next paragraph of this Article, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any contract with regard thereto or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby established. fortune-sun.com |
(B) 凡向任何董事或前任董事支付任何款項作為 失 去 職 位 的補償或 其退任有關的付款(此項付款並非董事根據合約的規定可享有者),須獲得本公司於 [...] 股東大會上批准。 asiasat.com | (B) Payments to [...] any Director or past Director of any [...]sum by way of compensation for loss of office or as consideration for [...]or in connection with his retirement from office (not being a payment to which the Director is contractually entitled) must be approved by the Company in general meeting. asiasat.com |